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Notification Of Alien's Address. Has It To Be Done In 24 Hours In Person Upon Arrival?

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I have always put my up country address on the arrival card when coming into Swampy, even if I am staying in BKK for a week or two before heading up home. Never had an issue in 17 years. As said in many responses, it is the law, but 99.99% ignore it and it is never enforced.

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If you use extensions or even a multi o, you will.have to have some sort of residence. So if you do leave Sakaew, you will need to have some base to put on the visa application. You could do single o visa in Vientiane and list a hitel I suppose.

There is a recent thread about Pattaya. Appears Immigration there is requiring a lease on top of everytjing for extensions.

You have to decide what works for you and your wife.

From my perspective, easiest option for most is living in Bangkok, Pattaya and CM in that order. Seems like the more provincial the office, the more hassles, money grubbing, lack of knowledge about the rule of law or the willingness to operate within the limits of it.

Issan seems like such a headache with Immigration I don't know why any foreigner would settle down there. Horrorvstories ate posted daily.

Good luck

My wife wants to stay with her relatives and to care of her kin. Our mother in law is living with us and taking care about the house and a garden if we are out for long awhile. Locals at our village are very friendly people and with a good Internet connection I miss a company of my friends overseas not much. However I agree that to stay in a community of foreigners somewhere in CM is much nicer. An advantage to stay in a middle of nowhere is cheaper life cost if it may matter. I see in time that more and more Western people are relocating to our area. May be these are not from a rich strata.

My point was not living around foreigners, but rather in a metro atea where Immigration officers ate relatively honest and have a reasonable grasp of their duties.

The reason I bring up location is that you will be required to use that "outpost" for extensions and reporting...You already were clued in on the hassles and problems. You might have a lifetime of hassles or at least until that officer that gave you grief is relocated.

I'm sure being Russian doesn't help, not sure if it hurts. Lots of farang get these hassles.

I rather like Russians myself, I studied Russian language a bit in uni as well as History and Literature. I visited the Soviet Union in 83. Applaud you taking an Asian wife, very unRussian of you ☺ I wanted to be a diplomat. My interests returned to East Asia with the fall in 91. I should have stuck with it, I tbink Russia is a very interesting place now.

I used to live at a metropolis for 30 years, i.e. Moscow, and enjoyed an opportunity to go a few times a week to concerts of musics, to theaters, museums, fairs. Even had a very bohemian style of life with artists and musicians as friends and a girlfriend an opera star. After a collapse of an iron curtain in the former S.U. I traveled enough to see the world. With age a desire of excitement and adventures is vanishing and I prefer to reside in a country side, to eat fresh fruits from our farm, to ride a bike at mornings and to swim if we are at a coast. Best life for me is to stay in solitariness or with my wife, to sleep in a tent at a beach, to swim, to hunt for fish and shells, to cook myself some simple food, and to be a tiny part of this beautiful planet. I am tired of crowds of strangers, traffic jams, and polluted air in big cities. My wife in opposite likes to see other countries, to travel and to test this and that. She is young and full of energy. However, before we met and married her life was not with much joy and happiness. She appreciates all what I do for her. We are fine. In Thailand I love nature, nature and once more nature. Bangkok is not for me. If to stay in any city, I better will come back to Germany. If there will be an opportunity to stay in Thailand and to be more safe in investments I may contribute to Thai society. If not - there are other nice places I love no less than countryside in Thailand, i.e. Australia, Singapore, South of China.

Russia is an interesting but not a safe place for western people. A place to make easy money, dah, a place to have young girlfriend with white skin, dah. However, not a place to enjoy peace and safety. As for me, I cannot get job over there. Some of my students and a postgraduate student got rich in Russia. They are laughing on me - what are you doing in Germany? How much money are you making over there? Ah-h, you moved to Thailand and want to reside over there - you are a downshifter and a looser. OK, everyone makes his own choice. I did mine.

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I have always put my up country address on the arrival card when coming into Swampy, even if I am staying in BKK for a week or two before heading up home. Never had an issue in 17 years. As said in many responses, it is the law, but 99.99% ignore it and it is never enforced.

A few month ago there was information at the ThaiVisa website on new regulations on registration of the alien's addresses. I cannot find it again. The Immigration Office started from hotels, next they are targeting Russians and East Europeans. I am hearing already about crack-downs on Chinese. It is coming to everyone even to locals. This is a technology to control humans, i.e. to make changes slow and to target selective groups of people. The changes were not instant in nazy Germany in 30s, you may be aware of the history.

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whistling.gif This is not a new law, it has been in effect for many years.

In practice it is mostly applies to hotel owners and such places as that where foreigners routinely stay.

That's why they ask for your passport when you check in to a hotel, and often they copy it.

I had a Thai Chinese friend who owned a small guesthouse back in 1979, and he had to do that then, so this law is not new.

