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Long Road Trip


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Just returned to Chiang Mai after my 9 days and 2,600 odd kilometers of riding my trusty PCX150.

Day 1, Chiang Mai to Plok

Day 2, Plok to KK

Day 3, KK to Surin

Day 3 and 4 rested in Surin

Day 5, Surin to Pattaya longest day 565 kilometers

Day 5 and 6 rested in Pats

Day 7 Pats to BKK

Day 8 BKK to Plok

Day 9 Plok to Chiang Mai

I went down on Tues got caught in the deep ruts caused by the overloaded trucks, a truck driver blocked the lane I was in and helped me get the bike up and off the road, very nice young man with his wife they were truley concerned about me. A Dr. from local hospital drove up as well and insis ted I come with him for a check up. The check up and treatment for wounds took about 1 hour and some pain meds 330 baht. I caught up to the driver later and thanked him profusely for helping me, he aked again how I was doing very nice fellow. I had my Tourmaster jacket on and Joe Rocket pants there were abrasions and holes in both jacket and pants, I only suffered left knee and elbow abrasions and a knock to left shoulder, no broken bones or major injuries also my full face HJC helment had a big scrap where my forehead is located.

The town where this happened is Manorom on the number 1 highway I was slowing down for a light and changing lanes to the left and the next thing I knew I was head over heels sliding on the pavement when I got up I saw that the ruts were 6 to 8 inched deep the wall caught the scooter and sent me flying. Be carefull in the area stay right at lights, this town is located between Chai Nat and the Uthai Thani turn off. I will post more about routes taken later cannot type to long.

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Excellent!!! Hope you do well with your recovery, this does go to show you can drive long distances on a scooter, PCX being nice because it's bigger but it can be done.

Will be waiting on your next post!

Edited by commande
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Sounds like a fun trip, glad your spill wasn't too serious - I hate those ruts and always try to follow the line of the rut until it disappears. Unfortunately sometimes you need to get out of the rut (e.g. to avoid a pothole) or in some cases one rut then turns into 2 ruts and then you run the risk of getting cross rutted (one wheel in one rut and another wheel in another rut). Scary stuff indeed ohmy.png .

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The ruts in that area go on for a longggggggggg time.

I almost got crushed by a 10 wheeler 2 years ago, as i stopped at the rutted intersection, the truck in the next lane ran the light...wouldve been a very flat KRS1.

I always ride in the right lanes when the ruts start, them things aint no joke can get very deep...

Glad your ok and looks like your gear saved you...

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More on my trip Day 1 took the river route passed Lamphun to Pa Sang and picked up the 106 to Theon great road not much traffic this time of the year. At Theon crossedd over the super highway and picked up the 1048 to Swankhalok the 101 to Sukothai and then the 12 into Plok. I would rate these roads from a 6 to 9 on a 10 scale overall good roads with short stretches of patches and rough areas. Arrived Plok and spent the night at the Toplands Hotel the local standby very easy to find as signs along the road.

On Day 2 up and at them by 7am it took a few u-turns to get on the 12 to KK mainly because of the Toplands location. The 12 highway very good for riding about an 8 on the scale the ride thru Phetchabun is fantastic the beware of elephant signs are classic. Got caught in the rain before KK and arrived a bit wet. After a bit of riding around found the Biz hotel very new and well kept 1,000 baht. After the rain stopped toof a walk over to the bar area and had dinner at D'dines food not bad, went next door at the Sportsmens Club and drank a couple of beers. Walked back to the hotel and crashed.

Day 3 up early out of town by 7am left town on Highway 2 which goes to Korat but turned off onto the 208 passed thru Kosum Phisai parked along the road were some fantastic floats the size of a large truck they were decorated with Buddha Statues, Photos of the King and Queen I am sure there is a name for these but donot know. Of course there was a gaggle of Isaan beauties getting ready for the parade. Drove on thru town toward Maha Sarakham picked up the 23 highway to Roi Et. Took the by-pass around town picked up the 215 to the 214 into Surin, got stuck in the rain for a bit pulled into a old gas station and was entertained by some isaan music coming from a huge building of some sort. These side roads were all in great shape with shade from trees growing along the road. Arrived in Surin there was a bit of missed communication wwith a friend after a bit of running in circles found the Tong Tinriin Hotel a grand etifice but the rooms were a bit disappointing but clean 1,000 baht a night staff very friendly.

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The ruts in that area go on for a longggggggggg time.

I almost got crushed by a 10 wheeler 2 years ago, as i stopped at the rutted intersection, the truck in the next lane ran the light...wouldve been a very flat KRS1.

I always ride in the right lanes when the ruts start, them things aint no joke can get very deep...

Glad your ok and looks like your gear saved you...

Thanks yes the gear did save me a big hole in the shoulder, wonder what my body would look like without the jacket and pants. I went down on left side thats were most of the damage is, the eyelets on my Converse Hightop Allstars are worn from the slide but the sole is in fine condition no explanation why some ares wear others do not the back of my left glove is also worn thru but no damage to hand.

