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Is Traveling To And In Thailand Dangerous?


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I am planning to travel to Thailand in June and July. Within my trip we were going to visit the coastal tourist areas, the islands, and then head over to Cambodia. I know several people who have made trips like this in that area, and could not say more positive things. However, my parents believe this trip is dangerous due to what they read on the following site:


I am trying to convince them that this trip is indeed safe and there is nothing to worry about. Can anyone help me out with opinions, facts, or personal experiences?

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And also you could give your parents some reassurance by comparing the US consular state of affairs view of Thailand to that of Cambodia with regards to threats of state and security, crime, victims of crime, medical facilities and traffic safety and road concerns, etc. Thailand appears to be a traveller friendly destination. thumbsup.gif

Edited by enyaw
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Thailand is as safe as anywhere else, if YOU don't do silly things and as said before keep away from areas of doubtful repute (areas where you will find single male westerners hanging around all day!)

There are some great places to visit and you can have a lot of fun, especially if you are traveling with friends! Dangerous to get to? That depends on the airline you choose to travel with (joke). Have fun!

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P.S. Make sure you have travel insurance. If you fall ill here, up front cash payments are not unusual before they'll admit you.

And make sure your travel insurance coverage includes accidents while riding a motorcycle. A good number of tourist injuries in Thailand involve alcohol and motorcycles.

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Thailand is as safe as anywhere else, if YOU don't do silly things and as said before keep away from areas of doubtful repute (areas where you will find single male westerners hanging around all day!)

There are some great places to visit and you can have a lot of fun, especially if you are traveling with friends! Dangerous to get to? That depends on the airline you choose to travel with (joke). Have fun!

I would say that more dangerous areas are where you see single male THAIS, dressed as women, hanging around.........................

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Thailand is as safe as anywhere else, if YOU don't do silly things and as said before keep away from areas of doubtful repute (areas where you will find single male westerners hanging around all day!)

There are some great places to visit and you can have a lot of fun, especially if you are traveling with friends! Dangerous to get to? That depends on the airline you choose to travel with (joke). Have fun!

I would say that more dangerous areas are where you see single male THAIS, dressed as women, hanging around.........................

Please share your experiences with us? LOL

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Traveling in Thailand is dangerous, and there is a case right now where a group in UK are petitioning to the Coroner to have far more severe warnings posted.

Everything from wholly ignored pedestrian crossings and noodle carts blocking the sidewalks, to a serious deficiencies in aviation and other public travel oversight

This site below might be banned from this forum ( and if removed, ask yourself why some info is censored on various discussion forums, vested interests in keeping visitors a bit naive and advertisers happy? ) But this report is timely to your query.You can google for the article on <snip>

Crux is that Thailand is very very high on the list in traffic fatalities, yet the UK Govt travel site chooses to down play this fact.

You can also read www.InvestigateUdom.com for some rather eye opening facts on how civil aviation is overseen. Pretty scary and I don't think anything has changed since the crash in 2007.

At one point I'd say Thai Airways is the safest air option, , but since last year I would change my assessment as the new President is not so safety minded - the one who was was fired for it. ( IMO )

I only fly Malaysia or Singapore airlines. I'll never get on a Thai budget airline here- and that goes double for Thai Air Asia ( Malaysia Air Asia is OK )

Life does not hold the same value here-if you get killed, so what? You move onto a better life is the current philosophy. If a bus has bald tires and the driver is going too fast in the rain, your death was meant to be.

If you want to sample the infamous prostitution , then by all means, of course you'll love the visit and rave about how "awesome" it all is. But if you are a family instead or otherwise not sexually ( or party-time ) motivated, you might find Malaysia a better destination - it's about 5 decades ahead of Tland in way of a safety culture, cleaner and really a better value( than Phuket, anyway).

You could also not choose Thailand for its abysmal treatment of animals and minority groups.

Thailand is one of the most dangerous countries you can visit on the planet. For example, for British citizens, it is the number one death destination in the world. More Britons die while in Thailand than in any other country on earth. Many such deaths can be ascribed to irresponsible and risk-taking behaviour; however, Thailand also has notorious corruption, an ineffective police force, weak regulations in matters of health and safety and little or no enforcement of them, and inadequate infrastructure that can pose many dangers on a day-to-day basis. You can quite easily be maimed or killed just walking down the street, due to the dangerous conditions of the street infrastructure. Never travel to Thailand without a very good travel insurance policy that should cover you for unlimited medical expenses and repatriation to your home country in the event that you are gravely injured.

You are OBVIOUSLY nothing but a troll. I can't understand why the mods have not removed this blatantly untrue and deliberately inflammatory post.

Edited by craigt3365
removed website reference
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Don't really agree with you regarding Malaysia. I've only spent 3-4 weeks there, but IMHO, it was OK. But I like Thailand better. And not interested in chasing girls or hard core partying in either country, so take that out of the equation.

Thailand is dangerous. But no more than many other countries around the world. Avoid overnight buses and late nights out at clubs and you'll, hopefully, be OK.

Lots of to see in Thailand. In my 11 years here, have never had a problem. But I don't ride motorcycles.

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There are terrorist acts in the United States (Boston), it can happen anywhere but is unlikely. I have visited Thailand more than a dozen times, and have been to Phuket, Krabi, Bangkok, Chang Mai, Trat, and all around Isaan. As long as you are not doing anything illegal and have a small amount of common sense you should be safe and will have a great time. Ask them if they would worry if you were going to New York, or Los Angeles (which are likely more dangerous than Bangkok for crime).

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