For private individuals, at least here in Bangkok, this law is routinely ignored except by those places where foreigners normally rent rooms.

It's very hard to get anyone to care, and harder to actually report the fact to anyone.

it;s just a fine example of silly laws written by mindless politicians, that may had a legitimate purpose originally, but are now applied to areas outside of that legitimate purpose.

And, for that reason, they are mostly ignored outside that original legitimate useful purpose.


P.S. Just to keep it in perspective I've worked and lived in about a dozen countries in the world and.at least two thirds of them had some kind of foreigner registration laws..... whether enforced or not..... to include such places as Greece.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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Actually they are separate sections of the Immigration Act of 2522. First applies to foreigner and has not normally been required for short term stays, or even wanted by officials. But some are now enforcing - but mostly only in the course of other business - as when someone asks for a free residence report (but has never reported a residence). Logical enforcement. But does not excuse not reporting. But would be totally out of control if every temporary trip were to be reported to local police.

Section 37 : An alien having received a temporary entry permit into the Kingdom must comply with the
following :
2. Shall stay at the place as indicated to the competent official. Where there is proper reason
that he cannot stay at the place as indicated to the competent official, he shall notify the competent official
of the change in residence , within 24 hours from the time of removing to said place.
3. Shall notify the police official of the local police station where such alien resides, within twenty
– four hours from the time of arrival. In the case of change in residence in which new residence is not
located the same area with the former police stations , such alien must notify the police official of the
police station for that area within twenty – four hours from the time of arrival.
4. If the alien travels to any province and will stay there longer than twenty – four hours , such
alien must notify the police official of the police station for that area within forty – eight hours from the time
of arrival.

The provider of accommodations is also required to report - entirely separate report - to immigration as below. Normally this is asked of hotels/public accommodations but most individuals would not be aware of it and seldom do or face action for not doing. But some hotels and such have not been doing this in a regular manner and it has become more of an issue in today terrorist mindset so enforcement has increased.

Section 38 : The house – master , the owner or the possessor of the residence , or the hotel manager

where the alien , receiving permission to stay temporary in the Kingdom has stayed , must notify the
competent official of the Immigration Office located in the same area with that hours , dwelling place or
hotel, within 24 hours from the time of arrival of the alien concerned. If there is no Immigration Office
located in that area , the local police official for that area must be notified.
In case the house , dwelling place , or hotel where the alien has stayed under provision of Para.1
is located within the Bangkok area , such notification must be reported to the competent official at the
Immigration Division.
Making notification , in reference to the Para 1 and 2 of this Section , must comply with
regulations prescribed by the Director General.
“ House Master ” means any persons who is the chief possessor of a house , whether in the capacity of
owner , tenant , or in any other capacity whatsoever , in accordance with the law on people act.
“ Dwelling Place ” means any place used for habitation such as a house shed , boat or floating house
which human beings inhabit .It also includes the precinct of the place used for habitation , whether it be
enclosed or not , in accordance with the Panel Code.
“ Hotel ” means any place built for remuneration for travelers or persons who wish to look for a place to
stay or rest for a period of time , in accordance with the law on the hotels.
“ Competent Official ” means any officer appointed by the Minister to carry out a function in conformity
with this Act.
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it has become more of an issue in today terrorist mindset so enforcement has increased.

When government needs terrorism to impose a totalitarian control on own population they invent terrorists and may stage a false-flag attacks on own population. It happened in the U.S. and it is happening everywhere. I call the system of a totalitarian control as fascism. Don't tell me that it is to protect people. I work in Germany. I know history. Farangs in Thailand are going to be Jews of the Nazi Germany, aren't they? Nazy took money from Jews and expropriated their possessions in Germany in 30s. So, it will be in Thailand. A motto of the day for farang in Thailand has to be: DO NOT INVEST IN THAILAND! BE READY TO QUIT.

It's understandable that someone could be upset at being singled out for enforcement of this farcical regulation. However as already said, it isn't a new law and the only reports of any official even mentioning it are from low level, Ban Nok immigration officers.

That's just the way they operate but they aren't "movers and shakers" in Thailand so just take what they say with a grain of salt. It's not symptomatic of any general anti-foreign sentiment in Thailand.

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It also comes up when getting a drivers license and they ask you for a home registration report. You go to Immigration and they ask you where you have been living for the past 2 years?

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It is not a new, but rather an old regulation. Normally it is only enforced regarding hotels and such, who must report.

But sometimes it is enforced towards persons on an extension based on marriage as well.

I think some people just come in with an attitude inviting it.

My first time here I knew nothing I was going to get a taxi and have him take me to a place on the mid range price wise.

The immigration officer asked where I was staying and I said I did not know yet so she mentioned a few places I choose one and viola I had a visa.