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Damn moe666, sounds like you went down pretty hard...then you have to worry about the big trucks running you over on that road too !

I think I was doing about 40 when I went down. The trucker who stopped and helped me blocked the lane with his truck could not thank them enough. The treatment at the hospital was also great, cannot say enough about nice Thais

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Great story Moe, and sorry to hear about your accident. I had a similar long ride down to Kanchanaburi last December with a friend, but I was riding a rental 250 CBR. Luckily we had no problems, but I could see a few places where they might have occurred had we not been paying attention. Good luck with the recovery. I had so much fun riding in Thailand that I'm thinking of buying a motorbike here in Canada. I just haven't decided what one. A 250 would be too slow for Canadian traffic but the next stage up seems to be a 650 and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that.

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Great story Moe, and sorry to hear about your accident. I had a similar long ride down to Kanchanaburi last December with a friend, but I was riding a rental 250 CBR. Luckily we had no problems, but I could see a few places where they might have occurred had we not been paying attention. Good luck with the recovery. I had so much fun riding in Thailand that I'm thinking of buying a motorbike here in Canada. I just haven't decided what one. A 250 would be too slow for Canadian traffic but the next stage up seems to be a 650 and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that.

A CBR250 will keep up just fine. The Ninja 300 even better.

A Suzuki SV 650 would also be a good choice. Its very tame.

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Nice one OP.

Damn I hate those ruts/caverns.

Everytime I come across one I think of the story from about 1 year ago when the police were caught giving special 'stickers' to over weight trucks so they wouldn't be pulled over and checked. Forget the cost but they had 2 and 3 day passes, bought from Thailand's Finest that would ensure they could carry any weight they wanted.

Meltingly hot tarmac, overweighted trucks... at least the brown shirts got some money. sick.gif

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moe.. i wonder if its worth complaining to the highway dept. see if they will pay out any money for damages... probable not.

Perhaps if he had video footage, Taksin's lawyer, and Na Aduthaya as a surname. :D

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My stay in Surin was very nice met up with a friend and caught up with her crazy life. Surin is a nice town especially the area with all of the trees. Left on Sat. for Pats, headed out the 214 took the wrong turn off too Buriram but was still going in the right direction. turned off on the 226 when I wanted the 24, recheck your maps before leaving. The 226 is a nice road a long stretch would have been a 10 on the scale new paving for many kilometers. Of course paradise ended and back on a 6 to 7 road they are improving more of the road from 2 lanes to 4. Arrived Buriram and turned off to the 24 as it will by-pass Korat. My destination is Pak Chong Chai to pick up the 304. The 304 runs directly into Bangkok thru Minburi.

The 304 is a good 4 lane divided highway about a 7 to 8 on the 10 scale the scenery is very nice especially over the pass this is the only section of 6 road and Thais cannot drive down a steep grade in the rain talk about riding the brakes. Rode out of the rain onto my turn off to the 331 which runs down to Sattahip south o0f Pats. Most of the 331 is a wide divided 4 lane highway mostly a 7 to 8 with stretches of 6, also saw my worst wreck here a semi=tanker overturned and a SUV on its top in a ditch ambulanced arrived as we drove thru. The 331 eventually becomes a two lane but still in good shape. About 3:30 turned off to Pats and now the fun of finding my friend. This was my longest day 560 kilometers a bit tired on arrival but a couple of Leos perked me up.

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moe.. i wonder if its worth complaining to the highway dept. see if they will pay out any money for damages... probable not.

Perhaps if he had video footage, Taksin's lawyer, and Na Aduthaya as a surname. biggrin.png

I should have been more careful approaching the red light, other than the condition of the road the accident is all on me lost concentration and paid the price also being tired after 8 days of riding didn't help. Be careful guys and girls, wear your gear and try to ride only when rested

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Great story Moe, and sorry to hear about your accident. I had a similar long ride down to Kanchanaburi last December with a friend, but I was riding a rental 250 CBR. Luckily we had no problems, but I could see a few places where they might have occurred had we not been paying attention. Good luck with the recovery. I had so much fun riding in Thailand that I'm thinking of buying a motorbike here in Canada. I just haven't decided what one. A 250 would be too slow for Canadian traffic but the next stage up seems to be a 650 and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that.

A CBR250 will keep up just fine. The Ninja 300 even better.

A Suzuki SV 650 would also be a good choice. Its very tame.

The 650s I've tried seemed a little top heavy to me and I don't like the position on the crotch rockets. I'll just have to try a few different bikes to find one that suits me. I'm not really interested in going much over 120 km/hr. The police here in Canada are far more efficient than Thai police and if you speed then you will get caught and pay fines starting at 7000 baht.

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The CBR 500 feels good, not bent over too much very nimble and light feeling. SV 650, while only used ones are available now, also has a more upright position, but a little more forward than the CBR 500.

250's and 300's can easily sustain 120kph without straining. The new Ninja 300 would really fit the bill, its almost 50lbs lighter than the CBR 500 and cost less.

Whatever you decide on ...good luck ! and stay out of that Canadian snow.

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