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Egypt: At Least 7 Killed In Muslim-Christian Sectarian Violence


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<p>CAIRO, EGYPT (BNO NEWS) -- At least seven people have been killed after sectarian violence between Muslims and Christians broke out in northeastern Egypt, local media reported Thursday.


<p>The violence was reported from the village of Al-Khosous located in Qalioubiy Governate, north of Cairo, which broke out last Saturday after Copts, or native Christian, children painted crosses on a wall of an Islamic institute and was considered offensive.


<p>Members of both groups violently clashed with firearms, as several shops and buildings were set on fire. Four Christians and one Muslim were killed in the clashes, according to Ahram Online.


<p>Clashes spread toward Cairo on Sunday, at the St. Mark's Coptic Cathedral in the district of Abbasiya, where at least two people were killed during the funeral ceremony for four Copts previously killed in the Al-Khosous violence.


<p>However, other media outlets reported as many as nine killed in the violence, which has sparked concern that the renewed violence could divide the country.

</p> <p> (Copyright 2013 by BNO News B.V. All rights reserved. Info: [email protected].) </p>

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So Muslims think chuldren painting crosses on a wall warrants getting out the guns and shooting some people.

This sort of behavior will continue unabated due to the west losing it's moral compass and our press not on the whole reporting the religious motivation behind such violence. You can be confident the police who usually stand back whilst rioters attack Christians would be much more willing to intervene if aid to Egypt was stopped until they get their house in order.

P.S Egypt is heading for civil war imho and the truly asinine decision to throw Mubarak under a bus is coming home to roost.

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So Muslims think chuldren painting crosses on a wall warrants getting out the guns and shooting some people.

This sort of behavior will continue unabated due to the west losing it's moral compass and our press not on the whole reporting the religious motivation behind such violence. You can be confident the police who usually stand back whilst rioters attack Christians would be much more willing to intervene if aid to Egypt was stopped until they get their house in order.

P.S Egypt is heading for civil war imho and the truly asinine decision to throw Mubarak under a bus is coming home to roost.

And i am flying back to the uk on egyptair ,so i hope they don't have a civil war yet!! but yes i can see it coming ,and it was such a great place to visit ,all gone now i fear.

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