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Hi Everyone,

I need some sound advice as to what I can do as I`ve found myself in a sticky predicament. I`m British, got married to a lovely lady from Samui last year, came back to UK, did my TEFL and about to do my level 5 quali (same as CELTA) BUT like the idiot I am I didn`t check you need a degree to teach in Thailand (which of course I don`t have). I know I could come across on a marriage visa short term IF our combined income is 40k baht a month OR I have 400k baht in a thai bank account...which I don`t. I know I need a WP to stay, I`m not qualified in anything else and short of robbing a bank or winning the lottery I`m up the swanny....any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated

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I teached English before for Chiangmai University, several years ago without any degree even without TEFL, they never requiered this. Perhaps because it was voluntairy work (to get a yearvisa) ? Also I know someone who had no TEFL or any degrees yet he had a paid job for several years as teacher on a hilltribe school in Chiangmai. Perhaps the rules are implementated different per province / per office / per officer it goes often like that.

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Perhaps you should both give serious consideration to a life in your home country where you may have better employment (and perhaps your wife also) and use that income for retirement here?

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I teached English before for Chiangmai University, several years ago without any degree even without TEFL, they never requiered this. Perhaps because it was voluntairy work (to get a yearvisa) ? Also I know someone who had no TEFL or any degrees yet he had a paid job for several years as teacher on a hilltribe school in Chiangmai. Perhaps the rules are implementated different per province / per office / per officer it goes often like that.

Hi Rubberduck,

Thanks for the reply. I know I could swing in under the radar and try my luck but the last thing I want is to be fined or kicked out of the country..to get WP means I can stay in the country legit and right now they are hot on fake degrees,overstayers and chancers trying their luck...seen many recent posts about people getting pinched for it. I am at the end of my tether and really lost! Thanks anyway though

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Perhaps you should both give serious consideration to a life in your home country where you may have better employment (and perhaps your wife also) and use that income for retirement here?

I have no idea how I would go about getting her over here but I know the process is lengthy. Plus I need to earn enough to take care of us both for the first 6 months as she wouldn`t be allowed to work (govt rules). I would get her on a plane tomorrow if I could but I also have to consider she has 2 teenage children still in school etc and I am a, how shall we say, `farang khii nok` ie trypical poor Brit who fell in love with a Thai lady without knowing all the rules of the game (just been made redundant and looking for work at the minute too)

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It's not looking good. Whatever you do, stay legal.

Abso damn lutely..I know they are getting hotter on illegals every day. Only thing I can think of is an OU degree but that really could take me 6 years part time study (assuming I find another job as just been made redundant) and 6 years is waaaaay too long to expect anyone to wait due to my stupidity

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I know I could come across on a marriage visa short term IF our combined income is 40k baht a month OR I have 400k baht in a thai bank account

It is not combined income.

It has to be your income only.

Not according to the Thai Embassy website..it does say combined on there but I stand corrected if I am wrong

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"Not according to the Thai Embassy website..it does say combined on there but I stand corrected if I am wrong"

The only 'combined' money that is acceptable is for extensions for retirement, but that is your combined income and money in the bank.

Combining income with your spouse was done away with several years ago.

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"Not according to the Thai Embassy website..it does say combined on there but I stand corrected if I am wrong"

The only 'combined' money that is acceptable is for extensions for retirement, but that is your combined income and money in the bank.

Combining income with your spouse was done away with several years ago.

Thanks for the reply TerryLH...LiteBeer had already said I wasn`t right on that one...looks like I read the info on the Embassy website wrongly :(

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Very limited option so maybe give it a whirl and see if you are asked for a degree. If you are not asked then you have not lied. Seems fine to me but other members views on this would be good.

You will be asked as the first question! Also without a degree on your CV you will be unlikely to even get an interview at any school that takes teaching even a little seriously

POSTER - PM me maybe I can help you!

Edited by BrianCR
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looks like you jumped in 2feet first and have landed up to your neck,and you say you got married was it registered at the amphur or did you just go through a buddist blessing.if you are legally married and have a marriage certificate then the best for you is for your wf. to apply for a spouse visa as there would be more oppitunities for you both to earn better money in the uk.now comes some reality as to what you can exspect,she has 2children so you are going to have to support who ever looks after them normally mom and pa.or if she wont leave then you have to support them all.as you havnt any work that will be a big big problem as she will not get a visa.all i can say is good luck and hope you can work something out,which ever way you try to do it its goner cost you plenty.

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looks like you jumped in 2feet first and have landed up to your neck,and you say you got married was it registered at the amphur or did you just go through a buddist blessing.if you are legally married and have a marriage certificate then the best for you is for your wf. to apply for a spouse visa as there would be more oppitunities for you both to earn better money in the uk.now comes some reality as to what you can exspect,she has 2children so you are going to have to support who ever looks after them normally mom and pa.or if she wont leave then you have to support them all.as you havnt any work that will be a big big problem as she will not get a visa.all i can say is good luck and hope you can work something out,which ever way you try to do it its goner cost you plenty.

Hi meatboy,

We did the official thing so have a marriage certificate (not registered with Home Office in UK yet though) and yep I know I`m stuck between the devil & the deep blue sea at the minute...but I`ll find a way. Just have to!

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Very limited option so maybe give it a whirl and see if you are asked for a degree. If you are not asked then you have not lied. Seems fine to me but other members views on this would be good.

You will be asked as the first question! Also without a degree on your CV you will be unlikely to even get an interview at any school that takes teaching even a little seriously

POSTER - PM me maybe I can help you!

Hi Brian,

PM sent


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I think I'm fairly sure in saying you don't need a degree, though it's a couple of years since I've spoken to any teachers but none of the ones I spoke to around Ao Nang had degrees and the TEFL schools were certainly not asking for degrees. Maybe if you want to stay on Samui the choice is less so they're fussier, that I wouldn't know. The main thing is, with no degree you're probably not going to earn more than 40,000baht a month, but if your missus is working it should be enough as long as you're not going to want to live like a farang on holiday. Chok dee anyway.

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Strictly speaking you do need a degree to work as a teacher in Thailand and then your school will also arrange a work permit for you.But I know of hundreds of teachers who are currently working at public schools without a degree.The salary wont be more than 30 000 baht.Im in contact with a Tefl school who will arrange a teaching post for you if you enroll on their Tefl course.PM me if you are interested.BTW,I worked in Thailand for three years as a teacher without a degree and had a work permit which was legal.

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Strictly speaking you do need a degree to work as a teacher in Thailand and then your school will also arrange a work permit for you.But I know of hundreds of teachers who are currently working at public schools without a degree.The salary wont be more than 30 000 baht.Im in contact with a Tefl school who will arrange a teaching post for you if you enroll on their Tefl course.PM me if you are interested.BTW,I worked in Thailand for three years as a teacher without a degree and had a work permit which was legal.

Which is why I suggested giving it a punt.

My only worry is that the school could be doing something illegal in order to get teachers on a lower salary and if push came to shove this illegal activity could end up on the shoulders of the teacher.

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