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My Thai Girlfriend Just Told Me Her Father Is A Policeman....


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your are a high flyer policeman and you just knew your daughter is dating a man who is at the same age of yours. top of that, he is clueless about ranking system, instead of googling out he ask on public forum. hell ya, he introduced your daughter as a 100% non bar girl

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The husband of my wife's favorite cousin is a Senior Sgt Major with the RTP. One of the nicest guys you could ever meet, even though he admits he's "no different than the others" when it come so "tea money", etc., And having him in the family has come in handy a couple of times.

Personally, I think you need to examine your feelings for the girl and determine if this is something you want long term or not. If not, get out now while you can. If so, go meet the family. Two possible outcomes. 1) Daddy won't like you and that's the end of the relationship. 2) Daddy will like you and things could turn out to be just hunky dory.

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The husband of my wife's favorite cousin is a Senior Sgt Major with the RTP. One of the nicest guys you could ever meet, even though he admits he's "no different than the others" when it come so "tea money", etc., And having him in the family has come in handy a couple of times.

Personally, I think you need to examine your feelings for the girl and determine if this is something you want long term or not. If not, get out now while you can. If so, go meet the family. Two possible outcomes. 1) Daddy won't like you and that's the end of the relationship. 2) Daddy will like you and things could turn out to be just hunky dory.

And if it goes sour, the drama queen comes crying to daddy, telling what the bad bad foreigner man did to her.

That is when the real drama might start.

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Are your intentions 'honorable' as they used to say?

Did she have b/f before you?

Are her intentions serious (with marriage in mind)?

What is your status here?

All of the above questions may be important in your near future.

Peace in the family (meaning her parents) is always a valuable thing.

A happy father-in-law is an asset. An angry father-in-law is a pain.

Any policemen in any country can make you very unhappy.

Do you smoke? Do you drink? Do you go to night spots? Are you a 'user'?

Be careful. Cannot give any more specific advice. It all depends... if she is dear to him enough.biggrin.png

looks like you're her father. What an interrogation.

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If your intentions are honorable than it may work in your advantage, Thai society does not frown on a large age gap as long as its not too large. Not too long ago many Thai marriages had a separation of 15-20 years.

If you are just looking to get your little friend wet a few times then I would look for the exits as quickly as possible.

and definitely use a condom!

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WOW - 40 year old man, 20 Year old kid... You have got to be kidding me, are you smoking crack man!!! She is young enough to be your daughter, unless you have something to offer such as MONEY than I think her DADDY is not going to be to happy with you.

What do you think your doing, what do you think she is going to think of you when your 50 and she is 30, she being in her prime you being close to the grave; you think little princess is going to be happy sitting with you at the bar getting soaked or pushing you around in a wheel chair - HELL NO. Seen this so many times in Thailand it's histerical, she will leave you eventually for someone that has more money or just someone younger when you get older, God forgid you have children, you will most likely be dead before you can even finish putting them through school. Happens all the time here. It is not normal for a good Thai girl 20 years old to date a 40 year old man UNLESS it's for money or assets doesn't matter what country your from or even if your a Thai national. It's no more normal in the UK or the USA - her parents should run you out of their house immediately.

Corrected the age, I mistyped the number earlier....

I would say this was more of a troll post than the OP.

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some things i could never understand.

OP is dating a girl, but never bothered to ask about the parents?

He states, he never bothered to ask as it was no interest to him, and he calls it dating?rolleyes.gif

Facebook was of interest, but her family not. I guess thats true love right therethumbsup.gif

Should OP be worried? i would say so, considering he does not seem to know much about the girl at all

Well, he's dating her - not betrothed to her - so not necessarily at the "true love" stage yet. He's probably just getting to know her.

I do wonder why people (such as the OP) feel the need to establish "She is 100% not a bar girl" early on in their posts. Seems to me that they're a little bit insecure about dating a Thai woman.

"Hi guys. I'm dating this great girl. She's gorgeous, funny and intelligent and we're getting serious. I met her in London, but she's not a prostitute"

Well, it does seem to be the norm on TV to assume that any westerner who has a missus in Thailand is a dirty old man....and therefore must be dating a bar girl or some other assumed slapper. Do appreciate the last paragraph though 555!

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I can see a business opportunity here

Its a service where a handsome man will come and steal your girlfriend - he would have to be able to be location independent which would also allow him to avoid being killed when he dumps your ex-girlfriend.

It could be set up as a falang business with the necessary 4 thais to allow for work permit (luk kreung if the girl is into thai soaps).

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I had a similar problem with a previous relationship.

My youngest brother was a convicted rapist, my older brother had been convicted twice for drug offences, my sister had been done for prostitution a few times, my father had served 15 years for manslaughter and my mum was a convicted arsonist.

The thing that broke up the relationship was when I told my girlfriend I was a Celtic supporter.