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Judging by your responses and I mean this in a non agro way - you sound like you need some serious clue-ing in on how the game works here. You labor under misimpressions and it seems like the cops see you as any easy mark.

Also, stop asking your wife to sort things out for you. Smile, play stupid, see how it all develops and abdorb and learn from the experience

No idea what this registration thing is. Maybe related to you homestay but Id be shocked if the flunkie stamping your pp outbound cares at all about it.

Don't know what sort of situation your wife was in for her (you) to get some bs lecture about "bad farang" but I would not have been at all pleased. Corrupt cop lecturing me about random criminals that he has admitted to his country. Not my problem.

Be careful that you are being shaken down by the cops - but if I may be so bold, your wife. My wife is not one to be argumentitive or get in a cops face but our conversation would have been done with the "bad farang" lecture. Your wife needs to step up snd providea buffer to that nonsense. She will need to be your guide dealing with this lot...what is typical nonsense all Thais suffer snd ehat part is simply a bridge too far.

Good luck with Thailand. Its ok to push the envelope.

I have a friend who is always having problems with Thai authorities. He has an attitude and dosen't even realize it. Thai's pick that up fairly fast and many of them are not reacting to rules and regulations they are reacting to your attitude. I try to tell him his attitude towards them sucks but he says no he has a good attitude.

I just let him go on with his problems he will never change. I have far fewer problems than him and when one comes up I take the position they are right and I am wrong and smile.

If you give them half a chance the Thai's will come more than half way. I just treat them as people who are neither right or wrong just different.

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Strictly speaking you still need to report. In practice, most times immigration cannot be bothered with it and requires only hotels and such to report your stay.

It seems to me that the Immigration Office enforced the regulation recently. While we were waiting in a queue to apply our papers a woman from a local hotel came to report about ONE foreign guest. It seems to be a headache for the hotels too as they have to send somebody to report about the foreign guest and to get a notification of the registration. It takes time and money. We were lucky to have not a long queue today. What about hours to wait? And foreigners are supposed now to pay more for a room as the cost of registration is included. What would happen if they will spend awhile in their friend's house without registration and be caught red-handed to live not registered? How to avoid troubles?

@witchhunter, you've asked: "How to avoid troubles?" Easy answer: STAY AWAY FROM THIS COUNTRY!!! (Privat meaning: They deserve it because of their bureaucracy. No aliens, no money flows in.)

Edited by KhunMichael
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This is getting somewhat silly/complicated. At Retirement Extension, at Nonthaburi, I gave them a TM28 and a TM30. This year I got the TM30 slip back as well as the TM28. first time ever for the TM30 and they stapled both into my passport.

The TM30 was dated the day before as I didn't want any problem, any questions and I thought that I would say that we stayed up country somewhere and forgot the name.

Now shortly we are going to Europe for a week, when we get back we will go straight to where we live and I have a Yellow book for that house .... I need to get any paperwork filled in????. Immigration is 20+kms away, I don't really want to make that trip but also I don't want a fine. Ideas??

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I register too, but I do not worry about the 24h or even a week. I told the immigration guys, that I was traveling in TH after my landing in BKK and just made it to my final destination in HDY. No problems at all.

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It is just another rule that can be ignored. The chances that you really get fined are lower than winning the lottery. And if they still want an address you use that of a big hotel where every piece of mail that they cannot deliver to a staying customer is thrown away anyhow.

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Along the same lines, I'm on an annual non imm OA (retirement visa) I moved from one address to another within the same city and the moved happened to coincide with my 90 day reporting so I just put my new address on the 90 day report. Should I still do a TM28 (change of address form) or was putting the new address on the 90 day form enough?

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Technically you only have to file a change of address so if you always live at the same house no notification of change of address is needed. It is needed for the first time you register your address. If you go on holiday in Thailand the hotel informs the police of your movements and the form you fill in states where you have come from and where you are going to. Thus no requirement to re-register your home address.

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It also comes up when getting a drivers license and they ask you for a home registration report. You go to Immigration and they ask you where you have been living for the past 2 years?

I just keep renewing my licence every five years, never been asked about change of address

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As said, for hotels and such it is enforced and indeed increasingly so. But they can apply at immigration for a password and file everything online instead of having to go in person to the police office or immigration.

Thanks. However, today at the Sa Kaeo IO the registration from a hotel was in papers. Can any private house owner get a password and make the registration online? Where is the web site for registration? We asked the officials what can WE do. Come in person was the reply. OK, I have a friend from Switzerland who is getting many friends coming to his private house to stay for a while. He probably knows how to manage with the regulations. It can be a solution for us. Thanks again.
Only hotels and such can register online. But house owners have the option of registering at the local police station, the guests themselves must report to immigration.

