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Acting Irs Chief Ousted Over Tax Scandal As Obama Vows Change


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Gallup: Obama Approval Rating Holds Positive

So basically you are conceding that obama was the mastermind behind the targeting BUT the American people just don't care.

For once I agree with you.

The Gallup survey and you say two opposite things. Whatever makes you think or believe the Gallup survey has found, or that I believe, there's a White House mystery here and it's the president whodunnit? There isn't any such thing. Get real.

No, you and I don't agree on the time of day, so forget that notion.

The reality is that the moderate middle of the United States, the people who twice voted to elect Barack Hussein Obama president, know that for the past four and a half years the Republicans have obstructed and have sought to nullify anything and everything Prez Obama advocates. Republicans from the loony birthers to the present gang of inquisitors have put their ideology above country, and the American people know this.

Now, no one believes the gangster Cong Darrell Issa who already has sent a number of Republicans in Washington dashing away from his outrageous and impertinent assertion that the White House spokesperson is a "paid liar." You've got the wrong guy out front in this particular Republican inquisition against the president. You people are screwing the pooch again in your obsession against Prez Obama and the American political center. And the majority of Americans who comprise the center know this.

I watched the Sunday morning news programs, to include CNN's interview of Chairman Darrell Issa - a bomb thrower with a checkered political past

I find this to be insulting & outrageous.

In fact the dear leader has a friend by the name of William Ayers who makes bombs & kills people.

This is not "some guy from the neighborhood" but a radical professor who says "I wish we had done more"


"... that conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings (including police stations, the U.S. Capitol Building, and the Pentagon) during the 1960s and 1970s in response to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. (which killed people)"

And here you are claiming to be "fighting for the center" NOT.

It is not up to me to caution you BUT your uptopian statism is showing.

You think and believe I am some sort of utopian statist, when I am instead a classic Western liberal of the Judeo-Christian tradition. You have this all wrong in your own head, which is not a responsibility of mine to treat or to rectify. You yourself have to get your head screwed on right. I can't do that for you. All I can do is to correct you and leave you to yourself.

The current topic is the political bomb thrower and literal arsonist Cong Darrell Issa. Issa is in a position in Congress that makes him a clear and present danger to the republic. It's Issa's imbalance and his unstable character we need to focus on because the wild and irresponsible Republicans in the House chose Issa to chair the committee that is the lead committee in the inquisition against Prez Obama. The Republicans in Washington are again trying to engage in nullification, this time concerning the outcome and result of last year's election of the president.

That the R's in Washington chose this guy to lead them in this political hatchet job makes me shutter. The Republicans in Washington are out on the far right extreme of the American political spectrum, while the majority of the country remains in the political center. The center must hold against the constant onslaught and barrages from the current crop of unreconstructed Republicans who reside on the extreme radical right of the spectrum.

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Here's something to think about that's one of the first items of the news this morning.

Are the Scandals Fading?


Gibbs: Issa charges against IRS ‘shameful,’ owes agency apology

Read more: http://thehill.com/video/in-the-news/302973-gibbs-blasts-issa-for-shameful-claims-against-irs#ixzz2VC48eKXO

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What Initiated the IRS Targeting of the Tea Party? Did news coverage of a Tea Party group launching a 501©(4) in February 2010--including a story at NPR-- launch the two year scrutiny of Tea Party groups? It's impossible to tell for certain but the IG report does offer some clues that suggest this could be the case.

Other news outlets have speculated about what might have prompted the scrutiny but no firm conclusion seems possible since the IG report redacts the event which initiated the scrutiny. However the report does offer clues.

A detailed timeline included in the report indicates the whole affair began with a February 25, 2010 email. The contents of the email, as well as the name of the sender and recipient, have been redacted and replaced with a string of asterisks. However the next entry, dated March 1st, does provide a clue. It reads, "The Determinations Unit Group Manager asked a specialist to search for other Tea Party or similar organizations’ applications in order to determine the scope of the issue." [Emphasis added]

So we know the IRS became aware of Tea Party groups whose election activities raised an "issue." A specialist was asked to determine how widespread that issue was. We know that the focus was eventually on Tea Party related groups who had applied for 501©(4) status, so we can assume that was also true of the group (or groups) which were noted in the initial email.



