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Failures Of Logic Or Meaning In Comments About Being In Thailand


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Op: Good post.

It does however, leave little to discuss....

I'll try...

Money - Guys sometimes allude to the fact that they have ample funds which often leads to a number of unimaginative comments regarding why they choose to live in Thailand if they can afford to live somewhere else more expensive.

Edited by richard_smith237
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one, two and four, yes

but not three.

Third world is a cold war term to describe countries neither allied, or enemies of NATO.

NATO allies being first world, Communist Bloc allies being second world.

Switzerland and Austria are officially third world countries.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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one, two and four, yes

but not three.

Third world is a cold war term to describe countries neither allied, or enemies of NATO.

NATO allies being first world, Communist Bloc allies being second world.

Switzerland and Austria are officially third world countries.

Correct, but the term "third world" is used by many as if to say the people of Thailand are less fortunate than the people of western society, this i'm affriad is completely wrong in my opinion, Thais are brought up with stronger family ties and religious beliefs than most westerners and tend to live everyday life by these rules, most Thais are held back through the need to leave school and work at a very early age to help the family not because education doesn't exist, Thais tend to stay closer to family in villages as oppose to travelling away to earn the extra cash available in other areas or countries.

Another thing to think about for the people who have taken wives and g/f to their home country and then come back to Thailand to live, while your wife/gf was in your country consider how many times she called home to her family or was homesick and then think how long you have been here and how many times you call your family or been homesick.

To Thais family and religion is everything or at least until the farang introduces the financial improvement to their life, then the financial improvement in their and their families life is everything, with a little throw in for Budha too.

Thailand should not be judged a third world country based on poverty, as the OP said look at the property and vehicles being bought in thailand, more new cars sold last year than in many European countries, the shopping malls being built in nearly every city, all the food chains and fashion chains moving into the new built malls, this isn't because Thailand citizens have got no money it is because Thai people now want the better things.

Edited by Keith67
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I don't think some of you have a clue what Third World means.

It's got nothing to do with the wealthy, it's got everything to do with the poor.

I remember the Ethiopian government ordering two containers of whisky from Scotland at the height of the 1984 famine.

What does that tell you? The elite didn't give a toss. It's the same here in Thailand, that busy creating self enrichment schemes and neglecting the health care, education and housing of the poorest people

Next thing you'll be saying is that India isn't Third World cos it's got a space programme.

Oh aye that'll be right enough then.

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I don't think some of you have a clue what Third World means.

It's got nothing to do with the wealthy, it's got everything to do with the poor.

I remember the Ethiopian government ordering two containers of whisky from Scotland at the height of the 1984 famine.

What does that tell you? The elite didn't give a toss. It's the same here in Thailand, that busy creating self enrichment schemes and neglecting the health care, education and housing of the poorest people

Next thing you'll be saying is that India isn't Third World cos it's got a space programme.

Oh aye that'll be right enough then.

How does your theory equate to Switzerland and Austria then?

The thought maybe that it's third world based on poverty, but the reality is different.

My !st hand experience of the health care is that it is as good as any in the UK, the UK health system is crumbling, but it won't make the UK third world.

My wife's daughter is in a private school that costs B1,200 per year and speaks as good English as most non-native speakers and is looking tofurther education already at 14yrs of age.

A lady with a disabled daughter 3 doors away from me had the land given to her and the house built by the government.

Where would you get any more or better than that in the UK or Europe.

Didn't the Primeminister of England Tony Blair line his own pockets and then as thing started to fall apart secure himself a well paid job and leave his PM position that he accepted for a 4yr term early?

Edited by Keith67
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I don't think some of you have a clue what Third World means.

It's got nothing to do with the wealthy, it's got everything to do with the poor.

I remember the Ethiopian government ordering two containers of whisky from Scotland at the height of the 1984 famine.

What does that tell you? The elite didn't give a toss. It's the same here in Thailand, that busy creating self enrichment schemes and neglecting the health care, education and housing of the poorest people

Next thing you'll be saying is that India isn't Third World cos it's got a space programme.

Oh aye that'll be right enough then.

