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Multi Region Dvd Player

libya 115

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I am the once proud owner of a multi-region DVD player brand LEONA enigma.

It has swallowed whole my DVD and the DVD will no longer function normally.

Does anyone have similar experience to this? I tried taking the thing apart, but it just won't open. Shaking it; is fruitless and I am about to kill it for good with a kind of crowbar. (To retrieve the good DVD). The player is 18 months old and upto now faultless.

Any ideas please?

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Happened to me once. Simple remedy. Disconnect from mains supply, take a small screwdriver and remove the outer casing, once that is done you will be able to see the working mechanism.

In my case the DVD slipped out the back of the DVD tray and jammed the whole works.

Removing the jammed DVD and replacing the cover I was back in business again !

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