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GOP threatens IRS purse strings - By Bernie Becker and Peter Schroeder - 06/03/13 05:40 PM ET

GOP appropriators on Monday said they would use the IRS’s purse strings to get answers about how and why it targeted conservative groups. House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers (R-Ky.) said his panel may impose conditions on IRS funding, calling the targeting tantamount to a political enemies list that hearkens back to “a dark page in our past.”

Other Republicans on the panel wondered how the IRS, in the words of Rep. Ander Crenshaw, “should spend one more dime” on the agency without having more answers on how the IRS is currently operating.


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Actually the catalyst for the road blocking hamstringing illegal surveillance of conservative groups and Catholics and Jewish groups was the citizens united case which caused the radical leftists to lose the house in 2010. Thus the vote suppression and dirty tricks by the DNC began. Mr community organizer is always talking about fairness. It's his core principle. Is what happened with the IRS fair? Not in my book. cheap attempt to steal an election

Edited by snarky66
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It might seem the IRS hearings are about to expand even more.


Report: IRS spent $50M holding 220 employee conferences over three years
By Alan Fram, The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The Internal Revenue Service, already under fire after officials disclosed that the agency targeted conservative groups, faces increased scrutiny because of an inspector general's report that it spent about $50 million to hold at least 220 conferences for employees between 2010 and 2012.
The report by the Treasury Department's inspector general about conference spending is set to be released Tuesday. The department issued a statement Sunday saying the administration "has already taken aggressive and dramatic action to reduce conference spending."
The White House and the agency were on the defensive before the report on conference spending. Agency officials and the Obama administration have said the targeting of conservative groups was inappropriate, but the political tempest is showing no signs of ebbing.
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Yes, it is the traditional, customary and constitutional role of the Congress to oversee the Executive Branch and to conduct investigations. Students in 7th Grade Social Subjects class learn this.

The current Congress however is dominated by the tea party Republicans, a gang not well regarded by the majority of Americans. The majority of Americans are in the political center. Sometimes the center moves slightly right or left, but only by a couple of small clicks, not in leaps and bounds. Because of the tea party Republicans, the Congress has moved right of the U.S. political center - far to the right - and has done so suddenly and by leaps and bounds.

Driving this sharp lurch to the extreme right are the 75 House members who are members of the Republican Study Committee. The RSC are, in fact, the tea party hard core Republicans of the House. The incendiary Chairman Darrell Issa, who over the weekend called the White House spokesperson "a paid liar" is a member of the RSC. The RSC consists of the extreme far right of the already conservative Republican party.

The Republican Study Committee is a group of House Republicans organized for the purpose of advancing a conservative social and economic agenda in the House of Representatives.


With or without the RSC however the House lacks the mandate of the American body politic, i.e., the political center-middle of the U.S. political spectrum. That is, specifically, the Congress has the support of only 15% of the U.S. body politic. That's an historically terrible approval level among the body politic.

The 15% figure is the average of five polls taken between April 28 to May 27 of this year. The polling organizations who during this period have asked the question of whether we approve or disapprove of the Congress are: Economist/You Gov, Fox News, Reason-Rupe/PSRAI, Gallup; CBS/NYT.

The current Republican party incumbents of the Congress, the House especially, fail to have the customary institutional trust and confidence of the U.S. body politic, the American political center-middle. We do not trust or have confidence in the current membership of the Congress - the House especially - to dutifully perform the customary institutional role of the Congress to which you glibly and faciley refer. This is true in general, but it is especially true in this IRS matter.

There's more to Congressional government than one reads in a 7th Grade civics textbook. There is the real world of party politics and of who best represents the majority of Americans, i.e., the political center-middle. The person who best represents us is Prez Obama.

The Congress, the House especially and in particular, is a tea party political circus, a political theater. The American body politic knows this and knows it well. We reject the whole of it.

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If you have worked as professional staff in the Congress in Washington, you wouldn't need (or accept) lectures by others about the precepts of our Constitutional system or of the role of the Congress and how it functions. That is, the reality of it as well as the textbook version. Viewing the operations and nature of the Congress from afar doesn't provide the same knowledge or insights either.

Congress lost is fundamental legitimacy during the mid-1970s when it enabled the creating of Political Action Committees (PAC) by special interests. This action by the Congress legalized an immoral money for votes scheme between the special interests lobbies and the Members of Congress. We've heard a lot about it since but Congress won't change its system of legalized vote buying.

