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My First Time At Ram Hospital


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Over the past 9 months I have had experiences with some of the less highly rated hospitals, But when something potentially very serious came up I went to Ram. I can say my experience there was almost nothing like I have been reading on TV.

Ok, the doctors were very nice and knowledgeable in my opinion but although the place didn't appear that busy, the waiting times (3) were long. From reading other opinions here, I thought I would pay more but not spend a large part of a day in waiting. My bill I thought was no more than other hospitals.

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Did you make an appointment in advance or did you just walk in off the street? My many visits there I've never waited more then 30 minutes, usually much less. Or do you consider 30 minutes a long wait? Some specialists are in demand and without an appointment you may indeed have to wait.

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You must have been waiting for a specialist or other reason for the delay, or maybe it was songkran and the staff was all on vacation. I have been there a few times and had relatively no wait to get my BP taken, and maybe 5 or 10 minutes to see a doctor and get xrays taken.

When I needed to see a specialist they made an appointment for me so I would not have to wait.

The downside was that I was charged 1800 for a consult and inexpensive medicine and a bad medical opinion. I wont go back.

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Yes, other than waiting longer than I thought, the experience was fine. First time I was without appt. but only needed to see an ortho guy so thought surely they had a few on staff. He was an hour wait. Then more time for blood draw and report. He decided I needed a specialist and we had to go back at 5 PM to see him. He was hour and half late. He came from Suang Duk. Pardon the spelling.

Both I thought very engaged and knowledgable doctors. No complaint. I just was willing to pay more baht for faster service than available at other places.

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I have never had a long wait as I go in and make an appointment, But I have had two completely different opinions from two different doctors at the Ram.

One said have the operation the other said don't have it.

Makes no difference what hospital you go to you can get good advice or bad advice the hospital is not the determining factor in the advice. The doctor is a doctor and doctors are humans and not always right. Always remember it is still a developing science.

What ever it is I hope it works out good for you.

Forgot to mention the last time I was in there the doctor told me for one of the operations I was inquiring into that the best doctor for that worked out of the hospital opposite the Holiday Inn and advised me to go to Bangkok for the other two operations.

Edited by hellodolly
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Did you make an appointment in advance or did you just walk in off the street? My many visits there I've never waited more then 30 minutes, usually much less. Or do you consider 30 minutes a long wait? Some specialists are in demand and without an appointment you may indeed have to wait.

That has been my experience. I have never had to wait more than 30 minutes at Ram - with or without an appointment. At another highly recommended hospital, I have never been seen less than 3 hours after my appointment time, but very good service once I finally get to the doctor.

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Did you make an appointment in advance or did you just walk in off the street? My many visits there I've never waited more then 30 minutes, usually much less. Or do you consider 30 minutes a long wait? Some specialists are in demand and without an appointment you may indeed have to wait.

That has been my experience. I have never had to wait more than 30 minutes at Ram - with or without an appointment. At another highly recommended hospital, I have never been seen less than 3 hours after my appointment time, but very good service once I finally get to the doctor.

I have no complaints about Ram, though I usually know which doctor I'm seeing. The med price is often high, sometimes because they use genuine brands, but sometimes they're just high. I always ask my doctor what he or she is prescribing and get a generic if possible, from my favourite pharmacy on Rachdamnoen.

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Yes, other than waiting longer than I thought, the experience was fine. First time I was without appt. but only needed to see an ortho guy so thought surely they had a few on staff. He was an hour wait. Then more time for blood draw and report. He decided I needed a specialist and we had to go back at 5 PM to see him. He was hour and half late. He came from Suang Duk. Pardon the spelling.

Both I thought very engaged and knowledgable doctors. No complaint. I just was willing to pay more baht for faster service than available at other places.

You poor old sod, approx 3 hrs wait to see two specialist and have some blood work done, and how long would this have took in your own country ?

You should have explained that you are a special case and then perhaps the specialist would have stopped half way through his operation to give you the VIP treatment whistling.gif

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In my experience (and this is not about the RAM hospital) delays in scheduled appointment times are often caused by the Dr taking the time that the patient needed to examine, explain and reassure the patient. This will vary dependant on the seriousness of the diagnosis, the communication level with the patient and the explanation of proposed future treatment. This can, and often will have a knock on effect on later appointments.

