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Smartphone Stolen, I've Found The Thief But I'm Scared To Get It Back. Advices ?


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If you're able to get images of him and his friends up on a screen via your account then that is proof that it is your phone. Copy those and print them off as evidence to show the police.

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Hahaha ! Actually your comments made me laugh !

Well, I haven't been to police to report the stolen phone yet....actually it's quite useless but I'm going there today afterwork, then i will go get the phone by myself and if he doesn't want to give it to me I will call the police.

I like the idea of giving him a beer. Why not a dinner then and I could also invite him to sleep over in my condo !

It wasn't meant to be a laughing matter, quite serious actually. If you do decide to take this to the courts, and you haven't reported it, it will be a difficult hill to climb.

As stated previously, report it and get it in the system. I am fully aware of how many potential phones thefts can happen every day, but that has nothing to do with your particular circumstances.

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One Question for the OP if your phone or any other of your possesions had been stolen in your own country wouldnt you have gone straight to the Police to report the theft and presened the evidence you say you have in your possesion to prove the theft of your phone ? if so why the heck are you so freakin scared of doing the same thing in Thailand ? man up go to the cops and get ya phone back !

Edited by steve down under
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One Question for the OP if your phone or any other of your possesions had been stolen in your own country wouldnt you have gone straight to the Police to report the theft and presened the evidence you say you have in your possesion to prove the theft of your phone ? if so why the heck are you so freakin scared of doing the same thing in Thailand ? man up go to the cops and get ya phone back !

Yep in my country I would have been straight to police. but my previous experience here with police didn't go well and I ended up paying them instead of receiving help from them so.

I will report the stolen phone, show them pictures, and go ask the guy to give me back my phone tonight.

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I will report the stolen phone, show them pictures, and go ask the guy to give me back my phone tonight.

You're gonna ASK?

You gonna say pretty please and offer him a backrub?

Fer Chrissakes take a cop or you'll wet your pants when he says "what phone?" and walks past you out the door!

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cheeryble, on 23 May 2013 - 10:24, said:

anthobkk, on 23 May 2013 - 10:05, said:


I will report the stolen phone, show them pictures, and go ask the guy to give me back my phone tonight.

You're gonna ASK?

You gonna say pretty please and offer him a backrub?

Fer Chrissakes take a cop or you'll wet your pants when he says "what phone?" and walks past you out the door!

I don't mind or won't shit my pants to go there and get my phone back. I just don't want to make this situation a big problem with cops involve and jail and shit and being hated with all of his friends afterward. I heard enough stories with people calling the cops and 2 months later got stabbed.

He will give me back my phone, he has no choice. If he doesn't have it then I will ask the cop to help me. I'd just like to avoid it and get it back by myself

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Seeing as how the perp is not a Thai, the bib's will love to make big face and grab some headlines on how they helped the Khao San backpacker get his phone back. Then they'll work on the foreigner that is most probably working illegally and get a little something out of him too.

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Seeing as how the perp is not a Thai, the bib's will love to make big face and grab some headlines on how they helped the Khao San backpacker get his phone back. Then they'll work on the foreigner that is most probably working illegally and get a little something out of him too.

That's exactly what I want to avoid though!

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Seriously,just go and buy a crappy new phone from MBK for 1,000 baht and let this guy have your 18,000 baht iPhone,it's easier in the long run and I really don't think you're man enough to deal with getting it back!rolleyes.gif

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Now, I'm not condoning anything illegal, but here's something a rather small but tough relative of mine likes to say... 'the biggest and meanest aren't so much when you've put your pen in their eye.'


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One Question for the OP if your phone or any other of your possesions had been stolen in your own country wouldnt you have gone straight to the Police to report the theft and presened the evidence you say you have in your possesion to prove the theft of your phone ? if so why the heck are you so freakin scared of doing the same thing in Thailand ? man up go to the cops and get ya phone back !

