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Do I Have To Marry Truevisions?


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Please let me know if there is any other company providing TV-channels (actually BBC + CNN only needed!) than TrueVisions in Thailand. I'm tired to fight with TrueVisons but I still hope to see BBC News at least once a day. I've been customer to TrueVisions for years but now I think it has gone too far (they changing the channels, forced us to buy own box(2012) which we can't use now(2013)if we like to pay the bill once a month!!!).It has been humiliating and I've spend ousr at phone trying to get the programs I have bought and paid. :-/

PS Sometimes it has been kind of funny too. One answer from CallCenter when I asked why they have took some of our favourite channels away etc..: "Madam, you have a knowledge channels now!" Yes, I really need to have lessons about salamanders with Korean subtitles and Chinese dub!!! ;-)

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Either CNN or BBC world (or sometimes both) can be found on most local cable tv suppliers. The Pattaya cable TV companies do.

Through satellite, they are legally only available through Truevisions.

CNN is owned by Turner Broadcasting (Times Warner) and BBC world I guess by BBC, for both channels Truevisions has the sole distribution rights for Thailand.

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Either CNN or BBC world (or sometimes both) can be found on most local cable tv suppliers. The Pattaya cable TV companies do.

Through satellite, they are legally only available through Truevisions.

CNN is owned by Turner Broadcasting (Times Warner) and BBC world I guess by BBC, for both channels Truevisions has the sole distribution rights for Thailand.

Not so at all. Truevisions hold a re-distribution / re-broadcast rights contract not a sole distribution contract.

BBC World HD and BBC World SD and all their radio stations are free to view on the IS19 satellite here in Thailand and have been that way (free to view in SD) for over the last 9 years plus.

Edited by joncl
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Either CNN or BBC world (or sometimes both) can be found on most local cable tv suppliers. The Pattaya cable TV companies do.

Through satellite, they are legally only available through Truevisions.

CNN is owned by Turner Broadcasting (Times Warner) and BBC world I guess by BBC, for both channels Truevisions has the sole distribution rights for Thailand.

Not so at all. Truevisions hold a re-distribution / re-broadcast rights contract not a sole distribution contract.

BBC World HD and BBC World SD and all their radio stations are free to view on the IS19 satellite here in Thailand and have been that way (free to view in SD) for over the last 9 years plus.

Cool, didn't know that BBC world was on IS19.

Although I still think it is not meant to be received like that in Thailand.

The below comes from BBC world's own website:

BBC World News is available via a high quality stream on Livestation worldwide (excluding the UK, US, China, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia due to rights restrictions). Just type http://www.livestation.com into the browser on your device.

So there are definitely some rights restrictions, but as livestation charges for subscriptions, it might have to do with selling the signal instead of offering it for free.

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http://www.filmon.com is 100% free. you have to sign up but its free. Little tip when you are signing up if you are British and want all the British channels, when they ask you where you are state UK not Thailand. otherwise you get limited British channels. I presume this is the same for all other countries wishing to use this site, but I haven't tried......

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Check out UKTV-Asia, they have Sky News,BBC, and 11 other UK channels

you only need little bandwidth as their server in in BKK, its Bht 490 pm. all

the channels are live ,broadcast from the UK.

regards Worgeordie

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Either CNN or BBC world (or sometimes both) can be found on most local cable tv suppliers. The Pattaya cable TV companies do.

Through satellite, they are legally only available through Truevisions.

CNN is owned by Turner Broadcasting (Times Warner) and BBC world I guess by BBC, for both channels Truevisions has the sole distribution rights for Thailand.

Not so at all. Truevisions hold a re-distribution / re-broadcast rights contract not a sole distribution contract.

BBC World HD and BBC World SD and all their radio stations are free to view on the IS19 satellite here in Thailand and have been that way (free to view in SD) for over the last 9 years plus.

Cool, didn't know that BBC world was on IS19.

Although I still think it is not meant to be received like that in Thailand.

The below comes from BBC world's own website:

>BBC World News is available via a high quality stream on Livestation worldwide (excluding the UK, US, China, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia due to rights restrictions). Just type http://www.livestation.com into the browser on your device.

So there are definitely some rights restrictions, but as livestation charges for subscriptions, it might have to do with selling the signal instead of offering it for free.

