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Weird Insect Bite - Should I Be Worried?

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Just to sweep aside the Saturday Night Dead comedian crew as the Op is clearly concerned you bellends;

There are no life threatening insects/arachnids in Thailand unless you are at risk from possible anaphylaxis or the bite turns septic. Then you must seek medical help, if not, then the worst you'll get is a bit sore for a few hours.

Tiger Balm usually helps soothe many bites/stings.


To the OP, I am sorry you have been ridiculed as your concern is legit. If you are in doubt or wish to have reassurance, take the picture and present yourself at the hospital. Only you are aware of your current general health. There is no point stressing and worrying. Go and seek an qualified opinion. I have been stung/bit by some insects in Thailand and thought I would tough it out. I was an idiot.

A centipede bite hurts, but its not deadly and that isn't a centipede...

They can kill but it is extremely rare.

There has never been an officially recorded death as a result of Centipede venom...ever...ever...

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I do a lot of trekking and mountain biking. I'm pretty sure its some species of tick. There are over 900 different species.

The large white body resembles that of a tick that has just feasted on someone or something. After they eat they swell up like this and then fall off of their prey to digest. The more bloated they get, the less visible are their legs:


From the bottom, they do appear similar to spiders with the rear legs missing:


You can see that the smaller one (one without enlarged body) has not eaten recently.

If this thing is bloated because it was feasting on you, I'd get yourself over to the doctor for blood tests ASAP. These thing's can carry all sorts of nasty disease.

Edited by nietzche
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I doubt it was a tick, if it was when you squashed it you'd have seen noticeable blood.

And there is no lyme disease in Thailand, and a Thai doctor is not going to test you for anything based on the bite of an unknown insect.

I have no idea what this bug was, although tend to think termite is the most likely. In any case it is not a scorpion or millipede nor a mosquito hence not a carrier of any of the mosquito borne diseases. I say forget it and don't worry unless you notice swelling or other reaction at the site of the bite.

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