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Public Transport To Promenada Mall?


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OK, I've read every posting about this new wonder-mall and spent hours on their website, but I still can't understand how those of us without motorcycles or cars are able to get to this Eight Wonder of the World.

I've posed this question several times on other threads, and been met with a "they'll have a shuttle" reponse (if any). OK -- so where are the detaila about the shuttle -- when, where, what schedule -- is this too much to ask?

Some of us came to Chiang Mai because it was a liveable city where you didn't need to endander others by driving. Frankly, I feel as strongly about never wanting to drive again as some people feel about not wanting to eat meat. I'm only going to hurt someone if I have to drive a car.

I'm not at all happpy with the recent outward growth of Chiang Mai. It used to be my kind of city -- now I'm really beginning to wonder, especially in light of the lack of info about transport on this mall's website, when they can have all sorts of breathless amazing text about how it's something never before seen by humanity.

I guess they thought that all of humanity drives their own car. -- How short-sighted. Don't they realize that some of us want to save the planet thru shared transport?

Edited by NancyL
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As someone living out in the countryside, I too am not happy about the outward growth of CM. But aren't there enough shopping opportunities within the city? KSK, Airport Plaza, & soon to arrive Maya? I thought the idea of out of town shopping was to prevent the congestion caused by the out of towners trying to get into town to shop. With ample shopping in the city, why would city dwellers want to head out of town to shop?

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Share a taxi.

Songtao? Not sure. I think they go out the old Sangkapang Road, but might be changing their route. Talk to them at Wararot at their riverside "terminal."

Anyway, that leaves KSK, Airport, and the new Maya and Central malls, which will soon be open, within or on the "superhighway." Pretty high living!

How many malls do you need ?! rolleyes.gif

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As someone living out in the countryside, I too am not happy about the outward growth of CM. But aren't there enough shopping opportunities within the city? KSK, Airport Plaza, & soon to arrive Maya? I thought the idea of out of town shopping was to prevent the congestion caused by the out of towners trying to get into town to shop. With ample shopping in the city, why would city dwellers want to head out of town to shop?

Well we all know talk is cheap and for sire if you have been following this for the last two years you know what I mean. Upscale shops same as air port shops and on it goes. For myself I want to see what they have done with the outsider grounds check the theaters out as I do enjoy movies. Check out the new Rimping it is supposed to be the best of the lot and in General see what it has to offer. Will English be more available?

I to would like to know if they are going to have free transport from various locations in the city like the two routes for the Air Port Mall. I am also interested in knowing if I buy a lot of groceries if there will be tuck tucks and Songhtows or Cabs there as there is at KSK and the Airport Mall.

They are putting a lot of money into this mall and they openly admitted that they are reaching out to areas outside Chiang Mai as they feal there is not enough here to warrant them with out customers from other areas. In a way we will be going out there to protect the locals from having a great big deserted shopping Mall.

No thanks needed.

Just tell us if there is free transport and where and when to catch it.

Also how to find there movie listings in English or is it a little early for that?

Edited by hellodolly
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Unless you want to shop at Uniqlo, I wouldn't waste my time visiting Promenada at the moment. It's an unfinished, dusty construction site which has only a handful of shops open... I can't believe that after spending so much time and money on the project they decided to prematurely open a small section. Being opened now is only going to prolong the completion, besides its not a great experience for patrons breathing in concrete dust etc. from unfinished works. They say first impressions are everything and we were quite disappointed after walking around...

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As someone living out in the countryside, I too am not happy about the outward growth of CM. But aren't there enough shopping opportunities within the city? KSK, Airport Plaza, & soon to arrive Maya? I thought the idea of out of town shopping was to prevent the congestion caused by the out of towners trying to get into town to shop. With ample shopping in the city, why would city dwellers want to head out of town to shop?

Well we all know talk is cheap and for sire if you have been following this for the last two years you know what I mean. Upscale shops same as air port shops and on it goes. For myself I want to see what they have done with the outsider grounds check the theaters out as I do enjoy movies. Check out the new Rimping it is supposed to be the best of the lot and in General see what it has to offer. Will English be more available?

I to would like to know if they are going to have free transport from various locations in the city like the two routes for the Air Port Mall. I am also interested in knowing if I buy a lot of groceries if there will be tuck tucks and Songhtows or Cabs there as there is at KSK and the Airport Mall.

They are putting a lot of money into this mall and they openly admitted that they are reaching out to areas outside Chiang Mai as they feal there is not enough here to warrant them with out customers from other areas. In a way we will be going out there to protect the locals from having a great big deserted shopping Mall.

No thanks needed.

Just tell us if there is free transport and where and when to catch it.

Also how to find there movie listings in English or is it a little early for that?

So let's see, you want people to offer you free transportation and information in English? This is Thailand not wherever you came from. Buy a car and learn Thai and stop whining.

Sorry I gave up the look at me keep up with the Jones complex when I left North America. I didn't use it there and I am not going to start here. I have no trouble asking for help when I don't know some thing.

You forgot to whinge about my spelling having a senor moment also. I get lots of them. Songhtows

I guess you are not going to pass on information just a plane thank you.

Your welcome

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I'm not quite sure what the fascination with all the malls is?

Is there some kind of secret mall scene going on we don't know about?

What am I missing?

Edited by highonthai
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I don't understand the evident annoyance by some TV posters because these huge complexes being built in more outlying areas. If they built them closer to the city they'd have to flatten large tracts of land and probably displace a fair number of the local homes and businesses, so to resolve the first complaint that CM is not what people came here for (they want things close) , would simply shift because I don't think anybody came to CM in order to see it become over run by a series of huge, gross shopping malls sitting just outside the moat.

