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Thaksin Meets Iraqi P M Amid Row On Status

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I wonder if Iraq has heard about the latest G 2G deal for rice where the recipient country had to dump around 5% of what they bought for an undisclosed price because it was rotten?

I wonder what the Thai Govt had to pay in compensation for that? Not enough to keep the story out of the news it would seem.

That's some rather generous praise you have given the government. A 5% loss isn't bad. Rather, it is a decent result.

Estimated Postharvest Rice Losses in Southeast Asia

Harvest 1-3%

Handling 2-7%

Threshing 2-6%

Drying 1-5%

Storage 2-6%

Transport 2-10%

Total 10-37%

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). http://www.fao.org/News/FACTFILE/FF9712-E.HTM

I think he was refering to the deal with Ivory Coast reported here.


After delivery 20% had to be trashed. Add that to the 10-37% loss during harvest, storage, transport etc and you can see a huge amount has gone straight down the pan.

I've tried putting all these figures together, from what the rice farmer is supposedly getting for his rice, what the ivory coast people talk about trashing 20%, and some other guy saying they needed to sell 7 million tons at x amount per ton, and after taking some aspirin, have come to the conclusion, Thailand is f*****d. All this money down the drain just to look good. Wow.. Amazing Thailand. wai.gif

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All you liberal self hating Americans and British seem to forget that Thaksin was freely elected by the overwhelming majority of Thais and sadly overthrown by a military coup and convicted by a kangaroo court.

1. "...Freely elected by the overwhelming majority..."

- 'Freely elected' is far from the truth and you know it. Massive vote buying and massive manipulation closer to the truth.

- 'Vast majority' - well that's also far from the truth and been debated here many times.

2. "...convicted by a kangaroo court...". Again way off the truth and you know it.

I don't like coup d'etats any more than the next person, but there come times when a coup is the lesser evil. At the time, T was caretaker PM and even that status was fast reaching its expiration date. He had been amassing great wealth (effectively robbing , or at least cheating the Thai treasury), he had his hands bloodied by several mass murders (extrajudicial killings and two incidents in the south) all of which he ordered. He was a gnat's ass from declaring himself dictator for life, and was poised to rob increasingly more amounts from Thai treasury. Any one of those issues alone was grounds for a coup.

If a person has a gangrene infected foot, it may be necessary to cut off the foot. No one likes to cut off a limb, but sometimes it needs to be done to save the body.

Good analogy, but in this case i think the operation to remove the gangrene infected foot would be undertaken with a dirty knife, so whilst we may be getting rid of the gangrenous foot the rest of the body is now racked with septicemia.

Dirty knife wasn't the problem. That's exactly what happens when you don't cut deep enough, let a little blood run. Without the "pus" of a multi-billionaire paying agitators and mercenaries, the cure would have been effected long ago.

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All you liberal self hating Americans and British seem to forget that Thaksin was freely elected by the overwhelming majority of Thais and sadly overthrown by a military coup and convicted by a kangaroo court.

1. "...Freely elected by the overwhelming majority..."

- 'Freely elected' is far from the truth and you know it. Massive vote buying and massive manipulation closer to the truth.

- 'Vast majority' - well that's also far from the truth and been debated here many times.

2. "...convicted by a kangaroo court...". Again way off the truth and you know it.
I don't like coup d'etats any more than the next person, but there come times when a coup is the lesser evil. At the time, T was caretaker PM and even that status was fast reaching its expiration date. He had been amassing great wealth (effectively robbing , or at least cheating the Thai treasury), he had his hands bloodied by several mass murders (extrajudicial killings and two incidents in the south) all of which he ordered. He was a gnat's ass from declaring himself dictator for life, and was poised to rob increasingly more amounts from Thai treasury. Any one of those issues alone was grounds for a coup.

If a person has a gangrene infected foot, it may be necessary to cut off the foot. No one likes to cut off a limb, but sometimes it needs to be done to save the body.

Good analogy, but in this case i think the operation to remove the gangrene infected foot would be undertaken with a dirty knife, so whilst we may be getting rid of the gangrenous foot the rest of the body is now racked with septicemia.

The septicemia comes not from a dirty knife but from not excising all the gangrenous tissue at the time of the amputation.

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Never since the Borgia's has any family been so intent on crime and destruction, infact on many days I think the Shiniwatras could make the Borgia's look like the cast from the Sound of Music. Now where was I...Om mani padme hum, Om mani padme hum ............

Talk about overstatement... you need to read more history, methinks.

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What a nice man, thinking only of his country and prosperity

for the people, if only we had more people like him in the world.

How right you are. There is a lot of members on this forum that have the paradigm that being convicted in a corrupt society means you are a criminal. There are a lot of members on this forum that have been brought-up on charges and claim they have been set-up and complain of the justice system. There is a lot of members on here that seem to think they can run a country and know how to turn the wheels; look in a mirror or go back to your own country and complain of your own countries corrupt politicians - Oh I forgot you left your country because is better in Thailand. Most of the members were not in Thailand to see the vast difference to know the good that was done, which has mostly been destroyed over the past 8 years. Obviously Thaksin is promoting Thailand for the good of his pocket, but Thailand will win also.

Absolutely - first rate bloke, whiter than the driven snow, only looking out for his people like any true born leader would, .............. anymore propaganda whilst you're at it?

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"Don't forget that Thaksin is a former prime minister. He knows what is and is not appropriate. He has never dominated or ordered party members to do anything."

He couldn't have said that with a straight face.


Pheu Thai Party deputy spokesman Anusorn Iamsa-ard

They never seem to remember what has already been said about Mr T as plenty of MPs have in the past spoken of waiting on conference calls, instructions via Sype calls and so on and now he's playing no role. Part of it is arrogance and belief they can say anything and it will be accepted mixed with a massive amount of stupidity

Sorry but I have had to make one little bit of a correction on your post.

It really is a great post. All I did was add one word.

Impressively "massive amount of stupidity"

Hope you don't mindwai.gif

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