I am not talking about Internet Streaming. I am talking about the standard (SD) and high definition (HD) free to view satellite TV services from BBC World News as per the wiki link below on Intelsat 19


In October 2011, a high definition feed of BBC World News showed up on Galaxy 13 in the United States.[9] Also in September 2012, BBC World News has also launched a HD feed in the Asia Pacific Region on Intelsat 19 at 166.0°E. The channel is speculated for launch in high definition in early 2013.[10]

And from their partner site click on Thailand http://www.bbcwwpartners.com/worldnews/distribution/satellite-distribution same same

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The IS19 with BBC world sounds interesting. I've been without TRUE or any other broadcast TV for a couple of years and the only thing I miss is to be able to switch on the news and leave it running in the background. I wouldn't care much whether it was BBC, CNN or Al Jazeera. Nor would it need to be HD.

Can anyone advise me on the following situation?

2 houses quite close to each other. Both are fairly large 3 storey and both have the remnants of TRUE satellite installations. Each house has about 7-8 coax outlets (with decoders) which terminate at a central point in each house. Would it be possible to install one 2 metre dish and then share that to both houses? Is it as simple as connecting the 2 houses by coax and then installing the dish on the roof of one. Or would that require some more complicated equipment?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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The IS19 with BBC world sounds interesting. I've been without TRUE or any other broadcast TV for a couple of years and the only thing I miss is to be able to switch on the news and leave it running in the background. I wouldn't care much whether it was BBC, CNN or Al Jazeera. Nor would it need to be HD.

Can anyone advise me on the following situation?

2 houses quite close to each other. Both are fairly large 3 storey and both have the remnants of TRUE satellite installations. Each house has about 7-8 coax outlets (with decoders) which terminate at a central point in each house. Would it be possible to install one 2 metre dish and then share that to both houses? Is it as simple as connecting the 2 houses by coax and then installing the dish on the roof of one. Or would that require some more complicated equipment?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Yes you can do this but the old set top boxes will be of no use as you will not be able to put them on the C Band. The issue is if you can see Intelsat 19 there as it is low on our eastern horizon see dishpointer here, http://www.dishpointer.com/ key in the details and off you go

details from dispointer for Bangkok;

Your Location Satellite Data Dish Setup Data google_earth_feed.gif
Latitude: 13.7279°
Longitude: 100.5241°
Name: 166E INTELSAT 19 (IS-19)
Distance: 40021km
Elevation: 15.4°
Azimuth (true): 96.2°
Azimuth (magn.): 97.3°
LNB Skew [?]: -75.0°

If it is a problem and it is just news you want then Asiasat 3S would do the job, smaller 6' dish cheap SD box.

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Thanks very much. Shame about the set top boxes. I know they are junk but together with my neighbour we have 15-20 of them. Oh well...

I checked dishpointer and though there aren't any structures in the way, there is a tree nearby which is about the same height as the house (3 storeys). I guess then it would have line of sight to IS19 if the dish was on the roof. But it can get very windy during squalls here so I wonder whether a big dish attached to the tiled roof is a problem or not.

I googled Asiasat 3S and could see that it carries many channels but I presume that not all are free to air. I see that Al Jazeera is on the list.

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"Do I Have To Marry Truevisions?"

I was thinking while reading your headline for this topic that you do not "Have To Marry Truevisions", but that

You Have Too Many Truevisions.

I do not have any Truevisions, but I can feel for you, and feel your frustration, just trying to fix my internet problem is, as you say, humiliating, and frustrating.

I wish you success, and we really should be able to hire someone to do nothing but fix these problems and wait in line for days for us.

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I do not understand why anyone has cable, satellite, a landline, or a DVD player in 2013. Everything can be streamed on demand with no commercials, often for free. Any Roku, PS3 and many Smart TVs and Bluray players have this.

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I do not understand why anyone has cable, satellite, a landline, or a DVD player in 2013. Everything can be streamed on demand with no commercials, often for free. Any Roku, PS3 and many Smart TVs and Bluray players have this.

Question, Do you know how the internet here is ? It's oke in the Cities, but not everyone is living there, a lot of TV members are living in the Sticks and there is good and reliable internet a realllll luxury and often a Satellite Dish (like True Visions) is the only option !!!

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