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George W Bush: I Have Come To Realise Power Can Be Corrosive


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Yes but how well you apply your IQ, also your university degrees is much more to the point.

For decades you could find many companies who just checked CVs for the highest GPA, and the highest GPA got the job.

The highest GPA approach started to crumble in many western counties 20 plus years ago, now the focus is on emotional intelligence and with good results.

I teach MBA programs and I mentor doctoral candidates. I know very well (and other lecturers will tell you the same thing) that many students get high scores for individual assignments etc., but there would be very big doubts whether they have the wherewithal to apply their book knowledge in complex situations with urgency / can regularly generate innovations etc.

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Different sources have different classifications, but as 140 is considered a genius, 126 is a darn good score.

It is above average UG, I am not saying it is a bad score at all

I was disputing the claims on this thread that the man is stupid. He is not stupid - whether one agrees with his politics, or not.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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At least this thread will permit all you US haters to get your rocks off at Bush.

All of you folks claiming he is stupid does not speak well for a couple of highly regarded Ivy League Universities. Bush obtained a Bachelor's Degree from Yale University and graduated with an MBA from Harvard Business School.

A couple of other items you folks might not realize. Bush could not have gone to war in Iraq and Afghanistan without the support of the Democratic party. They (Clinton, Kerry et al) voted FOR the wars.

This little comment can easily be applied to the current resident of the White House:

"To vote for an idiot once is unfortunate. To vote for him twice is carelessness."

Look at it this way. If the US administration and military kept their noses out of the business of other countries, there would be a great deal less criticism.

Dating back through only the Bush administration or does that also include the Roosevelt administration?

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I was disputing the claims on this thread that the man is stupid. He is not stupid - whether one agrees with his politics, or not.

Yes, this is a sign of a truly smart man:

Ahhhh, would not let me post YouTube link of video. Here us a classic picture of the event though . . .


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His IQ is reportedly 126. He is far from stupid.

IQ alone is not a determiner of the decisions he made as President and certainly 126 is nothing special

It is considered exeptional and it is higher than John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Dwight Eisenhower - all of who were presidents in office since 1900.

Bush's SAT scores and grades at University were very similar to Al Gore and he invented the internet! whistling.gif

Uhm, 143 is higher than 119 or your score for him at 126.

Barack Obama Democratic 1961present 2009present N/A N/A N/A

I'm just guessing here, but I presume you see nothing unusual about the last one shown above.

One of the 44 has nothing to report. Maybe he will find out when it come out on the evening news. cheesy.gif

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Someone might have found an imaginary IQ for him, but who believes that? Time and again he proved himself to be a dimwit.

The man has no common sense and was led around like a puppy to do the bidding of those who got him elected.

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Yes but how well you apply your IQ, also your university degrees is much more to the point.

For decades you could find many companies who just checked CVs for the highest GPA, and the highest GPA got the job.

The highest GPA approach started to crumble in many western counties 20 plus years ago, now the focus is on emotional intelligence and with good results.

I teach MBA programs and I mentor doctoral candidates. I know very well (and other lecturers will tell you the same thing) that many students get high scores for individual assignments etc., but there would be very big doubts whether they have the wherewithal to apply their book knowledge in complex situations with urgency / can regularly generate innovations etc.

Highest GPAs still get top jobs, but I agree it is very difficult sometimes to determine who has both book smarts and common sense as the two often do not go hand-in-hand.

We and most large firms won't even interview you unless you are top 10 percent, law review and clerked for a Federal Judge which also generally requires top 5 to 10 %. Some large firms only consider same criteria from top tier law schools. We are not snobbish as I believe many smart kids out there just cannot afford top tier schools.

I work in health care and securities and my clients in this area generally only pull top students from top tier schools. Very competitive market here though.

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I was disputing the claims on this thread that the man is stupid. He is not stupid - whether one agrees with his politics, or not.

Yes, this is a sign of a truly smart man:

Ahhhh, would not let me post YouTube link of video. Here us a classic picture of the event though . . .


Sort of reminds you of a more recent door escapade, doesn't it?


