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Does Reading Thaivisa Colour Your View Of Thailand ?


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There seems to be a correlation between financial comfort and the level of dissatisfaction with Thailand among some - NOT all - of the grumpy old men on Thaivisa.

Those who experience financial constraints seem to have a tendency to rail against Thailand and its relatively trivial annoyances to a far greater degree . . . possibly because their situations mean they have to interact with the working class locals a lot more.

Still, there are exceptions. The poster formerly known as TommoPhysicist, for example. I mean, here was a man with an all-singing, all-dancing index-linked pension, an attractive wife (he sent me a photo) some years his junior with her own farm and yet he bitched non-stop about Thais and how none of them could be trusted. It made me wonder why on earth he chose to remain here.

I wonder about your powers of logic....

"an attractive wife (he sent me a photo) some years his junior with her own farm"

" wonder why on earth he chose to remain here"

Please tell me you don't work for Special Branch...


So what you're saying is that he's being smart by staying in a country in which he more or less despises the locals, on a farm that ain't his and from which he can be ejected at any time as long as he's getting his end away with a woman who - by his own admission - he doesn't trust?

Please tell me you don't give advice on how to be happy, secure and get on in life

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Thaivisa is a great message board,BUT,

There are too many pompous,arrogant misery guts on here.However it takes all sorts to contribute to Thaivisa.I would have no friends if i had to make friends with some on here,my mates are honest,down to earth,streetwise guys,who would stick by you in good times and bad times,and would take my corner with anything.

Made some great mates from Thailand,both farang and a few thais,this includes from different message boards,it tells me everything that i have had no interest to make aNY friends on thaivisa.

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There seems to be a correlation between financial comfort and the level of dissatisfaction with Thailand among some - NOT all - of the grumpy old men on Thaivisa.

Those who experience financial constraints seem to have a tendency to rail against Thailand and its relatively trivial annoyances to a far greater degree . . . possibly because their situations mean they have to interact with the working class locals a lot more.

Still, there are exceptions. The poster formerly known as TommoPhysicist, for example. I mean, here was a man with an all-singing, all-dancing index-linked pension, an attractive wife (he sent me a photo) some years his junior with her own farm and yet he bitched non-stop about Thais and how none of them could be trusted. It made me wonder why on earth he chose to remain here.

I wonder about your powers of logic....

"an attractive wife (he sent me a photo) some years his junior with her own farm"

" wonder why on earth he chose to remain here"

Please tell me you don't work for Special Branch...


So what you're saying is that he's being smart by staying in a country in which he more or less despises the locals, on a farm that ain't his and from which he can be ejected at any time as long as he's getting his end away with a woman who - by his own admission - he doesn't trust?

Please tell me you don't give advice on how to be happy, secure and get on in life

I'm saying that probably the principal reason that he stays here is that he is married to "an attractive wife (he sent me a photo) some years his junior with her own farm". He doesn't need to trust anyone - except his annuity provider...

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There seems to be a correlation between financial comfort and the level of dissatisfaction with Thailand among some - NOT all - of the grumpy old men on Thaivisa.

Those who experience financial constraints seem to have a tendency to rail against Thailand and its relatively trivial annoyances to a far greater degree . . . possibly because their situations mean they have to interact with the working class locals a lot more.

Still, there are exceptions. The poster formerly known as TommoPhysicist, for example. I mean, here was a man with an all-singing, all-dancing index-linked pension, an attractive wife (he sent me a photo) some years his junior with her own farm and yet he bitched non-stop about Thais and how none of them could be trusted. It made me wonder why on earth he chose to remain here.

What's happened to this TommoPhysicist guy? Did he marry his wife's sister as well and got his bits fed to the duck?

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There seems to be a correlation between financial comfort and the level of dissatisfaction with Thailand among some - NOT all - of the grumpy old men on Thaivisa.

Those who experience financial constraints seem to have a tendency to rail against Thailand and its relatively trivial annoyances to a far greater degree . . . possibly because their situations mean they have to interact with the working class locals a lot more.

Still, there are exceptions. The poster formerly known as TommoPhysicist, for example. I mean, here was a man with an all-singing, all-dancing index-linked pension, an attractive wife (he sent me a photo) some years his junior with her own farm and yet he bitched non-stop about Thais and how none of them could be trusted. It made me wonder why on earth he chose to remain here.

What's happened to this TommoPhysicist guy? Did he marry his wife's sister as well and got his bits fed to the duck?

I'm sure he'll recover and bounce back a changed man

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The only thing that gets on my nerves sometimes is that many seem to have a problem with age.

It's always grumpy OLD men.

Remind me : Wisdom comes with what ?

For the rest only my own experiences colour my perception.

Yermanee wai.gif

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No, not in the slightest. Why would the rantings of anonymous posters influence me? I have my own experiences, and those of my friends here to do that.