How does your theory equate to Switzerland and Austria then?

The thought maybe that it's third world based on poverty, but the reality is different.

My !st hand experience of the health care is that it is as good as any in the UK, the UK health system is crumbling, but it won't make the UK third world.

My wife's daughter is in a private school that costs B1,200 per year and speaks as good English as most non-native speakers and is looking tofurther education already at 14yrs of age.

A lady with a disabled daughter 3 doors away from me had the land given to her and the house built by the government.

Where would you get any more or better than that in the UK or Europe.

Didn't the Primeminister of England Tony Blair line his own pockets and then as thing started to fall apart secure himself a well paid job and leave his PM position that he accepted for a 4yr term early?


It doesn't matter how the terminology came to pass, the context of Third World has now moved on from the Cold War rhetoric.

Your line about Thai healthcare being comparable with the NHS is just surreal. Yes the best private hospitals can stand comparison, but go into the public health service and you will get a shock.

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I don't think some of you have a clue what Third World means.

It's got nothing to do with the wealthy, it's got everything to do with the poor.

I remember the Ethiopian government ordering two containers of whisky from Scotland at the height of the 1984 famine.

What does that tell you? The elite didn't give a toss. It's the same here in Thailand, that busy creating self enrichment schemes and neglecting the health care, education and housing of the poorest people

Next thing you'll be saying is that India isn't Third World cos it's got a space programme.

Oh aye that'll be right enough then.

How does your theory equate to Switzerland and Austria then?

The thought maybe that it's third world based on poverty, but the reality is different.

My !st hand experience of the health care is that it is as good as any in the UK, the UK health system is crumbling, but it won't make the UK third world.

My wife's daughter is in a private school that costs B1,200 per year and speaks as good English as most non-native speakers and is looking tofurther education already at 14yrs of age.

A lady with a disabled daughter 3 doors away from me had the land given to her and the house built by the government.

Where would you get any more or better than that in the UK or Europe.

Didn't the Primeminister of England Tony Blair line his own pockets and then as thing started to fall apart secure himself a well paid job and leave his PM position that he accepted for a 4yr term early?


It doesn't matter how the terminology came to pass, the context of Third World has now moved on from the Cold War rhetoric.

Your line about Thai healthcare being comparable with the NHS is just surreal. Yes the best private hospitals can stand comparison, but go into the public health service and you will get a shock.

A Third World country is one of those concepts that is hard to define, but you know it when you see it.

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one, two and four, yes

but not three.

Third world is a cold war term to describe countries neither allied, or enemies of NATO.

NATO allies being first world, Communist Bloc allies being second world.

Switzerland and Austria are officially third world countries.

Correct, but the term "third world" is used by many as if to say the people of Thailand are less fortunate than the people of western society, this i'm affriad is completely wrong in my opinion, Thais are brought up with stronger family ties and religious beliefs than most westerners and tend to live everyday life by these rules, most Thais are held back through the need to leave school and work at a very early age to help the family not because education doesn't exist, Thais tend to stay closer to family in villages as oppose to travelling away to earn the extra cash available in other areas or countries.

Another thing to think about for the people who have taken wives and g/f to their home country and then come back to Thailand to live, while your wife/gf was in your country consider how many times she called home to her family or was homesick and then think how long you have been here and how many times you call your family or been homesick.

To Thais family and religion is everything or at least until the farang introduces the financial improvement to their life, then the financial improvement in their and their families life is everything, with a little throw in for Budha too.

Thailand should not be judged a third world country based on poverty, as the OP said look at the property and vehicles being bought in thailand, more new cars sold last year than in many European countries, the shopping malls being built in nearly every city, all the food chains and fashion chains moving into the new built malls, this isn't because Thailand citizens have got no money it is because Thai people now want the better things.

Do you wake up each morning with the sound of the Thai national anthem playing in your head?

Nearly everything is wrong with this post.

Here's my abbreviated opinion.

Thai-Chinese but probably not ethnic non-Chinese Thais do not often have such strong family ties. The family ties that are there are often borne out of necessity as there is no social welfare or similar supporting infrastructure in Thailand. Is that do good - that Thais are 'forced' to be close to their families for financial reasons?

