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Does Reading Thaivisa Colour Your View Of Thailand ?


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Definitely. I've lived here 18 years and met some nice people and some not so nice, but I 've never met any people the likes that post on TV.

I've yet to phisycally meet a person that has never, even accidently, broken a law even as minor as driving 1 kph over the limit, jaywalking, stolen a hotel towel, taken as much as a pen from their employer, cheated on their taxes, or made a lane change without signalling, or had premarital sex.

TV must have the most perfect posters of any forum anywhere.

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Yes, it makes me realize just how many pathetic, sexist, gross farang men out there are seeking to live the high life with a young Thai girl on their arms, feeling like they have the right to a life of luxury when they're just disgusting old <deleted>.

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Yes, it makes me realize just how many pathetic, sexist, gross farang men out there are seeking to live the high life with a young Thai girl on their arms, feeling like they have the right to a life of luxury when they're just disgusting old <deleted>.

...and on Heather's happy note, nice thread while it lasted.

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Yes, it makes me realize just how many pathetic, sexist, gross farang men out there are seeking to live the high life with a young Thai girl on their arms, feeling like they have the right to a life of luxury when they're just disgusting old <deleted>.

Really? I'm actually more surprised at how enterprising, adventurous and innovative some of my fellow posters are.

The misogyny and depravity conforms to a stereotype which can be easily found here on the streets in certain areas, and I suppose I am no longer surprised at the outpourings of vituperative spleen against people with whom we don't identify.


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Yes, it makes me realize just how many pathetic, sexist, gross farang men out there are seeking to live the high life with a young Thai girl on their arms, feeling like they have the right to a life of luxury when they're just disgusting old <deleted>.

...and on Heather's happy note, nice thread while it lasted.

I think that's Tommo's new moniker

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It definitely colours your views, to the extent that Thai strangers act in complete opposite to what I often read here. I can offer many examples but two incidents in the last two weeks stand out.

A couple weeks ago I was driving my motorcycle down a very, very narrow soi which is just wide enough for one car to squeeze through. It was a busy morning with many pedestrians and vendors. At one point I was passing another motorcycle and to my left was a parked motorcycle. I ended up clipping the parked bike, pushing it forward and almost knocking it down. My first thought was holy **** I am done.

The motorcycle taxi driver who owns the bike comes over and starts examining it. I have no option but to sit quietly and wait, expecting the worst. After about 2 minutes he says 'ok'. gives me a nod and a smile and lets me go.

Thai Visa general forums had me believing that I would pay through the nose and unknown Thai people would come forward demanding payment for phantom injuries.

Then the other day I withdraw money from the ATM, put all of it except for 1,000 back in my wallet. I have the 1,000b note, my phone and the receipt in one hand and unknowingly I drop the 1,000. All of a sudden, on my left aThai lady yells "Hey you!" while at the same time a lady on my right grabs my arm. The lady on the left picks up my money and...shock... gives it to me!

Edited to clarify that I was on a motorcycle as well.

Edited by cardero
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Yes, it makes me realize just how many pathetic, sexist, gross farang men out there are seeking to live the high life with a young Thai girl on their arms, feeling like they have the right to a life of luxury when they're just disgusting old <deleted>.

Typical western gagger,,, please get a bigger paper bag and breath deep. But,,, They say "can't teach an old Dog a new trick" ... but I say there is allways hope.

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I have to clarify.

Reading thaivisa doesn't change my perception on Thailand, but rather changed my own attitude to people and situations ie. Made 'me' more skeptical, less romantic, etc. My views of Thailand remains the same, and is largely based on my own experience. Mostly positive.


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Yes, it makes me realize just how many pathetic, sexist, gross farang men out there are seeking to live the high life with a young Thai girl on their arms, feeling like they have the right to a life of luxury when they're just disgusting old <deleted>.


And why shouldn't we disgusting old <deleted> have the right to a life of luxury?

