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How Does The Law Stand On This ?


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This is not hyperthetical, It actually happened.

I would like some qualified views on how the law stands.

A Thai family I know went out one day and came back with a new born baby.

They said they had found it in the street, and that they intended to keep the child, which was no more than a day or two old..

I told them that the baby did not belong to them, and the real Mother may have been going through a period of post maternal depression, and now regrets her actions and wants her child back, they should take it to the Police, Hospital, or whoever deals with these matters. They told me they would.

After returning some 3 Months later I noticed they still had the child. They told me they had simply decided to keep it.

Is this within the bounds of the law here, where you can simply take a human being (a baby) and simply not inform anyone, and just keep it ????

If not who is the right authority to report this to ???

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A 13 yr old girl and her mother from a fairly well to do family have just gone away from my village to visit relatives for a few months,

an announcment was made that the mother was pregnant after she left.

These things happen all the time and it's never questioned, the advice in the first post is what you should do.

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No harm in calling SS or the cops.... Dont leave your name, let me them check..

While all the posts above are correct, there is always the "what if"... No 1 situation is alike, and for the sake of this child, I would expect an annom call to be put in...

(If it was me, id go down, explain and slip them a couple of hundred with the promise of a couple more so long as my name is not mentioned).

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I understand the child has someone to care for it. The problem is this family cant look after themselves.

They live in what can only be described as a rubbish tip. They had 3 dogs, one of which had 4 puppies. After 2 weeks I went round with some baby milk, because they were feeding a 2 month old baby on mashed bananas, because they couldnt afford the milk.

All the pups were lying outside the house dead. 2 of the adult dogs were missing, probably gone somewhere quiet to die. The place was infested with fleas, and ticks covered the dead dogs and were walking around.

I told them that they need to inform someone of this and get the place fumigated. They simply moved to another hut down the road. They told me it is better to have a large family, so when they grow up they have more children to take care of them.

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I understand the child has someone to care for it. The problem is this family cant look after themselves.

They live in what can only be described as a rubbish tip. They had 3 dogs, one of which had 4 puppies. After 2 weeks I went round with some baby milk, because they were feeding a 2 month old baby on mashed bananas, because they couldnt afford the milk.

All the pups were lying outside the house dead. 2 of the adult dogs were missing, probably gone somewhere quiet to die. The place was infested with fleas, and ticks covered the dead dogs and were walking around.

I told them that they need to inform someone of this and get the place fumigated. They simply moved to another hut down the road. They told me it is better to have a large family, so when they grow up they have more children to take care of them.

You really are new.

Or are you?

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A Thai matter for sure.

See no,hear no,speak no.

As sad as it is, ask if you think that a foreigner in your home country should get involved in an event like this?

Other locals know the score that's for sure.

This may well be a case of least said, soonest mended.

I suggest you keep your head down but continue to observe from a safe distance.

Only if the situation changed for the worse would I even consider getting involved.

Regarding the advice to slip a few baht to keep your name out of it - that would not work IMHO and you would be open to continue to make gifts to keep your secret.

However, you are full grown and as they say here Up to you.

Good luck with what ever you decide to do, or not.

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This is a little off topic and not meant to be helpful but it does relate.

Recently my TGF was asking me about some English words for her friend.

She asked me "What's the English word for like, when you find a baby in the trash and keep it?"

I said, "There is no English word for that. The closest would be adopt or kidnap but they really don't apply to that situation. That kind of thing doesn't happen where I'm from."

She said, "No, not adopt, it's like when you don't adopt it legally, you just find it in the trash and keep it."

I said "Tell your friend 'Kidnap', because that is really what it is".

She came back and said her friend didn't accept kidnap and wanted to know what we call that in English. I said it was crazy and there was no word in English that meant "Found a baby in the garbage and kept it as my own". The idea of this actually happening seems insane to someone like me.

Through further conversation I learned that there is a Thai expression for this situation but it is mostly used as a joke to say to misbehaved kids. It translates pretty directly to 'Kid found in garbage'. (anyone can correct me if I'm wrong)

< Thai language removed, this is the English Language side of the forum, if you wish to post in Thai language, you can do so in the Thai Language forum >

I doubt the police would do too much, but maybe you can contact the center for women and child protection or UNICEF, or as others have said, you could go on about your business. Good Luck

Edited by metisdead
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My wife said if they get caught, big problem. Baby needs to be given to police or taken to an orphanage. Then if they want to adopt they will be assessed. They are breaking the law. Currently it would be kidnapping.

Edited by krisb
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...the other side of the story......

...there was a girl that was pregnant.....she delivered......then the baby was gone.....

....nobody ever mentioned or dared to ask....'What happened to your baby'........

....so are you expecting justice....responsibility.....accountability.....in this society........

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its great that you have a heart that cares,but remember youv already approached,any bib,they would know it was you,maybe get some thais to go see them,and see what transpires,meanwhile,maybe just take food for the baby,while things are decided,best of luck,,,

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I understand the child has someone to care for it. The problem is this family cant look after themselves.

They live in what can only be described as a rubbish tip. They had 3 dogs, one of which had 4 puppies. After 2 weeks I went round with some baby milk, because they were feeding a 2 month old baby on mashed bananas, because they couldnt afford the milk.

All the pups were lying outside the house dead. 2 of the adult dogs were missing, probably gone somewhere quiet to die. The place was infested with fleas, and ticks covered the dead dogs and were walking around.

