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How Many Times Until It Sinks In


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I stopped reading after the second paragraph,just trolling BS,why waste your own time posting it and everybody elses reading it?

Two minutes I'll never get back but could have been worse!

nothing S@#ts me more then a fool that calls you a troll when its fact, think you we will miss you here anyway do you.

go to another post its that simple but dont make accusations when for all you know it could very well be true.

I completely agree. Calling posters a troll, is offensive. Especially, when your in the middle of a discussion. The OP and other posters, myself included have all made constructive comments. Comments that perhaps a visitor or regular poster may find themselves in a position and we could make a real difference to their lives.

What difference has your post made (Eesat), calling people a troll. None.

Well you would say that after geting dissected on your own thread,wouldn't you Walter Mitty?whistling.gif

Edit : I've just noticed you've changed your avatar as well,why was that?cheesy.gif

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OP what's your Fred age, just curious. Maybe u should ask him to download "Private Dancer" to enlighten himself.

if his best friend can't change his mind, tina turner will?

life is full of surprises.

laugh.pnglaugh.png I think he may be referring to the book, Private Dancer.


I was thinking more Mad Max and "We don't need another hero"!

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Hello ,

This guy is playing a game with us all, I bought a house in my girl friends name and car ,motor bike and a small condo in bkk ,everything we use when I am in Thailand but all the money was borrowed by her through her family but I make the repayments every month , it's been great for 6 years now and if everything did fall apart they can have everything and the repayments too.

thats all good, but he did not borrow the money,even more wisely he did not borrow it in their name like you.

He bought the house outright, that means they finished and the house was in her name.

As for the car and other things he owned, he sold them to get the second girl out of prison, I pleaded with him to check, to go to thailand and see if she was in prison because I absolutly knew she was not however he was freaking out and just paid it.

he went from $600000 to being in debt in 2 years.

think about it, she was using her mobile phone from prison she claimed,and the penny still did not drop.

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I read about some idiotic women in NZ who are fleeced due to desperation to be with just about any bloke that, sad as it is for your kindly mate even if he's somewhat dopey, it's the way of the world all over. Nothing special. How could anyone with commonsense not pick up that some man/woman will try to kill them for a big insurance pay-out, not just only take their money?

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Like the Fin I've met in Jomtien just recently. 45000 pounds for the house and his bank card later, (the "wife" already had his PIN), he is wandering along Jomtien Rd, drinking the cheapest shit you can buy in this kingdom and wondering what happened.

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great storycheesy.gif just fiction I guess, if I am wrong this guy belongs into the crazy people camp without return ticketclap2.gif he is endangering all the male expats in LOS, so thais can really !!! think, and have real evidence, that we are stupid, naïve, insane, ruled by "littleman", glueless and ................. help me out here please whistling.gif but may be we ( us lovely expats in LOS) are like that sad.png

am I right or am I right, I guess I go thinkingburp.gif

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so, I am thinking a lot and what I don't get is : why every supersmart farang is buying a house down here ? He can not own it, right ? I am renting 7 or 8 out of twelve months, 1500 US$ per month for a nice, fully, european style, nicely furnished, 2 bedroom, 2 bath house, nice garden, carport, full size complete european kitchen, stainless steel appliances, 2 x 42 inch flatscreen tv, cable, wifi, all utilities, my maid comes in twice a week, doing everything even ironing my shirts, pants, shorts etc sometime even my longsleeve T-shirts and what I pay her is what she saves me just when she goes for me food shopping, best fresh fruit and veggies, best seafood, best meat ( beef or chicken }and what ever, for the rest I have my gf, why buying it just gives you a big headache, not even oxy will help you

and than buy a house for 600 k ozies, you must be insane to do that

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trying to advise him did ruin our friendship somewhat.

but what can you do.

I think that's very lucky for YOU. Friends like that are like a hole in the head!

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"private dancer' by stephen leather should be compulsory reading before flying to thailand,in fact govts.should hand the book out at the departure gate,it might save a lot of heartache and money.

The OP does n't say where the 3 ladies are from in thailand,but i would be happy to place a bet they come from isaan.From my experiences no one can extract money from a foreigner like an isaan lady.

Dont blame them,they can be asset rich(farm land) but cash poor,add to that a poor education,and not much hope for material progression.

