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Has anyone got a good thing to say about how AIS are handling the introduction of the new service...from a CS perspective that is.

I've been trying to register my various air cards phone and tablet and top up.....but no-one seems to know anything about most of it.


I can give you an initial "end-user" experience. They upgraded my area Thu night Fri morning. My pre-upgrade SMS' were in English. Their post-upgrade SMS' they promised, never came. I reset my phone on my own decision - 2 hours after they said they would finish. Then I get some SMS' in Thai (not very helpful). Since then, my 3G upgraded signal has continually bounced between 3G and H+.

Typical AIS.


I can give you an initial "end-user" experience. They upgraded my area Thu night Fri morning. My pre-upgrade SMS' were in English. Their post-upgrade SMS' they promised, never came. I reset my phone on my own decision - 2 hours after they said they would finish. Then I get some SMS' in Thai (not very helpful). Since then, my 3G upgraded signal has continually bounced between 3G and H+.

Typical AIS.

What area are you in?


Are you on "TH-GSM", or "52003"/"AIS"/"AIS 3G"?

What kind of phone do you have? Assume you have a newer SIM? Maybe re-start the phone, then select carrier?

Bouncing between 3G and H+ is not at all unusual - this is how some basebands function, if only for power savings, nor indicative of some sort of issue or problem.


Normally you'll get sms to let you know the time you number will be upgraded and what you should do after number upgraded, far as I know while your no. is being upgraded all service is not going to work for a couple hrs, after a while your phone will show no service. And there you hav to select network manually to be 52003. (I have iPhone5).

and plus AIS will launch 3G 2.1GHz on 7th May. http://newsite.adslthailand.com/news/ais-official-launch-3g-2100-mhz/ and i think u ask more details at [email protected]


The upgrade is not stable at the moment... they told me will be better after 7pm tonight !! ?

last 2 weeks or more have been a nightmare they gave me a new 3G Sim card with my old number......... get 1x call only, then anyone calls me or I call anyone = Not Allowed..

Simple according to AIS, after use switch off, switching back on resets and you can make or receive 1x call.. so I use my phone, with my memory forget must switch off, get a call and answer nothing just message on screen 'Forbidden' or if I call then say's 'Not Allowed'

It is not just me all in the Village on AIS have the same problem.........

All the years on Hutch never a problem....... forced onto True, totally hopeless, thankfully was only on a 6 month contract, so went back to AIS, as 10 year ago they were OK..


I can give you an initial "end-user" experience. They upgraded my area Thu night Fri morning. My pre-upgrade SMS' were in English. Their post-upgrade SMS' they promised, never came. I reset my phone on my own decision - 2 hours after they said they would finish. Then I get some SMS' in Thai (not very helpful). Since then, my 3G upgraded signal has continually bounced between 3G and H+.

Typical AIS.

What area are you in?

Rayong - city proper...


No-one seems to have addressed my original question that is re- CS.....by that I mean customer service.

BTW - I have 3 devices - phone, tablet and Laptop - all currently running on 3G AIS at their current rate (850 mhz?)

Have you registered YOUR devices yet?

WHY do we need a passport?

Why can't you do an air card or tablet over a different phone?

Why do Telewiz no absolutely sweet FA about the new service?

Why do 1175 try to tell be that it won't be available in my area ( Already have 3G - have had it for years.....) or on my machine (which is perfectly capable of 21 mhz)?


No-one seems to have addressed my original question that is re- CS.....by that I mean customer service.

BTW - I have 3 devices - phone, tablet and Laptop - all currently running on 3G AIS at their current rate (850 mhz?)

Have you registered YOUR devices yet?

WHY do we need a passport?

Why can't you do an air card or tablet over a different phone?

Why do Telewiz no absolutely sweet FA about the new service?

Why do 1175 try to tell be that it won't be available in my area ( Already have 3G - have had it for years.....) or on my machine (which is perfectly capable of 21 mhz)?

to answer your questions

1. That's the Thai law.

All mobile phone numbers should be registered but no one ever bothers.

2. It depends on your air card. Is it capable of using the 2100 MHz?

3. Because they are simple staff in a shop. They are not consultants.

4. 3G is only becoming available on 2100 MHz these days. You have probably been receiving 3G on 900 MHz for the past several years, this is not the true 3G but a kind og 2G+. Plenty of threads about it.

You don't say where in Thailand you live but AIS are starting to upgrade their 3G 2100 MHz network in Bangkok and will slowly spread to the rest of the country.


No-one seems to have addressed my original question that is re- CS.....by that I mean customer service.

BTW - I have 3 devices - phone, tablet and Laptop - all currently running on 3G AIS at their current rate (850 mhz?)

Have you registered YOUR devices yet?

WHY do we need a passport?

