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Twin Bomb Explosions Shatter Boston Marathon Finish Line


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They clearly got infected with Al Queda style ideology. Chechen people generally have no beef with the USA, but rather with Russia. I don't see this as any kind of new threat to the USA specifically from Chechen terrorists. They are just the usual terrorists who happen to be Chechen.

Their motivations are that they are Radical Islamist Jihadies ... it is all over their Facebook pages, and their youtube pages, The FBI interviewed the older brother two years ago based on allegations of being radical Islamic terrorists ... they have professed hatred towards Western society... What else do you want?

Don't mention JIM whistling.gif

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Interesting, ABC news reporting FBI robot was used to tip the boat, that the suspect was firing, the FBI did not fire back, then used methods to disorient him, etc..

Now the hunt begins for whoever really planned this and taught them how. They are also toast.

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The people were applauding the first responders as they were driving off. smile.png

One of the cruisers chirped their sirens in response to the applauding folks as he drove off. smile.png

lol there's a gauntlet of applauding folks that the first responders have to drive thru to get out of the neighborhood. really brings out the goosebumps smile.png

They will not be giving out sweets in Gaza at the sight of all these Americans cheering the police/swat/fbi officals smile.png

Edited by jamhar
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Interesting, ABC news reporting FBI robot was used to tip the boat, that the suspect was firing, the FBI did not fire back, then used methods to disorient him, etc..

Now the hunt begins for whoever really planned this and taught them how. They are also toast.

An exercise in cutting heads off the Hydra I fear.

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President's "High Value Interrogation" Group will now take over according to White House correspondent Elite terrorist interrogation group - formed by Pres. Obama .

They want to know who's really behind this. This kid is in for some serious xxxx before he gets his neck stretched.

Edited by metisdead
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President's "High Value Interrogation" Group will now take over according to White House correspondent Elite terrorist interrogation group - formed by Pres. Obama .

They want to know who's really behind this. This kid is in for some serious shit before he gets his neck stretched.

Unfortunately, his due process rights will prevent the kind of interrogation that would make him cry for mama. (before Geriatric kid jumps all over me for walking on due process, I am intimately aware of this concept, having studied it in depth).

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Interesting, ABC news reporting FBI robot was used to tip the boat, that the suspect was firing, the FBI did not fire back, then used methods to disorient him, etc..

Likely an Ultra-Low Frequency sound generation device ... which will shut a human being DOWN.

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Stop this nonsense, please!

Lots of innocent people have been killed and injured. Sure as hell the police and FBI will get him - dead or alive!

But this will not recompense the innocent victims. What does it matter if they catch him dead or alive? If taken alive he will talk, - they will make him. And maybe some other bastards will be caught. Will this change anything? I am afraid not.

The problem can be solved only if and when terrorism is ended! Humans are a murderous species. Look back to History.

It is full of cruelty deaths and murder, BUT NEVER TERRORISM!

IRA, RED BRIGADE, BLACK SEPTEMBER, ETA, AL-QAEDA and many similar organisations are invention of 20th century.

These organisations are the answer to State terrorism in their respective countries or across the border. And we, innocent people are the meat in the sandwich (often literally).

This bastard who is responsible for bombings is washed out, dead in any case. And good riddance. But the problem is - there will be many more. And we must think how to stop their appearance. Anything else is a waste of time.mfr_closed1.gif

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President's "High Value Interrogation" Group will now take over according to White House correspondent Elite terrorist interrogation group - formed by Pres. Obama .

They want to know who's really behind this. This kid is in for some serious shit before he gets his neck stretched.

Unfortunately, his due process rights will prevent the kind of interrogation that would make him cry for mama. (before Geriatric kid jumps all over me for walking on due process, I am intimately aware of this concept, having studied it in depth).

You're right. The feds are well known for plea bargaining to get the big fish. They could offer this guy life instead of capital punishment in exchange for info about who put him up to this. It would almost be his lawyer's responsibility to recommend he take the plea if the case against this guy is solid.

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I just heard live, the Boston authorities thanking the cops and all others who assisted in rounding up or killing the suspects. One said, "Boston is now a better city" Way to go Boston! Message to the next butt-plugs who may be thinking about doing terrorist acts: if you do it in the US you're going to get killed or caught - in less than a week.

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The suspect was not mirandized at the time of arrest according the federal attorney. The federal attorney stated that in cases of national security or act of terror, they have the ability to not mirandize the suspect initially, and they exercised it.

just relaying what i heard on a press conference.

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The suspect was not mirandized at the time of arrest according the federal attorney. The federal attorney stated that in cases of national security or act of terror, they have the ability to not mirandize the suspect initially, and they exercised it.

just relaying what i heard on a press conference.

I see. Allows the President's crack interrogation team to get a shot at him first. Good...EXCEPT, this probably sets up a Supreme Court appeal in his conviction on this point alone....

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The suspect was not mirandized at the time of arrest according the federal attorney. The federal attorney stated that in cases of national security or act of terror, they have the ability to not mirandize the suspect initially, and they exercised it.

just relaying what i heard on a press conference.

I see. Allows the President's crack interrogation team to get a shot at him first. Good...EXCEPT, this probably sets up a Supreme Court appeal in his conviction on this point alone....

I believe this is part of the Patriot Act, enacted after 9/11 and I believe it's had several rounds before the Supreme Court.

If not, and they interrogate him, and the SC rules it unconstitutional, all that will happen is that his testimony before he was Mirandized can't be used against him.

But the feds will still have the info to hunt down others involved.

I suspect they have enough evidence that they don't need his testimony to convict him. They just want more info.

Good for them.

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One thing that gets me is. The victim who woke up in hospital, and wrote a note saying he saw one of them drop a bag next to him. If it was me I'd have been shouting and making folks aware. Not every day some one drops a bag at your feet and walks away.

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The following is a minimal Miranda warning, as outlined in the Miranda v Arizona case.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense." Link

If they fail to read him these rights and question him anyway, all that will happen is that the testimony he gives can't be used at his trial. It won't stop the trial.

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The following is a minimal Miranda warning, as outlined in the Miranda v Arizona case.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense." Link

If they fail to read him these rights and question him anyway, all that will happen is that the testimony he gives can't be used at his trial. It won't stop the trial.

Without getting too technical and off-topic the danger is: under the "fruit of the poisonous tree" rule, if the police find evidence as a result of an interrogation that violates the Miranda rule, that evidence is also inadmissible at trial.

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