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Let's Be Honest - It Was *never* The Temples ....

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whistling.gif Coming up to my 67th birthday soon, I can absolutely assure you that while a man's 'sex drive" may never go away, his ability to satisfy that drive will certainly diminish with age.

Take that as the truth.

As the saying goes, when it takes you all night to do what you used to do all night.

By that time however, hopefully, you will still be satisfied with your life in Thailand, and content.

So, you will still stay here.


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"I can absolutely assure you that while a man's 'sex drive" may never go away, his ability to satisfy that drive will certainly diminish with age."

I believe you. But that is only because as you say just above your Avatar:


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The only thing worse than a liar is a liar who is also a hypocrite.

-Tennesee Williams

So you HONESTLY can't think of a better reason to be in Thailand than some creaking bargirls?Seriously,I really do pity you!rolleyes.gif

For me I think Cambodian girls are prettier and have fuller,more womanly figures,Filipinas are certainly easier to communicate with and Indonesian girls are nowhere near as stuck up as the Bangkok Lo-So's that wanna be Hi-So's!

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The only thing worse than a liar is a liar who is also a hypocrite.

-Tennesee Williams

So you HONESTLY can't think of a better reason to be in Thailand than some creaking bargirls?Seriously,I really do pity you!rolleyes.gif

For me I think Cambodian girls are prettier and have fuller,more womanly figures,Filipinas are certainly easier to communicate with and Indonesian girls are nowhere near as stuck up as the Bangkok Lo-So's that wanna be Hi-So's!

For someone who holds the girls and those that enjoy them in such contempt you certainly seem to that you know an awful lot about them.

Someone earlier mentioned food, beer, wenches. The want of all 3 is top of the list. Everything else is just topping on the cake.

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The only thing worse than a liar is a liar who is also a hypocrite.

-Tennesee Williams

So you HONESTLY can't think of a better reason to be in Thailand than some creaking bargirls?Seriously,I really do pity you!rolleyes.gif

For me I think Cambodian girls are prettier and have fuller,more womanly figures,Filipinas are certainly easier to communicate with and Indonesian girls are nowhere near as stuck up as the Bangkok Lo-So's that wanna be Hi-So's!

For someone who holds the girls and those that enjoy them in such contempt you certainly seem to that you know an awful lot about them.

Someone earlier mentioned food, beer, wenches. The want of all 3 is top of the list. Everything else is just topping on the cake.

Maybe it's just that I've lived in different parts of South-East Asia as it's south East Asia that I love and I'm not a tired old monger like you and the other people on here,attempting pitifully to justify their sad existences,by suggesting others are here for no other reason than as a sex tourist?

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The only thing worse than a liar is a liar who is also a hypocrite.

-Tennesee Williams

So you HONESTLY can't think of a better reason to be in Thailand than some creaking bargirls?Seriously,I really do pity you!rolleyes.gif

For me I think Cambodian girls are prettier and have fuller,more womanly figures,Filipinas are certainly easier to communicate with and Indonesian girls are nowhere near as stuck up as the Bangkok Lo-So's that wanna be Hi-So's!

For someone who holds the girls and those that enjoy them in such contempt you certainly seem to that you know an awful lot about them.

Someone earlier mentioned food, beer, wenches. The want of all 3 is top of the list. Everything else is just topping on the cake.

Maybe it's just that I've lived in different parts of South-East Asia as it's south East Asia that I love and I'm not a tired old monger like you and the other people on here,attempting pitifully to justify their sad existences,by suggesting others are here for no other reason than as a sex tourist?

So the many parts of SE Asia that you have lived you kept meeting bar girls to gain all this knowledge? You sure mix with a lot of bar girls for someone that detests them and their clients.

So you were a sex tourist but have now seen the light and are saved.

I suppose I could be considered old at 49. How old are you?

Thank you for the pitiful sex tourist comments. I'm sure my Thai gf will have a laugh considering I actually live with her in KL.

But don't worry, if I break up with her I'll send you a PM to find out which bars have the best acrobatic nymphs as you seem to know them all quite well. Wonder how that is? Oh, purely educational purposes.

Your secret is safe. smile.png

Edited by FDog
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So you HONESTLY can't think of a better reason to be in Thailand than some creaking bargirls?Seriously,I really do pity you!rolleyes.gif

For me I think Cambodian girls are prettier and have fuller,more womanly figures,Filipinas are certainly easier to communicate with and Indonesian girls are nowhere near as stuck up as the Bangkok Lo-So's that wanna be Hi-So's!

For someone who holds the girls and those that enjoy them in such contempt you certainly seem to that you know an awful lot about them.

Someone earlier mentioned food, beer, wenches. The want of all 3 is top of the list. Everything else is just topping on the cake.

Maybe it's just that I've lived in different parts of South-East Asia as it's south East Asia that I love and I'm not a tired old monger like you and the other people on here,attempting pitifully to justify their sad existences,by suggesting others are here for no other reason than as a sex tourist?

So the many parts of SE Asia that you have lived you kept meeting bar girls to gain all this knowledge? You sure mix with a lot of bar girls for someone that detests them and their clients.