Why can't you do an air card or tablet over a different phone?

Why do Telewiz no absolutely sweet FA about the new service?

Why do 1175 try to tell be that it won't be available in my area ( Already have 3G - have had it for years.....) or on my machine (which is perfectly capable of 21 mhz)?

to answer your questions

1. That's the Thai law.

All mobile phone numbers should be registered but no one ever bothers.

2. It depends on your air card. Is it capable of using the 2100 MHz?

3. Because they are simple staff in a shop. They are not consultants.

4. 3G is only becoming available on 2100 MHz these days. You have probably been receiving 3G on 900 MHz for the past several years, this is not the true 3G but a kind og 2G+. Plenty of threads about it.

You don't say where in Thailand you live but AIS are starting to upgrade their 3G 2100 MHz network in Bangkok and will slowly spread to the rest of the country.

1 - no it isn't - I've had a a/c for years - never shown a passport

2 - Nothing to do with my question - although it does support it.

3 - If a company is selling a product you expect the staff to know what it is. No excuses.

4- I'm fully aware of the difference that is why I want the new product.

5 - I t doesn't matter where you live I'm trying to register so they will tell me when the service starts.


No-one seems to have addressed my original question that is re- CS.....by that I mean customer service.

BTW - I have 3 devices - phone, tablet and Laptop - all currently running on 3G AIS at their current rate (850 mhz?)

Have you registered YOUR devices yet?

WHY do we need a passport?

Why can't you do an air card or tablet over a different phone?

Why do Telewiz no absolutely sweet FA about the new service?

Why do 1175 try to tell be that it won't be available in my area ( Already have 3G - have had it for years.....) or on my machine (which is perfectly capable of 21 mhz)?

Do you have a post-paid account? Or a pre-paid account?

AFAIK, AIS is targeting existing post-paid customers in their first wave of pre-registrations.

How many SIMs/accounts do you have?

How many devices do you have?

What are you trying to accomplish, exactly?

Most post-paid accounts do need a Thai ID or passport number associated with them.

If you have a post-paid account then you should be able to pre-register via the *988*nnnnnnnnnn# route, where all those n's represent your Thai ID or passport number.

Or just maybe wait for the official launch, and make your way to a full service AIS shop in a major mall to sign up.


No-one seems to have addressed my original question that is re- CS.....by that I mean customer service.

BTW - I have 3 devices - phone, tablet and Laptop - all currently running on 3G AIS at their current rate (850 mhz?)

Have you registered YOUR devices yet?

WHY do we need a passport?

Why can't you do an air card or tablet over a different phone?

Why do Telewiz no absolutely sweet FA about the new service?

Why do 1175 try to tell be that it won't be available in my area ( Already have 3G - have had it for years.....) or on my machine (which is perfectly capable of 21 mhz)?

I am using AIS 3G air card (but only for internet) @ 800 baht per month (unlimited use). The customer service from AIS (call centre) is great and they'll even send people out to show how it works - the customer service from Telewiz is total rubbish, only deal direct with AIS. By the way the system works really well

No-one seems to have addressed my original question that is re- CS.....by that I mean customer service.

BTW - I have 3 devices - phone, tablet and Laptop - all currently running on 3G AIS at their current rate (850 mhz?)

Have you registered YOUR devices yet?

WHY do we need a passport?

Why can't you do an air card or tablet over a different phone?

Why do Telewiz no absolutely sweet FA about the new service?

Why do 1175 try to tell be that it won't be available in my area ( Already have 3G - have had it for years.....) or on my machine (which is perfectly capable of 21 mhz)?

Do you have a post-paid account? Or a pre-paid account?

AFAIK, AIS is targeting existing post-paid customers in their first wave of pre-registrations.

How many SIMs/accounts do you have?

How many devices do you have?

What are you trying to accomplish, exactly?

Most post-paid accounts do need a Thai ID or passport number associated with them.

If you have a post-paid account then you should be able to pre-register via the *988*nnnnnnnnnn# route, where all those n's represent your Thai ID or passport number.

Or just maybe wait for the official launch, and make your way to a full service AIS shop in a major mall to sign up.

If you register by phone they want your passport.....however neither my air card or my tablet are phones so I can't register them.

Basically AIS simply haven't thought it out......and when it comes to topping up a card or tablet you have to go into the ogffice and buy another ruddy package.....

i use these gadgets in Oz, UK and Laos and NEVER have the problems I get here...apart from Oz which is next to useless.

AIS service centre are completely impotent - as for sending someone out - that is complete nonsense.


If you register by phone they want your passport.....however neither my air card or my tablet are phones so I can't register them.

Based on your multiple references to topping up I am guessing that all three of your SIMs (phone, aircard and tablet) are pre-paid.