It sounds like the guy in question may have come across his 600,000 aussie dollars too easily,either through a lottery win,insurance payout,or left money in a will.In other words he did n't have to work hard to get the money,and in this way its easier to offload,especially if you are a single older guy,or just been through divvorce back home,then you arrive in thailand flush with cash,sexy young girls telling you how handsome you are,love only you,and oh so good in bed,all this can turn a man to jelly(not kamagra)and once you start to give money for this or that reason it can be hard to stop.If anyone is going to have a relationship with these kind of women its better to do it while living in thailand yourself,not conduct a relationship while living back home.

Once the money has gone you can never get it back.

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Find some new friends.

Edit: In fact that's cruel....but so be it. Too many mistakes....is your mate a bit autistic then?

How about finding him some new username? One that starts with a T and ends on LL.

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to answer the original question...''how many times.......'' I suggest, an infinite number.

Why ? The blood supply of most males is sufficient for neurological functions and reproductive, but not simultaneously.

sent from cheap chinese tablet

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He gives his entire net worth (apart from the car and bike) to a chick he hasn't even shagged? 18M baht house? It would have to be Bangers unless it was on a 1000 rai block. Then does it again. What was the compo claim for? A brain injury?

I am sure you have better things to do than make up stuff and post it here, but you must admit it defies belief.

People referring to Private Dancer as if it shows how bad Thai ladies can be must have read a different version to the one I read. Idiot farang meets pretty prostitute, leaves her working in the bar and can't understand why she keeps shagging for money. Keeps crapping on about how happy he is when she wais him. Belts her one and gets taken out by the chick's sister. And he had the advantage of wealth and a good education. Not to mention the high quality individuals running the bars, particularly the one where "Joy" works. What a poor excuse for a human being. It is much more anti stupid-and-morally-bereft-Farangs than Thais doing what they have to do to survive.

I wonder what Stephen Leather's intention was?

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He spent the better part of 18 million baht on a house for her..............jesus christ the mind boggles.

no, In his mind when he purchased the house he believed they would be together forever.

He told me with absolute certainty they would never break up, I warned him and he got angry at me.

less then 2 weeks later he was out on his ear.

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He got the money from a compo claim after a motorbike accident.

very bad accident, took him six years to get the money and 2 years to lose it.

some people ask why I was friends with him, away from Thai woman he behaved quite normal.

Maybe it was the knock on the head that pushed him over the edge from normal to what he is now.

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possible your friend is a first class loser :

never had $600.000 + $80.000 + $12.000 dollars to start with in the first place

just a bum with no money and a lot of bar drinking stories

maybe he was a prince and lost it all

yeah and marry was a virgin ... her husband also never consummed their marriage ?

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possible your friend is a first class loser :

never had $600.000 + $80.000 + $12.000 dollars to start with in the first place

just a bum with no money and a lot of bar drinking stories

maybe he was a prince and lost it all

yeah and marry was a virgin ... her husband also never consummed their marriage ?

oh he had it,used to drive to car to our workplace.
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It's hopeless. I've met a lot of guys like this and it's always the same story. They are hardwired to fail like this over and over again and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Good for the girls. Financial darwinism.

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Where does someone so naieve get that much money in the first place? Inheritance? Lottery? Is this why you were his friend biggrin.png ??

What house in Thialand costs $600,000 ?? cheesy.gif

Girl #2 coudl be prosecute for fraud - yes Thialand treats fraud as a crime. ....If you lie to extract money form someonie then its criminal fraud. What else do you think "fraud" is?? Why does no one even at least mention the ooption of going down this legal path?? Sick bufflo stories etc are all potential criminal cases. If cops don't want to act then go through a Thai lawyer who can force the cops hand. If you have emails etc then you have evidence. Chances are greater they will suddenly want to pay you back rather then go to jail, but even if you land them in jail at least youve gotten your own self respect back.

There are houses worth more then that in Thailand.

and you really know very little about thai lawyers and the thai police don't you, your funnier then my friend.

Yes there are SOME houses worth more than this but less than a fraction of 1%

And I said why does no one even bring up the option of fraud. I didnt say it was practical etc, but no one ever suggests it or says "why not?" - its as if no one on Thai Visa relaises what "fruad" is & it does nto occur to them. Evenryone seems to talk & type like they think its ***legal*** to lie to extort money from someone. It may be highly impractical trying to take action but it still warrants discussion.

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