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Stray Cat Using My Garden Beds As Her Toilet

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Try leaving some food out. Then the cat may think of your garden as her home, rather than her toilet.

Holy crap, feeding her would make her move in permanently. Get a large container of cayenne powder and sprinkle it around every night. Of course, you could always get a dog.

Nothing wrong with having a cat around, feed it a little and it will take care of rats and have a go at small snakes. It will not crap near it's new acquired domain. thumbsup.gif

Couldn't agree more, but one cat (female) turns into a baby farm in very short order. We have proof of it here. Worst thing is we cannot leave the kitchen door open without hungry cats raiding anything that is edible!!!

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Here's my world famous secret. Normally this info is sold for more than $100 but for you today it's free. Its very simple to solve. I have many nice plants in pots around my townhouse garden and from the first day I moved in I was greeted with an awful odor every morning by neighbor cats. I had put nice looking sand in the planters but that was something that really attracted the cats. Here's the secret !! collect as many of those spikes that the thai food comes on from various food you get at the market and stick them pointy side up all round your planter in every plant. I had about 100 or so around the kitchen saved and it worked so well on the first day and to this day after more than a year. I replenish the spikes frequently because they break sometimes. It doesn't make a cat feel any better squatting on them than you woiuld feel sitting down on spikes of cactus to read your morning paper. Guaranteed to work!! Doesn't harm the cat! My local cats were a little p.o'd at first then to punish me they pooped just outside myu gate for a couple weeks but now they have moved on to greener pastures and I have the fresh smell of jasmine and gardenia every morning! Hope this helps!!

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My brothers father in law tells the story of blowing up balloons and then bury them around a nuisance cats favourite loo station. Nice soft soil for it to dig, and ......... The cat

was shocked but unharmed. Not sure I would do this though.

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Here's my world famous secret. Normally this info is sold for more than $100 but for you today it's free. Its very simple to solve. I have many nice plants in pots around my townhouse garden and from the first day I moved in I was greeted with an awful odor every morning by neighbor cats. I had put nice looking sand in the planters but that was something that really attracted the cats. Here's the secret !! collect as many of those spikes that the thai food comes on from various food you get at the market and stick them pointy side up all round your planter in every plant. I had about 100 or so around the kitchen saved and it worked so well on the first day and to this day after more than a year. I replenish the spikes frequently because they break sometimes. It doesn't make a cat feel any better squatting on them than you woiuld feel sitting down on spikes of cactus to read your morning paper. Guaranteed to work!! Doesn't harm the cat! My local cats were a little p.o'd at first then to punish me they pooped just outside myu gate for a couple weeks but now they have moved on to greener pastures and I have the fresh smell of jasmine and gardenia every morning! Hope this helps!!

Great solution. As much as i hate cats, or more specifically, their responsibility shirking owners, i would never want to inflict even a scratch on them.

Now i just need to find a way of attaching those spikes all over my car. biggrin.png

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Not too sure about cats, never had to get rid of them before, but the mothballs definitely deters rats and mice. They hate the smell of napthalene and will get the hell out of there once they get a wiff of it. It probably works for cats as well, as previous posters have suggested.

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If it were a dog, would anyone be saying, "just one dog"?

As a dog owner, my neighbors demand i pick up after my dog, even when it does its mess in inoffensive places like public litter-filled scrubland. I have no problem with this, as it is what i'd do anyway. However, these same neigbours, some of them anyway, own cats, cats that walk over my cars and leave scratch marks, cats that kill animals and leave the remains in my garden, cats that do their business, which stinks much worse than dogs mess, in my garden.

People who chose to have cats as pets, should in my opinion be held to the same level of responsibility as us dog owners. If that is not possible to do, they shouldn't chose to have them in the first place.

This is a stray cat that's dumping in the dude's garden. No owner, I'd guess.

Anyway, it's just cat crap and dead critters. Happens in my garden on a daily basis. I just suck it up (so to speak) and dispose of it all. It's no reason for me to become all pussified. laugh.png

As all cats roam about as they please, not sure how exactly we determine the strays from the not strays.

Anyway, do you not agree that cat owners and dog owners are held to a different level of responsibility in the way people demand they take care of the animal... a difference that is not really very fair... and if a cat scratched up your car, would that not annoy you, especially if the owner of said cat, was the same woman who rushed to the front of her property to glare at you, when your dog did its business in the street near her drive (not even on it), even though you were ready and at hand to pick up the mess with a plastic bag?

