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Russian Collides With Thai Actress Car Close To Ambassador Hotel


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Car Of Thai Actress ‘Ying Julaluk’ Damaged After Colliding With A Car.


The car of Thai actress 'Ying Julaluk' was severely damaged after colliding with a foreigner's car. 4 people were injured in the accident.

PATTAYA – May 15, 2013; Police Capt. Rasita Nenphon of Na Jomtien police station along with his police and a rescue team were dispatched to an accident near the Ambassador Hotel.

At the scene, police found the car of 25 year-old Mr.Alexi, Russian. The front of his car was significantly damaged. As for Mr. Alexi, he was injured on his right leg. When the police tried to communicate with him, it was made clear that he was drunk. Near Mr.Alexi’s car, police found Thai actress’s ‘Ying Julaluk’ SUV car.

She was in the car with her husband as well as her friend. None of the three were severely injured, they came away with little cuts. The SUV car was significantly dented on the right side.

Full story:http://www.pattayadailynews.com/en/2013/05/16/car-of-thai-actress-ying-julaluk-damaged-after-colliding-with-a-car/

-- PATTAYA DAILY NEWS 2013-05-16

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Those U-turns are extremely dangerous. Cars stopping in the fast lane, to make a U-turn, crazy!

Safe enough if they indicate and if the person behind isnt drunk or blind or stupid or asleep, which of course many are.

I just wish they would punish drunk/drugged-drivers here as they deserve to be punished: 10 years hard labour on boiled rice and water. There is absolutely no possible excuse for it.

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Chalk up our first accident at our newest tourist trap on Sukumvit Mimosa . I predict that once the tourist buses start getting paid to deliver customers to this attraction there will be a lot more of these type of accidents when they start making U turns. Unfortunately, unlike Pattaya Floating Market, there is no alternate U turn available on this stretch of road

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Chalk up our first accident at our newest tourist trap on Sukumvit Mimosa . I predict that once the tourist buses start getting paid to deliver customers to this attraction there will be a lot more of these type of accidents when they start making U turns. Unfortunately, unlike Pattaya Floating Market, there is no alternate U turn available on this stretch of road

First accident - HA!! accidents there virtually every day, this is perhaps just the first one to make the news because a "star" was involved, very dangerous stretch of road there. As for U turns, there is one about 200m before and one about 200m after the Ambassador junction. Strange they don't use the traffic lights there?- i have never seen them operational in 10 years!!

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Chalk up our first accident at our newest tourist trap on Sukumvit Mimosa . I predict that once the tourist buses start getting paid to deliver customers to this attraction there will be a lot more of these type of accidents when they start making U turns. Unfortunately, unlike Pattaya Floating Market, there is no alternate U turn available on this stretch of road

What is the Mimosa? Seen the sign when on the way to golf and wondered what attraction it is.

As to the Ambassador intersection/U-turn....there should be 10 deaths a day judging by the way the Russian tourists wander across the road with gay abandon...and there's a bridge walkway just 100m up the road.

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What is the Mimosa? Seen the sign when on the way to golf and wondered what attraction it is.

As to the Ambassador intersection/U-turn....there should be 10 deaths a day judging by the way the Russian tourists wander across the road with gay abandon...and there's a bridge walkway just 100m up the road.

Mimosa is a very boring selection of shops and restaurants with a "love" theme, that now charges admission. I thought it was overpriced when it was still free.

That intersection has a nice set of traffic lights. Cant imagine why they dont turn them on. They do have a policeman with an illuminated baton who does stop traffic for tourists from time to time (at significant risk to his own life), but traffic lights seem a more sensible solution. I suppose they worry about farang pedestrians assuming that cars will actually stop for a red light, which of course may not be the case here.

I wouldnt use the bridge either: it's very heavy going on the knees once you reach a certain age/weight and from the look of them most of the Russians in the Ambassador have even more trouble with that than I do.

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"Bystanders were questioned by the police as well. They told the police that the incident happened extremely quickly."

Smart observation. Don´t all car accidents happen extremely quickly?

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Who was driving Khun Ying's car?

