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Price Internet Website Hosting And Com Domain In Thailand?


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Iam in the beginning now to open my online shop!

Still looking for the right software,how much the license one year? I also don't know how much the web space in Thailand?

Is the user traffic unlimited?

How much for a com or th domain?

How long wait setup the complete process?

Are also some shareware Onlineshop soft avalible?

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Why would you want to host your website in Thailand? You can do it much more cheaply elsewhere. For example, http://www.webhostinghub.com charges US$4.95/month for unlimited space and bandwidth and includes a choice of 3 free shopping carts. .com domain registration is free for the first year.

As for how long to set up, that will depend on the size of your shop and how skilled you are with the software. The technical bit of setting up the domain and skeleton website is virtually instant - it's all automated.

.th domains are difficult to get if you don't have a registered company with a matching name.

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Don't host in Thailand, it's crap. Try HostGator.com.

.com = less than $10

.co.th = a little more but you need to have a registered limited company in Thailand + the domain name has to be the same/similar to your company name

As for how much space/bandwidth you will need, it rather depends on the size of your shop, whether you are caching, whether you keep emails on the server instead of downloading etc etc.

PM if you need some more help.

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Get hosting where your end users are based


If you don't speak Mongolian, it doesn't make much sense hosting your website in Mongolia where support is only available in Mongolian. Google Translate really isn't up to helping fix complex technical problems.

In the case of Thailand, international bandwidth is poor, but not to the extent (in my opinion) to mandate hosting for Thai consumers within the country. A fast server in Singapore could well provide a much better experience than a slow, overloaded server in Bangkok. And good website design could well compensate for many performance problems.

I would also be reluctant to host certain sites in Thailand given Thailand's poor legal protection for freedom of speech, and given the ability for "persons of influence" to do, basically, whatever they want.

I could be wrong, but wasn't this site hosted in Singapore for a number of years, rather than Thailand (where, I presume, the majority of viewers view)? I'm sure there were some good reasons for this.

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yes, i meant the area...and yes for a thai site singapore would be my choice...

but if say targeting users in the uk or oz or usa then base there

why . . . ?


The TLD is the primary way for a SE to "know" where you are targetting along with the content of the site itself, with the actual physical IP address coming in last if at all. Set the GeoTargetting in Google Webmaster Tools if you are targeting a specific country, other than that, it makes no difference where the host is located unless page load times then become a factor. We've ranked sites in top 10 for many different TLD's, targeting many different countries, all based on US servers. The actual physical location of the server makes such a small difference it's not worth worrying about.

Edited by Tatsujin
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Don't host in Thailand, it's crap. Try HostGator.com.

.com = less than $10

I would second that and it is only about THB 400 per month for unlimited bandwidth infact unlimited most things. From your control panel you can set up for free many of the popular online shops in my case I used OpenCart - just fill it in and off you go.

They do provide a one stop shop from domain registration to hosting to software and full support.

Also if you get stuck feel free to PM me for help.

Good luck with it all.

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From the horse's mouth at Google:

Geotargeting factors

Google generally uses the following elements to determine the geotargeting of a website (or a part of a website):

  1. Use of a ccTLD is generally a strong signal for users since it explicitly specifies a single country in an unmistakable way.


    Webmaster Tools' manual geotargeting for gTLDs (this can be on a domain, subdomain or subdirectory level); more information on this can be found in our blog post and in the Help Center. With region tags from geotargeting being shown in search results,
    this method is also very clear to users. Please keep in mind that it
    generally does not make sense to set a geographic target if the same
    pages on your site target more than a single country (say, all
    German-speaking countries) — just write in that language and do not use
    the geotargeting setting (more on writing in other languages will follow
  2. Server location (through the IP address of the server) is
    frequently near your users. However, some websites use distributed
    content delivery networks (CDNs) or are hosted in a country with better
    webserver infrastructure, so we try not to rely on the server location
  3. Other signals can give us hints. This could be from local
    addresses & phone numbers on the pages, use of local language and
    currency, links from other local sites, and/or the use of Google's Local
    Business Center (where available).

