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False Report Of Myanmar Soldiers' Deaths Blamed On Radio Miscommunication, All Safe

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False report of Myanmar soldiers' deaths blamed on radio miscommunication, all safe
The Nation on Sunday April 7, 2013 1:00 am

RANONG: -- Thirteen Myanmar soldiers earlier reported as having been killed in a clash with unidentified armed forces on the Thai-Myanmar border were actually lost in a forest but are now safe, according to the Myanmar authorities.

Myanmar also retracted its earlier report that an armed clash had erupted on the border in southern Ranong province, at the same location where 92 Thais were arrested last year.

Army deputy spokesman Winthai Suwaree said yesterday that the Thai authorities were informed that the inaccurate report was the result of miscommunication.

The 13 soldiers were patrolling in the area at a time when a bush-fire occurred, he said.

Cracking sounds caused by the fire were mistaken as gunfire by colleagues of the patrolling soldiers listening in on the other end of radio communications. After reporting to their base, they patrolling soldiers lost contact, which led the local Myanmar authorities to seek help from their Thai counterparts after the soldiers could not be located, according to the Thai Army spokesman.

"The latest report from the Myanmar authorities was that it was a misunderstanding. They asserted that there was no armed clash in the border area and there were no deaths at all," the spokesman said.

In Ranong, Colonel Uthit Anantananont, deputy commander of the 25th Infantry Regiment's Special Taskforce, which is responsible for the border area in question, said yesterday that the 13 Myanmar soldiers were found by their colleagues' search party deep in a forest in Myanmar.

The patrol team had 15 soldiers and only two of them had managed to find their way back to the base before the search began, Uthit said. "Now the situation is considered to have returned to normal in the border area between Thailand's Ranong and Myanmar's Kawthaung," he said.

He added that a trip by the 4th Army Area commander to Ranong to look into the matter had been cancelled after the latest report from the Myanmar authorities.

Foreign Minister Surapong Towichukchaikul yesterday also confirmed that there had been a misunderstanding, saying the cracking sound of burning trees was mistaken by the missing soldiers' colleagues as gunfire.

In July last year, Myanmar authorities arrested 92 Thais in the border area opposite Ranong's Kra Buri district for encroaching on Myanmar territory. Eighty-eight of them were eventually released but the rest have been detained on weapons and drug-trafficking charges.

-- The Nation 2013-04-07

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The fact that the Burmese just assumed the soldiers had been killed and that six hospitalised Thais (is this also a false report? Do these six exist) were responsible shows how on edge the authorities are there at the moment. Lot of violence and killing based on religion and ethnicity taking place.

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That whole border region is a hotbed of intrigue enmeshed in drug shipment activities smuggling of all types in fact an area of total anarchy where the rule of the gun and gratuitous violence are the order of the day.

Both countries citizens (and other countries citizens too) are involved in these activities.The level of training the respective military personnel receive like their discipline is to be charitable best described as minimal, loyalty is based on how much palm oil is involved in any given ''transaction.''

The truth is indeed nothing more than an occasional oasis in this desert of criminality and drug production and the shipping of drugs and a multitude of other goods smuggling is the life blood of those who live in the region The whole area is a criminal fiefdom nothing more nothing less.

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Wow if I were Burmese, that would make me feel safe knowing these sterling soldiers were protecting a border. Glad to see they were found and not the victims of black unknown armed forces cheesy.gif

You would think they would have waited until they found the bodies otherwise they are missing. One the greatest Oxymoron's in the English language, " Military Intelligence "

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I would say these BURMESE soldiers

The fact that the Burmese just assumed the soldiers had been killed and that six hospitalised Thais (is this also a false report? Do these six exist) were responsible shows how on edge the authorities are there at the moment. Lot of violence and killing based on religion and ethnicity taking place.

Ah they exist. In the minds of the creators of inflammatory statements.

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Sounds more like a misinterpretation ala ' send three and four pence, were going to a dance'

Haven't heard that one for a while...."send reinforcements, we're going to advance."

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