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Thai Police Propose To Extend Nightlife Closing Times By Two Hours To 4Am


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I think it's a splendid idea and good common sense all round in spite of the rather odd nature of the reasons given here.

I'm with you. I remember the good old days when you could hit the town at any hour. This walking around after hours and ducking in under the partially closed slide down security gates of bars that are covertly extending their business is ridiculous.

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<deleted> ???????????? I seem to recall just last week there was some

sort of crackdown on bars that were open late ? Oh well, never a dull

moment here in miracle Thailand...

In my local municipality all bars tend to close on time except one very " well connected ' establishment which closes when the last customer leaves and has never been troubled by the BIB.

Are you talking about the one in Chiang Mai the BIB own? Soon to reopen in it's original location. At the moment under going some renovations.

with a name like NongKhaiKid I doubt he is talking about Spicy smile.png

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"Changing the closing time to 4am could reduce crime, particularly rape

and robbery, because it will be morning by the time would-be burglars

and rapists leave the bars," she said.

I never heard a more stupid statement than that!

Yep. My hypothesis is that they will get so drunk in the additional two hours that they will be impotent (in more ways than one, hopefully). I'll propose this vast improvement in logic to University student Aitsaya Harakarn, 18 ... or not. I wonder if she's a law enforcement major ... or some such. crazy.gif

Edited by MaxYakov
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"Changing the closing time to 4am could reduce crime, particularly rape

and robbery, because it will be morning by the time would-be burglars

and rapists leave the bars," she said.

I never heard a more stupid statement than that!

Yes, but she IS a UNIVERSITY student... So you have to give her some credit for that! tongue.png

Speaking personally, I'm for anything that will keep the ne'er do well farangs off the streets as much as possible! biggrin.png

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In some places in America (citing San Francisco, CA since it's a place I know), you can stay open as late as 6am but the requirement is that you can't serve alcohol past 2am. This gives everyone the opportunity to sober up before getting on the road. Staying open past 2am would be a way to reduce crime *IF* the bars and clubs don't allow the consumption of alcohol.

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If This proposal had come from sort of "Bar owners federation" or the like I could have understood it but the METROPOLITAN POLICE???????. The proposal from bar owners would have been to make more money however the proposal from the police is purely to --------- make more money!!!!!!

OK------ lets do it and make everybody happy------------Never heard so much crap in all my life

Exactly! It's because the police run & operate many of the big bars and clubs. I know at least 3 major clubs on Soi 4 & 11 that are owned by a policeman. (How he got the money to buy the club on an officers salary is quite puzzling right!? LOL) So really it makes sense. If the bars & clubs stay open later....it means more money for them!

Edited by BKS22
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The closing hours before the 2am closing time now presented a more significant problem. It was not crime but the increase in traffic accidents that happened due to drunk drivers on the road. As most imbibers are not foreigners but Thais, I can see traffic accidents like what I observed at 4 am and a little later before the 2am closing times now.

I saw many on Ratchadapisek Road coming into the city from my home to my apartment when the closing time was 4am. There were numerous night clubs along that road that mainly catered to the younger Thai consumers. I suspect most of the accidents that occurred were younger men and women leaving on their way home from the clubs. I saw some at the university I attended pull up in their cars and sleep until dawn in their cars.

I suspect accidents will increase if they extend the operating hours of the clubs and bars.

Edited by puyaidon
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Excellent idea !

Open them up till 4am

The sooner, the better.

I spend more time than I should in these places but if the truth be known, it is *this*:

****There is little else of any interest to do in Bangkok.******

That's the honest truth isn't it ?

And if you are a man and if you enjoy a certain level of affluence and enjoy a full life in all its presentations then you must admit that though the appeal of the naughty bars will wax and wane; their appeal will come and go; your Internet dalliances will peak and trough but your powers of discretion will hone themselves to the level of just about all the Thai guys in your office or that work in the bank where you stash your cash.

This is hotdog heaven and everyone knows it !