On the other hand, reading TV certainly does colour my opinion of some of the posters...... coffee1.gif

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There seems to be a correlation between financial comfort and the level of dissatisfaction with Thailand among some - NOT all - of the grumpy old men on Thaivisa.

Those who experience financial constraints seem to have a tendency to rail against Thailand and its relatively trivial annoyances to a far greater degree . . . possibly because their situations mean they have to interact with the working class locals a lot more.

Still, there are exceptions. The poster formerly known as TommoPhysicist, for example. I mean, here was a man with an all-singing, all-dancing index-linked pension, an attractive wife (he sent me a photo) some years his junior with her own farm and yet he bitched non-stop about Thais and how none of them could be trusted. It made me wonder why on earth he chose to remain here.

What's happened to this TommoPhysicist guy? Did he marry his wife's sister as well and got his bits fed to the duck?

I'm sure he'll recover and bounce back a changed man

<deleted>, SC... will ya use spellcheck?? He'll bounce back a CHANG'D man whistling.gif

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I see both extremes here...some with the rose colored glasses always screaming " If you follow the laws, the police will not steal your money", etc.. Then the flip side of those that find nothing here good. I would like to think I fall somewhere in the middle, but that is my own perception. Almost every aspect of life here comes with struggle and NOTHING (except sex)happens as easily as back home, yet I have met some of the finest people I have ever met here, both Thai and Falang. I have always had a problem dealing with incompetence,i.e. a cashier that cannot count,etc. and life in Thailand is filled with examples, but when I can go outside and see different people, different vegetation, different cars,different topography along with all the other sights and sounds, after 15 years in SEA, I still feel the adventure and I smile...

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The only thing that gets on my nerves sometimes is that many seem to have a problem with age.

It's always grumpy OLD men.

Remind me : Wisdom comes with what ?

For the rest only my own experiences colour my perception.

Yermanee wai.gif

Remind me : Wisdom comes with what ?

See? The effects of Alzheimers' already...

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... NOTHING (except sex)happens as easily as back home, ....

So I had to get a notarised copy of my passport quite urgently.

Not a problem, I had a day to kill in Bangkok - not quite a day, but I was able to get to the embassy by lunchtime... only they close at midday on a Friday. I rehearsed my vocabulary of swearwords and thought "Where am I going to find an emergency notary public at a moment's notce"


And sure enough, sitting in a glass box in the paid area of Nana Station, is a Notary Public.

Aye, well, that's all fine and dandy, but now to get the documents to their destination - and sure enough, right under Nana Station is a post office. All sorted in the time it would have taken me to queue at the embassy...

Not everything is difficult... and sometimes things are downright convenient.


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... NOTHING (except sex)happens as easily as back home, ....

So I had to get a notarised copy of my passport quite urgently.

Not a problem, I had a day to kill in Bangkok - not quite a day, but I was able to get to the embassy by lunchtime... only they close at midday on a Friday. I rehearsed my vocabulary of swearwords and thought "Where am I going to find an emergency notary public at a moment's notce"


And sure enough, sitting in a glass box in the paid area of Nana Station, is a Notary Public.

Aye, well, that's all fine and dandy, but now to get the documents to their destination - and sure enough, right under Nana Station is a post office. All sorted in the time it would have taken me to queue at the embassy...

Not everything is difficult... and sometimes things are downright convenient.


I have been known to embellish a story or two at times. Yes I was exaggerating,but not entirely. My real problem here lies in my apparent inability to speak Thai fluently. I try like hell, but for myself it is hard. My poor hearing due to driving heavy equipment and airplanes all my life does not help. Although there are many single characters here,who do not have a Thai wife, I have a Filipina wife and do not have the Thai wife to smooth the pathway so to speak. Yes the simple things for the most part can be as easy as ever, but many other things do not come so easily and usually for no apparent reason. Edited by bunta71
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I stopped "using" TV for about 3 years. I found most of the comments, pretty anti-Thai and anti-Thailand, and 80% of those comments were, in my opinion, such as it is, childish and close to stupid.

I don't know what happened in the last year or so - but IN THE MAIN posts are more mature, with a few, maybe only 20% of the former clowns being present.

Yes, I do believe Thai Visa colours perceptions of Thailand.

Quintessentially, I believe it would be a good site to visit, TV if one is considering a job offer in Thailand.

There is a fount of very useful and well guided information to help would be "Settlers" with a wide range of information.

New Tourists.

Yes the post certainly highlighted the problem of overdiscussion of the main evils of Thailand. Taksin, Corruption in Politics and Police, the Thai/Chinese mafia and all the bag and necklace snatching druggies.

Frankly, I live in Belgium, the heart of the EU (sniff) and EU corruption is on a truly professional scale with our EU Commissioners and their lackeys.

I know these things are bad in Thailand, but you know - they pale into insignificance here in the EU. At least in Thailand they get mentioned in the newspapers from time to time. At least Taksin was brought to justice, sentenced and convicted. That is nearly impossible here.