Hey Bam, that's not the door! BY LIISA O'NEILL / DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER

alg-obama-door-jpg.jpg BRACK/POOL Obama approaches a window of the Oval Office, instead of the door, shown to the right.It looks like President Obama hasn't gotten acquainted to his White House surroundings. On the way back to the Oval Office Tuesday, the President approached a paned window, instead of the actual door -- located a few feet to his right.

Doors didn't open automatically for Obama’s predecessor either. While making a hasty exit from a 2005 press conference in Beijing, former President George W. Bush tugged on the handles of a door, only to find it locked.

Bush laughed off the blunder, but the pictures still live on as part of Bush's lame duck legacy. However, there was little note taken of Obama's rookie mistake.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/hey-bam-door-article-1.391153#ixzz2Uw6HRMFY

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I'm just guessing here, but I presume you see nothing unusual about the last one shown above.

One of the 44 has nothing to report. Maybe he will find out when it come out on the evening news. cheesy.gif

Graduated JD magna cum laude from Harvard and first black president of Harvard law review. No easy task to accomplish either.

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Yes, power can dim your vision. But this is especially true if you're a complete dimbulb to start with. I guess one indicator of his brilliance is the way he so cleverly disguised his superior intelligence. I'm sure he confounded many of his foes with this tactic.

Bingo. You said it much more eloquently than I.

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I am nohh a smarrrt man.

His IQ is reportedly 126. He is far from stupid.

IQ alone is not a determiner of the decisions he made as President and certainly 126 is nothing special

It is considered exeptional and it is higher than John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Dwight Eisenhower - all of who were presidents in office since 1900.

Bush's SAT scores and grades at University were very similar to Al Gore and he invented the internet! whistling.gif

U, you are wasting your time.

Don't use factual information to counter biased ranting OR Never argue with idiots- they will wear you down and beat you with experience


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At least this thread will permit all you US haters to get your rocks off at Bush.

All of you folks claiming he is stupid does not speak well for a couple of highly regarded Ivy League Universities. Bush obtained a Bachelor's Degree from Yale University and graduated with an MBA from Harvard Business School.

A couple of other items you folks might not realize. Bush could not have gone to war in Iraq and Afghanistan without the support of the Democratic party. They (Clinton, Kerry et al) voted FOR the wars.

This little comment can easily be applied to the current resident of the White House:

"To vote for an idiot once is unfortunate. To vote for him twice is carelessness."

Why do people always assume that a dislike or criticism of a US President (past of present) implies a dislike of the US? It does not and it seems spurious to even link the two.

Indeed criticism of a US President does not even imply dislike of said President.

Please read my post again.

I never claimed everybody criticizing Bush on this thread would be a US hater. What I said was every US hater would post on this thread.

I'm just guessing here, but I presume you see nothing unusual about the last one shown above.

One of the 44 has nothing to report. Maybe he will find out when it come out on the evening news. cheesy.gif

Graduated JD magna cum laude from Harvard and first black president of Harvard law review. No easy task to accomplish either.

Got a transcript to back that statement up?

First black President of the Harvard Law Review is a testament to his political skills, not his IQ.

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Sorry, he comes off as pretty darned stupid.

If he really has a high IQ, that doesn't mean he used it.

Clearly his bizarre fundamentalism (God talks to him when making big decisions, yeah right) was a crutch.

His Iraq war invasion was the biggest foreign policy mistake in American history.

Both he and Bliar claimed that they were justified in sending young military people to Iraq to be killed or to kill because the two of them were Christians. Inflammatory comments on top of their lies about weapons of mass destruction.

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The guy was a terrible public speaker, which usually is the kind of emotional/psychological issue referenced by a previous poster. I don't know how Bush may have communicated in private, as in one to one or in small groups. It's likely he was better in the latter settings.

As to Bush's Ivy League credentials, he was what's called a 'Legacy" acceptance at Yale and Harvard, respectively. As a legacy applicant, you don't need brains. All you need is your family history and background, to include having a pulse and being able to pay tuition.