She must be a Rangers supporter. That explains why she had no problem with your familys criminal activity

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Wrong start in your western teenager-saga.

Father of your girlfriend can not be seen as your equal just because of your age.

Ask him first permission to date his daughter...without ignoring his wife.

Avoid to enter into the Thai family with empty hands.

With your age and experience you should know better...

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Lucky you! The daughter is a reflection of her parents. I'd try to meet them and bring them some nice gift and show respect to the family. In Thailand being older is a plus for a man. My gf is 16 years younger than me and age has never been an issue.

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The all so common disclaimer "my girl is not a hooker" is hilarious. After living in thailand you don't even need to use that disclaimer because if you meet a gal you often think for sure not a bar girl BUT, may be mainstream in the "money game" although a few rungs higher on the ladder. Then there's the uni degree ones tired of working and if your willing to pay the deposits, you can make the deposits.

Once you've had experience with non money seeking women the perspective changes.

I really like the fictional character "Borat" He cuts through the chase, french kissing a gal then introduces her as his sister, number 4 prostitute in kazakstan.

One very good reason to become proficient in the thai language is to filter out gold-diggers. A high % of gals seeking sugar daddies will not have much interest in you if you are language proficient. They figure they cannot manipulate and scam you.

If it were me in the OP shoes, I'd be asking myself what do do when she says "daddy wants you to build me a nice house" If the OP is slim and trim, not covered in tattoos, has a prestigious career/ degree, etc then the parents might not think the age difference is such a bad thing.. I am not a TV expert just a participant.

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This is so obviously a troll, it's amazing that it's received so many pages of serious responses.

"Not a bar girl"...then why does he use the language of those who frequent bars ("she's a stunner") to describe her? Give me a break. Hey, OP, is she a "spinner" too?

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some things i could never understand.

OP is dating a girl, but never bothered to ask about the parents?

He states, he never bothered to ask as it was no interest to him, and he calls it dating?rolleyes.gif

Facebook was of interest, but her family not. I guess thats true love right therethumbsup.gif

Should OP be worried? i would say so, considering he does not seem to know much about the girl at all

Chances are slim that any girlfriend even knows her own father... So why bother asking....

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Just curious, who is the one in your avatar picture?

Your girlfriend?

Same shape smile.png

We both are 37 years old .... She a doctor and me I already retired ( i'm a poker player )

That's why our relationship don't really fit with this forum

But Op be a man and go introduce yourself to her father....

Edited by LburtonL
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My GF told me her dad is a Phan Ek (colonel) in the army and is 1 year younger than me. got his own driver and house boy, with hundreds of guys with big guns under his control, who cares??? he is Ok with it and so am I but I wont be moving anywhere near Hua Hin. Its no big deal unless you want it to be.

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Not wise to ask for advise on the internet first in such cases.

I would refuse any further contact with my daughter because you entered into my house/family with a virtual public opinion.

You're not good enough. She can find much better.

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To break the ice when you meet the bloke for the first time keeping sniffing the air and asking "Do you smell bacon?"

I do not think that joke will work in Thailand, since the term is not used here.

Perhaps mentioning whisky is a wiser optionbiggrin.png

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Ok, now my serious opinion on the matter.

If father really is a cop and has a good relationship with the daughter, chances are you would have already met him.

If relationship is not good for whatever reason and she is trying to piss off her father, you might be in serious trouble.

If father could not care less, as sometimes the case in Thailand, then you have nothing to worry about.

Not all BIB are asses, some are actually pretty decent blokes

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To break the ice when you meet the bloke for the first time keeping sniffing the air and asking "Do you smell bacon?"

I do not think that joke will work in Thailand, since the term is not used here.

Well there's the ice breaker as you explain to daddy why you're mentioning bacon in his presence. biggrin.png

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To break the ice when you meet the bloke for the first time keeping sniffing the air and asking "Do you smell bacon?"

I do not think that joke will work in Thailand, since the term is not used here.

Well there's the ice breaker as you explain to daddy why you're mentioning bacon in his presence. biggrin.png

clap2.gif , Yeah that will go down really well with him, after perhaps 5 hours of trying to explaingiggle.gif

Just bring a bottle of Black with you to meet the father, get pissed, head down to Karaoke bar and the deal is sealedlaugh.png

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^ Ice breakers that'll go down a treat....

" I didn't know the Village People were in town"

" Honda Accord? You're either straight or waaaaay down the pecking order for an envelope at the end of the month."

" What's this medal for? Tying a reef knot?"

"Can you spare of your mia nois for Saturday night? Your daughter's on the blob and I've got a pair of balls like a couple of tins of condensed milk."

" Are the number of medals on your tunic directly proportional to how incompetent you are?"

" Do you fancy a game of Grand Theft Auto on the PS3? I don't follow the plot. I just stroll around offing pigs."

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