In 2010 the Supreme Court, in the Citizens United case, further legalized surreptitious vote buying during elections campaigns. The Court's decision allowed huge monied interests to cloak their large donations in tax-exempt groups and organizations. It also enabled non-profits to do the same. We well know that Congress made that law too, the infamous Section 501© and (d) holes in the laws governing donations (influence peddling) concerning campaign laws.

Which brings us to the current circumstance. The tea party extreme right in the Congress didn't get elected to Washington to legislate. They went to Washington to tear down the whole of the system. And we see how destructive the extreme right is in the Congress. They're tearing down compromise and reasonable relations among the Members of Congress. They have an agenda of mayhem and destruction that excludes improvements to the system.

If these tea party and right wing members of Congress were serious about changing Washington, they would have stricken the onerous 501 provisions from the tax code (Title 26 USC) and would have abolished the PAC system of campaign contributions. But they haven't. That is not on their nefarious agenda.

Despite the consistency over many years of the public opinion surveys, which put the disapproval of the Congress in the 70th or 80th percentile, the extreme right instead thinks Prez Obama is the problem, not the Congress. The fact is Prez Obama represents the political center-middle of the U.S. body politic.

So long as the tea party R's in Washington and other conservative R's in Washington continue to ignore and disrespect the U.S. body politic and its center-middle, Congress will continue to get disapproval ratings in the 70th or 80th percentile. This includes in the present matter of the IRS.

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The tea party extreme right in the Congress didn't get elected to Washington to legislate. They went to Washington to tear down the whole of the system. And we see how destructive the extreme right is in the Congress. They're tearing down compromise and reasonable relations among the Members of Congress. They have an agenda of mayhem and destruction that excludes improvements to the system.

The silly, partisan rhetoric just never stops. rolleyes.gif

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If you have worked as professional staff in the Congress in Washington, you wouldn't need (or accept) lectures by others about the precepts of our Constitutional system or of the role of the Congress and how it functions. That is, the reality of it as well as the textbook version. Viewing the operations and nature of the Congress from afar doesn't provide the same knowledge or insights either.

Congress lost is fundamental legitimacy during the mid-1970s when it enabled the creating of Political Action Committees (PAC) by special interests. This action by the Congress legalized an immoral money for votes scheme between the special interests lobbies and the Members of Congress. We've heard a lot about it since but Congress won't change its system of legalized vote buying.

In 2010 the Supreme Court, in the Citizens United case, further legalized surreptitious vote buying during elections campaigns. The Court's decision allowed huge monied interests to cloak their large donations in tax-exempt groups and organizations. It also enabled non-profits to do the same. We well know that Congress made that law too, the infamous Section 501© and (d) holes in the laws governing donations (influence peddling) concerning campaign laws.

Which brings us to the current circumstance. The tea party extreme right in the Congress didn't get elected to Washington to legislate. They went to Washington to tear down the whole of the system. And we see how destructive the extreme right is in the Congress. They're tearing down compromise and reasonable relations among the Members of Congress. They have an agenda of mayhem and destruction that excludes improvements to the system.

If these tea party and right wing members of Congress were serious about changing Washington, they would have stricken the onerous 501 provisions from the tax code (Title 26 USC) and would have abolished the PAC system of campaign contributions. But they haven't. That is not on their nefarious agenda.

Despite the consistency over many years of the public opinion surveys, which put the disapproval of the Congress in the 70th or 80th percentile, the extreme right instead thinks Prez Obama is the problem, not the Congress. The fact is Prez Obama represents the political center-middle of the U.S. body politic.

So long as the tea party R's in Washington and other conservative R's in Washington continue to ignore and disrespect the U.S. body politic and its center-middle, Congress will continue to get disapproval ratings in the 70th or 80th percentile. This includes in the present matter of the IRS.

I spent my time in Washington DC as well, just not in the hallowed halls of Congress as you allege you did.

Talking down to me or anybody else that might have the temerity to disagree with you is not the best way to convince others your argument is better. You tried that approach with Publication 54 and how did that work out for you?

You claim the Citizen's United decision has been a disaster for the political system since Corporations can now use their money to possibly influence an election, when in reality all that Citizen's United did was put Corporations on an equal footing with the many Labor Unions that had been using their money and influence to sway elections for years. Apparently you saw nothing wrong with Labor Unions doing for years what you are complaining about Corporations doing now. Goose and gander sound familiar to you?

How can you possibly make such a ridiculous statement that the "Tea Party extreme right in the Congress didn't get elected to Washington to legislate"? You further go on to claim they are there to create mayhem and destruction by tearing down compromise and reasonable relations among Congressional members. Perhaps you can explain to all of us how you arrived at this startling conclusion that elected legislators were sent to Washington in order to not be elected legislators.