The POSITIVE side of a HOLIDAY in Thailand is enormous, incredibly good and incomparable with anywhere else. Boost it.

OK you can ask new tourists to try and avoid hotels with large Russian numbers or Indians. Just point them to Agoda Reviews or Trip Advisor and suggest they READ the reviews.

Not foolproof but it works so far.

Point out the horrors of renting a jet ski - tell them clearly that it is ALL a racket and to avoid it completely. Fair enough.

The Forums (Fora?) Often excellent and informative.

For the minority of people who have only BAD things to say of Thailand - it really seems YOU are in the wrong place.

No I have no delusions I lived and worked in Thailand for 12 years and have been a thrice yearly visitor for 8 years since.

Thai Visa - you do a damn good job and juggle the moderation ball, mostly quite deftly. So this poster says thank you.

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Does Thaivisa colour my view of Thailand? The answer to that would hve to be a resounding no. Not because I have travelled widely, I haven't anyway, but because I take anything on the internet with a grain of salt. Sure, you can get good advice on specific details but when it comes down to opinions I just shut it out. People are different and something that may seem to mean a lot to one person may not affect me at all.

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There seems to be a correlation between financial comfort and the level of dissatisfaction with Thailand among some - NOT all - of the grumpy old men on Thaivisa.

Those who experience financial constraints seem to have a tendency to rail against Thailand and its relatively trivial annoyances to a far greater degree . . . possibly because their situations mean they have to interact with the working class locals a lot more.

Still, there are exceptions. The poster formerly known as TommoPhysicist, for example. I mean, here was a man with an all-singing, all-dancing index-linked pension, an attractive wife (he sent me a photo) some years his junior with her own farm and yet he bitched non-stop about Thais and how none of them could be trusted. It made me wonder why on earth he chose to remain here.

I wonder about your powers of logic....

"an attractive wife (he sent me a photo) some years his junior with her own farm"

" wonder why on earth he chose to remain here"

Please tell me you don't work for Special Branch...


Good job I don't work for special branch I hadn't noticed Tomo's absence!

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It is called The land of smiles,but no one smiles. We feel let-down and frustrated. Most people who come here to live carry an olive branch. But Thais do not seem to like olive branches. We need an outlet for our frustrations which is the wonderful ThaiVisa. Mind you, I like Thai fruit. Long live ThaiVisa.

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No I'm not influenced by reading Thaivisa. If I was I'd have to become a hang-em-high person as well as an 'it happens everywhere' person. I'd have to hate & love Thaksin & his party. And so on.

I take a middle of the road view of Thailand - not paradise but definitely not a hell hole.

The spectrum of views is wide and there's nothing better than a bloody good argument - not spoilt by an over zealous mod - that's so easy to get into.

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" Does Reading Thaivisa Colour Your View of Thailand ? "

Certainly NOT ! Not even an iota !!

Why should it ? After all, the views are of grumpy, frustrated old people

who cannot even tell the difference between a cucumber and a banana.

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" Does Reading Thaivisa Colour Your View of Thailand ? "

Certainly NOT ! Not even an iota !!

Why should it ? After all, the views are of grumpy, frustrated old people

who cannot even tell the difference between a cucumber and a banana.

Can you use a bigger font young fella, my eyesight aint what it used to be.

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YES!!! It is now black and black!!! Without the white!

Monochrome. It's less racist to describe Laurel and Hardy as monochrome. Unfortunately, in this insanely politically correct world, its impossible to get a black and white TV license, even in the UK. DO they still have license fees in the UK, by the way?


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" Does Reading Thaivisa Colour Your View of Thailand ? "

Certainly NOT ! Not even an iota !!

Why should it ? After all, the views are of grumpy, frustrated old people

who cannot even tell the difference between a cucumber and a banana.

That's downright unfair and wrong on so many levels.

I can't help it if I'm colourblind. You wet-behind-the-ears young whippersnapper. tongue.png

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I used to come onto TV daily. With all the negative comments I don't come on so much! There is lots of very useful information on TV which is very helpful to people coming to or new to Thailand. I also don't like the way the 'know it all klan' try to make a fool of people who are newbies to Thailand. We were all there before!

Oh, but the answer to the question! No it doesn't change my perspective on Thailand. I have my own views like many people on TV. If I don't like what they have posted I just skip to the next one. Easy!

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" Does Reading Thaivisa Colour Your View of Thailand ? "

Certainly NOT ! Not even an iota !!

Why should it ? After all, the views are of grumpy, frustrated old people

who cannot even tell the difference between a cucumber and a banana.

I resent that! I can tell the difference between a cucumber and a banana.....

A cucumber smoothie just doesn't do it.

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reading thai visa is discovering that many people came to live in thailand for the wrong reasons, some are just socially retarded, can't keep a relationship down in their own country and think its easier in asia.

There are a few exceptions but I havent met many well adjusted farang in all honesty

Basically their days are numbered, as thailand becomes a richer more developed country

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