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How To Reveal Wifi Password On Home Network


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I have a home / Office WiFi setup to which I have connected my main PC plus a couple of Laptops.

My son now wants to connect an Android device to this Network but it will not connect - message reads "Password incorrect".

I am pretty sure the password I gave him is correct but I would like to check. I believe there is some way I can make my PC Internet connection Setup show the password but I cannot recall how, only that it involves going to a Setup page and clicking "show characters" alongside the Password Box; I cannot find that Setup page!

Running Windows 7 Ultimate.

Can anyone help!?


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SoFarAndNear has probably hit more correctly what you want to do... WiFi and Network are different.

Open Network and Sharing.

Click on Homegroup in the left column.

Under Other Homegroup Actions, click on View or Print the Homegroup Password.

This is from Windows 8. I am not sure if Windows 7 is the same.

The equipment trying to connect must, of course, be trying to connect to the correct network.



Edited by hml367
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The way I think you were trying is -

Click on wi fi symbol and Open network and sharing Centre, then click on the words Wireless network connection (xxxxx) which is under Your Active connections, then click on the tab Security. Tick the box to reveal the characters.

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My niece experienced the same problem. She was complaining for days that she could not connect to the WiFi network at home and swore that she typed the correct password.

Finally when I visited her I found out the issue - her iPad was automatically capitalizing the first character!

With that correction...she was connected!

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Many thanks for all the replies - the Link provided by SoFarAndNear solved the problem - strangely enough the Download of the 64bit version of that Software turned up no Passwords or even connections on my PC but downloading the 32bit version and running it on one of the Laptops worked fine.

Thanks again to all.


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Installing softwear to find your password is rather silly. Click on the wireless network icon then right click on your SSID then click properties. In the properties window, that should display, check the box for "show characters".

Or you could log into your wireless router and get the password from the device.

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Installing softwear to find your password is rather silly. Click on the wireless network icon then right click on your SSID then click properties. In the properties window, that should display, check the box for "show characters".

Or you could log into your wireless router and get the password from the device.

Wise words. Any half decent security software should trap programs capable of reading passwords because these are often used to illegally acquire passwords etc. Would check your anti-virus/malware set up and replace if necessary.

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Personally, I would have logged into my Wi-Fi modem/router and check what the password is. You will not find the password on any computer NOT connected via Wi-Fi, going via the modem/router will always work.

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My niece experienced the same problem. She was complaining for days that she could not connect to the WiFi network at home and swore that she typed the correct password.

Finally when I visited her I found out the issue - her iPad was automatically capitalizing the first character!

With that correction...she was connected!

Good point. Thanks

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don't put password on your wifi, just secure it with mac address

that ts totally insecure as the MAC address is sent in the clear even with an encrypted network. The MAC address is trivial to change thus your method is almost as good as having no restrictions at all.
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don't put password on your wifi, just secure it with mac address

that ts totally insecure as the MAC address is sent in the clear even with an encrypted network. The MAC address is trivial to change thus your method is almost as good as having no restrictions at all.

All MAC address filtering does is stop people accidentally using your network.

It's not secure in any way (not even as secure as WEP which can be broken in under 20 seconds these days).

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don't put password on your wifi, just secure it with mac address

And watch your Internet get hacked. I can easily log on to your network, clone valid mac addresses in the menu and instantly use your network.

Don't use wep password security you can be hacked in under 5 mins.

Use WPA/WPA2 password security using a mixture of lower and higher alphanumeric and special letters. And then use you MAC security.

Yes WPA can be hacked, but will take a day, and you will certainly notice somebody sat outside your house for that length of time.

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