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Noise Pollution In Jomtien: No Longer Tolerable


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I can't understand why anybody could consider alleged noise pollution as being a cultural issue or a cultural trait. A social issue in many countries it ma ybe, but making it a cultural issue in this forum is quite absurd. The Thais don't have a monopoly on making noise.
Agreed, I have had more than one confrontation in my home country regarding noise.
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I moved from Jomtien Beach, to a quiet area about 1 kilometer inland.

Out in the country, birds, trees, nice breeze and an OPEN AIR, ALL NIGHT, JUNGLE KARAOKE BAR, RUN BY POLICE. AAAAGGGHH!!!

Yes, it fires up at 2AM and goes till 8AM.

Now, I see the condo developments, Dusit Grand Park, Laguna and Maldives & Zen pre-selling units near this NOISE FACTORY.

I feel sorry for the suckers buying in these developments. They have no idea what happens after dark.

I heard a lot of potential customers are being put off NOT buying at Dusit Grand Park, Laguna and Maldives & Zen projects, because of the noise at night there, guess its up to the developers to shut them down

Surely the developers know that "noise pollution" does not sell. Some definitely have big bucks and with that comes power (i.e., ability to influence decision-making and action). I wonder why they don't they get together and encourage the police to put an end to it, like the police finally did with the fireworks. This is Asia and over here the only thing that seems to mean anything in terms of creating a change is "power." True story: Today I took a long walk/jog in Jomtien past the Police Booth, north to the end of the trail to the area where the Royal Family has a residence. That area is typically very quiet and exclusive. What did I find ther? Yes, you guessed it, a "BoomTruck" parked by the gazebo blasting out noise so loud that I had to cover my ears as I passed by it. Two Thai males in their 20s, both drunk, were running the freak show. A few Thai families were having a picnic in the area and seemed totally unconcerned by the noise (must be a cultural thing). The police need to take action to put an end to this annoyance. Personally, I think the BoomTrucks should be banned. Will they do that? Of course not, TIT. Will they do it if Khon Yai's complain? Maybe. How long would this problem last in, say, Singapore. My guess is less than 24 hours :)

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The solution:

get THIS car, and a Pavarotti album, play this as loud as you can while driving trough the area you would like to put under your control. All Thais will flee immediately and won't come back within 10 years. :D


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Our nearby Seafood restaurant at the end of the Jomtien Beach Road regularly offers Thai groups arriving with buses from Bangkok a Karaoke party as dessert. And of course the pickups of the nearby police station are also regularly parked beside the restaurant - but a second look shows you the BiB are well catered by the owners and therefore just polite but more or less deaf for subsequent complaints by phone regarding the late night Karaoke parties... TiT. Accept it or move to deep deep countryside. But - at least 250 days a year, after 20h00 you only hear the surf of the sea, the diesel engines of the fisher boats cruising the bay and the barking of the dogs on the backyard streets greeting the full moon.

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"But - at least 250 days a year, after 20h00 you only hear the surf of the sea, the diesel engines of the fisher boats cruising the bay and the barking of the dogs on the backyard streets greeting the full moon."

Until at least 4.29 am, during Bhuddist lent -

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As long as the police remain a business rather than a service, you can forget getting any help there.

Most of the bars pay off the police to stay away and they are more than happy to oblige.

Not to mention that many of the worst offending bars are owned by police captains!!!!!! Good luck.

Should never have bought a place here. Its been about 2 years now trying to find a deaf falang to sell to.

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+1 it's getting intolerable in jomtien as much as it is in pattaya.

there are sooo many nuisances, and for me the number one being dogs: dogs barking all night, dogs scaring people in the evening, you can't walk alone without the risk of being assaulted anytime by a group of dogs, not one or two, no, 10+ dangerous dogs running together and barking in your direction! it's not anywhere near "nuisance", it is real danger!

Regarding the noise pollution, it's not only bars, it's <deleted> karaoke with so <deleted> loud speakers heading out, WHY can't they keep it for themselves?? we don't care about hearing some drunk thais singing wrong all night long 365 days a year THEY NEVER CLOSE!!!

Anyway, also the portable shops selling anything from watermelon to pork barbecue bringing their own music with them and letting all the city know about their music taste.

There is a restaurant nearby that is most of the time empty but that plays live music every single day, loud as hell, I wonder where they get the money from to pay the "musicians" as it's not from customers!

