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If you are going to comment on our club and it's potential you should wait until mid-August to assume and maybe you should actually watch us play every now and again.

Did you actually see any of our matches aside the 2 pastings we gave Spurs last season (if that wasn't enough).

If you seriously think we are at best going to compete for 6th you have no understanding of football whatsoever and maybe you'd be better off heading over to the bowling green or netball. Either that or this was just a piss poor attempt at being a trolling <deleted>

Even you have to admit that replacing Suarez with Rickie Lambert is going to send the goal difference plummeting.... and even Crystal Palace let in less goals than you did, so you seriously need to do something about the defence as well.

Plus you're going to learn all about how much European travels takes out of you.

I don't see potential, I see a team that, like Icarus, has flown near the sun, and now the wings are melting.


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Same with Terry, Lampard and Cole.

( sorry to mention Chelski but just the same same scenario.)

For fear of being accused of having an obsession, I don't think Brendan is going to fkc up on or off the pitch.

yep evolution in deed, when i watch gerrard play his technique \ close control.imo, is really not up to rodgers preferd style. looking at.what he did.at swansea he aint a 40/50.yard pass ax.the pitch manager and as for accomodating and adapting a team to. a very EXPENSIVE declining .attacking.midfeilder, with that the team may struggle to step up but politically it would have been suicidal to get rid, look at how avb faired ,gerrard is liverpool However.now the window is open!!! im sure rodgers will start due process.

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If you are going to comment on our club and it's potential you should wait until mid-August to assume and maybe you should actually watch us play every now and again.

Did you actually see any of our matches aside the 2 pastings we gave Spurs last season (if that wasn't enough).

If you seriously think we are at best going to compete for 6th you have no understanding of football whatsoever and maybe you'd be better off heading over to the bowling green or netball. Either that or this was just a piss poor attempt at being a trolling <deleted>

Even you have to admit that replacing Suarez with Rickie Lambert is going to send the goal difference plummeting.... and even Crystal Palace let in less goals than you did, so you seriously need to do something about the defence as well.

Plus you're going to learn all about how much European travels takes out of you.

I don't see potential, I see a team that, like Icarus, has flown near the sun, and now the wings are melting.


nah mate they've got gerrard to orgonise the defence should be fine!!!

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If you are going to comment on our club and it's potential you should wait until mid-August to assume and maybe you should actually watch us play every now and again.

Did you actually see any of our matches aside the 2 pastings we gave Spurs last season (if that wasn't enough).

If you seriously think we are at best going to compete for 6th you have no understanding of football whatsoever and maybe you'd be better off heading over to the bowling green or netball. Either that or this was just a piss poor attempt at being a trolling <deleted>

Even you have to admit that replacing Suarez with Rickie Lambert is going to send the goal difference plummeting.... and even Crystal Palace let in less goals than you did, so you seriously need to do something about the defence as well.

Plus you're going to learn all about how much European travels takes out of you.

I don't see potential, I see a team that, like Icarus, has flown near the sun, and now the wings are melting.


nah mate they've got gerrard to orgonise the defence should be fine!!!

You should know prematurely spouting off is on here is not a good idea. I guess as a pair of southern cock gobblers you probably dream about it every day so I shouldn't hold it against you.

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Liverpool Football Club today issued the following statement in relation to the future of Luis Suarez.

Liverpool FC confirms that Luis Suarez will be leaving the club after a transfer agreement was reached with FC Barcelona. The player now has permission to complete the usual formalities, which will then conclude the transfer.

We would like to thank Luis for his contribution and the role he played in helping bring Champions League football back to Anfield.

Everyone at Liverpool Football Club wishes Luis and his family well for the future.

Author: Liverpool FC

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Thats one scary forward line, I can see some teams getting truly spanked. Will be interesting how they can work together. If they don't pass to Luis he can just bite them......obviously in the changing rooms ;)

Anyway its over now.....good luck Luis and thanks for the memories you mad tw@t :)

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Between £64.3 to £75 million is what i'm hearing.

Not bad all considered.

Atleast we had the pleasure to have him for the time we did.

Good luck to the lad.

Seriously, he probably did you out of 20m+ with his biting antics, and you are wishing him good luck.


I wonder what happened to Luis and his family being ecstatically happy living on Merseyside, being worshiped like a god and money isn't the issue? Bet they will all hate that villa in Spain, with all that spending money.

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Between £64.3 to £75 million is what i'm hearing.

Not bad all considered.

Atleast we had the pleasure to have him for the time we did.

Good luck to the lad.

Seriously, he probably did you out of 20m+ with his biting antics, and you are wishing him good luck.


Think given everything think liverpool have done themselves a solid money wise in acting v quickly and

you think it was the biting that stopped him reaching the moneyish bale fetched? MMMMmmm cant really c that one mate, think its more that bale was 24 ish and suarez is 27/8ish and given that bale will have one more big money move and suarez not i suspect. somehow i've got a sneeky feel the next stop for luiz is an out of contract move back home.

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Between £64.3 to £75 million is what i'm hearing.

Not bad all considered.

Atleast we had the pleasure to have him for the time we did.

Good luck to the lad.

Seriously, he probably did you out of 20m+ with his biting antics, and you are wishing him good luck.


