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Pcs At Government School With Way Too Little Ram Memory


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Take "247 MB" - the CPU is old, too. Multiply this with xx PCs and you see the extent of this issue.

Q: Is there a source of inexpensive used RAM for old PCs?

Q: What do you reckon happened here? The IT guy must have known the root of all the problems! whistling.gif

Frustrated in the sticks

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Why pay for top of the range Pcs when they all look the same on the outside? As long as they look good the school can pay top prices, but get bottom of the range and take the kickbacks. Its only childrens education after all.

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No problem, they will just scrap them and order more from China,

its only money,and not theirs,more commissions,so job done,

seems they will buy anything,bomb detectors,blimps,water treatment

plants,rice at exorbitant prices,no one is ever responsible,business

as usual as long as % is paid.

regards Worgeordie

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Before you buy new ram be sure the mother boards can take what you want (both amount and type). They may be old computers that can not be upgraded that easily. If all the same have one checked to see what can be done - that should not cost much.

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Before you buy new ram be sure the mother boards can take what you want (both amount and type). They may be old computers that can not be upgraded that easily. If all the same have one checked to see what can be done - that should not cost much.

Yeah - I wil pay for an upgrade myself. Much better than schlepping a laptop to work every single day.

www.crucial.com has a software tool checking the configuration (type, number of slots etc.)

What surprises me is that no one seems to mind the abysmal situation!

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