I'm surprised that nobody mentioned the other kinds of noise pollution: constructions! there are plenty of construction work everywhere in jomtien, be it on the road, or the new condos being built next door, it's just plain pain in the ass to be woke up at 8:00 AM by a jackhammer every morning, even on sunday! And not being able to go sleep early as well because of the music + the dogs + the cockerels + bad mood as a result of all the previous

Now let's talk about another kind of pollution: smoke! be it oil cooking smoke or "pork barbecue" smoke, burning trees smoke and trash smoke in certain areas, and all other kind of other smells,.... haaa you know what forget about smoke/smell let's just stop here and keep that for next time as I'm getting tired just listing all of those!!! I can only say that it's time to go for me, thailand is a bad place to live

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As long as the police remain a business rather than a service, you can forget getting any help there.

Most of the bars pay off the police to stay away and they are more than happy to oblige.

Not to mention that many of the worst offending bars are owned by police captains!!!!!! Good luck.

Should never have bought a place here. Its been about 2 years now trying to find a deaf falang to sell to.

My thoughts exactly. I bought a condo in Samut Prakarn and never thought to visit at 2am to check whether there are any sources of blaring music. You are correct about the police involvement and indifference. This should be on those 'How to buy a condo in Thailand' checklists you find on websites.

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I moved from Jomtien Beach, to a quiet area about 1 kilometer inland.

2 weeks ago I moved a few km away from Jomtien, but not telling anyone where. Only a handful of falang, never seen a fight here and even kids are greeting me.

That's the Thailand I want to live in.

Loud music only during Songkran

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Although I understand the OP and the supportive claims to the OP, I truly have to wonder why one chooses to take root where one swiftly becomes discomforted after taking root.

I simply do not get it. Is there another point besides you choosing to live in a place that you find discomfort with before or after you realized it? One pickup truck and a few boxes and bags and duct tape and your problems are solved forever.

Respectfully speaking of course. I am not telling you to leave Thailand; only to relocate. Is that so difficult?

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Although I understand the OP and the supportive claims to the OP, I truly have to wonder why one chooses to take root where one swiftly becomes discomforted after taking root.

I simply do not get it. Is there another point besides you choosing to live in a place that you find discomfort with before or after you realized it? One pickup truck and a few boxes and bags and duct tape and your problems are solved forever.

Respectfully speaking of course. I am not telling you to leave Thailand; only to relocate. Is that so difficult?

You are right, relocation seems to be the only way out for us "complainers".

You don't get why we complainers are here at all? I think it's this:

Most of us are here for ten, 20 or even 30 years. During this time the noise pollution in Pattaya undoubtedly got much worse. At the same time we got 10, 20 or 30 years older and as you get older you get less tolerant to noise.

So the long term relationship expat/Pattaya does not work out... Maybe the pickip with those boxes and duct tape is the best solution.

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Although I understand the OP and the supportive claims to the OP, I truly have to wonder why one chooses to take root where one swiftly becomes discomforted after taking root.

I simply do not get it. Is there another point besides you choosing to live in a place that you find discomfort with before or after you realized it? One pickup truck and a few boxes and bags and duct tape and your problems are solved forever.

Respectfully speaking of course. I am not telling you to leave Thailand; only to relocate. Is that so difficult?

Agree totally, next is "it's sooo hot here, the sun is a real nuisance" and then "what about the rain? Never seen rain like it" I can't deal with all the heat/rain. Jeez, you didn't even buy but rent. Why not just move to "The jungle" mate. All the peace and quiet you've ever dreamt of. Would drive me mad. That's why I live in Jomtien. I bought a really nice condo in a really quiet secure village, about 1km from the beach. Unfortunately there is sometimes a motor bike or a car/trck to break my silence. But hey, no man is an island! I really like Jimotien because I really like popping in to Pattaya as and when I want to and getting away when I don't. That is why I live here. If you don't like it and it's all such a bore, MOVE! Quit yer moaning.

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I moved to Jomtien because it was quiter than other parts of Pattaya that I was considering. The Wat on south Pattaya Rd. with it's carnival racket is a perfect example. Here at VT7 I get the thumping bass notes from the police run illegal go-go bar but that stops relatively early in the evening. There is more noise during the high season but that is now past and I look forward to more peaceful enjoyable nights.

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I moved from Jomtien Beach, to a quiet area about 1 kilometer inland.

2 weeks ago I moved a few km away from Jomtien, but not telling anyone where. Only a handful of falang, never seen a fight here and even kids are greeting me.

That's the Thailand I want to live in.