Think given everything think liverpool have done themselves a solid money wise in acting v quickly and

you think it was the biting that stopped him reaching the moneyish bale fetched? MMMMmmm cant really c that one mate, think its more that bale was 24 ish and suarez is 27/8ish and given that bale will have one more big money move and suarez not i suspect. somehow i've got a sneeky feel the next stop for luiz is an out of contract move back home.

Agree with that rij.....Bale will likely return to the UK in two or three years for at least 40-50 mill....so Madrid will not have paid that much overall.

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Between £64.3 to £75 million is what i'm hearing.

Not bad all considered.

Atleast we had the pleasure to have him for the time we did.

Good luck to the lad.

Seriously, he probably did you out of 20m+ with his biting antics, and you are wishing him good luck.


I wonder what happened to Luis and his family being ecstatically happy living on Merseyside, being worshiped like a god and money isn't the issue? Bet they will all hate that villa in Spain, with all that spending money.

he was by all accounts but has simply always wanted to play for barcelona. probably also helps that his wife's parents live in casteldefells just outside the city too.

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Will anyone believe he had the slightest thing to do with that? laugh.png He'll be kissing the badge at the Nou Camp next week. You know, boyhood Barca fan and all that crap.

All i'll say is i think they are being extremely generous on here in their goodwill towards him. fair play to them but i really don't agree.

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Will anyone believe he had the slightest thing to do with that? laugh.png He'll be kissing the badge at the Nou Camp next week. You know, boyhood Barca fan and all that crap.

All i'll say is i think they are being extremely generous on here in their goodwill towards him. fair play to them but i really don't agree.

I don't agree either .He's got what he desired, its a reward. While we all acknowledge he is an extraordinary talent, in a footballing sense, he is without doubt a pathological and/or compulsive liar There is a difference if you wish to Google, proven over every single unsavoury incident he was involved in over a long period of time. I doubt that Barcelona would be as lenient as Liverpool if it happened again, and there is every chance it will, and that might well be in his contract.

Suarez at the end of the day has come out a winner getting a dream move and more money despite his professed/PR friendly love for Anfield. Sure Liverpool have the money in the bank but how do you put a figure on 30 goals a season.

I don't wish him luck as I cant find any personal respect for the man. Hugging and parading his children,after the suspension, for the media added to that.

The employed spin doctors who write farewell speeches for players need to craft them so it would appear that this is what they actually said.

Why would you wish him luck he didn't play for your club, he played for your arch rival.

You doubt Barcelona would be as lenient, how were Liverpool lenient? And are you saying that by giving him the contract of his lifetime 5 minutes after he bit a fella is being lenient. It basically says they don't give a toss about that incident.

Why should we be bitter and pissed? It's about a team and what most of you opposition fans seem to be forgetting is besides last year we came 8th and 7th in the previous 2 seasons that Suarez played for us.

With virtually the same team of players Rodgers developed a system and style of play that took us 2nd place last season. We have the second top scorer in the premier league and scored goals from all positions last season. Most of Suarez goals were against inferior teams like Tottenham or West Brom or Cardiff and the like.

It was not Suarez who got us to where we are this summer it was Brendan Rodgers and more fool you lot if you think we are going to do nothing this transfer window that isn't going to strengthen our challenge next season.

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Will anyone believe he had the slightest thing to do with that? laugh.png He'll be kissing the badge at the Nou Camp next week. You know, boyhood Barca fan and all that crap.

All i'll say is i think they are being extremely generous on here in their goodwill towards him. fair play to them but i really don't agree.

I don't agree either .He's got what he desired, its a reward. While we all acknowledge he is an extraordinary talent, in a footballing sense, he is without doubt a pathological and/or compulsive liar There is a difference if you wish to Google, proven over every single unsavoury incident he was involved in over a long period of time. I doubt that Barcelona would be as lenient as Liverpool if it happened again, and there is every chance it will, and that might well be in his contract.

Suarez at the end of the day has come out a winner getting a dream move and more money despite his professed/PR friendly love for Anfield. Sure Liverpool have the money in the bank but how do you put a figure on 30 goals a season.

I don't wish him luck as I cant find any personal respect for the man. Hugging and parading his children,after the suspension, for the media added to that.

The employed spin doctors who write farewell speeches for players need to craft them so it would appear that this is what they actually said.

Why would you wish him luck he didn't play for your club, he played for your arch rival.

You doubt Barcelona would be as lenient, how were Liverpool lenient? And are you saying that by giving him the contract of his lifetime 5 minutes after he bit a fella is being lenient. It basically says they don't give a toss about that incident.

Why should we be bitter and pissed? It's about a team and what most of you opposition fans seem to be forgetting is besides last year we came 8th and 7th in the previous 2 seasons that Suarez played for us.

With virtually the same team of players Rodgers developed a system and style of play that took us 2nd place last season. We have the second top scorer in the premier league and scored goals from all positions last season. Most of Suarez goals were against inferior teams like Tottenham or West Brom or Cardiff and the like.

It was not Suarez who got us to where we are this summer it was Brendan Rodgers and more fool you lot if you think we are going to do nothing this transfer window that isn't going to strengthen our challenge next season.

edit: harsh

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