An owned cat usually has a collar. And in Thailand, more often than not, it's a collar of the Doraemon type (with a bell). ^^

I do agree that cat and dog owners are held to different standards. And that's as it should be. Cats relieve themselves in secluded, out of the way areas (like peoples' gardens). Dogs crap/whizz wherever they might be when the mood strikes. (Sidewalks/footpaths seem to be a favorite place.) I think a big part of your problem is with the glaring woman. Did you talk to her?

i do not know one person who has a cat with a collar in thailand and i know quite a few people with cats, myself included

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I had a cat problem. My wife told the new neighbors next time their cat got in my new garden and dug up my New Mexico chile plants I would kill it. I had to block off a drainage gap in the adjoining walls to keep their little dogs out also. They and their critters moved 2 days later. Next came the semi-stray cats, usually when I was asleep. I fenced the garden, sides and then top (they would jump over the chicken wire). With that, the addition of a slingshot and rocks they gave up. Some have since 'disappeared'. It seems there is somebody in the subdivision that has a very strong aversion to troublesome unwanted critters and prefers a more permanent solution. Cayenne doesn't work. I also had to chicken wire the gate as the neighbors little yippee dogs would come through the bars. They aren't supposed to be running loose. I have 'educated' several that now seem be scared of even the noise from a slingshot, they stay pretty well away from the house.

If you really don't want to hurt the 'poor innocent little critter's' feelings (that is sarcasm, btw), get a live trap, catch it and take it for a long, long ride.

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Add vinegar to the water containers placed around the 'garden' area... punch a couple of holes in the top of water bottles... if you brew coffee, toss the used grounds into the area as well. Spray the rocks or border with vinegar ocassionally.

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Jeyes Fluid keeps them away but the mothball ideas sound good.

I tried mothballs at another place I lived. You need a lot of them. They stink out the whole garden especially at dusk when the wind drops. And the cats still come to poop in any area not covered. Plus the grass looks a bit odd with the little white balls all over the place! biggrin.png

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Ultrasonic cat scarer with infra red sensor works great. Got mine from the UK. When the sensor is triggered by movement from a small animal it will let off a high pitch noise, and the cat will go away, and learns very quickly not to go back to that point.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"Ultrasonic cat scarer with infra red sensor works great. Got mine from the UK. When the sensor is triggered by movement from a small animal it
will let off a high pitch noise, and the cat will go away, and learns very quickly not to go back to that point."

Just wondering, does it work on kids ?

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I've solved this same problem mant times by putting chicken wire just below the surface in the area the cats like to use. Cover it back up with dirt. When the cats try to dig to cover their handy work their paws hit the wire and they no likee that.

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"Ultrasonic cat scarer with infra red sensor works great. Got mine from the UK. When the sensor is triggered by movement from a small animal it

will let off a high pitch noise, and the cat will go away, and learns very quickly not to go back to that point."


Just wondering, does it work on kids ?


Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"Ultrasonic cat scarer with infra red sensor works great. Got mine from the UK. When the sensor is triggered by movement from a small animal it

will let off a high pitch noise, and the cat will go away, and learns very quickly not to go back to that point."

Just wondering, does it work on kids ?


Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Well it was on special offer.



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We have a similar problem with a neighbor's cat climbing up my wife's car and scratching the paint. We have kindly asked the neighbor to control their cat but to no avail. Wife bought a new car today, so this obviously cannot be allowed continue. I am a cat lover but that cat has to go.

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We have a similar problem with a neighbor's cat climbing up my wife's car and scratching the paint. We have kindly asked the neighbor to control their cat but to no avail. Wife bought a new car today, so this obviously cannot be allowed continue. I am a cat lover but that cat has to go.

Cat is a Cat, nobody can control this lovely creature, bit like me giggle.gif . I bought an old duvet to put on the motor when not in use for puss to kip on. thumbsup.gif

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"Ultrasonic cat scarer with infra red sensor works great. Got mine from the UK. When the sensor is triggered by movement from a small animal it

will let off a high pitch noise, and the cat will go away, and learns very quickly not to go back to that point."

Just wondering, does it work on kids ?


Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes, I've got one of them (in my UK garden), not sure if it works, or if its me chasing them like a lunatic, shouting, clapping my hands, and throwing water over them (get one of those songran water guns!). I used to like cats but not anymore, they're killing off our threatened wildlife, especially the baby wild birds in spring. shit in your borders as u say, and the stinking tomcats spray everywhere killing off the plants. I planted 9 parsley plants and 3 have already withered and turned yellow from this. U can also get a lawn sprayer attachment with a sensor, which when activated by movement, revolves and shoots water in the direction of whatever activated it....no good for me as it would scare the garden birds too. And of course it would get u, your wife, dog, and kids too. Bet the Thais would think it was voodoo!

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speaking of voodoo...ask your village headman to put a curse on the cat. If that doesn't work then file a complaint with the police so they have to arrest the cat.

Good grief---some of the bozos on this site are beyond help...

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