Curiously, his father was a fool which I think goes beyond intelligence into the realm of personality. Jeb Bush seems to be the only normal person with Bush family genes, although a lot of people like Barbara Bush (first ladies however are judged separately from their husband presidents).

Nixon was an intelligent guy who'd been accepted at Harvard with no legacy status, but couldn't pay tuition and was unable to secure a scholarship. Nixon's issues were entirely personality, socioeconomic status, an ingrown exclusionary nature.

Bush overall is nonetheless a scatterbrain.

Bush didn't win the presidency in 2000. He was appointed president by the Republican party majority on the nine-member Supreme Court in a 5-4 vote of the "justices." It's appalling that nine citizens who, because they sit on the Supreme Court, get to vote twice in a presidential election. That's a setback from which the U.S. constitutional system has yet to recover.

What's unusual about folks voting twice in a Presidential election get to vote twice? Democrats in Illinois have been doing it for years.

About the Supreme Court stealing the election, the following article is from your vaunted NY Times. The jury has been dismissed on this issue.


Study of Disputed Florida Ballots Finds Justices Did Not Cast the Deciding Vote
Published: November 12, 2001
Acomprehensive review of the uncounted Florida ballots from last year's presidential election reveals that George W. Bush would have won even if the United States Supreme Court had allowed the statewide manual recount of the votes that the Florida Supreme Court had ordered to go forward.
Contrary to what many partisans of former Vice President Al Gore have charged, the United States Supreme Court did not award an election to Mr. Bush that otherwise would have been won by Mr. Gore. A close examination of the ballots found that Mr. Bush would have retained a slender margin over Mr. Gore if the Florida court's order to recount more than 43,000 ballots had not been reversed by the United States Supreme Court.
Even under the strategy that Mr. Gore pursued at the beginning of the Florida standoff — filing suit to force hand recounts in four predominantly Democratic counties — Mr. Bush would have kept his lead, according to the ballot review conducted for a consortium of news organizations.
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U, you are wasting your time.

Don't use factual information to counter biased ranting OR Never argue with idiots- they will wear you down and beat you with experience


Since you have quoted me in your reply and as such infer I may either be stupid or biased, could you clarify the basis of why u make either of these statements?

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I am nohh a smarrrt man.

His IQ is reportedly 126. He is far from stupid.

"Reportedly" Where? On Faux News? I don't think anyone reasonable ever contended that shrub was stupid.

Reportedly, I am handsum.

Maybe the hundred thousand people, OK, mostly Iraqis killed, and thousands of American soldiers killed, wounded and mentally scarred are preying on his conscience?

He honestly never struck me as interested in fame? I always thought he was a bit of a loner? I thought it was sad that he was all alone watching football on TV when he almost choked on pretzel back in 2002.

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I doubt that his IQ would exceed a 100. He is probably still looking for WMD's and Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz should be tried for war-crimes How may people got killed because of this lot???

Here's a log just for Iraq. It doesn't include the more recent casualties that have been incurred in the chaos that was left behind. Other countries' military tagged on behind but I think that Bush's military were in the majority.


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Not a Bush fan at all. But here's food for thought:


"Were he a student here today, he would consistently get “HP” (High Pass) grades without having to work hard, and he’d get an “H” (High, the top grade) in any class where he wanted to put in the effort."

At HBS ~ 75% of the class gets a High Pass (HP), 15% get a High, and 10% get a Low Pass. The fact that shrub was in the middle 75% hardly points to his academic prowess? The fact that he could have gotten a High, had he wanted to put in the effort perhaps speaks better to his personality?

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The guy was a terrible public speaker, which usually is the kind of emotional/psychological issue referenced by a previous poster. I don't know how Bush may have communicated in private, as in one to one or in small groups. It's likely he was better in the latter settings.

As to Bush's Ivy League credentials, he was what's called a 'Legacy" acceptance at Yale and Harvard, respectively. As a legacy applicant, you don't need brains. All you need is your family history and background, to include having a pulse and being able to pay tuition.

