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Kasikorn Respect Your Privacy. Yes ?

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Today, when logged to my eBanking account at Kasikorn I was greeted

with new Terms of Service, and usual 'I accept' button. Reading through,

I found that paragraph 20 defines clearly that very point:


and any of KASIKORNBANK PCL.' s assignees to use the User’s information

for the purpose of offering to the User its new/special products, services, special

offers and/or for any other purposes.

So, to use Kasikorn's eBanking service, not only I have to agree that my

personal information will be made available / sold to third parties, but can

be used for "any other purposes" ?

Can anyone here break it down for me ?

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Good question, but no idea, but privacy laws (or concerns about this) in Thailand seems to be non-existing.

For example: I have asked my Condo Manager if they have a shredder, she told me no.

Follow up question: "What do you do then with private personal documents" she said we just trow them in the garbage whistling.gif

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This morning i clicked, i accept. Knowing they do this already without us knowing it. You can't beat them if you are dependent on internet banking.

Mobile phone operators sell and use your phone data for commercial meanings. I am pretty sure banks have the same ideas, and MORE.w00t.gif .

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This morning i clicked, i accept. Knowing they do this already without us knowing it. You can't beat them if you are dependent on internet banking.

Mobile phone operators sell and use your phone data for commercial meanings. I am pretty sure banks have the same ideas, and MORE.w00t.gif .

True oh so True (or is it Dtac or 12Call) !!! wink.png

Edited by MJCM
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This morning i clicked, i accept. Knowing they do this already without us knowing it. You can't beat them if you are dependent on internet banking.

Mobile phone operators sell and use your phone data for commercial meanings. I am pretty sure banks have the same ideas, and MORE.w00t.gif .

True oh so True (or is it Dtac or 12Call) !!! wink.png

Yeah, don't get DTaChed from your witswhistling.gif

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This morning i clicked, i accept. Knowing they do this already without us knowing it. You can't beat them if you are dependent on internet banking.

Mobile phone operators sell and use your phone data for commercial meanings. I am pretty sure banks have the same ideas, and MORE.w00t.gif .

True oh so True (or is it Dtac or 12Call) !!! wink.png

Aha - that would certainly explain something that has been puzzling me. A few days ago I got a phone call from one of those "investment advisers" who prey on expats wherever they are. My first question for the guy was, "Where did you get my phone number?" He just mumbled something incomprehensible before quickly proceeding to his sales pitch. So I just hung up the phone on him. After thinking about it, I figured the ONLY way he could have gotten my number was to have paid DTAC for a list of all their customers with farang names. I consider this to be a gross violation of my privacy: A company that I pay for a service is selling my number to another company that is going to pester me? Unacceptable!

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Same here. In fact I have just written K-Bank informing them that it's clear that there is a customer information leak within their system. Sure, nothing may come of it, but at least it's on record.

We have about a dozen K-Bank accounts and about 4 of them belong to family members that haven't set foot in a bank in years. Their cell numbers are never written on any deposit slips... (as the number written on those usually are my own cell phone number... also a common target for 'fake call center' calls) and only came into existence to serve to sit on one of my desks to receive SMS notes regarding online banking. The bad guys can plausibly deny wherever they get my number because my number is all over the place from any number hotels, airlines, or restaurants. Of those four numbers, 1 account only has a few hundred thousand Baht in it. The other three have relatively more. And apart from getting those UK (or other) lotto SMS's.... they have all been followed up with a Thai speaking 'fake call center' calls trying to get us to ATM funds to one place or the other. The 'poor' account never gets any calls... but the other accounts and numbers all get those calls. I usually play with them a bit and end with a hearty laugh and 'good wishes to be a taxi/bus driver or farmer for the next 10 lives.'

Anyway... if ya'll have seen the same trend, email your respective bank with a CC to the police. Might not help, but it couldn't hurt.


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Ever since I arranged to meet these muppets at KFC, Big C Lam Luk Ka (and didnt bother showing up) they no longer bother phoning me.

Its quite funny listening to the phone ring non stop plus the barrage of texts wanting to know where I am for anything up to 2 hours after the arranged meeting time.

I believe Honda is another that passes on information, 3 months in advance of insurance being due the calls start.

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In my experience most of the 'scams' try to get you to an ATM... surely none of these gangs would ever want to meet their marks in person as there's no way to tell who's who... (as in, who is the son or daughter of someone who makes their own justice in society here... military/police/son or daughter of a judge, etc.).


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This morning i clicked, i accept. Knowing they do this already without us knowing it. You can't beat them if you are dependent on internet banking.

Mobile phone operators sell and use your phone data for commercial meanings. I am pretty sure banks have the same ideas, and MORE.w00t.gif .

True oh so True (or is it Dtac or 12Call) !!! wink.png

Aha - that would certainly explain something that has been puzzling me. A few days ago I got a phone call from one of those "investment advisers" who prey on expats wherever they are. My first question for the guy was, "Where did you get my phone number?" He just mumbled something incomprehensible before quickly proceeding to his sales pitch. So I just hung up the phone on him. After thinking about it, I figured the ONLY way he could have gotten my number was to have paid DTAC for a list of all their customers with farang names. I consider this to be a gross violation of my privacy: A company that I pay for a service is selling my number to another company that is going to pester me? Unacceptable!

Maybe unacceptable in your home country; but remember, This Is Thailand where privacy and consumer protection laws/practices are different. Some laws/practices a person might consider better than their home country; some may be considered worst. TIT.

And this is not to imply companies in many western countries don't sell selected info on you after you have signed/clicked approval of some l....o.....n......g Terms of Service document within in lawyer language which will make your eyes go cross.

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Good question, but no idea, but privacy laws (or concerns about this) in Thailand seems to be non-existing.

For example: I have asked my Condo Manager if they have a shredder, she told me no.

Follow up question: "What do you do then with private personal documents" she said we just trow them in the garbage whistling.gif

bro !

it took me a while to figure that the little ant walking all over your avatar... is ur avatar !


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