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When you come back give me a PM and we'll hit the one of the islands and suck down a big fat one together!
Big Fat One? That's a joint I take it, not a Katoey :o:D Edited by wolf5370
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When you come back give me a PM and we'll hit the one of the islands and suck down a big fat one together!
Big Fat One? That's a joint I take it, not a Katoey :D:D

It may well depend on how stoned they are at the time... :o

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Change your name by deed poll and get a new passport. Might work? Maybe?

Any thoughts guys?

I know of someone who has done that and returned to LOS with no problems.Only a slight change to the name and a new passport.

Wouldn't enjoy the queue at Immigration though?

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It could well depend on how 'on the ball' immigration is at the time. Being busy, flight just landed, and you having a clean passport, you may well get through even if you are on some electronic database. However, get picked up by the police for anything etc and they make a check you may be in twice as much stook. Not likely perhaps - depends on what you are picked up for - could be a suspition rather than an actual thing don't forget - it may also mean that you then become guilty where before it was just a suspition because any benefit of the doubt would go out of the window. Dangerous game. The only true advice is as stated already - see a good lawyer and let them ask for you. Post that Thai passport notice and we'll translate - it may be a temporary blacklist - or just a note to check your bags thouroughly on entry!

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I must say Mr Chumbles, you do seeem to be on the end of mainly friendly posts, but.................

If you had been caught with a Kilo instead of a gramme, your new found friends here would have been demanding your next 30 years be spent in a dungeon. :o

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Gurkle/Grandma, I've sent you both a jar of my favourite Haemorrhoid cream.

Made by an old lady up in Buri Ram. Hope it works for you guys :o


Send me some of the haemi cream too will ya, there giving me real grief at the mo!

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What i would suggest would be to phone the Thai embassy in liverpool or hull and see what they say or apply for a new passport and get a visa from the hull or liverpool embassy for a trip to thailand if you get the visa then prob no problems returning.

If you do come back to thailand i would fly to Cambodia or Malaysia first then book a flight to bangkok just incase they dont let you in i expect they will send you back to where you came from or come through 1 of the border points cambodia lao etc. So at least you will just be turned away and you can still holiday aroud asia.

You never now the guy in the airport might just of been saying that to you i would of thought if you were blacklisted you would of been told before you were realised. At the end of the day you have learned your lesson and hope everything works out for you.


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You say that you have learnt your lesson, and then say you'll "bear in mind" an offer to meet up and "suck down a big fat one"!

I suspect that the only lesson you have learnt is to try and be more careful next time.

People are saying that it doesn't matter, it's only a little bit of weed, why the fuss. But they should remember that the same people who supply the weed are also pushing smack and ya baa onto kids. Buying your little bit of weed puts money into the pockets of these people.

The "cannabis is no worse than beer" brigade are also forgetting something; beer is legal in Thailand, cannabis isn't.

Of course, both the above points could be used as an argument for legalising cannabis. But at the moment it is illegal. If you use it and get caught then you have to accept the consequences. Exactly as you would if caught with alcohol in some Arab countries.

If you want to use cannabis without risking of legal consequences, then travel to a country where it is legal to do so; Holland.

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I can't believe some of the comments here, this guy just wanted a bit of advice because he made a mistake of judgement, he didn't kill anyones kids or set fire to your house, he got caught doing something thousands of people do everyday in Thailand as elsewhere.... of course he knew that it was illegal, but I am certain that most people here have broken Thai law, it's just that your morals probably gloss over the fact because it suits your own set of standards.

Personally I do have respect for a countries laws, but I can decide to break them if I want, it doen't make me an evil person.... mwaha ha ha!!! :o:D

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he didn't kill anyones kids or set fire to your house
No, but somewhere along the supply chain are people who do do kill people and set fire to peoples houses.
he got caught doing something thousands of people do everyday in Thailand as elsewhere
So did Gary Glitter! (I am not equating cannabis use with child rape, merely using an extreme example to illustrate a point.)
but I am certain that most people here have broken Thai law, it's just that your morals probably gloss over the fact because it suits your own set of standards.
Not knowingly, and if I did I would accept the consequences.
Personally I do have respect for a countries laws, but I can decide to break them if I want, it doen't make me an evil person
Remember that if you ever have the misfortune to be mugged; the mugger is merely exercising his right to a choice of actions!
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Persona non grata, "an unwelcome person,"
Have you seen and understood the Thai text in Chumbles’s passport, then? What does it say for you to conclude that he is persona non grata in Thailand?



