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Noise Pollution In Jomtien: No Longer Tolerable


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Perhaps the developers of Dusit Grand Park, Laguna and Maldives can hand out foam or wax earplugs to the buyers of their new condo developments in Jomtien.

I can see the sales staff now speaking with the buyers;

"Congratulations on the purchase of your beautiful new condominium. As a token of our appreciation, I want to present you with a lifetime supply of earplugs in case you intended to sleep in your new apartment."

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When I had this yearly road worthy test when you get a new tax sticker they tested the sound of my Honda Dream! Well done, I passed.

So I ask the guy (I speak Thai): What do you do with these Harleys, some of them create earsplitting noise with their modified exaust??

Answer: Oh no, Harleys are loud by themselve, they are built that way. That's why we let them pass.

I chose not to argue with his Thai logic.

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In the specific case I mentioned above, the noise comes from a bar owner who thinks that the louder he plays the music, the greater the probability that a customer will finally sit down. No customers? Turn it up. Still no customers....must not be loud enough, so turn it up. Still no customers......etc., etc. It is the same Thai mentality that expresses itself in the real estate and restaurant markets. No buyers......raise the price......still no buyers....raise the price more. Really, the essential problem centers on the rule of law, and how it protects us from our worst behaviors. In my own country you can't blare music day and night unless you have a permit from the City for the purpose of holding some outdoor event. We have "disturbing the peace" laws, which protect citizens from the idiotic, rude behavior of a minority of citizens who want to disregard the rule of law. The police enforce this law. At some point Thais have to understand that civilization and "developed world status" means taking the rule of law seriously. There are simply too many people who feel the need to create noise pollution and who could not care less about how that noise pollution impacts others. The good news is that the offenders will, later in life, suffer from tenitis smile.png (a constant buzzing/ringing in the ear, which often makes it impossible to sleep....it, in effect, is a massive DISTURBANCE....a form of revenge for what they are doing now to others)

Sorry, I should have been a bit more specific. Exactly where does the music come from ? Which bar ? I live just past Soi 9 , and I don't hear it.

It does not matter what the name of the specific bar is or what soi. The issue is noise pollution in general in Jomtien. That noise pollution comes from many bars (some quiet on some days; others loud on some days), the BoomTrucks (always loud and many park along the beach road), karaoke bars (cats screamin'), among other sources. You may recall that fireworks, very large ones like canons, used to keep us awake last year. The police finally did something about it. They should do the same thing with the BoomTrucks. Getting the police to do something about the bar noise is another matter because many police own the bars that are making the noise. Really, the noise pollution problem is all over Thailand now--it is part of the cultural stream.

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Really, the noise pollution problem is all over Thailand now--it is part of the cultural stream.

The one line above sums up the problem well, until someone in a very high position thinks it's worth doing something about - nothings going to change, if recent years are an example its going to get worse, Bangkok is full of taxi's now with "loud" exhausts, more are getting them fitted,why? see Awohalitsilkoli one liner! Madness and self destruction!

I work in an industry where we have to wear ear protection, it does help, but be prepared for ear infections / problems, not what you want to be wearing daily!

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I visited the dark side and it's actually so crowded there especially after 5pm, feels like Bangkok after office.

Really, some people here do not know what they are speaking about. Live in BKK for few years and you will understand how paradise it is here.

Some people have seen traffic jam at Pattaya or Jomtien ? I never.

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I visited the dark side and it's actually so crowded there especially after 5pm, feels like Bangkok after office.

Really, some people here do not know what they are speaking about. Live in BKK for few years and you will understand how paradise it is here.

Some people have seen traffic jam at Pattaya or Jomtien ? I never.

I lived in BKK for about 3 years before moving here, was feed up with big city life, I never regretted the move.

You haven't seen any traffic jams in Pattaya? you are kidding right? or you don't go out much. Every day at rush hours you have traffic jams and every weekend end you have all the BKK people coming here escaping the big smoke and creating big traffic jams.

Regarding noise all over Thailand, yes it's part of life here. My wife have a house/farm up North app. 60 km from SiSaket and the Village chief wake everybody up at 0600 in the morning by talking though the speakers mounted around his house then after his 10 min "pep" talk he plays music until about 0700, he-he.