So you were a sex tourist but have now seen the light and are saved.

I suppose I could be considered old at 49. How old are you?

Thank you for the pitiful sex tourist comments. I'm sure my Thai gf will have a laugh considering I actually live with her in KL.

But don't worry, if I break up with her I'll send you a PM to find out which bars have the best acrobatic nymphs as you seem to know them all quite well. Wonder how that is? Oh, purely educational purposes.

Your secret is safe. smile.png

Where did you meet your Thai "Girlfriend"?whistling.gif

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"make me appear a sanctimonious <deleted>"

Sanctimonious, we know.

But what is that other thing you mention?

I'll try and chase up a photo of a <deleted> and post it. Oh, wait - here's one. As luck would have it, he seems to have just measured the circumference of a critical part of his anatomy.


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I'm not sanctimonious. You asked a question, I answered it. I think obsessing over anything is not mentally or physically healthy. I've no axe to grind with a guy that once to pay for a slice of pie every week. I do though reserve the right to think less of a person whose entire life revolves around alcohol and worse...alcohol and prostitutes. You can add smoking tobacco in there as well.

If you leave your home country to live in another nation, hopefully its for more than cheap sex.

Oh, you mention some 19yo tilac MWW? More like some 32yo mommy from Kalasin with stretch marks.

Ah yes, they come for the cute fresh faces in the Internet flash ads - but they stay for the divorced mother of 2.

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If anyone ever again asks me why I don't go out at night to the bars anymore I will point them in the direction of this thread.

Yes, I did once ( go to the bars ) a good few years ago after getting divorced in UK, wanted a bit of the other but without the 'committent' or expense that was required back in UK.

Had my fun then settled down, for want of a better expression.

Whatever makes you happy go for it, if you see someone else happy doing something you wouldn't enjoy then don't concern yourself with it, it's not your life.

Maybe the old guy you see sitting in the bar chatting to the young girl is happy doing that because it's better than listening to some self righteous farang telling him he's a dirty old man and is only here because he can get young girls.

Enjoy what makes YOU happy and let others do what makes THEM happy, in reality my life has got Ef all to do with you as yours has Ef all to do with mine.

Have a nice day.

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All of the criticisms I've read thus far seem to boil down to 'You lot are all pathetic sex tourists, and your idea of 'beauty' is any tattooed harlot prepared to smile at you. You disgust me !'

It's easy to stereotype our fellow board members, isnt it ? Easy to picture others as beer-bellied slobs with a fag in one hand and a 19-year old tattooed Tilac in the other, staggering down Beach Road en route to their 'second home', a barstool. Much easier than being prepared to accept that they too, shock horror, may actually see aspects of the country and it's people that appeal to them beyond cheap sex and drunken shenanigans.

End of the day, haters gonna hate, and it gives the 'morally superior' an opportunity to make all the assumptions they feel are warranted. Describing this thread as 'creepy' sums up the holier-than-thou brigade for me - 'how dare MrWW start a thread that even begins to suggest that I find Thai women attractive ?' It goes a long way to explaining why there is so much bile and cynicism on this board when you realise that you are dealing with folk who delight in gross generalisation and rabid stereotyping without confronting their own hypocrisy.

Whatever it is that drew the 'High Priests' to Thailand, I sincerely hope they can deal with the fact that the Thai-only sex industry dwarfs anything you've seen in Pattaya/BKK/Hua Hin, and there *are* girls who stand on the street in BKK soliciting Thai men : it may not be in full view of the BMW-driving public on Suk, but it's not that far away geographically speaking. Obviously, that isn't 'creepy' because those are well-dressed Thai men engaged in discreet transactions while their wives are at home raising their kids. No shortage of men from other parts of Asia also partaking in this 'invisible' industry, but they dont tend to congregate in open-air bars making easy visuals for feminists and tabloid journos. The advice I would give those who cant bear this spectacle is to avert thine eyes or, if they offendeth thee, pluck them out ! Alternatively,. learn to live with the things you cant change - I abhor smoklng, but I dont come to TV to lecture smokers on the evils of their personal choice as I know that it would have zero impact other than to make me appear a sanctimonious <deleted>.

Praise the Lord and pass the potato salad. biggrin.png

well-dressed Thai men engaged in discreet transactions

Correct, I have been in the establishments you talk of, the girls are certainly a few notches further up the totem pole than your average Soi Cowboy slapper, dont think I have ever heard language such as "Cheap Charlie" used, they certainly wouldnt dare talk like that to a Thai man, you wont see tattoos, beer guts and birth marks on display either.

Both parties know whats taking place, one party certainly doesnt convince themself that love is in the air, I dont see or hear of Thai men buying, land, houses and cars for these girls, they certainly aint sponsoring them every month like the gullible farang. Kh Somchai has forgot about his latest teerak long before his merc has exited the car park.

Of course what takes in place in Bkk can be found in just about any one buffalo town upcountry, its just the average farang walks by and doesnt even know what lies behind the doors of these upcountry knocking shops.

We could then talk about the good old university girl with her older man sponsor, put up in a rented condo (notice not bought for her) and paid an allowance, if the man isnt getting what he wants he walks away, unlike the gullible farang who thinks he knows best.