Every time I see a 80, 90+ year-old geezer with a 19 y.o. hottie holding him up on his daily constitutional, warms me ol' heart it does, gives me hope for my dotage. . .

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  • In my view there is not much difference from most countries (Asian &Western) when it comes to corruption, greed, graft and that sort of thing. A little more violence than most. Drivers are as crazy as other Asian countries. Law and punishment is weird but not that much different from other countries. Each has it's own strange values.

The people are nicer than most western countries. I find I will be treated as I treat others. I do try to avoid those areas where crime is higher than others. I spend a lot of time in Saraburi and it is comfortable for me. However my wife worries about me where ever we are.

I have a greater understanding of my wife who loves living here in isolated Wyoming. (US mountain state) Even with severe weather, it's April 17 and there is 18 inches of snow outside. There are a lot of cultural things different here in Wyoming which she appreciates more than in Thailand. Especially family. She gets a lot of pressure from many for free money. Of course she takes care of mama but family members who refuse to work irritates her. (I agree)

Over all, it is a nice place to live if you avoid places of conflict. Just like anywhere else.

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Yes, it makes me realize just how many pathetic, sexist, gross farang men out there are seeking to live the high life with a young Thai girl on their arms, feeling like they have the right to a life of luxury when they're just disgusting old <deleted>.

Wow.... do get invited to many dinner parties?

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There are numerous occasions where TV and the OP's actually touch on the real issues and you will not find that in most mainstream media here. There are a broad spectrum of postings which add the colour to the site. However regardless if we are visitors or not, Ignoring issues and/or sticking you head in the sand or embracing Thai-ness does not make these issues any less real.

As long as one can accept that Thailand is disfunctional and corrupt and the word of Government or rule of law has no definable value, then what's the problem. This country belongs to the Thai people , well at least some of them so let the will of the people determine the path and let them take responsibility for the results. In most countries the overall end game is development, here it is personal profit and privilege. Not likely to change anytime soon.

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NO it doesn't ,but i sometimes wonder why some posters live here and where their thought processes come from ,maybe they are not the sharpest tools in the box.

Part of it might just be conected to what they saw when on holiday great times

However living in the same place means dealing with everyday issues that you have to deal with where ever you come from before relocating

as in Thailand you also have to add the some what tedious dealings with the imigration rules and regulations

( many places are Easyer to live in. Once your in your in )

If they where not happy where they came from

Chances are they won't be happy anywhere

It's a state of mind you can be happy if you chose to ritch or Poor

it's all up to YOU not the people around you to make your every day a good day

Just smile not evry day of the week have to be a Monday

Edited by WildChilli
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Yes, it makes me realize just how many pathetic, sexist, gross farang men out there are seeking to live the high life with a young Thai girl on their arms, feeling like they have the right to a life of luxury when they're just disgusting old <deleted>.

And it's nice to meet you too!

You might want to see someone about that thing on your shoulder. It's unsightly and unhealthy.

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I joined ThaI Visa after being in Thailand a while, I was a lurker before then, it helped me with Visa's, farming, news stories etc etc. The rest for me is just entertainment in the general forum, I know a lot of ex-pats with the same attitude, I try to avoid them but strangely drawn to the moaners on TVF, mainly because there are some pretty strong views about Thailand which are extreme to say the least.

Also some of the topics may actually be quite interesting but it doesn't colour my view of Thailand as I have my own opinions from actual experience, some of it way off the mark of some posters.

I suppose life would be boring if we were all the same.

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As an expat of 12 years in various countries in Asia - only 6 months now in Thailand - I value the Thai visa site for its informative aspects - but not some of the negativity I see here - and I don't let that colour my views .

The first few years I spent overseas I raged against some of the stupidity I saw (or perceived) in local behaviour - confident that one day I would return to my home country where everything was so perfectly ordered, fair and logical

After a few more years I began to see things differently - a bit from the locals perspective - while still not agreeing with everything I saw or experienced, I started to realise there were several sides to every story.