Following major surgery I have to attend a local Mission hospital. I never get to see the Dr at the scheduled time but he has all the time in the world to address my questions, my current state and what we are going to do about it.

The emphasis is on the 'what we are going to do about it'...... he's doing his bit by prescribing me medicines but he expects me to 'contribute' by taking them as prescribed.

If I have to wait because he is taking that same time to talk with another patient then I am happy.

The best part is I don't pay a satang. Covered by Social Insurance which is deducted from my salary each month.

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In my experience (and this is not about the RAM hospital) delays in scheduled appointment times are often caused by the Dr taking the time that the patient needed to examine, explain and reassure the patient. This will vary dependant on the seriousness of the diagnosis, the communication level with the patient and the explanation of proposed future treatment. This can, and often will have a knock on effect on later appointments.

Following major surgery I have to attend a local Mission hospital. I never get to see the Dr at the scheduled time but he has all the time in the world to address my questions, my current state and what we are going to do about it.

The emphasis is on the 'what we are going to do about it'...... he's doing his bit by prescribing me medicines but he expects me to 'contribute' by taking them as prescribed.

If I have to wait because he is taking that same time to talk with another patient then I am happy.

The best part is I don't pay a satang. Covered by Social Insurance which is deducted from my salary each month.

Well spoken

You or apparently none of the other repliers are from Canada.

There you make an appointment show up on time only to find out it is first come first served.

If the doctor is taking extra time to do the job properly that is OK with me as I would appreciate it if I was the one needing the extra time.

I wonder if I can call the Ram and make an appointment as getting around is difficult at the present time.wai.gif

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Not sure if any understood my point in posting about my Ram experience. I was NOT complaining. Just had hoped for paying more baht I would be seen faster.

Pure and simple, and look what kind of posts come in reply. Unbelievable.

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The OP should be cautioned to never visit the United States. Here, in larger cities, walk-in clinic waits are normally over one hour, and that is after you have filled out all the forms. Emergency room waits are often many hours unless you walk in with a severed artery. And sure you can make an appointment with a specialist, but be prepared to wait at least one month for the privilege. And then be prepared to be billed at the most extravagant rates on the planet, and that is after the $150 "facility" fee that is often not covered under your insurance plan. Quite frankly, as one with a domicile in both Chiang Mai and a large American city, you have know idea how good you all have it with the likes of Ram Hospital.

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Not sure if any understood my point in posting about my Ram experience. I was NOT complaining. Just had hoped for paying more baht I would be seen faster.

Pure and simple, and look what kind of posts come in reply. Unbelievable.

But you didn't pay more.

"My bill I thought was no more than other hospitals".

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I spent a few days in Ram and was very pleased with the service and treatment. Price was average, but no complaints. Having been through the ringer a few times in both Pattaya and Bangkok with nincompoops, I was expecting the same at Ram but it was the opposite.

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The OP should be cautioned to never visit the United States. Here, in larger cities, walk-in clinic waits are normally over one hour, and that is after you have filled out all the forms. Emergency room waits are often many hours unless you walk in with a severed artery. And sure you can make an appointment with a specialist, but be prepared to wait at least one month for the privilege. And then be prepared to be billed at the most extravagant rates on the planet, and that is after the $150 "facility" fee that is often not covered under your insurance plan. Quite frankly, as one with a domicile in both Chiang Mai and a large American city, you have know idea how good you all have it with the likes of Ram Hospital.

No lecture needed. I was born and raised in the USA. With medicare and secondary insurance I have no complaints when home.

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The OP should be cautioned to never visit the United States. Here, in larger cities, walk-in clinic waits are normally over one hour, and that is after you have filled out all the forms. Emergency room waits are often many hours unless you walk in with a severed artery. And sure you can make an appointment with a specialist, but be prepared to wait at least one month for the privilege. And then be prepared to be billed at the most extravagant rates on the planet, and that is after the $150 "facility" fee that is often not covered under your insurance plan. Quite frankly, as one with a domicile in both Chiang Mai and a large American city, you have know idea how good you all have it with the likes of Ram Hospital.

No lecture needed. I was born and raised in the USA. With medicare and secondary insurance I have no complaints when home.

