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Barbed Wire?

dairy queen

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Strange question, but I'm completely stuck...I've lived in Bangkok for 14 years now, and have never seen the stuff on sale anywhere. [Not that I have ever looked to be completely honest].

Does anyone know where I can buy some barbed wire/barb wire, or razor wire as a 'plan-B', from? [Need to stop cats from coming onto my roof and shi%%ing all over the place; it sticks something awful, and is driving me crazy...]

Thanks in advance for any help on this!

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Hi Charlie,

Do you know of any good builders merchants in [or near] the center of Bangkok? [Or anywhere near the BTS]. Also, you don't happen to know the Thai words for barbed wire? [My wife is being difficult, as she thinks that the cats should be free to sh*t wherever they want. She gave me some nonsense the other day about cats being reincarnated monks; there's just no answer to this sort of statement...]

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Not really sure that barbed wire is the answer to keeping out cats - I'd have to wager the cats will win.


Sounds like money poorly spent. And the labor, too.

Unless your idea is to hide behind something, then jump out and whip the suckers when the are crapping.

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Where do you call the centre of Bangkok?

How do the cats get onto the roof? NB Cats climb they do not jump vertically very far. Of course they do jump down but again not far.

I say this as you need to consider the best place to put whatever you buy.

Put a litter box on the neighbour's roof?

Edited by VocalNeal
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We shall see...I have an idea on how some barbed wire fixed to planks of wood should do the job. [it should cut off their access to one key area at the very least].

I have been using a BB gun to 'discourage' them, but it's not really been working. Frankly, I'd love to use a .22 air rifle [or better yet something bigger] to rid myself of the buggers permanently, but first off it would upset the neighbors, and secondly there's too much risk of 'collateral damage'].

Any ideas on how to stop cats from coming to a particular place/area?

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I have heard that pepper spray will deter them, it should last awhile sprayed directly on the surface if their path.

And no i dont mean spray the cat although the reaction would make good you tube footage!

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Thanks Mac, you rock! Do you know of any good builders merchants in [or near] the center of Bangkok? [Or anywhere near the BTS]?

Hope you're not thinking about taking it home on the skytrain.

Last year a fellow got in a bit of trouble on there with a balloon/balloons. I know it could be arguable that there are no signs saying you can't carry it (this caused a huge debate on here about the balloons) but it may upset the security guards..................wink.png

Just Sayin'............tongue.png

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I believe that one reason you don't see more barbed wire in Thailand is that it rusts away quickly. It's usually used for farm animals and if you mix steel with manure and urine and add a lot of heat and humidity, the wire will simply go away.

I would make it out of high voltage, low amperage electric fence. If you can buy a fence charger (transformer) at a farm supply, then you just need common wire and the insulators to mount it. The insulators now are just plastic rather than the older ceramic. It's really cheap. I don't know what a charger costs in LOS. I recently paid US$60 for one, so look around.

Many a farm boy learned the hard way not to "P" on an electric fence. Many an animal learned to stay away from it. The voltage is very high giving a nasty shock, but the amperage is low so it is harmless.

If the wire rusted out it would be much cheaper and easier to replace. Even a cat is smart enough to learn it's a bad idea to go there again.

PS. You would find the wire to be wound onto a spool and not very big or heavy. The charger and insulators are neither big nor heavy. It would be easy to transport.

Edited by NeverSure
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Barbed wire doesn't work for cats in Canada, so I don't know why it would work on Thai cats. However, cats are smart and stay away from electric wire fences. That is the direction I would go in Thailand. Barbed wire is only good for large animals and humans.

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I would bait them... As your prepared to harm them, then that should not be an issue.

And... I am not having a go at you... I am a cat lover, but I cant stand strays, whether dogs or cats....

I have 2 cats and there is a stray that keeps coming into my yard and picking fights with them every damn night... I will be taking my advice too smile.png

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