I told them that they need to inform someone of this and get the place fumigated. They simply moved to another hut down the road. They told me it is better to have a large family, so when they grow up they have more children to take care of them.

I think it may have been a good idea to have mentioned the above in the OP, instead of just:

"A Thai family I know went out one day and came back with a new born baby"

Sorry, but for me the additional info discredits the OP, and makes it look like a troll post.

Just Saying

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I understand the child has someone to care for it. The problem is this family cant look after themselves.

They live in what can only be described as a rubbish tip. They had 3 dogs, one of which had 4 puppies. After 2 weeks I went round with some baby milk, because they were feeding a 2 month old baby on mashed bananas, because they couldnt afford the milk.

All the pups were lying outside the house dead. 2 of the adult dogs were missing, probably gone somewhere quiet to die. The place was infested with fleas, and ticks covered the dead dogs and were walking around.

I told them that they need to inform someone of this and get the place fumigated. They simply moved to another hut down the road. They told me it is better to have a large family, so when they grow up they have more children to take care of them.

I think it may have been a good idea to have mentioned the above in the OP, instead of just:

"A Thai family I know went out one day and came back with a new born baby"

Sorry, but for me the additional info discredits the OP, and makes it look like a troll post.

Just Saying

Agreed. The additional info makes the situation more stark and suggests intentional misleading for whatever purpose known to the OP. Gioven that much of the info is characterised as first hand info and conversation with the Thai family I also wonder just how good the OPs Thai skills are given the delicacy and nuances required to discuss such an issue.

However, in general terms anyone being made aware of such a situation has a patent moral and legal duty to act upon it. Forget all the BS about local culture and not getting involved due to being an outsider. If any of the info supplied is correct then you are already involved, you have had contact and failed to act upon info. The criminal, childrens and family laws in Thailand are unequivocal regarding child protection and family law matters even if enforcement is patchy to say the least.

I wouldn't go to the police or a govt agency unless I was a Thai or possessed excellent language skills. However, if one was to do so forget the local police who will usually be hopeless, there is a Womens and Childrens Protection Division within the police force, in almost all provinces.

The best way to deal with such a scenario is to let the experts trained and familiar with such matters inquire into the situation and then act with the relevant authorities if need be. There are numerous womens and childs rights advocates & NGOs in Thailand.

I'd pass on the info to a competent NGO that specialises in the field, in this case Pavena Foundation might be the most suitable. The have an excellent professional reputation and work closely with govt agencies;


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The only problem I see is that over the last several months my wife has been telling me to always keep an eye on our baby because there have been a lot of reports in the news lately of babies being stolen. So maybe they didn't find the baby in the garbage but stole the baby.

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Not the best situation to be in.

I have to agree with winstoc that maybe just keeping an eye on the situation and supplying food where you can for the time being and perhaps finding out more information on the situation where you can as I could only imagine what a family would be going through if they had their child taken from them.

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If you get involved with the situation I really hope you do the follow up too...

People who want the kid against possible" high class " orphanage...

Unfortunately she/he has to live with your decisions...

A lot of possibilities here if you want be a filantropist, focus on them.

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I understand the child has someone to care for it. The problem is this family cant look after themselves.

They live in what can only be described as a rubbish tip. They had 3 dogs, one of which had 4 puppies. After 2 weeks I went round with some baby milk, because they were feeding a 2 month old baby on mashed bananas, because they couldnt afford the milk.

All the pups were lying outside the house dead. 2 of the adult dogs were missing, probably gone somewhere quiet to die. The place was infested with fleas, and ticks covered the dead dogs and were walking around.

I told them that they need to inform someone of this and get the place fumigated. They simply moved to another hut down the road. They told me it is better to have a large family, so when they grow up they have more children to take care of them.

You could become kind of a "godfather" for the kid. They keep it and you help. Just an idea.

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My wife said if they get caught, big problem. Baby needs to be given to police or taken to an orphanage. Then if they want to adopt they will be assessed. They are breaking the law. Currently it would be kidnapping.

The big question here is: Why would they get caught?

If the child is well taken care of, might be a reason for that.

So in thailand, this is a case of Mai Pben Rai.

I remember the tsunami in Kao Lak.

The orphans were simply taken care of by family, neighbours, anybody who would care.

So this kid is being taken care of.

Let it be....

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I understand the child has someone to care for it. The problem is this family cant look after themselves.

They live in what can only be described as a rubbish tip. They had 3 dogs, one of which had 4 puppies. After 2 weeks I went round with some baby milk, because they were feeding a 2 month old baby on mashed bananas, because they couldnt afford the milk.

All the pups were lying outside the house dead. 2 of the adult dogs were missing, probably gone somewhere quiet to die. The place was infested with fleas, and ticks covered the dead dogs and were walking around.

I told them that they need to inform someone of this and get the place fumigated. They simply moved to another hut down the road. They told me it is better to have a large family, so when they grow up they have more children to take care of them.

Welcome to Thailand village life.

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Don't be a fool.

Stay out of this business.

You are not the only one who can see.

The neighbours know, see and understand all this better than you.

Hate the kind soft hearted 'good-doers'. All they do is harm.

Remember: the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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"What's the English word for like, when you find a baby in the trash and keep it?"

How about saved.

Rescued is the word.

A lot of interesting responses so far. I know if my wife were in the OP's shoes she would either

1) Give what assistance she could to help the people raise the child in a more hygenic manner and help provide better nutrition.

2) Make inquiries amongst locals as to what the true state of affairs is.

3) Contact Child Welfare Agencies (not state agencies).

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