Jeez, there was some poor sap on here who uttered the immortal words, "I only wanted to rescue her", taken to the cleaners, some just cant help themself.

At one time there was a bar in SC that employed nothing but girls from a certain uni, another lesser know venue is the snooker halls where the "markee" is also available for rent.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Obviously the views of a sex tourist. Chiang Mai has everything civilized folk could ever

want -- especially, friendly people. Even most of the tuk-tuk drivers are friendly.

What Chang Mai lacks -- the gridlock traffic, the choking fumes, the in-your-face sex

trade, and the droves of overweight, unwashed, bleary-eyed geezers -- are the very

reason why more and more discerning folks are flocking to Chiang Mai.

I have no interest in the sex scene, I seriously hated Pattaya when I visited and disliked Phuket, when in BKK I don't go near Nana, Cowboy or Patpong but I still love BKK, it's a happening and vibrant city that has loads to see and do and a great (non p4p) night life. Plus great food, people, friendly locals and cheap considering it's a world class capital city.

CM in comparison is dull. I spent a week there and couldn't have been more bored, there's very little to see and do within the city it's self as far as I could see. The nightlife was boring and nothing seemed to be happening midweek (Bangkok has something on 7 nights) The zoo was OK....but I'd only go there once.

Give me BKK any day.

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I actually pity the sad old sex tourists who honestly can't think of a better reason to be in Thailand than for a few ageing bargirls telling them they are 'Hansum' men!

Even more pitiful is these posts showing how much in denial they are and trying to rope everyone else into their sordid little world.I see the usual Scottish contingent are out in force as usual,heartily agreeing that we all must be here as dirty old mongers like them!

I just thank the Lord that I really have more self-respect and less self-loathing than these types of greasy old lechers,who obviously know how distasteful they are otherwise they wouldn't waste everybody's time with creepy threads like this!

You dogma is showing.

BTW, what brought you to Thailand? Let me guess, missionary by chance?

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I like Thai women and Indian curries - let's just say that is one recipe you don't want to mess with ! laugh.pnglaugh.png

Just don't forget the Imodium and to always carry a bog roll with you where ever you go. Much like the adage of never trusting a fart.

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I actually pity the sad old sex tourists who honestly can't think of a better reason to be in Thailand than for a few ageing bargirls telling them they are 'Hansum' men!

Even more pitiful is these posts showing how much in denial they are and trying to rope everyone else into their sordid little world.I see the usual Scottish contingent are out in force as usual,heartily agreeing that we all must be here as dirty old mongers like them!

I just thank the Lord that I really have more self-respect and less self-loathing than these types of greasy old lechers,who obviously know how distasteful they are otherwise they wouldn't waste everybody's time with creepy threads like this!

I quite agree. If a person is living here because its cheap (living expenses and sex). No matter what sort of financial padding, it must be a sad life. I think many, many go back home. The finally figure out the game and pack their kit and go. We never read about them, they have no need for TV any more.

Many years ago I started using Pattaya as a base. Costs of bkk went sky high and Pattaya just got cheaper. Was only 1.5hrs from airport, no traffic - it wasnt a special place, but it was a good cheap base. Pattaya has so, so many ugly problems now, where to start.

If living in Cambodia did not give me an education, Pattaya did. I got to know a lot of women working in the bars on a personal level. Many became friends with benefits. I learned thru them the game in its entirity. What they did not tell me, I could clean from my trips out to beer bars and gogos. The guys looking for a straight up deal and play it that way are few to none. These guys go.to these bars to be wanted - and the women play to this. Its really sad.

Aftervthe British invasion a lot changed. The hard, sex starved guys really put these women through the ringer. They became harder.To a trained eye and an expat, it was always about money - but after 03+, the vibe changed. At this time, younger bad girls were coming out of Issan. They were arriving in Pattaya already with ugly tatoos and smoking. Many with drugs problems and sime with hiv. The young ones always popular with the young guys, they paid but also were quite ugly to many of these women.

The old birds were always a huge fixture in the beer bars and not uncommon to find attractive 35yos still grinding it out in agogo.

Now obviously thousands of guys live here and ez sex is sadly a big part of this. But the reality has been forvthe newbies, they are lured here for want of the pretty girls in photos on the Internet, but end up sleeping with a soft mother of two from Buriram.

Sex at 50+ should not be a primary driver in your life. If it is I personally tbink something a bit off. I chalk it up to availability and making up for lost time.

I made a statement earlier about ones life being food, beer and women. This is truly the case of most here. People without interests, activities (no, not work).It's just a very shallow, one dimensional existence.

Personally, I have no problem with people paying for it. None. It's when a persons entire existence is bound up in a game and industry I kniw all to well serves no one well in the end.

Almost every STI now days is untreatable. I don't fancy being a walking bag of communicable disease.

I'm not moralizing. It's just a new era.

Hmm... did somebody die and appoint you the judge of all men?

This post surely deserves an honorable mention for one of the

most crass TV diatribes posts ever.

Nah, he's just a reformed sex tourist that found a soap box to preach from. Perhaps if you ignore him, he'll go away.

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