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So, new shopping centres all over the island but still nothing in Kata/Karon. 


My theory is that the tuktuk mafia  won't sanction a shopping centre here as they will lose their lucrative business taking tourists to Jungceylon and Central Festival. 

Ok. You can accept that as the reason.

Maybe the land prices and availability in the area make Chalong a more suitable location.

No big and cost affective pieces of land in Kata/Karon.

Got to agree with hans on this one.  Land is expensive, there's not a lot of open big spaces for sale, and what retailer would want to take up valuable real estate for a car park? No cark park, no expats shopping there.
My theory was a bit tongue in cheek. We know the land's too expensive, hence that plot near the Hilton Arcadia being empty despite being in a prime location.

That land is listed with an agent friend of mine. 800 million baht or a partnership with the owner

The north headland at Kata is asking just over a billion baht for around 30 rai. No partnership and only cash. BMW thailand family own it.

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Will they carry Russian food too?

How do you spell Tesco in Russian???cheesy.gif

I would not be laughing so much.

I got my first oral orgasm while eating Russian food. I would love to experience the same once again... and then towed back to home as the food is really heavy.

It's pretty great if each of the cultures will bring their best offers here. Not too bad future for Phuket.

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Will they carry Russian food too?

How do you spell Tesco in Russian???cheesy.gif

I would not be laughing so much.

I got my first oral orgasm while eating Russian food. I would love to experience the same once again... and then towed back to home as the food is really heavy.

It's pretty great if each of the cultures will bring their best offers here. Not too bad future for Phuket.

There's a Russian restaurant in Junceylon. It's called "Spice House" or "Spicey House."

It's a small place, across from the big Irish bar. I've never had a meal there. I might try it one night for something different.

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Interesting article:

Five years ago it employed 413,061 people and by February this year it had
reached 492,714. Tesco insiders say it has now crossed the 500,000 mark as it
opens more stores in Britain, Korea, Thailand and China.

This means that not only is it Britain's largest private sector employer, a
milestone it achieved some time ago, but it has also overtaken Carrefour, its
French rival, with 495,000 employees, and is well ahead of Siemens with 405,000.
It employs 200,966 staff in Britain.

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Will they carry Russian food too?

How do you spell Tesco in Russian???:cheesy:

I would not be laughing so much.

I got my first oral orgasm while eating Russian food. I would love to experience the same once again... and then towed back to home as the food is really heavy.

It's pretty great if each of the cultures will bring their best offers here. Not too bad future for Phuket.

There's a Russian restaurant in Junceylon. It's called "Spice House" or "Spicey House."

It's a small place, across from the big Irish bar. I've never had a meal there. I might try it one night for something different.

Russian expats I know avoid that place like the plague.

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Will they carry Russian food too?

How do you spell Tesco in Russian???cheesy.gif

I would not be laughing so much.

I got my first oral orgasm while eating Russian food. I would love to experience the same once again... and then towed back to home as the food is really heavy.

It's pretty great if each of the cultures will bring their best offers here. Not too bad future for Phuket.

There's a Russian restaurant in Junceylon. It's called "Spice House" or "Spicey House."

It's a small place, across from the big Irish bar. I've never had a meal there. I might try it one night for something different.

Russian expats I know avoid that place like the plague.

Why is that? I've never had a meal there, but the menu looks ok.

Edited by NamKangMan
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Breakfast at McDonald's. Please have McDonald's.

Yeah baby! I would love a McDonald's in Chalong. Next stop for Mickey D's Rawaii beachfront and I can walk from my house to get it

+1 to that mate Rawai beach front is in DIRE NEED of a proper farang fast food joint.....

even a 24hr Subway would be welcomed here

instead of all the filthy bbq catfish on a stick selling seafood places here now....gross..

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Place is owned by Exotic Travel, a Russian-Thai owned high end tour company. Their staff do not eat there. And if they HAVE to eat there, they do so unwillingly. Food not up to "authentic" standards.

And of other Russians I know, they also say it is not "the same".