I believe that 1) religious beliefs are for the weak-willed and weak-minded and 2) that the Thai interpretation of Buddhism is a farce with most Thais truly not living lives anywhere near to honouring the major tenets of Buddhism.

Thais don't leave Thailand because 1) many do not truly understand that a world exists outside Thailand, 2) many believe Thailand is truly the greatest country in the world, 3) Thais are out of place and uncomfortable in places where their status in Thailand is not honored. Even educated, 'elite' Thais tend not to stay in other countries (even with better opportunities) because in those other countries their 'elite' FACE is not respected or honored. Particularly countries without FACE (like Western ones) they are uncomfortable.

Are you contending that Farangs introduced the concept of money and material acquisition to Thais and Thailand?

Thailand is not a Third World country because Third World is a term with particular meaning. However, Thailand is very underdeveloped in many of the areas that Westerners find most important (medicine, safety, education, racial matters, attitude towards violence, infrastructure, food safety, politics, etc).

And, yes, Thailand is still a poor country. Perhaps not as poor as some but certainly not in the well-off list just yet.

I am not convinced that Keith has been to Thailand.

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I don't think some of you have a clue what Third World means.

It's got nothing to do with the wealthy, it's got everything to do with the poor.

I remember the Ethiopian government ordering two containers of whisky from Scotland at the height of the 1984 famine.

What does that tell you? The elite didn't give a toss. It's the same here in Thailand, that busy creating self enrichment schemes and neglecting the health care, education and housing of the poorest people

Next thing you'll be saying is that India isn't Third World cos it's got a space programme.

Oh aye that'll be right enough then.

Third world has nothing to do with wealth or lack of it.

Cold war, NATO=first, Communist Bloc=second, non-aligned=third world

India is third world because it was neither allied with NATO nor the Communist Bloc.

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one, two and four, yes

but not three.

Third world is a cold war term to describe countries neither allied, or enemies of NATO.

NATO allies being first world, Communist Bloc allies being second world.

Switzerland and Austria are officially third world countries.

Such a definition can only come from an american who still thinks they are the elite and who takes wikipedia as truth and who ignores that the world developped in the last 20 years... including the definition of "third world"...

Nowaday's, third world is a definition for developping countries (around 130) who have a deficit in the areas of health, infrastructure, education, politics or social security. And there even is a definition of "fourth world" for the around 40 poorest and lest developped countries in the world who are currently included in the third world definition.

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I don't think some of you have a clue what Third World means.

It's got nothing to do with the wealthy, it's got everything to do with the poor.

I remember the Ethiopian government ordering two containers of whisky from Scotland at the height of the 1984 famine.

What does that tell you? The elite didn't give a toss. It's the same here in Thailand, that busy creating self enrichment schemes and neglecting the health care, education and housing of the poorest people

Next thing you'll be saying is that India isn't Third World cos it's got a space programme.

Oh aye that'll be right enough then.

Disagree, it has everything to do with infrastructure.

If America or Europe was to drop off the deep end economically (which is not unlikely at this point) and unemployment increased, GDP decreased, median wage dropped dramatically, etc would they now be "third world?" I would suspect not.

If they found huge reserves of natural resources and the government decided to share the proceeds equally in Somalia, making every citizen of Somalia rich (by western standards) overnight would Somalia be 1st world overnight as well?

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I generally prefer not to respond to topics on forums because of all the dumb, idiotic,and stupid responses that appear. Best to shut up! Recent posts on this thread are typical. Enough to put normal people off starting any topic.

I will make no comment other than to say the Op's post was well thought out and an excellent post whether you agree with the points or not.

umm.... you say you dont respond to topics on forums but you have 1000+ posts blink.png

Shhhh....he forgets sometimes.

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one, two and four, yes

but not three.

Third world is a cold war term to describe countries neither allied, or enemies of NATO.

NATO allies being first world, Communist Bloc allies being second world.

Switzerland and Austria are officially third world countries.

I have often wondered, is there a second world, and if so, where is it??

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