Drinking, dancing and concubinage; (both long-term and short term) have their place in this country.

Take your place among the Thais who enjoy a discrete stomp through the brothel on a regular basis.

When in Rome - -

I invite anyone who wishes to challenge my declaration to list the non-naughty entertainment alternatives available to a man, or group of men after dark. Go ahead. Pile them on.

Hell, even western women here complain.

Theatre? I have yet to see a decent performance of anything remotely of interest in either Thai or English.

Opera ? It'll never happen

Symphony / Chamber / virtuosi ? Rare and wonderful when it happens

Fine dining ? Sure, but aside from the five star hotels which I find boring, how many times can you endure some ersatz "chef" foisting his canned soups and his pre-cooked frozen entrees on to you before you give up in disgust.

Smaller gastronomical ventures into venues recherché can be fun but eating is eating, okay . And it all comes out in the end in the same way.

Comedy Clubs ? Been there, done that. There is *way more* comedy and drama in the rthe bars. And yeah, *the bars in all the entertainment places, including the massive Thai centered dinner cafe places and coyote places.

Good Jazz ? Sure there is a good fest once in a blue moon but what if you do not (as I) like large crowds ?

Bowling ? Sure, once in a while with a fun-loving chippie who isn't too embarrassed or couldn't care less if she's seen with a seasoned foreign gentleman who knows the ropes.

Discoes ? Aren't webgetting into "bar" territory now ?

I could go on, but the dirty secret here in Bangers and in fact in most of Thailand's urban centers is that there is sweet F-all else to do after dark but to party among the sao-sao kem and enjoy a slightly naughty night-life which even these days is far more safe than similar venues elsewhere.

But, indeed, if there are night time activities that a Philistine of my caliber may attend I am open to your constructive suggestions as to how you have maintained your level of cultural participation in this sensuous libertine environment.

Cue the "tutt-tutt" crowd.

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when i first arrived in thailand i was going back to my hotel room when in spain from 12.00 to 1 am in the morning thats the time i used to go out for fun ....so for me ...the idea to close at 4 am is ok,only all the reason why ....exposed in that speech are stupid.hit-the-fan.gif ..........and like everybody here i dont know what people saying that it will reduce crime, particularly rape,and robbery are doing in a government.

they also make a big story about their new AEC...i dont think this is going to work anyway ! too much mentality, politic, and money differences beetween all this countries, but i wish them good luck !

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This is really xxxx. The article in itself fails reason or logic. All extended hours would do is provide even more chaos than exists at present. Furthermore why is this being raised by the pathetic scabs in the RTP. It has xxxx all to do with these cretins. The RTP are empowerment and not bloody governance and should not interfere in legislation. I'm suprised that many of them have the intelect to find their way home. All they are after is an improvement in their invisible income

All the articles presented in favour are simply ludicrous and the media are just as dumb for running with this.

You would need an electron microscope to detect one iota of intelect, reason ,logic or morality in these hallowed halls.

Bars shoild be shut down by 2 am latest and they could consider a special licence for genuine clubs to stay open later in order to serve the lounge lizards, alcoholically dependent and the narcissi brigade that does not have a day job.

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I have to admit that, sadly, I'm not a "dirty stop out". These days I am quite happy to mosey on home by midnight.

I would have thought though that if the opening hours are extended until 4 am it would be a good thing from a business point of view. It gives the bar owners more flexibility on how they decide to run their businesses.

It does not mean that they have to "shut up shop" at 4 am every night/morning throughout the year. They might, for example, stay open late Thursdays - Saturdays and on nights when there are important footie matches if that's what the customers want. The other nights they could shut earlier.

On the other hand, if they are not doing much business after 1 am throughout the week, they can still close up at 2 am if they want to. Just because they will now be able to stay open until 4 am doesn't mean they have to. It's a commercial decision - unless the police have a "cunning plan" to fine those bar owners who shut early!

I agree that the Uni student's comments are comical. They perhaps reflect her unconscious belief/prejudice that such crimes are committed by Farangs; a Thai would never do such things!