Compromise and reasonable relations among Congressional members was torn apart by the Democratic onslaught of closed door deals, behind the back trades and midnight votes by the Democratic Party in both Houses of Congress to get Dodd-Frank and, more urgently, Obamacare passed on Christmas Eve in 2010 under the auspices of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. That single action alone caused more animosity and recalcitrance on the part of Republicans than the election in 2010 of a few new Congressmen who were supported by Tea Party believers. I would think your vast experience as a paid professional staff in Congress would have given you the insight to see how this little charade in legislative shenanigans finally turned out.

Obama, Reid and Pelosi caused the mayhem and destruction, not the few freshmen House members you claim.

You still don't get it about the polls. House members don't report to the "body politic" of the US. They report to small constituencies located in their own districts around the nation. That's where their poll numbers count. Nowhere else.

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Leftist Groups Enjoy IRS Tax-Exempt Status While Tea Party Suffers


"Campaign finance zealots and free speech regulators have sought to stifle the freedom of conservative organizations, such as the Tea Party, by falsely claiming they are “political” while giving a pass to leftist groups that still enjoy unimpaired 501© IRS tax-exempt status..."

Full Article:


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Can you name any Republican in the House or Senate who has spoken to advocate having a Special Counsel?

Please stop the constant, inaccurate partisan spin.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday called for a special counsel to probe two scandals involving the IRS and the Justice Department, questioning the Obama administration’s ability to police itself. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2013/05/26/lindsey-graham-calls-for-special-counsel-probe-of-irs-and-justice-dept-scandals/

Sen Graham knows where a special counsel would come from, i.e., AG Holder exclusively and absolutely. I'd asked that anyone name a Republican party Senator or Congress person who wants a special counsel, and you have given the name of one. Sen Graham is the exception I'd said you'd find - there may be a couple of lonely others in the R party. It's the R party's position not to have a special counsel, for the reasons I'd pointed out, whether you recognize the political reasons or fail to recognize them.

Republican columnists at newspapers or magazines online - in print or on television - are silent of the matter of a special counsel. They know the R party's political position against having a special counsel because having one would take the raw political power of inquisition out of the hands of the R's in the Congress, or would diminish it substantially and significantly.

Sen Graham is working feverishly to avoid or to defeat a tea party primary opponent in his state, South Carolina, which is one of the most politically and culturally conservative states of the Union. He is the exception I said exists among the R's in Washington, and he has his own electoral reasons for sounding objective, fair, impartial etc. It's for sure the voters of SC want a special counsel too - they just don't yet know the specifics of how a special counsel would be appointed, named, or who it is that gives a special counsel his/her remit, consistent with the special counsel law. Sen Graham wants this hot political issue out of his backyard. There are lots of tea party voters in SC.

(To Thaivisa: Why do you inform us AFTER we have replied to more than one post in our one post that too many blocks of text exist, thus disallowing our ALREADY written replies? Frankly speaking, it's a stupid way to do things. It wastes our time, effort and purposes. So why do you confound us in this fold, spin and mutilate way?! )

Matters little what Mr Holder wants as he has implicated himself in a perjury suit.

What does matter is what the American people want. How can you argue with these numbers?


Three-quarters of U.S. voters want a special prosecutor to investigate the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of Tea Party groups, according to a poll that showed a drop in PresidentBarack Obama’s approval and trust ratings.

In the survey released today by Hamden, Connecticut-based Quinnipiac University, registered voters favored a special prosecutor by 76 percent to 17 percent. Those backing such a move included 63 percent of Democrats.

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Tea Party Activist Becky Gerritson Weeps During Testimony at Hearing on IRS Abuse (Video)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, June 4, 2013, 10:44 AM

Becky Gerritson from the Wetumpka Tea Party delivered an emotional testimony at the House Ways and Means committee hearing on IRS abuse. Gerritson began crying at one point while telling her story on how her group was abused. Gerritson also said her IRS letter was signed by Lois Lerner.

Video of Congressional Testimony at:


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The Gallup survey and you say two opposite things. Whatever makes you think or believe the Gallup survey has found, or that I believe, there's a White House mystery here and it's the president whodunnit? There isn't any such thing. Get real.

No, you and I don't agree on the time of day, so forget that notion.

