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Why Are There So Many People Who Just Bitch About This Country?


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It's the £500 flight syndrome, no marks that did nothing in their own countries turn up in Thailand and discover much to their dismay that.....

They can't run away from their personalities.

If living in Thailand is the greatest achievement of your life what a sad life you've had.

The place is over-run with saddos with the rest looking on with amusement, bemusement, contempt and horror at the slow motion car crashes that pass for normal life for some people.

Then they come on here and moan about it.

Oh, and of course it's never their fault, it's always this and that and him and her and them and a big boy did it and ran away.

Or should I say, a 4 foot 10 inch illiterate Thai dwarf did it and ran away.

Halfwits, outwitted by rice farmers daughters.

The shame of it.

<deleted>, seriously, the shame. coffee1.gif

But you come here as a sex tourist,give everyone a bad name and come on here spouting off at people trying to make a living in Thailand,you really are the ultimate hypocrite and really do need to take a long,hard look in the mirror at yourself!

Just out of interest,what do you do back home in the UK for gainful employment,or are you just another "no mark" as well?

I really don't understand why so many on this forum feel the need to invent characteristics or spurious personalities for their fellow posters; or, come to that, for Farangs in general or Thais in general. I have enough trouble with one or two drinking mates

Ayeyerdedonthair, bytheway, Cowboy, andye've got us dedrong in a'


Edited by StreetCowboy
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It's the £500 flight syndrome, no marks that did nothing in their own countries turn up in Thailand and discover much to their dismay that.....

They can't run away from their personalities.

If living in Thailand is the greatest achievement of your life what a sad life you've had.

The place is over-run with saddos with the rest looking on with amusement, bemusement, contempt and horror at the slow motion car crashes that pass for normal life for some people.

Then they come on here and moan about it.

Oh, and of course it's never their fault, it's always this and that and him and her and them and a big boy did it and ran away.

Or should I say, a 4 foot 10 inch illiterate Thai dwarf did it and ran away.

Halfwits, outwitted by rice farmers daughters.

The shame of it.

<deleted>, seriously, the shame. coffee1.gif

But you come here as a sex tourist,give everyone a bad name and come on here spouting off at people trying to make a living in Thailand,you really are the ultimate hypocrite and really do need to take a long,hard look in the mirror at yourself!

Just out of interest,what do you do back home in the UK for gainful employment,or are you just another "no mark" as well?

I really don't understand why so many on this forum feel the need to invent characteristics or spurious personalities for their fellow posters; or, come to that, for Farangs in general or Thais in general. I have enough trouble with one or two drinking mates

Ayeyerdedonthair, bytheway, Cowboy, andye've got us dedrong in a'


Who said he goes there as a sex tourist.

I went there all the time when I was single, and not as a sex tourist.

That may be hard for a sex tourist to understand.

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It's the £500 flight syndrome, no marks that did nothing in their own countries turn up in Thailand and discover much to their dismay that.....

They can't run away from their personalities.

If living in Thailand is the greatest achievement of your life what a sad life you've had.

The place is over-run with saddos with the rest looking on with amusement, bemusement, contempt and horror at the slow motion car crashes that pass for normal life for some people.

Then they come on here and moan about it.

Oh, and of course it's never their fault, it's always this and that and him and her and them and a big boy did it and ran away.

Or should I say, a 4 foot 10 inch illiterate Thai dwarf did it and ran away.

Halfwits, outwitted by rice farmers daughters.

The shame of it.

<deleted>, seriously, the shame. coffee1.gif

But you come here as a sex tourist,give everyone a bad name and come on here spouting off at people trying to make a living in Thailand,you really are the ultimate hypocrite and really do need to take a long,hard look in the mirror at yourself!

Just out of interest,what do you do back home in the UK for gainful employment,or are you just another "no mark" as well?

I really don't understand why so many on this forum feel the need to invent characteristics or spurious personalities for their fellow posters; or, come to that, for Farangs in general or Thais in general. I have enough trouble with one or two drinking mates

Ayeyerdedonthair, bytheway, Cowboy, andye've got us dedrong in a'


Who said he goes there as a sex tourist.

I went there all the time when I was single, and not as a sex tourist.

That may be hard for a sex tourist to understand.

Eesat said that. I don't know why. Maybe he'd mistaken theBlether for another fat yellow Scottish bloke he'd met in Nana (or similar establishment) doing sit-ups wearing nothing but plimsolls and a smile. If there's one thing I've learnt from French & Rooney, its pointless to speculate


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Well said MuayTha2013, when I hobble back from my MT training I make a point of giving the vets a wide berth in case they take pity on me and put me down.

The last thing on my mind is horizontal dancing with some HIV infected dwarf. I'll leave that to others.

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Well said MuayTha2013, when I hobble back from my MT training I make a point of giving the vets a wide berth in case they take pity on me and put me down.

The last thing on my mind is horizontal dancing with some HIV infected dwarf. I'll leave that to others.

Well said MuayTha2013, when I hobble back from my MT training I make a point of giving the vets a wide berth in case they take pity on me and put me down.

The last thing on my mind is horizontal dancing with some HIV infected dwarf. I'll leave that to others.

Crivvens, Blether, now who's inventing? You're like John Logie Baird, so you are. Where did the HIV infected dwarf come from? Not that I have any practical interest, of course


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Quite amazing but also sad how some people,who don't live in Thailand anyway see fit to come on here denigrating others who do live here and are just trying to get on with their lives!

They have any posts removed pertaining to their nefarious activities over here in Thailand as the truth obviously hurts and doesn't fit in with the nonsensical version of Thailand they encounter,on their seedy little trips out to The Land of Smiles.Grubby little men with even grubbier intentions and probably pasts in all honesty!