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I must say Mr Chumbles, you do seeem to be on the end of mainly friendly posts, but.................

If you had been caught with a Kilo instead of a gramme, your new found friends here would have been demanding your next 30 years be spent in a dungeon. :o

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Nobodys mentioned the Iris scanning equipment at DM.

Surely if you change your name,passport or whatever, your Iris scan will defeat you at immigration, when it checks out as a different person on the computer ??

Mind you for some reason equipment was not in use last week.

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Yep, the cameras at passport control at Don Muang are just web cams. Not even very high resolution, 1.3 Megapixels. Made by Logitech. They just take a photo of your face.


There was a article in The Nation back october/november time of last year explaining how the Iris recongnition system worked at DM and why it had been introduced.

Am sure the system takes a full head shot at the same time as well no doubt.

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Yep, the cameras at passport control at Don Muang are just web cams. Not even very high resolution, 1.3 Megapixels. Made by Logitech. They just take a photo of your face.
I had my face scanned also at Los Angeles airport.

I wonder if the photos taken with these cameras are good enough for an electronic comparison with the scanned photo in the new biometric passport that will soon be necessary for entry into the USA.



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Personally I do have respect for a countries laws, but I can decide to break them if I want, it doen't make me an evil person.... mwaha ha ha!!! :D:D

Maybe not evil, but downright stupid :o

come on... lighten up... what is the matter with you all??? I'm not saying I'd do anything bad, but I certainly would have no hesitation in breaking any law I think is stupid in exactly the same way as I would in the UK. So Hands up anyone who has bought a Pirate DVD or pirate software, overstayed their visas, not reported an accident when you accidentally pranged someones car/bike/ fence whatever... drunk in a bar after hours or bought a drink in a bar on Kings birthday or before an election....

did you know... It is illegal to leave your house if you are not wearing underwear or that You must wear a shirt while driving a car or You must pay a fine of $600 in Thailand if you're caught throwing away chewed bubble gum on the sidewalk or that you cannot step of any of the nation's currency....and so on....

you are lying if you say you haven't done at least one of these or maybe you are a saint, in which case I am humbled by your presence.


Edited by ourmanflint
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Chnge your name by deed poll

Get a new passport

Dye your hair

re-shape your face with plastic surgery

Get a couple of cornea transplants

And you'll be home and dry :o

Piece of cake. :D

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What a load of crap this OP has generated.

The guy broke the law. If he is such an ‘outlaw’ ‘don’t mess with me kina guy’ why is he asking advice?

How is it that everyone has their own version of what laws to abide by?

Drugs I never touch but there are plenty of other things that piss me off, just because the guy next door plays his music too loud I don’t feel I have the right to go round and blow his brains out.

The OP guy is pathetic if he knew anything through his drug fogged apology for a brain he would know to keep a low profile and just get on with his pathetic life.

Just my opinion.


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What a load of crap this OP has generated.

The guy broke the law. If he is such an ‘outlaw’ ‘don’t mess with me kina guy’ why is he asking advice?

How is it that everyone has their own version of what laws to abide by?

Drugs I never touch but there are plenty of other things that piss me off, just because the guy next door plays his music too loud I don’t feel I have the right to go round and blow his brains out.

The OP guy is pathetic if he knew anything through his drug fogged apology for a brain he would know to keep a low profile and just get on with his pathetic life.

Just my opinion.


nothing like a good escalation of someones point to try and win your own is there??

To be fair it was me that suggested that everyone decides which laws they obey!! and I stand by that...



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come on... lighten up... what is the matter with you all??? I'm not saying I'd do anything bad, but I certainly would have no hesitation in breaking any law I think is stupid in exactly the same way as I would in the UK.

Words fail me when confronted by moronic statements like these. Exactly when did your kindergarten teacher start letting you use a computer?

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