It seems somewhat clear that AIS is targeting existing, post-paid customers for their new 2100 MHz 3G "pre-registration". You would have to have a Thai ID, or foreign passport already associated with an existing post-paid account in order to use the *988* pre-registration process. Again, this is just a guess on my part as you seem unwilling to share any relevant details, as a pre-paid customer you are not eligible for pre-registration.

Regarding topping up, and other associated service requests, some aircard UI do allow for the origination of USSD commands - I know my D-Link DWM-156 does - and some 3G tablets can also originate USSD commands (although this may require a hack on some older models without a dialer). So you could possibly top-up both your aircard and tablet SIMs 'remotely' (via scratch cards; or just pop them into your phone for the brief procedure), but there are also many other top-up options including ATM (assumes you have a local bank account and associated ATM), on-line banking, or just walk into a 7/11, give them the number(s) associated with your SIM(s), along with cash and get topped up, or just request a top-up slip. There is no need to go into an office.

  • Like 1

No-one seems to have addressed my original question that is re- CS.....by that I mean customer service.

BTW - I have 3 devices - phone, tablet and Laptop - all currently running on 3G AIS at their current rate (850 mhz?)

Have you registered YOUR devices yet?

WHY do we need a passport?

Why can't you do an air card or tablet over a different phone?

Why do Telewiz no absolutely sweet FA about the new service?

Why do 1175 try to tell be that it won't be available in my area ( Already have 3G - have had it for years.....) or on my machine (which is perfectly capable of 21 mhz)?

to answer your questions

1. That's the Thai law.

All mobile phone numbers should be registered but no one ever bothers.

2. It depends on your air card. Is it capable of using the 2100 MHz?

3. Because they are simple staff in a shop. They are not consultants.

4. 3G is only becoming available on 2100 MHz these days. You have probably been receiving 3G on 900 MHz for the past several years, this is not the true 3G but a kind og 2G+. Plenty of threads about it.

You don't say where in Thailand you live but AIS are starting to upgrade their 3G 2100 MHz network in Bangkok and will slowly spread to the rest of the country.

1 - no it isn't - I've had a a/c for years - never shown a passport

2 - Nothing to do with my question - although it does support it.

3 - If a company is selling a product you expect the staff to know what it is. No excuses.

4- I'm fully aware of the difference that is why I want the new product.

5 - I t doesn't matter where you live I'm trying to register so they will tell me when the service starts.

1. It is the law and has been for many years. As I said it has never been enforced.

see: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/611931-buyers-of-pre-paid-s-i-m-cards-must-be-registered-nbct/?hl=%2Bregister+%2Bmobile+%2Bphone+%2Bnumber#entry6020853

3. Comeon. This is Thailand. Go to almost any shop selling electronic equipment and see how little the staff know about their products.

  • Like 1

You really don't get it...your info about passports is incorrect.

However my main grouse re passports is how they accept that info - (even though they already have it in my case).

Secondly the incompetence of one company does not justify the incompetence of another or are you claiming racial reasons for the obvious lack of foresight?

No-one seems to have addressed my original question that is re- CS.....by that I mean customer service.

BTW - I have 3 devices - phone, tablet and Laptop - all currently running on 3G AIS at their current rate (850 mhz?)

Have you registered YOUR devices yet?

WHY do we need a passport?

Why can't you do an air card or tablet over a different phone?

Why do Telewiz no absolutely sweet FA about the new service?

Why do 1175 try to tell be that it won't be available in my area ( Already have 3G - have had it for years.....) or on my machine (which is perfectly capable of 21 mhz)?

to answer your questions

1. That's the Thai law.

All mobile phone numbers should be registered but no one ever bothers.

2. It depends on your air card. Is it capable of using the 2100 MHz?

3. Because they are simple staff in a shop. They are not consultants.

4. 3G is only becoming available on 2100 MHz these days. You have probably been receiving 3G on 900 MHz for the past several years, this is not the true 3G but a kind og 2G+. Plenty of threads about it.

You don't say where in Thailand you live but AIS are starting to upgrade their 3G 2100 MHz network in Bangkok and will slowly spread to the rest of the country.

1 - no it isn't - I've had a a/c for years - never shown a passport

2 - Nothing to do with my question - although it does support it.

3 - If a company is selling a product you expect the staff to know what it is. No excuses.

4- I'm fully aware of the difference that is why I want the new product.

5 - I t doesn't matter where you live I'm trying to register so they will tell me when the service starts.

1. It is the law and has been for many years. As I said it has never been enforced.

see: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/611931-buyers-of-pre-paid-s-i-m-cards-must-be-registered-nbct/?hl=+register++mobile++phone++number#entry6020853

3. Comeon. This is Thailand. Go to almost any shop selling electronic equipment and see how little the staff know about their products.

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