Form for house owner: http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/download/tm30.doc

Form for foreigner: http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/download/tm28.doc

But do it only if immigration tells you to do it. In most areas immigration is not interested in it.

Thanks indeed, great help and a base to chill out and to think on a solution of the trouble. The Sa Kaeo Immigration Office is in Aranyaprathet. It is too far from our village. I will ask my friend in a nearby town who is getting many visitors to his home - how is he managing with the registrations? He is 15 years in Thailand and in a good contact with locals. Sure, he is not taking his visitors to Aranyaprathet. As for the Sa Kaeo Immigration Office, may be an O-visa for a year would give me a break in visits to them. I would be obliged to leave the country every 3 months and the demand is easy to follow in my current situation with frequent trips in Thailand and out.

Why do you have a problem just register with immigration. I know 5 hour drive that seems to be the problem not the registration. It doesn't matter the visa you are on Non O, tourist, extension of stay you will still have to register with immigration

Edited by moe666
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Strange request from the immigration. As some members said it is indeed an old law, never enforced. I am living 20 years in Thailand never reported anything except when we first moved in our house I went to the police, but no one was really interested

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This has been hashed around before but here goes again. I will pass on my experience from the Nong Khai immigration in regards to the Receipt of Notification. This is to be completed by the house owner whenever an alien resides at such address for More than 24 hours. So if you are married and living with your wife and she (or family) are the owners (tambien bahn) they are required to have you registered as you living at that address. Same as a Hotel or Guest House would do. Many hotels and guest houses are registered with immigration to complete this process on line (for Thai citizens as well not just foreigners). However to the best of my knowledge this system is not set up for private home owners.

Now I asked them if I travel a lot how often should I have my wife register? We go away for the weekend and come back after two days does she need to re-register the alien? Answer, NO. However if you leave the country or are gone for more than about 30 days (extended vacation but do not leave Thailand) I was told no problem, no need to re-register.

So if you fly into the country and stay one night in Bangkok and then proceed home the Hotel has registered you into the system and by law your wife (or home owner) should complete the Notification application at the nearest Immigration office as soon as possible or risk being fined.

I have lived here in Thailand (in our own home in Issan) for about 5 years.

The only time I have been asked for my address at immigration I just showed my driver's licence which has your address on the back. That was enough to satisfy. Too easy.

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I just did an O-A visa extension (3rd) at Udonthani (again-O-A, not marriage). For the first time my wife had to fill out the TM30 form along with showing/copying her blue book and ID. Yes, the receipt is stapled in my passport. My neighbor went a day after and did not have to have, but he has a yellow book. I am guessing, guessing being the operative word, that if you have yellow book that takes care of the report. On the other hand, apparently if you are out of the province for more than 24 hours you have to fill out form TM28. I had read recently that these long on the book regulations were going to be enforced. TM30 is a bit of a headache, but not too bad. TM28 is a pain in the ass if you travel at all. I'll get off my butt and finally go get yellow book, which hopefully will take care of TM30. My gut feeling is not many farangs are going to be filling out TM28 and/or if they do the paperwork will overwhelm immigration.

BTW the entire time at immigration was less than 40 minutes (had to wait a bit) and very pleasant, same for my neighbor.

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...If you go on holiday in Thailand the hotel informs the police of your movements and the form you fill in states where you have come from and where you are going to...

The hotel's report form, ie the TM.30, has no information about where you come from and where you are going.

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I just did an O-A visa extension (3rd) at Udonthani (again-O-A, not marriage). For the first time my wife had to fill out the TM30 form along with showing/copying her blue book and ID. Yes, the receipt is stapled in my passport...

This goes to show how little some immigration officers know about the TM.30 reporting procedure. The receipt for this report does not belong in your passport. It belongs to the person who made the report, in your case your wife, in her capacity of house owener, as proof that she made the report.

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It also comes up when getting a drivers license and they ask you for a home registration report. You go to Immigration and they ask you where you have been living for the past 2 years?

I just keep renewing my licence every five years, never been asked about change of address

Sorry, meant when first "getting" a DL not necessarily renewing one. On your first application (an subsequent ones, but not usually) you are asked to provide a letter from immigration or local Police with your registered address. Not in every case but they have the right to ask for this before issuing you your provisional DL. This is based on my conversation with the DLT office in Nong Khai. Other areas it is certainly different.

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I just did an O-A visa extension (3rd) at Udonthani (again-O-A, not marriage). For the first time my wife had to fill out the TM30 form along with showing/copying her blue book and ID. Yes, the receipt is stapled in my passport...

This goes to show how little some immigration officers know about the TM.30 reporting procedure. The receipt for this report does not belong in your passport. It belongs to the person who made the report, in your case your wife, in her capacity of house owener, as proof that she made the report.

Hotels and such may have a different form. It is always asked when I have to fill in a hotel form about my stay.

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