The reality is that the moderate middle of the United States, the people who twice voted to elect Barack Hussein Obama president, know that for the past four and a half years the Republicans have obstructed and have sought to nullify anything and everything Prez Obama advocates. Republicans from the loony birthers to the present gang of inquisitors have put their ideology above country, and the American people know this.

Now, no one believes the gangster Cong Darrell Issa who already has sent a number of Republicans in Washington dashing away from his outrageous and impertinent assertion that the White House spokesperson is a "paid liar." You've got the wrong guy out front in this particular Republican inquisition against the president. You people are screwing the pooch again in your obsession against Prez Obama and the American political center. And the majority of Americans who comprise the center know this.

I watched the Sunday morning news programs, to include CNN's interview of Chairman Darrell Issa - a bomb thrower with a checkered political past

I find this to be insulting & outrageous.

In fact the dear leader has a friend by the name of William Ayers who makes bombs & kills people.

This is not "some guy from the neighborhood" but a radical professor who says "I wish we had done more"


"... that conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings (including police stations, the U.S. Capitol Building, and the Pentagon) during the 1960s and 1970s in response to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. (which killed people)"

And here you are claiming to be "fighting for the center" NOT.

It is not up to me to caution you BUT your uptopian statism is showing.

You think and believe I am some sort of utopian statist, when I am instead a classic Western liberal of the Judeo-Christian tradition. You have this all wrong in your own head, which is not a responsibility of mine to treat or to rectify. You yourself have to get your head screwed on right. I can't do that for you. All I can do is to correct you and leave you to yourself.

The current topic is the political bomb thrower and literal arsonist Cong Darrell Issa. Issa is in a position in Congress that makes him a clear and present danger to the republic. It's Issa's imbalance and his unstable character we need to focus on because the wild and irresponsible Republicans in the House chose Issa to chair the committee that is the lead committee in the inquisition against Prez Obama. The Republicans in Washington are again trying to engage in nullification, this time concerning the outcome and result of last year's election of the president.

That the R's in Washington chose this guy to lead them in this political hatchet job makes me shutter. The Republicans in Washington are out on the far right extreme of the American political spectrum, while the majority of the country remains in the political center. The center must hold against the constant onslaught and barrages from the current crop of unreconstructed Republicans who reside on the extreme radical right of the spectrum.

You say "The Republicans in Washington are again trying to engage in nullification, this time concerning the outcome and result of last year's election of the president."

Not true at all. The House of Representatives is performing it's duty of oversight of the Executive Branch and a federal agency. That is one of the jobs the U.S. citizens hired them to do in last years November election.

You say "The Republicans in Washington are out on the far right extreme of the American political spectrum, while the majority of the country remains in the political center. The center must hold against the constant onslaught and barrages from the current crop of unreconstructed Republicans who reside on the extreme radical right of the spectrum."

That cannot possibly be true. The citizens of the United States chose those Representatives in the elections just last year and they do so every two years. So this far out idea that they are the "extreme radical right of the spectrum" has been shown to be nonsense. They are the people's representatives!!

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Victims to blame ... not IRS says Congressman... Really Now ?!?!


Dem. Rep. Lashes Out at Targeted Witnesses: You Asked For It

Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) not only blamed the victims of the IRS's targeting on Tuesday--he also implied the IRS would have been justified targeting conservative and Tea Party groups if the agency did so based on what the groups stood for instead of on the words in their names.


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Victims to blame ... not IRS says Congressman... Really Now ?!?!
***********************************************************Dem. Rep. Lashes Out at Targeted Witnesses: You Asked For It
Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) not only blamed the victims of the IRS's targeting on Tuesday--he also implied the IRS would have been justified targeting conservative and Tea Party groups if the agency did so based on what the groups stood for instead of on the words in their names.


Rather than get Rep Jim McDermott's words via the strong bias of a far right wing news organization, why don't we ourselves hear directly what the man said in this excerpt of his statement during the hearing today, which I put in Italics for clarity:

“But as I listen to this discussion, I’d like to remind everyone what we are talking about here. None of your organizations were kept from organizing or silenced. We are talking about whether or not the American taxpayers would subsidize your work. We are talking about a tax break.

“I get the feeling that many of you and my Republican colleagues don’t just believe you should be free from political targeting, but that you should be free from scrutiny of any kind.