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<deleted> ???????????? I seem to recall just last week there was some

sort of crackdown on bars that were open late ? Oh well, never a dull

moment here in miracle Thailand...

In my local municipality all bars tend to close on time except one very " well connected ' establishment which closes when the last customer leaves and has never been troubled by the BIB.

Are you talking about the one in Chiang Mai the BIB own? Soon to reopen in it's original location. At the moment under going some renovations.

Ah the famous Spicy.... Had no idea the BIB owned it , but for sure it always seemed to have any hours they wanted. Would be rocking away at 4 in the morning right on a main street with a big crowd in front. :-) I was there for a raid one night, was a pretty funny scene. Guess they would have to do that once in a while to keep up appearances....Amazing Thailand indeed.. :-)

I miss the good old days in Samui in 1999, when the bars would stay open 24 hours. Nothing feels you feel more derelict than having shots as the sun is coming up !!!1

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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"Changing the closing time to 4am could reduce crime, particularly rape

and robbery, because it will be morning by the time would-be burglars

and rapists leave the bars," she said.

I never heard a more stupid statement than that!

You must be new to Thailand !

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"Changing the closing time to 4am could reduce crime, particularly rape

and robbery, because it will be morning by the time would-be burglars

and rapists leave the bars," she said.

I never heard a more stupid statement than that!

She's 18.


I never heard a more stupid statement than that!

How about that one? wink.png
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I am not a night owl and am usually home in bed by 9:30. I seldom go out anymore.

Years ago, Bangkok was the place to go. The bars were usually open until the last patron left. The official closing time was 2:00 a.m., but was largely ignored. The police did a brisk business collecting from those staying open late. During Thaksin's time, his Interior Minister (?), Purachai, got tough on the closing time.

Taming the Bangkok beast might have been a morally correct thing to do, but it did impact on the perception of the city by tourists and most of that was negative.

I am sorry but Bangkok is not a culturally rich city. The main attraction is it's night life and related activities.

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Rumours have it; police are coercing FL's off the streets so their option is to join a curbside bar or an official bar as those places contribute to the policeman's ball. allowing all places to close at 4 would shunt business from the bkk spicy late nite club, supposedly owned by "guess who"

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Rumours have it; police are coercing FL's off the streets so their option is to join a curbside bar or an official bar as those places contribute to the policeman's ball. allowing all places to close at 4 would shunt business from the bkk spicy late nite club, supposedly owned by "guess who"

Not sure about the freelancers, but that rumor has been around for years that the police were cracking down on the hours for the regular bars ,thus driving all the farangs out to the curbside bars on Sukumvit. Those bars certainly are paying the police directly, as one of the bar owners told me one night.
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Anyone who has been here long enough knows that the numbers are WAY down in (Nana, Soi Cowboy, and Patpong), it's called simple observation. This is the only way they can make up the income.

Maybe if they learned to embrace the nightlife they could all benefit from it,for example stop charging 120 baht for beers !

i frankly cant remember the last time i visited any of these places, but it was at least 5-6 years back ! The ripoff's / scamming will continue - and these places will continue to lose money.

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Yep, giving people two more hours in the wee morning to get good and boozed up before wandering drunk down the streets, will certainly help to reduce the crime rates; and no doubt improve Thailand's image and reputation at the same time! More tourists will no doubt come flocking to Thailand, Oops, for whom the government is already concerned about not having enough service industry workers.

With all this great material, why isn't there a great, hugely successful Thai-American stand-up comedian? Or better yet, I can envision a hilarious weekly sit-com on cable TV. We could have famous actors/actresses fighting for cameos to be this week's Prime Minister, or Minister of Science, or Police Chief, or Minister of Culture, etc. Lesser stars could be bar girls, Russian mafia and drunken western expats. We could even figure out a way to have Thai Visa on the show... with all the weekly cameo stars reacting to various criticisms posted by TV experts. You just can't write this kind of material--people would think it was too far out. Where are the screen writers out there????

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