Note that we do not use locational meta tags (like "geo.position" or
"distribution") or HTML attributes for geotargeting. While these may be
useful in other regards, we've found that they are generally not
reliable enough to use for geotargeting.

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if you are using a ccTLD or have set up webmaster tools then no, server location won't be used..but if not it can be.

speed would still be enough alone for me to use local servers where possible

Well, in our experiences and testing over the years, the US-based servers we use stack up equally as quick if not better than nearly any other local country server.

As for TLD's . . . if you're targeting the UK for example, then get a .com + .co.uk domain . . . sorted.

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if you are using a ccTLD or have set up webmaster tools then no, server location won't be used..but if not it can be.

speed would still be enough alone for me to use local servers where possible

Well, in our experiences and testing over the years, the US-based servers we use stack up equally as quick if not better than nearly any other local country server.

As for TLD's . . . if you're targeting the UK for example, then get a .com + .co.uk domain . . . sorted.

My Australian users find that my Sydney based servers work quicker than the Singapore or US based ones.

My Thai users find the Singapore servers much, much, much much faster than my UK or US servers and still considerably faster than the closer Sydney based servers.

US may be one of the strongest locations for international internet links but it doesn't always make it the best.

Speed of light is a little over 50ms for a round trip from Thailand, 100ms is more realistic in actual data times, on a great line with no processing delay.

So collecting a webpage with 20 files (images, css, js) - downloading 2 at a time - that is a full second added on just for international distances to the US.

The difference between 0.2s and 1.2s is very noticable - the first is "wow thats quick" the second is just average.

If targeting users worldwide then location is less important on a small scale since you wont bother with multiple servers in different regions.

But if the entire userbase is in a single region then put the server near there - it does make a difference.

That said, don't host a website in Thailand.

Use Singapore instead - first class international bandwidth, first class facilities and support and speeds within Thailand as good as if it was in Thailand.

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Don't host your website in Thailand (unless with a company that has competent Western staff).

I hosted my website here, and about one year in they wrote me the website would go down for 5 days.

5 DAYS! Normal webhosters will go down for a few hours once a year or so, but not 5 days. I had important public events running that week.

In the end the website was not, in fact, down for 5 days. It stayed down for 2 whole months. When it reappeared it was up about 3 days a week, and otherwise returned a 'Database not found error'. They host some 150 sites I know of, and all had the same constant error.

After 4 months I had the site moved. My site dropped from 500 hits/day to 20. Years of PR wiped out.

While I respect Thai guys for knowing their stuff - if your website is important to you, DO NOT host in Thailand.

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Don't host your website in Thailand (unless with a company that has competent Western staff).

I hosted my website here, and about one year in they wrote me the website would go down for 5 days.

5 DAYS! Normal webhosters will go down for a few hours once a year or so, but not 5 days. I had important public events running that week.

In the end the website was not, in fact, down for 5 days. It stayed down for 2 whole months. When it reappeared it was up about 3 days a week, and otherwise returned a 'Database not found error'. They host some 150 sites I know of, and all had the same constant error.

After 4 months I had the site moved. My site dropped from 500 hits/day to 20. Years of PR wiped out.

While I respect Thai guys for knowing their stuff - if your website is important to you, DO NOT host in Thailand.

With the greatest respect to Thai's and Thailand, the infrastructure and knowledge/support needed to run a successful, "always online" server just doesn't exist here. Host elsewhere.

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I would agree if you need to host a website stay away from thai ISP but for an online shop its different.

I'm afraid that EVERYBODY was wrong!

For your online shop there's a site that provide templates and already made online shops: http://www.weloveshopping.com/portal/seller/ . It's run by True and they provide templates, hosting and payment processing. Its easy-fast-cheap, you will need at Thai friend to help because most content are in Thai.

my 2 cents

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Don't host your website in Thailand (unless with a company that has competent Western staff).

I hosted my website here, and about one year in they wrote me the website would go down for 5 days.