It is passable. Folks who want Russian food can go and eat there, but difficult to compare if you have not eaten that food in Russia itself.

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Shouldn't the original post read 'just down from the Phuket International Hospital' ???

That would be a different location.

How would it, if the PIH is higher up than Tesco, then it would be "just down from PIH....not up"

You wouldn't say just up from when you are going downhill, would confuse the hell outta someone if given directions.

Anyway not important, but just reiterating i am right.....

Edited by Rickster
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Only in the TV Phuket Forum can a thread start off as the announcement of a new supermarket and develop into a thread about Russian restaurants!

Start a new thread about Russian restaurants. It will probably only get one response

Edited by IrishIvan
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This is going to make it very confusing when people say "Near the big Tesco Lotus" when giving directions. We will have to change the term again. We used to be able to just say "Near Tesco Lotus, then The the word "big" was added when all the Tesco Lotus Express's and Tesco Lotus Parks's opened up. Any one else notice that or is it just me?

Can still say near the tesco next to central or next to the bypass (as the bypass is only like 1km long) ..

Umm...the bypass road goes from Thepkesatri rd to Chalong circle. It's 17km's long.

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This is going to make it very confusing when people say "Near the big Tesco Lotus" when giving directions. We will have to change the term again. We used to be able to just say "Near Tesco Lotus, then The the word "big" was added when all the Tesco Lotus Express's and Tesco Lotus Parks's opened up. Any one else notice that or is it just me?

Can still say near the tesco next to central or next to the bypass (as the bypass is only like 1km long) ..

Umm...the bypass road goes from Thepkesatri rd to Chalong circle. It's 17km's long.

No it doesn't.

The bypass road runs from Thepkesatri road to Central cross-roads.

Chao Fah West road has been in existence for decades before the bypass road was built.

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Maybe Americans couldn't stand loud, obnoxious " Tesco Radio." Or having the already too small aisles blocked by pimple-picking, surly faced boys stocking the shelves at the busiest times.

Or just maybe it's the smell of sour meat emanating from the rear, or the flies landing all over the 2 day old pastries laid out by the front door where every one can sneeze and snot all over them. Yum !!

Passing the always commenting, taxi mafia types gauntlet taking up all the closest parking spaces isn't much fun either

Worst grocery shopping experience, ever !!

That's a little strange they are expanding in Thailand, as they have just announced they are pulling out of the US.

The US has many places that put tesco lotus to shame.

They can not compete in the US.

Here in Thailand, Farangs have little choice. Makko or 7 - 11 or Tesco.

Give me a Trader Joe's or even a Safeway any day thank you!

Edited by EBlair48
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Is this the place that had a huge, unused factory building for years that they just demolished this past month?

If so, has a back entrance on the Monument to Cherng- Telay road so that is a fantastic location for Bang Tao area. Hope it will have a Villa Market or whatever the grocery store is called, connected to Central.

Please carry a decent bread- only place to buy a good bread in the entire area is the outrageously priced BAKE cafe at 140 baht a loaf.

FYI, there is a new Central going in about 700 metres north of the heroines monument on the way to the airport.

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Place is owned by Exotic Travel, a Russian-Thai owned high end tour company. Their staff do not eat there. And if they HAVE to eat there, they do so unwillingly. Food not up to "authentic" standards.

And of other Russians I know, they also say it is not "the same".

It is passable. Folks who want Russian food can go and eat there, but difficult to compare if you have not eaten that food in Russia itself.

Well put. I don't think I have ever tried it, so it might be worth a visit. Nothing to compare to.

It's like pizza in Phuket. I'm sure hundreds if not thousands of pizza "pies" are sold here every day. But compared to what I grew up with in Tony Soprano-land (i.e. New Jersey), it pales in comparison. Mozz cheese is crap and lightly applied. Pepperoni just not the same., etc... So, if you want great pizza, go to NJ. If you want great Russian food, go to Russia.

