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I miss playing "Pong".

If you remember pong, you'll remember the first colour version of breakout. Which was achieved by them sticking strips of coloured cellophane to the screen.

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I miss playing "Pong".

If you remember pong, you'll remember the first colour version of breakout. Which was achieved by them sticking strips of coloured cellophane to the screen.

Yep, they did that with Space Invaders too.

The Pub version of Galaxian was great.

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Last year i read about some bird who was going around London clubs and pubs DJing with 78's.

Apparently the clarity and quality of sound are awesome and she'd built herself up quite a niche market for jazz nights and the sort.

And a 78 dealer said he'd never seen so much interest.

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I am probably a younger generation than most although know and grew up with everything mentioned. Some I feel have run their course and have no further use, some I would love to still have as novelties.

But one I just cant cant understand being on this list... It is a regular necessity!

USB drives.

If I have to fix a computer I use usb drives for the things formally reserved for floppy disks (one to add to this list).

If I need to get large (GB) files across town I will use USB drive and jump on the motorbike...much quicker.

Phones have storage but never carry the cable and lack the support for the first point. Portable hard drives have higher capacity but not portable.

If there is another technology out there that can run dos, 20 strains of linux, carry multiple videos and big photoshop files and still fit on your keyring...please tell me and I will start calling usb drives outdated gadgets I will never use again. Until then they are still modern and evolving, especially with a self sufficient 32GB drive smaller than a thumbnail.

+1. USB sticks should not be on this thread. I could not get by without them working offshore. Absolutely vital part of my equipment.

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Flash drives (USB sticks) should have a continuing long life whilst netbooks, etc are shipped without DVD/CD ROMs. Though the interface might change there is a strong chance that there will be a flash drive in the desk drawer of most IT types for some time to come. How will we install new OS and run deep diagnostics for all the non-techie types?

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Flash drives (USB sticks) should have a continuing long life whilst netbooks, etc are shipped without DVD/CD ROMs. Though the interface might change there is a strong chance that there will be a flash drive in the desk drawer of most IT types for some time to come. How will we install new OS and run deep diagnostics for all the non-techie types?

I have a little 2gig Flash drive which I keep just for that purpose.

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