House animals make a hell of a racket during almost 24 house a day but they don't really bother me and we try to sleep no later than 22- 2300 hours so we are well rested before the Village chief's pep talk at 0600 hours.

It's more quiet in our Village here in Pattaya, during about 5 years living here we never had any noise problems.

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Agreed, after 10 years living on a main road in Bangkok and having my whole routine dictated to me by traffic jams and lack of parking the traffic here is great. Sure if you drive down the beach road at Jomtien on a weekend it is busy, same reason I never went shopping on a Saturday in my home country. The noise however is worse, but as my good lady points out, it's a tourist area. I do hate the noise though. Where I live at the moment is almost perfect, the noise by itself doesn't cancel out the great security, lovely built house and nice neighbours.

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Jomtien WAS a nice place years ago

I left as there are now no less than 6 developments building around where i used to live

and now that the 150 meters building from the beach is out the window you can expect more buildings right on the beach.

So add the noise of cement, delivery trucks, cranes working all night, etc etc. to your list.

I always rent now so that i can move on when the noise starts

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Jomtien WAS a nice place years ago

"Call some place paradise - kiss it goodbye" - The Last Resort (The Eagles)

As long as you keep looking for "nice quiet places", you'll always be saying goodbye.

It wouldn't hurt to become more tolerant to noise. Forever running away from it will make your "condition" worse.

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Jomtien WAS a nice place years ago

I left as there are now no less than 6 developments building around where i used to live

and now that the 150 meters building from the beach is out the window you can expect more buildings right on the beach.

So add the noise of cement, delivery trucks, cranes working all night, etc etc. to your list.

I always rent now so that i can move on when the noise starts

What is this?

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Jomtien WAS a nice place years ago

I left as there are now no less than 6 developments building around where i used to live

and now that the 150 meters building from the beach is out the window you can expect more buildings right on the beach.

So add the noise of cement, delivery trucks, cranes working all night, etc etc. to your list.

I always rent now so that i can move on when the noise starts

What is this?

I have heard the setback from the beach is 'flexible'.

Something about the high/low tide marks.

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Nothing to do about high /low tide water marks or 150 meters. No high rise can be built within 100 meters of the median sea level (MSL). That's been the law for many many years although there was a well publicized court case challenging it. The case was ultimately dismissed by the Courts.

Back on topic, farangs make noise pollution too. Last night at Shenanigans a farang singer polluted the neighborhood with excessively loud music. There were only 3 people listening to him.

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Jomtien WAS a nice place years ago

I left as there are now no less than 6 developments building around where i used to live

and now that the 150 meters building from the beach is out the window you can expect more buildings right on the beach.

So add the noise of cement, delivery trucks, cranes working all night, etc etc. to your list.

I always rent now so that i can move on when the noise starts

What is this?

I have heard the setback from the beach is 'flexible'.

Something about the high/low tide marks.

it became flexible after view talay 7 started however the lawyer that defended the Jomtien Complex residents wrote an interesting response however to much money and power involved and so the VT 7 was allowed to build on the beach. If you research VT 7 you will find answers

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In response to the OP:

Welcome to Isaan!

(as in, come on and move up here and discover what many of us already know as peace and quiet)

It's a different noise pollution problem in Isaan,

It starts at around 4.30am with the cockerels,

Then around 6am with the PA speaker cars selling goods.

Then at 7am the PA speakers announcing the local news by the village chief.

In the evenings the stray dogs and karaoke parties take over.

Edited by sotsira
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In response to the OP:

Welcome to Isaan!

(as in, come on and move up here and discover what many of us already know as peace and quiet)

It's a different noise pollution problem in Isaan,

It starts at around 4.30am with the cockerels,

Then around 6am with the PA speaker cars selling goods.

Then at 7am the PA speakers announcing the local news by the village chief.

In the evenings the stray dogs and karaoke parties take over.

Maybe where you live, but not everywhere.
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Jomtien WAS a nice place years ago

I left as there are now no less than 6 developments building around where i used to live

and now that the 150 meters building from the beach is out the window you can expect more buildings right on the beach.

So add the noise of cement, delivery trucks, cranes working all night, etc etc. to your list.

I always rent now so that i can move on when the noise starts

What is this?