So, how long would this have took in your own country ? (for the third time) 102.gif can we take it that it wouldn't be 3 hrs reading the above post ?

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In my experience (and this is not about the RAM hospital) delays in scheduled appointment times are often caused by the Dr taking the time that the patient needed to examine, explain and reassure the patient. This will vary dependant on the seriousness of the diagnosis, the communication level with the patient and the explanation of proposed future treatment. This can, and often will have a knock on effect on later appointments.

Following major surgery I have to attend a local Mission hospital. I never get to see the Dr at the scheduled time but he has all the time in the world to address my questions, my current state and what we are going to do about it.

The emphasis is on the 'what we are going to do about it'...... he's doing his bit by prescribing me medicines but he expects me to 'contribute' by taking them as prescribed.

If I have to wait because he is taking that same time to talk with another patient then I am happy.

The best part is I don't pay a satang. Covered by Social Insurance which is deducted from my salary each month.

Well spoken

You or apparently none of the other repliers are from Canada.

There you make an appointment show up on time only to find out it is first come first served.

If the doctor is taking extra time to do the job properly that is OK with me as I would appreciate it if I was the one needing the extra time.

I wonder if I can call the Ram and make an appointment as getting around is difficult at the present time.wai.gif

A very well known Dermatologist from the area of Canada I come from makes all morning appointments for 9AM and all afternoon appointments for 1.00 PM. Almost without exception it is 2 or 3 PM before she is finished with the morning appointments.

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Sawasdee Khrup, TV CM Friends,

If you are at Ram, and waiting to see a specialist, who's late, it may often be the case that the same specialist, is teaching at the medical school associated with Chiang Mai University and the Maharaj Hospital (often referred to as Suan Dok, because it's near Wat Suan Dok).

You can often get to see the same specialist at Maharaj (on Thanon Suthep) by registering through the administrative unit for foreigners called Sriphat, and you will pay much less than you will pay at Ram for consultation, tests, and medication.

My experience has been that seeing specialists (Endocrine, and Urology) at Maharaj, by appointment, through Sriphat, has never involved a long wait (more than an hour), after showing up at the appointment time.

But, medical emergencies may, indeed, result in a delay of a specialist showing up, and I would expect (hypothesis) that is more true with specialties like neurology, orthopedics, and cardiology, where (hypothesis) life-threatening emergencies are more frequent.

My personal experience with Chiang Mai Ram, when I had a severely broken leg (multiple spiral fractures), was that Dr. Paiboon (who works only at Ram), the orthopedic surgeon, was wonderful, but that the administration are lying money-grubbing bill-kiters. And, their so-called physical-therapy department is a dangerous joke.

Before I discovered I had tongue cancer, I saw two of Ram's front-line ENT's: both failed to notice the obvious signs and symptoms and recommend an immediate scan or biopsy. One week later, I saw Dr. Rat (who is a professor at the medical school, and also has at private clinic at night), and he immediately scheduled me for a biopsy the next day. I think, but don't know for sure, that Dr. Rat would also be available at Maharaj.

My personal recommendation is go to Maharaj.


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The OP should be cautioned to never visit the United States. Here, in larger cities, walk-in clinic waits are normally over one hour, and that is after you have filled out all the forms. Emergency room waits are often many hours unless you walk in with a severed artery. And sure you can make an appointment with a specialist, but be prepared to wait at least one month for the privilege. And then be prepared to be billed at the most extravagant rates on the planet, and that is after the $150 "facility" fee that is often not covered under your insurance plan. Quite frankly, as one with a domicile in both Chiang Mai and a large American city, you have know idea how good you all have it with the likes of Ram Hospital.

No lecture needed. I was born and raised in the USA. With medicare and secondary insurance I have no complaints when home.

Are you telling us that if you have a 3:00 PM appointment and you arrive at 2:55 PM you only have a five minute wait?

That must be some powerful secondary insurance you have.

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  • 1 month later...

I spent a few days in Ram and was very pleased with the service and treatment. Price was average, but no complaints. Having been through the ringer a few times in both Pattaya and Bangkok with nincompoops, I was expecting the same at Ram but it was the opposite.

nincompoops what a wonderful word almost forgot it., 37 years in Chiang mai come this December

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