Loud music only during Songkran

This post makes it appear as though I said "2 weeks ago......" No, I did not say that. For people who said, basically, pack up and leave.......well, yes, like so many others, I intend on doing just that. I am here because I usually work in Bangkok, or other parts of Asia, or the Middle East. I use Jomtien as a "base." The base has become less than fun. Each time I come back the place seems worse than before. But, some people love it. I have lived in worse places than Pattaya-Jomtien, but none have been filled with as much noise pollution. Congratulations Thailand, you are the Hub of Noise Pollution :)

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People who complain about noise do not even understand that they are the problem.

At Jomtien from my condo in daytime I can only hear birds.

In evening and night insects and cicada lately.

Just try to be smarter when selecting where you live and you will know that Jomtien is still perfect :-)

Thanks for posting this. I was beginning to get depressed because I plan to move to Jomtien at the end of the year.
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As an example, who is stupid enough to rent or buy at View Talay 1 or 2 on the road side whne the other side is so quiet ?

Who is going to rent or buy at VT 7 just above the bars and street ?

Who is going to buy or rent VT 8 on the beach side with pickups load music all night long ?

People who complain here !

Sound can go up to 20th floor, so just live higher or select a place without road in front or near any road/temple/bar, etc....

So easy when you think 5 minutes before renting or buying a place, but no, people still prefer to complain after !

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It's a holiday resort.

If you are looking for peace and quiet, why did you choose to live in a holiday resort?

Yeah, it's like these complainers came in with their eyes (and ears) closed.

There's plenty of quiet places to live in Pattaya, but they're usually the more expensive locations. Like anywhere in the world - location, location, location.

I disagree that "noisy" is a health concern, as long as the decibels are below the level which causes ear damage (that's an extremely high level). It's only a health issue if the individual is stressed by it... then there's 2 options, either leave or get used to the noise level.

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As Jomtien beach road proceeds south it narrows at least twice until it is basically two lanes wide. Three cars can fit next to each other but it's tight. Parking is illegal on one side but since TIT cars park on both sides with impunity so that there is only room for one moving car . Now mix in the monstrous tour buses and it's not unusual , especially on weekends, to have traffic at a complete standstill in both directions while two tour buses pointing in opposite directions are unable to move forward or backward.

A few weeks ago it took me over 20 minutes to drive from Chaiapruek to Pu Pen seafood. Of course there are two new multistory buildings in this area with more construction going on. Just how this narrow, two way street is going to accommodate traffic seems to be something the city fathers don't worry about.

I'm a three year newbie and moved out of Pattaya to Jomtien last year. Now I'm moving again.

My opinion is that Jomtien traffic is now worse than Pattaya at many times and getting worse.

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It's a strange fact that many Thai's not only like but actually need a constant background noise. Have you noticed that wherever you go the television is always on even if no one is watching it? They get creeped out by silence.

Funny you should say that. My mother in law always comments (not in a bad way! I hope) how quiet it is when I am not there....yeah I'll admit to turning on the telly and walking outside the house. She lives next door.

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Since Pattaya has more or less "Had It" for me for the aforementioned reasons, I thought I go to explore Burma, the new "promised land".

So I went to Chaung Tha, the beach resort west of Rangoon. Really beautiful, hardly any developement, no high rises, quiet': Perfect!

..... That was until that Friday afternoon, when the "nuveau riche" and the new Rangoon middle classes arrived in their SUVs and tour busses. What an infernalic noise they made! Deafening Karaoke. They cart speakers the size of family vans right on to the beach. The generators to power them are a nuisence in itself.

So much for "Quiet Chaung Tha". Where can I flee to??

I hear Siberia can be quiet this time of year cheesy.gif

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Bars blast out music all day???????

Skinheads fighting all the time??????

which planet have u landed from

i shave my hair,with a blade,only because its cooler for me,so u call me a skinhead cos i shave my hair very short,this is madness,no tattoos though,so i am a jolly goof fellow then,am i ????

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Yeah, so many f..in' know it alls who criticize folks who express their feelings. Probably the same crew who swore up and down that: Patts' and Jomtien were not being turned into package destinations, that the jet ski problem on Pattaya Beach was a minor one, that the gang beatings of Farangs are justified, that City Council is doing a fine job, the traffic problem is a minor one, and that folks who are concerned about bus-loads full of tourists are racist. Did any of you critics ever think about trying to alleviate the concerns of others with tact, understanding, and/or useful suggestions? I think not! However, when you need advice on LoS matters, you are all so polite - until you get the help that you need.

Pattaya is a tourist destination ,go to Blackpool and see if any different to the traffic here

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