I have heard the setback from the beach is 'flexible'.

Something about the high/low tide marks.

it became flexible after view talay 7 started however the lawyer that defended the Jomtien Complex residents wrote an interesting response however to much money and power involved and so the VT 7 was allowed to build on the beach. If you research VT 7 you will find answers

No need to dig up old history about VT7 as anyone who is interested can research the old thread which was many pages long and went on for years. Fact was and is, VT7 is legal, just like VT 3,5,6, Jomtien Plaza and all the other new projects. It was the litigants in the lawsuit, who of course didn't see it that way.

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I live on 30 th floor of VT8 , yes thirtieth, and last night the noise from the music below was so loud I couldn't play my own on my terrace.

Noise coming from where? VT8 at the moment has mostly empty plots on each side and so should be reasonably quiet (though of course that wont last indefinitely and is why I rejected that building). Or was it coming from that open-air tent market place? I've noticed that can be very loud on occasions.

At least with VT8 you should hardly ever hear noise from inside the building at the moment. I dont think I've ever seen more than about 15 lights on at the same time in the whole building!

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  • 2 weeks later...

And people keep talking about what they don't know just because they are to retarded to select a good silent place at Jomtien...Ridiculous to the extreme.

No offense, but that statement might seem "rediculous" to some people. A silent place can easily turn into a noisy place if a new construction project starts, or a neighbor starts renovating and/or playing loud music each night, or if a karaoke bar pops up, etc. The main problem is that quiet places--and there are still some left--are going away, and fast. This is due to a lack of rule of law, no apparent zoning laws, a culture that apparently does not foster respect for others, and population growth, among others. The mobile BoomTrucks appear to be the worst offenders. This is not "bashing." Rather, it is recognition that a serious noise problem does exists; granted not everywhere and not all of the time. I would add that the level of noise pollution in Pattaya-Jomtien is far greater than in most other places that I have lived. People who want to retire here should know that this is a potential problem. Yes, at least for now, you can retire in the northern or southern "exclusive" zones of the larger Pattaya-Jomtien area and find some peace. I am not familiar with the so-called "Darkside," but maybe it is quiet.

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And people keep talking about what they don't know just because they are to retarded to select a good silent place at Jomtien...Ridiculous to the extreme.

No offense, but that statement might seem "rediculous" to some people. A silent place can easily turn into a noisy place if a new construction project starts, or a neighbor starts renovating and/or playing loud music each night, or if a karaoke bar pops up, etc. The main problem is that quiet places--and there are still some left--are going away, and fast. This is due to a lack of rule of law, no apparent zoning laws, a culture that apparently does not foster respect for others, and population growth, among others. The mobile BoomTrucks appear to be the worst offenders. This is not "bashing." Rather, it is recognition that a serious noise problem does exists; granted not everywhere and not all of the time. I would add that the level of noise pollution in Pattaya-Jomtien is far greater than in most other places that I have lived. People who want to retire here should know that this is a potential problem. Yes, at least for now, you can retire in the northern or southern "exclusive" zones of the larger Pattaya-Jomtien area and find some peace. I am not familiar with the so-called "Darkside," but maybe it is quiet.

For once I agree with you, quiet today, unbearable tomorrow, you never know.

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The mobile BoomTrucks appear to be the worst offenders.

At least they have the advantage of being mobile. At some point they will probably sod off go home.

I am not familiar with the so-called "Darkside," but maybe it is quiet.

Different noises perhaps, but noisy none the less. Dogs and kids irritate me just as much as boom-boom music and karaoke, if not more.

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I agree, you certainly need to choose your location wisely in Jomtien if you want quiet.

I live at Happy Valley Soi 5 off Watboon, very quiet, just the occasional Soi dog noise. not too much available land around us so hopefully it will long continue.

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I live on 30 th floor of VT8 , yes thirtieth, and last night the noise from the music below was so loud I couldn't play my own on my terrace. BTW- I'm hard of hearing. Time to go.

If you play music on your terrace then you sound as inconsiderate and anti social as the noise polluters you are suffering from. Why play music on your terrace given that your neighbours will then not be able to enjoy their own terraces in peace and quiet?

What is missing in Thaiand is consideration and thought for others,

Edited by Rimmer
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