I'm sorry but these types absolutely disgust me and the sooner they crawl back under the rock they escaped from out under,the better as far as I'm concerned!

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Quite amazing but also sad how some people,who don't live in Thailand anyway see fit to come on here denigrating others who do live here and are just trying to get on with their lives!

They have any posts removed pertaining to their nefarious activities over here in Thailand as the truth obviously hurts and doesn't fit in with the nonsensical version of Thailand they encounter,on their seedy little trips out to The Land of Smiles.Grubby little men with even grubbier intentions and probably pasts in all honesty!

I'm sorry but these types absolutely disgust me and the sooner they crawl back under the rock they escaped from out under,the better as far as I'm concerned!

Top speculation, by the way, but I'll bet you've got no idea who Friday's video referee will be. Personally, I find that my posts reflect more on myself than on those I describe, and I hope that our gentle readers enjoy the contrast.


EDIT: Double quote deleted. Perhaps I should've gone further

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A lot of people appear to be stuck here with limited options.


Yes...but those options are still vastly more attractive than a life back in their country of origin...

What a depressing thought - to think that there are people that would rather endure misery in Thailand because they are unable to enjoy life in their own country, Let's just hope that if they cannot enjoy life, they can at least enjoy being miserable, either here or elsewhere. It seems shameful to criticise a man who was so little left.


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Some people are so sad they even have to announce to TV that they were on a date, and get this, how much sex they are now getting!!

Now that really is sad. sad.png

I add however much sex I've had as a footnote to all my posts... DOesn't everyone? Now I feel bad....

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Some people are so sad they even have to announce to TV that they were on a date, and get this, how much sex they are now getting!!

Now that really is sad. sad.png

I add however much sex I've had as a footnote to all my posts... DOesn't everyone? Now I feel bad....

No no, that's soooo!! last year.......now you have to start a whole new topic, give a running commentary on your sexual exploits and discuss the medication you're taking.

Get with the programme SC. coffee1.gif

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People are always going to find something to complain about one way or another. It's just human nature I guess.

We complain about things which are different from what we're used to. :P

I don't think we'll never be fully satisfied.

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Some people are so sad they even have to announce to TV that they were on a date, and get this, how much sex they are now getting!!

Now that really is sad. sad.png

I add however much sex I've had as a footnote to all my posts... DOesn't everyone? Now I feel bad....

No no, that's soooo!! last year.......now you have to start a whole new topic, give a running commentary on your sexual exploits and discuss the medication you're taking.

Get with the programme SC. coffee1.gif

Well, I;ve done that

... And we're going to Wembeleee


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Where else can you get this sort of glorious carnage?



Actually nearly every country can provide a laundry list of horrors, including along the same lines of what you've listed, in lesser or greater frequency.

But I agree that many things the rest of the world consider terrible are at the top of the list of what we love about the place. Back home they're just more expensive and provided by truly evil people rather than available as casually as strolling along the beach.

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The country is losing its cultural values, its good food, its beautiful beaches, the air the water, have never been so polluted, corruption is at its highest, freedom of speech is long gone, Thai start to hate farangs and prefer richer chinese and we should say amen???

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The country is losing its cultural values, its good food, its beautiful beaches, the air the water, have never been so polluted, corruption is at its highest, freedom of speech is long gone, Thai start to hate farangs and prefer richer chinese and we should say amen???

Hold your horses, buster! You might need a new scrip for rose colored glasses!

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The country is losing its cultural values, its good food, its beautiful beaches, the air the water, have never been so polluted, corruption is at its highest, freedom of speech is long gone, Thai start to hate farangs and prefer richer chinese and we should say amen???

No. You should just leave. The sooner the better.

The old love it or leave it gambit!

Edited by Jingthing
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The country is losing its cultural values, its good food, its beautiful beaches, the air the water, have never been so polluted, corruption is at its highest, freedom of speech is long gone, Thai start to hate farangs and prefer richer chinese and we should say amen???


The truth in what you say applies to most of the world as a whole, and certainly at least as true in most of our "back home" countries.

And in most of those categories even if Thailand's deteriorated IMO still better than most places.

I completely disagree about freedom of speech, in practice here much more open discussion is possible on things that matter. I can wear a "Muslim Jihad" t-shirt wherever I like even travelling by air and might get an occasional odd look or smile, try that in the west these days see how far you get.

But then I don't care about the issues that the Thai government tries to suppress.

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I bitch sometimes because I might not be happy about something. but it does not matter if it is Thailand, the U.K. or elsewhere.

I was brought up in a free and democratic country to be a free thinking person. So I can think what I like and say what I like within reason and the law.

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The country is losing its cultural values, its good food, its beautiful beaches, the air the water, have never been so polluted, corruption is at its highest, freedom of speech is long gone, Thai start to hate farangs and prefer richer chinese and we should say amen???

No. You should just leave. The sooner the better.

The old love it or leave it gambit!

And what's wrong with trying to help another guy out? If he really believes that Thailand is going down the sh*tter, then suggesting that he would be happier elsewhere is surely not unreasonable. Maybe the thought never crossed his mind!

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No. You should just leave. The sooner the better.

And what's wrong with trying to help another guy out? If he really believes that Thailand is going down the sh*tter, then suggesting that he would be happier elsewhere is surely not unreasonable. Maybe the thought never crossed his mind!

Leave to where ?

I have described global trends

Don't you get it ?

there is no "elsewhere" anymore

THL was my last hiding place or so I thought

There is nowhere to hide

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