Yep in my country I would have been straight to police. but my previous experience here with police didn't go well and I ended up paying them instead of receiving help from them so.

I will report the stolen phone, show them pictures, and go ask the guy to give me back my phone tonight.

So you have already rubbed the local BiB the wrong way?

Seeing as how the perp is not a Thai, the bib's will love to make big face and grab some headlines on how they helped the Khao San backpacker get his phone back. Then they'll work on the foreigner that is most probably working illegally and get a little something out of him too.

That's exactly what I want to avoid though!

I guess you must have much more to lose than an 18,000 baht phone then?

Police report and policeman with you when you go get your property. Make sure that you (or your GF) has bunged the cop 1000 baht to 'work for you'.

If you go by yourself, even if he admits to having the phone, all he needs to say is he left it at home and when you go back the next night, lo and behold, someone stole it from him last night while he was at work.

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A Thai friend of mine attended a conference at a top hotel in Bangkok and had her BB stolen.

She had the same experience as you and found photos of the guy who stole the phone. She simply went to the manager , showed him the photos and asked if that guy worked there.

The guy was sacked, her phone was returned and she never once saw the thief. It turned out that several staff were involved and they were all dismissed.

I know there is a big difference between a five star hotel and a Shisha place but it's worth a try talking to the manager and presenting the evidence.

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The OP has 3 options:

!: Take the evidence and report this matter to the police.

2: Forget it and put this down to experience.

3: Visit and confront the thief directly.

If the OP for some reasons feels he cannot go to the police, then number 2 and 3 is his only other options.

If the OP decides to take matters into his own hands and confront the thief, than he does so at his own risk and discretion.

Common sense thing to do; report to the police.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Hahaha ! Actually your comments made me laugh !

Well, I haven't been to police to report the stolen phone yet....actually it's quite useless but I'm going there today afterwork, then i will go get the phone by myself and if he doesn't want to give it to me I will call the police.

I like the idea of giving him a beer. Why not a dinner then and I could also invite him to sleep over in my condo !

Why should anyone's comments make you laugh? You came on here telling all that you're too scared to confront a lowly thief. Consider the impression you've given of yourself and place that into the context of the advice given you. Too late for you to be acting cocksure, little buddy.

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Is this thread for real ???? Are you actually a man ???

I would go down there with four friends with baseball bats

and get my phone back. Hey maybe that is too direct...

A somewhat simpler but less dramatic way to get the phone back

would be to contact either a regular policeman or a tourist

policeman to go with you to pick up the phone. Discretely pay him

1000 baht.When the thief sees you come in with a Thai policeman intow, he will INSTANTLY give you back your phone and say he picked it up by accident. And of course bring another iphone with youthat has Find my Iphone on it. Now when the guy starts saying the phone is not there, just show the policeman the screen of your second Iphone showing it and the stolen phone right next to each other. Case solved.....

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Maybe his meeting didn't go as planned....................sad.png

Or they're still tucked up in bed together after he bought him some beers and invited him home.........................coffee1.gif

Edit: You could try calling him.................tongue.png

Edited by chrisinth
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Maybe his meeting didn't go as planned....................sad.png

Or they're still tucked up in bed together after he bought him some beers and invited him home.........................coffee1.gif

Edit: You could try calling him.................tongue.png

wink.png No I'm back ! I didn't offer a beer and didn't go to see him directly.

So, I went to police station, I reported the stolen phone, i had to fill a form but they didn't care (and knew already that I won't find it anyway). Then I showed them the pictures, locations of the guy and told them that he is supposed to work less than 200m from here.

They brought me to the detective room. I met two detectives there who were really nice and were amused about the evidences I have with me.

Then i asked them if I should go to meet the guy and ask him to give me back my phone or if i should go with them.

They told me that I should'nt show myself there, and "it can be really dangerous if they see you with police trying to make trouble to their friends". He said that there're a lot of shisha shops in this area and I could have serious problem if they see me there !