5 DAYS! Normal webhosters will go down for a few hours once a year or so, but not 5 days. I had important public events running that week.

In the end the website was not, in fact, down for 5 days. It stayed down for 2 whole months. When it reappeared it was up about 3 days a week, and otherwise returned a 'Database not found error'. They host some 150 sites I know of, and all had the same constant error.

After 4 months I had the site moved. My site dropped from 500 hits/day to 20. Years of PR wiped out.

While I respect Thai guys for knowing their stuff - if your website is important to you, DO NOT host in Thailand.

With the greatest respect to Thai's and Thailand, the infrastructure and knowledge/support needed to run a successful, "always online" server just doesn't exist here. Host elsewhere.

this is WRONG! weloveshopping.com: run by True and they have the infrastructure and knowledge/support.

Hosting a normal site I would agree don't host in Thailand but not for online shops, it works!

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I choose to host my small target audience websites (that are Thai focused) in the UK because the speed seems just fine and the price and service fantastic. I use https://www.tsohost.com. They host two sites for £15 per year, or 4 sites with more bandwidth for £36. When I have twice requested support I got quality answers within an hour!

I could find nothing in Thailand that came close...

If price is not an issue then try http://www.vodien.com/ in Singapore. They provide top notch service and support and have super fast servers. Perfect for larger corporate sites. We used to host our large site in Thailand but the large provider we used couldn't provide up to date software on the server or provide timely support... We were basically forced to switch to Singapore.

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Don't host your website in Thailand (unless with a company that has competent Western staff).

I hosted my website here, and about one year in they wrote me the website would go down for 5 days.

5 DAYS! Normal webhosters will go down for a few hours once a year or so, but not 5 days. I had important public events running that week.

In the end the website was not, in fact, down for 5 days. It stayed down for 2 whole months. When it reappeared it was up about 3 days a week, and otherwise returned a 'Database not found error'. They host some 150 sites I know of, and all had the same constant error.

After 4 months I had the site moved. My site dropped from 500 hits/day to 20. Years of PR wiped out.

While I respect Thai guys for knowing their stuff - if your website is important to you, DO NOT host in Thailand.

With the greatest respect to Thai's and Thailand, the infrastructure and knowledge/support needed to run a successful, "always online" server just doesn't exist here. Host elsewhere.

this is WRONG! weloveshopping.com: run by True and they have the infrastructure and knowledge/support.

Hosting a normal site I would agree don't host in Thailand but not for online shops, it works!

OK, then I'm going to humbly agree to disagree with you. Their uptime is not that great.

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  • 1 month later...

I choose to host my small target audience websites (that are Thai focused) in the UK because the speed seems just fine and the price and service fantastic. I use https://www.tsohost.com. They host two sites for £15 per year, or 4 sites with more bandwidth for £36. When I have twice requested support I got quality answers within an hour!

I could find nothing in Thailand that came close...

If price is not an issue then try http://www.vodien.com/ in Singapore. They provide top notch service and support and have super fast servers. Perfect for larger corporate sites. We used to host our large site in Thailand but the large provider we used couldn't provide up to date software on the server or provide timely support... We were basically forced to switch to Singapore.

I just tried to look at tsohost.com and received a warning that the site was untrusted. No point in using a host that doesn't have a trusted certificate.

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  • 1 month later...

Great info from all.

My small (info/pic) based website needs to be hosted. Currently its hosted in HK at nearly 10000bht a year, but I think I can find it for much less elsewhere.

hostgator would be perfect but I cant pay by credit card, so the are out.

Anyone with recommendation for hosting? PM me (even if you are in the business of hosting) if you have any advice!

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You want to open an online shop with a Thai domain.

This is the best way to get the taxmen's attention and the people who want to see your work permit.

Me? No. Just want to host it or does anyone know a company here that does hosting for a reasonable price

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You want to open an online shop with a Thai domain.

This is the best way to get the taxmen's attention and the people who want to see your work permit.

Me? No. Just want to host it or does anyone know a company here that does hosting for a reasonable price

No, the OP, you are stealing his topic.

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