Today I have realised that I can never go back to living in my home country as it is precisely its ordered and logical nature that makes it (almost) predictable and to a certain extent - boring. I still don't accept everything illogical or unfair in Asian countries but I have learned to live with it and appreciate the many positives these countries (Thailand in particular) still have to offer.

My attitude to most of the negative comments I see here is that those posters have not reached the same level that I have - regardless of the actual time they have spent in foreign lands - perhaps that sounds like I am being a bit patronising but it's not meant to be!

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Reading the different posts especially in "General" and "Thailand News", would give most people the impression, that we are living in a terrible place!

I mostly read the threads in Thailand News, but occasionally hop in the other sub-forums. Reading the news headlines, I get the impression that normal things happen in Thailand (foreign investment, traffic accidents, quirky surveys). But reading the replies to the threads makes it sound like Thailand can be a horrible place. I try not to go past the first page of replies, because I know the replies aren't going to magically improve my perceptions.

I don't believe I have the same background as the majority of members of ThaiVisa (not many young Americans on here), so that also effects my perceptions of replies on ThaiVisa.

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heatherbrie, on 17 Apr 2013 - 19:51, said:

Yes, it makes me realize just how many pathetic, sexist, gross farang men out there are seeking to live the high life with a young Thai girl on their arms, feeling like they have the right to a life of luxury when they're just disgusting old <deleted>.

are another pathetic frustrated old biddy,poking her witch like nose in to other peoples business,god noes what there doing in the los.
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Does reading thaivisa colour my view of Thailand? No, but it has taught me a lot about people who post on this forum. It's been quite entertaining and very often funny. It gave me an entirely different perspective on how some people think. I feel sorry for many of the negative types.

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I was starting to reconsider retiring to Thailand based on many TV posts emphatically stating that 60,000 baht a month was not enough, or barely enough to live in Thailand (even in Isaan). I started thinking that I must have missed something regarding the cost of living.

I will also say that some PM's with TV members confirmed that anything close to that amount is much more than is needed to live very well in Thailand, and put my doubts to rest.

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heatherbrie, on 17 Apr 2013 - 19:51, said:

Yes, it makes me realize just how many pathetic, sexist, gross farang men out there are seeking to live the high life with a young Thai girl on their arms, feeling like they have the right to a life of luxury when they're just disgusting old <deleted>.

are another pathetic frustrated old biddy,poking her witch like nose in to other peoples business,god noes what there doing in the los.

A friend of mine said that his daughter was more upset by the sight of middle-aged and old men with young asian ladies than was his wife.

Personally, I normally try to avoid fantasising about my fellow posters on Thaivisa and inventing characteristics for them - for example I haven't mentioned your acne. Aren't you a bit old for that?


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It is the young Thai women who are manipulating the older men, not the other way around.


And just like the other way, need to qualify with "some" or even "most" if you think that's true, but certainly not all.

And, who cares what the arrangements are so long as both parties in the transaction are satisfied?

Of course excluding cases of deception about benefits to be received in the future including by omission, where one partner causes the other to think their intentions are long-term in order to extract current higher benefits than s/he would provide if they were aware it was just a temporary arrangment - this of course works both ways.



I just wish I had the same opportunities as a man when I get old. Maybe I'll also turn into a sour old biddy, but I don't think so.


You do dear, most of the boys working the gay P2P scene aren't actually gay and in fact regularly service female mongers, both Thai and foreign. Just be sure to take the proper precautions. . .

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Why should it ? After all, the views are of grumpy, frustrated old people

who cannot even tell the difference between a cucumber and a banana.

What? Are you trying to say that there IS a difference? blink.png

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Why should it ? After all, the views are of grumpy, frustrated old people

who cannot even tell the difference between a cucumber and a banana.

What? Are you trying to say that there IS a difference? blink.png

Life is like a cucumber; that's bound to be one of the biggest differences


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