Next time the driver will remember to use the right turn signal before U-turning.

This is a good lesson learnt.

Many of the Thai people are not in the habit of using turn signals while driving, are they? Very careless.

Drivers in Russia where this guy comes from (or more likely the Ukraine as his name suggests) are expecting the car in front to activate a turn signal in advance.

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How was it "made clear" that he was drunk? Did the attending BIB administer a breath analysis on the scene?

I would imagine that being involved in a MVA - judging by the damage to the vehicle - would result in some kind of shock or concussion type injuries thus mimicking intoxication.

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I literally refuse to drive a 4 wheeled vehicle in Pattaya. I ride with Thai friends in their trucks/cars/SUVs and half the time I'm wondering how we managed to get (wherever) without having an accident. Yet about the only time I ever hear a horn honk it is from a farang driver.

The accepted "Thai style" of driving is so contrary to how driving is taught/enforced in most "western" countries, I'm not sure I could ever be comfortable driving a car/truck here. Motorcycles are bad enough.

It's no excuse for driving drunk at any time, but the Thai method of basically forcing your way into traffic and expecting everyone else to yield to you takes a long time to get used to. Doing it in a high-speed, hi traffic area ? I watch people whip over into the far right hand lane just before a u-turn and then fly down it to pass people in the "inner" lanes. Woe be to anyone trying to do a u-turn if they aren't paying attention.

As previously mentioned though, had this been anyone other than an actress, it probably wouldn't have made the news at all. Had both vehicles been driven by Thais, it probably wouldn't be newsworthy either.

Thailand has a long way to go towards improving road safety, but it can be done. I marvel at how the traffic flows Dubai, especially considering who make up the majority of people driving on those streets. Traffic is very heavy at times.but I never see the chaos like what happens at the various intersections along Sukhumvit (where cars continue through the intersection long after the lights have changed, blocking oncoming traffic and sometimes stuck there until the next light).

Most everyone (in Dubai) obey the speed limits, move aside to allow emergency vehicles through and wear seatbelts/helmets (as far as I can tell any ways). Considering that most of those drivers are from India/Philippines/various African countries and other ME countries, I am surprised at how well mannered they are (and yes, I've been to India/Philippines and other ME countries and seen how they normally drive there).

Guess it goes to show what proper policing and traffic enforcement can do given the chance. I look around at all the people wearing helmets on their scooters these days, even on the side sois away from where the police usually set up their check points and remember that it wasn't all that long ago that helmets weren't even mandatory at all !

Seems every week now the BIB do a couple hours of "enforcement" on motorcycles on Sukhumvit (heading towards South Pattaya road from Central Pattaya). The number of people getting nailed for no helmets/licences/registration seems to be quite large, but give it time and eventually people will learn and the numbers will drop.

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Can't be the car shown! The one in the pic is definitely more than "slightly dented".

Or did I miss something?

Just a scratch in Thailand, roll it over and it will be back on the road.

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This sukhumvit road section is so dangerous , people drive so fast all the time and so many accident happened at that ambassador U turn ...

i live in the area, dont tell me.... coffee1.gif

i also have to admit that many tourists there (read Russians) cause many accidents since they don't use the pedestrian bridge to get to the other side of the dangerous Sukhumvit rd to tet to the shops, restaurants, massages, etc...

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'' it was made clear that he was drunk''

Looks like broad daylight...

Does not help the reputation of these people in Thailand.

being drunk is not exclusively Russian , how many Brits , German , French etc ... are seen drunk in Pattaya ? For your information , a Russian caught in Russia driving with even a minimum of alcohol is minimum 500 US$ fine and revocation of the driving license. .

And laws/fines are enforced as strictly as in Thailand...

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'' it was made clear that he was drunk''

Looks like broad daylight...

Does not help the reputation of these people in Thailand.

being drunk is not exclusively Russian , how many Brits , German , French etc ... are seen drunk in Pattaya ? For your information , a Russian caught in Russia driving with even a minimum of alcohol is minimum 500 US$ fine and revocation of the driving license. .

and does this policy reduce drunk driving or driving without a valid licence in Russia??

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