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This is going to make it very confusing when people say "Near the big Tesco Lotus" when giving directions. We will have to change the term again. We used to be able to just say "Near Tesco Lotus, then The the word "big" was added when all the Tesco Lotus Express's and Tesco Lotus Parks's opened up. Any one else notice that or is it just me?

Can still say near the tesco next to central or next to the bypass (as the bypass is only like 1km long) ..

Umm...the bypass road goes from Thepkesatri rd to Chalong circle. It's 17km's long.

No it doesn't.

The bypass road runs from Thepkesatri road to Central cross-roads.

Chao Fah West road has been in existence for decades before the bypass road was built.

Funny because there are signs on, and pointing towards, Chaoh Fa West that say "bypass". I'll see if I can't find some and take some pics. Perhaps they just mean "towards the bypass" as Thai roadsigns are notorious for being less than accurate. But I still believe Chaoh Fah West (4022) was also a bypass when it was built in the 60's, and I am certain I have heard Thai's refer to as that. I am aware that the section between Tesco and Thepkesatri (402 or Chalermpraikiet Rd) was built much more recently. 2006 if I recall.

Either way, the claim that the Bypass Rd. is 1km is still wrong. It's over 6.

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The two Chao Fah roads are not bypass roads. What do you think they are bypassing?

The locals call Chao Fah East, Chao Fah Nai and Chao Fah West as Chao Fah Nork.

Simply means Chao Fah in and out.

Their purpose was to connect the southern end of the island to Phuket Town.

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This is going to make it very confusing when people say "Near the big Tesco Lotus" when giving directions. We will have to change the term again. We used to be able to just say "Near Tesco Lotus, then The the word "big" was added when all the Tesco Lotus Express's and Tesco Lotus Parks's opened up. Any one else notice that or is it just me?

Can still say near the tesco next to central or next to the bypass (as the bypass is only like 1km long) ..

Umm...the bypass road goes from Thepkesatri rd to Chalong circle. It's 17km's long.

No it doesn't.

The bypass road runs from Thepkesatri road to Central cross-roads.

Chao Fah West road has been in existence for decades before the bypass road was built.

Funny because there are signs on, and pointing towards, Chaoh Fa West that say "bypass". I'll see if I can't find some and take some pics. Perhaps they just mean "towards the bypass" as Thai roadsigns are notorious for being less than accurate. But I still believe Chaoh Fah West (4022) was also a bypass when it was built in the 60's, and I am certain I have heard Thai's refer to as that. I am aware that the section between Tesco and Thepkesatri (402 or Chalermpraikiet Rd) was built much more recently. 2006 if I recall.

Either way, the claim that the Bypass Rd. is 1km is still wrong. It's over 6.

The bypass rd was in place in the early 90s when I came to Phuket. It was dual laned in approximately 2006

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I remember where Central is now, was a T-junction.

To go to the airport, you went straight ahead from Patong, left at the traffic lights, past the Phuket Merlin and then a left onto Thepakretsi road.

The "Phuket" bypass road was made so that the increasing number of coaches, vans and cars coming from and going to the airport didn't have to meet in Phuket Town.

I have never heard any expat, or Thai refer to Chao Fah West as the bypass road.

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  • 1 month later...

That's a little strange they are expanding in Thailand, as they have just announced they are pulling out of the US.

They have just started work on a distribution centre in the NE and have plans for 2 more in the North and at Sura Thani in the South. Why is it strange they are expanding in this region just because they want out of the American market ?

I'm not a shareholder of theirs, so, I don't know their financials for their operation in Thailand.

I simply ask the question because they "expanded" in the US, and are now pulling out, and it's not so long ago that Carrefour also pulled out of Thailand.

Must have been the protest of the Mexican Food Vendors

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  • 4 months later...

Just heard the new Tesco in Chalong is opening on 5/12.

The GF and several neighbours are running around in a tiz planning their first visit.

Wrong, been there this morning. Opens on 13 December 2013

There was a sign saying the 5th.

Must have gotten a bit ahead of themselves.

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