Curiously, his father was a fool which I think goes beyond intelligence into the realm of personality. Jeb Bush seems to be the only normal person with Bush family genes, although a lot of people like Barbara Bush (first ladies however are judged separately from their husband presidents).

Nixon was an intelligent guy who'd been accepted at Harvard with no legacy status, but couldn't pay tuition and was unable to secure a scholarship. Nixon's issues were entirely personality, socioeconomic status, an ingrown exclusionary nature.

Bush overall is nonetheless a scatterbrain.

Bush didn't win the presidency in 2000. He was appointed president by the Republican party majority on the nine-member Supreme Court in a 5-4 vote of the "justices." It's appalling that nine citizens who, because they sit on the Supreme Court, get to vote twice in a presidential election. That's a setback from which the U.S. constitutional system has yet to recover.

What's unusual about folks voting twice in a Presidential election get to vote twice? Democrats in Illinois have been doing it for years.

About the Supreme Court stealing the election, the following article is from your vaunted NY Times. The jury has been dismissed on this issue.


Study of Disputed Florida Ballots Finds Justices Did Not Cast the Deciding Vote
Published: November 12, 2001
Acomprehensive review of the uncounted Florida ballots from last year's presidential election reveals that George W. Bush would have won even if the United States Supreme Court had allowed the statewide manual recount of the votes that the Florida Supreme Court had ordered to go forward.
Contrary to what many partisans of former Vice President Al Gore have charged, the United States Supreme Court did not award an election to Mr. Bush that otherwise would have been won by Mr. Gore. A close examination of the ballots found that Mr. Bush would have retained a slender margin over Mr. Gore if the Florida court's order to recount more than 43,000 ballots had not been reversed by the United States Supreme Court.
Even under the strategy that Mr. Gore pursued at the beginning of the Florida standoff — filing suit to force hand recounts in four predominantly Democratic counties — Mr. Bush would have kept his lead, according to the ballot review conducted for a consortium of news organizations.

The Constitution requires the equal protection of the laws, which in this instance means everyone who voted properly gets their votes counted.

The Constitution requires that any disputed election of the president be settled in the House of Representatives. In 2000 the Supreme Court contravened the Constitution, to take it upon itself to decide the outcome of the national election. The Supreme Court itself acted unconstitutionally.

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Not a Bush fan at all. But here's food for thought:


If he was so smart, what didn't he understand about "We are under attack"?

The guy could barely speak coherently. I use to cringe and feel sorry for him.

"He is smarter than you think" type statements are rarely said in reference to someone that is actually smart. If your smart, the world will notice.

Bush's 1200 SATs and IQ of 126 is an indicator of about a 155 on the LSAT (120 -180). A 155 is the 65th percentile. Most seem to say his IQ was 119, but even 126 is well behind the curve.

Bush would have zero chance at Harvard or a top tier law school. He may experience difficulty getting into bottom tier schools based on those scores.

Harvard LS average LSAT is 173ish so average IQ of HLS students is perhaps 145ish. LSAT 163=IQ 130 and average LSAT at HLS is 173, then the average HLS student has an IQ of 145 or 146, since on the LSAT 10 points is one SD.

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Not a Bush fan at all. But here's food for thought:


If he was so smart, what didn't he understand about "We are under attack"?
The guy could barely speak coherently. I actually use to cringe and feel sorry for him.

"He is smarter than you think" type statements are rarely said in reference to someone that is actually smart. If your really smart, neither you nor anyone else will need to tell the world The world will notice.

Bush's 1200 SATs and IQ of 126 is an indicator of about a 155 on the LSAT (120 -180) with 155 being about the 65th percentile. Most seem to say he was in 119 range, but even at 126 is very far behind curve.

He would have zero chance at Harvard or a top tier law school. He may even have difficulty getting into bottom tier schools based on those scores.

Harvard LS average LSAT is a 173 so average IQ of HLS students is perhaps in the 145. LSAT 163=IQ 130 and average LSAT at HLS is 173, then the average HLS student has an IQ of 145 or 146, since on the LSAT 10 points is one SD.

We may then presume you are not a Harvard Law graduate?

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