Then he told me that I should go around khaosan and wait for his call and he will go there with other policemen.

3 of my thai friends went there with some police officer and tried to find them (guys on the pictures).

4-5 hours later, they found two suspects, and told me they got my phone back and asked me to go back to police station to get my phone.

I then gave 1000 baht to police, thanks them and came back home.

My Thai friends told me they were scared also because all of them were looking angry at them in the streetand they will avoid the place for about 1 month.

So I think I was right to worry about a possible revenge if I go back there again, so for those told me "grab your balls, be a man, go there with baseball bat and friends and kick his <deleted> fcace" , I think it's really easy to consider yourself a tough guy behind your computer's screen. If I was a tourist yeah I (maybe) would have gone there by myself to get my phone back. but im not, i will go back to this area again and I dont want to have problem.

I think I did the right way, the thief (s) don't know who I am , and it's better this way !

Of course they know who you are.... Silly

Just like you found pics of them on your phone accounts, they probably looked at all your pics :)

Wear a hat n shades...

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Maybe his meeting didn't go as planned....................sad.png

Or they're still tucked up in bed together after he bought him some beers and invited him home.........................coffee1.gif

Edit: You could try calling him.................tongue.png

wink.png No I'm back ! I didn't offer a beer and didn't go to see him directly.

So, I went to police station, I reported the stolen phone, i had to fill a form but they didn't care (and knew already that I won't find it anyway). Then I showed them the pictures, locations of the guy and told them that he is supposed to work less than 200m from here.

They brought me to the detective room. I met two detectives there who were really nice and were amused about the evidences I have with me.

Then i asked them if I should go to meet the guy and ask him to give me back my phone or if i should go with them.

They told me that I should'nt show myself there, and "it can be really dangerous if they see you with police trying to make trouble to their friends". He said that there're a lot of shisha shops in this area and I could have serious problem if they see me there !

Then he told me that I should go around khaosan and wait for his call and he will go there with other policemen.

3 of my thai friends went there with some police officer and tried to find them (guys on the pictures).

4-5 hours later, they found two suspects, and told me they got my phone back and asked me to go back to police station to get my phone.

I then gave 1000 baht to police, thanks them and came back home.

My Thai friends told me they were scared also because all of them were looking angry at them in the streetand they will avoid the place for about 1 month.

So I think I was right to worry about a possible revenge if I go back there again, so for those told me "grab your balls, be a man, go there with baseball bat and friends and kick his <deleted> fcace" , I think it's really easy to consider yourself a tough guy behind your computer's screen. If I was a tourist yeah I (maybe) would have gone there by myself to get my phone back. but im not, i will go back to this area again and I dont want to have problem.

I think I did the right way, the thief (s) don't know who I am , and it's better this way !

Of course they know who you are.... Silly

Just like you found pics of them on your phone accounts, they probably looked at all your pics smile.png

Wear a hat n shades...

yes I know they saw my pics for sure, and the police told me the same also, they just didn't want I go to show myself there with them. they told me they had to go through 4-5 shisha bars before get the guy.

they know my face, they will forget it, it's only pictures. If i went there i think they would remember me easy

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Result! Glad that the police did their job. Do you know what happened to the thief?

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Police asked me if I want to sue him and get money from him but I just said that I was ok to have my phone back and I dont want anything else. My friends told me that he will probably sleep 1 night at police station, and then free

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really glad you did the right thing by going to the cops first. whats up with the initial plan of getting your girlfriend to accompany you? thats totally retarded and wimpy. imagine whats the outcome had you proceed with that.

and guess why thugs and street clowns are behaving this way? because every single victims are behaving like you, a puss, dont want any trouble for them and just want their stolen stuff back. putting another way, its just a selfish thought of getting your stuff back without any hassle to yourself. likewise you mentioned, you are not a tourist, have some basic sense of social responsibility.

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