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On The Mend


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I have posted previously about recent, positive experience using the "government" hospital as a result of contracting Necrotising Fasciitis, (NF), an extremely dangerous and potentially lethal bacterial infection. Since that post I have had a further 16 days in hospital during which time the cavity, left by the debridements needed to remove the NF, was closed by skin grafting. Amazingly new, uninfected tissue filled the cavity, a fairly deep hole just below my ankle; the skin graft was only partially successful, however, with only a 60 % take. However it was successful enough for the doctor to advise that the wound would heal but that I'd be left with a scar in the area where the graft hadn't taken. In fact this area is where the hard skin from the sole joins the softer skin on the foot so not entirely surprising that it didn't take. After a month in hospital involving 5 surgical procedures, 3 general anaesthetics and 2 "spinal blocks", not to mention the considerable stress, worry and anxiety factor,I decided that I could live with a scar. I am now at home and on the mend. The key thing now is to keep the wound area clean and avoid any re-infection.We have an after care plan in place to cover dressing and review. I am mightily relieved that this is now moving towards a positive conclusion and remain essentially positive about my experience in a government hospital. Thanks to all for the support and wishes.

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