“The purpose of C3 and C4 tax exemptions is to enable easier promotion of public good, not political work. It is the responsibility of the IRS to determine which groups are choosing the correct exempt status and which are trying to manipulate the system to avoid taxes and hide political organizations and their campaign donors. Without oversight, a status meant for charities becomes a machine for political money laundering. And if you think that’s farfetched, you can talk to Speaker Gingrich. He was fined $300,000 by the Ethics Committee for funneling money from a C3 to his Political Action Committee.

“Each of your groups is highly political. From opposing the President’s healthcare reform, to abortion restrictions, to gay marriage, you’re all entrenched in some of the most controversial political issues in this country – and with your applications you are asking the American public to pay for that work. Many of you host and endorse candidates. The line between permitted political activity and non-permitted political activity can be very fine, and it’s important that tax payers know which side you fall on."

Watch the video at this link:

http://mcdermott.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=679:mcdermott-statement-at-for-hearing-with-organizations-singled-out-by-the-irs&catid=25:press-releases&Itemid=20 Edited by Publicus
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IRS Spent $4.1M on One Conference, Audit Finds

By Kathryn Buschman Vasel

Published June 04, 2013

"The audit tables have turned on the Internal Revenue Service with a new report showing the agency spent nearly $50 million on training conferences over a three-year period. The report is another black eye for the embattled agency, which is already facing scrutiny for unfairly targeting conservative groups during recent election cycles.

The report, released by the Treasury inspector general for tax administration, shows the IRS hosted 225 employee conferences from 2010 through 2012 at a total cost of $49 million.

The watchdog report detailed a 2010 IRS conference in Anaheim for close to 2,600 employees that cost $4 million and used funds from the Tax Collectors Enforcement budget to cover part of the tab. At that conference -- which included luxury rooms and free drinks --132 IRS officials received room upgrades.

“Effective cost management is especially important given the current economic environment and focus on government efficiency,” Inspector General J. Russell George said in a statement. “Certain of the IRS’s expenses associated with the Anaheim conference do not appear to be a good use of taxpayer funds.”

The report also highlighted “questionable expenses" for speakers, employee gifts and video production at that conference, specifically $44,500 for two keynote speakers and $64,000 for "gifts/trinkets" for IRS workers.

What’s more, video evidence of the needless spending shows IRS employees dancing to the “Cupid Shuffle” and a training video featuring a “Star Trek” parody for the Anaheim conference that included a mock spaceship set that cost $2,400 to build." (emphasis mine.)



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Crowd Erupts in Thunderous Applause When Leno Says Obama Should Close IRS Instead of Gitmo Media members thinking the Republicans are overplaying their hand with the Internal Revenue Service scandal should pay attention to what happened on NBC’s Tonight Show Monday.

When host Jay Leno joked that President Obama should close the IRS rather than the terrorist detention center in Guantanamo Bay, the audience erupted in thunderous applause (video follows with transcript and absolutely no need for additional commentary):

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Inflammatory posts and replies have been deleted.

THIS WILL BE THE LAST PUBLIC WARNING. Continued off-topic, personal attacks and you will be given a suspension.

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Victims to blame ... not IRS says Congressman... Really Now ?!?!


Dem. Rep. Lashes Out at Targeted Witnesses: You Asked For It

Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) not only blamed the victims of the IRS's targeting on Tuesday--he also implied the IRS would have been justified targeting conservative and Tea Party groups if the agency did so based on what the groups stood for instead of on the words in their names.


Names affiliated with progresive groups were not targeted, but conservative groups were. The IRS political agenda could not be more obvious.

An exasperated Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), who was the next to question, told the witnesses, "so you're to blame ...I guess that's the message." Ryan noted that he asked ousted acting IRS commissioner Steven Miller whether the agency targeted groups that had names affiliated with progressive groups in their application, and Miller replied those groups were not targeted.


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If there is an impeachable offense, impeach him and be done with it.

Otherwise, please don't waste the world's time on this crapola for the next three years.

But we must eat up all of obama's time in office... keep him dodging and running - out of focus... keep him so busy dodging political bullets that he has no time to do more dastardly things to my country.


It's gratifying to see Congressman Jim McDermott go after the tax evaders and the tax cheats who cloak themselves behind the legitimate raising and donating of money to needly charities to instead surreptitiously raise huge amounts of cash from the wealthiest Americans to be spent clandestinely for partisan political purposes, all at the expense of we the U.S. taxpayers.

Cong McDermott said what needed to be said. I'm not surprised it brought some tears from a culprit or two who were in the room making their devious and evasive presentations.

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