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What Is This Insect?


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Found several of these crawling around the house the last couple days. They have claws or something that resemble claws. About 3 or 4" in length, not including whatever that thing is coming out of it's behind. They look like scorpions, but I'm fairly sure not scorpions.


Edited by happysanook
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Yea... You're right. I just checked it out. A better shot. I'm not sure it's a spider, but it's an arachnid same as scorpions and spiders. Regardless, freaky bugger.

Mean-looking critter!

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Thais can eat any bugs I think , looks delicious

rolleyes.gif Those big pincers on it's front are for grabbing, holding, and eating insects that it regards as dinner.

The long tail might fool other predetors that would think of it as their dinner.

The tail is intended to make them think of him as looking somewat like a Scorpion, so whatever would see him as a potential dinner will be afraid of him and stay away.

I'm not sure what that spider actually eats, but I suspect he/she would be quite happy finding a nice juicy coackroach for it's lunch,

Yes, to humans it loooks creepy, but it is a nice adaption to the purposes of:

1. Finding food amd grabbing it with it's pincers/claws up front.

2. Scareing off bigger things that might want to eat it by looking like a dangerois Scorpiom to them.


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