I know people are aching for public transportation to the promenade but it appears that the place isn't even really open except for a couple of shops and a movie theater. Seems to me that once it is running full swing, there will be enough demand for songtaws to start that route.

In any case, there are always tuk tuks and taxis for those that have sacrificed personal transportation options in the quest to save mother earth.

Or, you could really make the ultimate sacrifice for the planet and ride a bicycle, thus contributing nothing to planet destroying fumes of even songtaws.

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I'm not quite sure what the fascination with all the malls is?

Is there some kind of secret mall scene going on we don't know about?

What am I missing?

I don't get it either. Malls are were young kids hang out and play video games, eat ice cream, and girls look in "designer" shops that sell over-priced, brand name junk that nobody really needs. How many malls does one need?

I doubt if I have been in a 'mall' anywhere in the world more than 12-15 times in the last 20 years.

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IMO the Promenada Mall opened because the Dutch company responsible for its building had committed to having the EU Film Festival at the new theater complex in

the mall from June 13-23. So since the theater and a few stores were ready to open they decided to go ahead with an opening of "stage one". The interest in

"free transport' to the new mall is IMO primarily related to the fact that the EU Film Festival is a "free" event so some of the ex-pat community feels that they are going

to be deprived their yearly "free' movies courtesy of the EU. Obviously any taxi would take you to the new mall but of course that isn't free.

With Central Festival scheduled to open in November and with Promenada being completed by then I will gladly forego ever going to KSK or Airport Mall again. The spread of

malls is not the most positive development but it should do a great deal to easing the traffic situation in the city. A situation that actually would have become infinitely worse

if the Maya Mall was the only new one opening..

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I guess I should have specified that I'd like to see the films of the EU Film Festival. When it was in the drab theater at KSK, I saw nearly every film and saw many others in the audience who also don't have transport.

Riding a bicycle isn't safe after dark -- forget that suggestion.

The minute I feel that I have to buy a car to live in CM is the minute I'm moving elsewhere. Just consider the way the Thai people run around on motorcycles -- entire families without helmets. I couldn't live with myself if I was somehow involved in an accident with a motorbike and someone died or was seriously hurt -- even if they were "at fault".

I'm not asking for "free" transport -- just reliable and at a reasonable price. And transport that's available after a movie, at night. That can be an issue even at Airport Plaza -- tuk-tuks aren't hanging around that mall much after 9 pm., yet sometimes a movie doesn't end until until 11 pm.

Maybe they'll have the EU Film Festival at Maya Mall next year. Yeah!

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On another thread I stated that there was supposed to be a free shuttle service. I thought I got this information from Promenada website but I was wrong. It was from a headline dated 6 June 2013 from City ---- Chiang Mai. Quote. There will be free shuttle service to and from Chiang Mai town centre.

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I've posed this question several times on other threads, and been met with a "they'll have a shuttle" reponse (if any). OK -- so where are the detaila about the shuttle -- when, where, what schedule -- is this too much to ask?

Good question, and I'm sure someone can come up with an answer that works. In the post however there is a lot of excellent stuff worthy of debate; I would give you the public transport answer if I knew of it (other than: get a red bus or tuk tuk), but I'd like to weigh in on the other points made:

Some of us came to Chiang Mai because it was a liveable city where you didn't need to endander others by driving. Frankly, I feel as strongly about never wanting to drive again as some people feel about not wanting to eat meat. I'm not at all happpy with the recent outward growth of Chiang Mai. It used to be my kind of city -- now I'm really beginning to wonder, especially in light of the lack of info about transport on this mall's website, when they can have all sorts of breathless amazing text about how it's something never before seen by humanity. I guess they thought that all of humanity drives their own car. -- How short-sighted. Don't they realize that some of us want to save the planet thru shared transport?

Okay, I disagree with all of that.

1. Outward expansion. Consider the alternative: choking the historical center with rampant development. That means the Shangri La hotel and Big C on either side of Wat Phra Singh. And all the traffic brought with it. Does anyone seriously think non-outward expension is preferable? [Crickets]

2. Chiang Mai's public transport was never particularly good. Around town the red buses work well, but anything out of the ordinary always required improvising something, or getting your own wheels. In places like Hong Kong you can easily get by without a car or motorbike. I wish it was different, but there is a reason everyone and their grandmother ride motorbikes or own cars. Note that Airport Plaza didn't always have a shuttle; getting there by red bus used to involve paying more to get one to go out there.

3. Some people might make a conscious decision to not bother with anything out of town; perfectly valid choice, too, the old city area didn't have a Promenada mall when you or I arrived here, and we have been perfectly happy without it for all these years. Visiting a mall in Suburbia is not a major requirement in life.

4. The mall has been open 2 days and isn't truly finished. I can scarcely imagine the headaches they faced (and still face) in getting everything ready. First things first, I'll wait a couple weeks or months and they'll likely get to running a shuttle, and then doing a better website. Or, in the mean time, red bus drivers will likely fill the need and come up with something that works, like they do for Big C next door. Note by the way that this Big C is just as hard to get to by public transport as Promenada is. Arranging transportation for everyone is definitely nice, and likely good for business, but it's not exactly one of the Ten Commandments.

5. An underlying issue is that the New Sankamphaeng Road doesn't have fixed route public transport. With all the development there that is something that may need to happen, though of course most people living in the new housing developments or working there are in the demographic owns one or more cars, or at the very least have a motorbike. Still I think a case could be made for some of the Sangkamphaeng bound songthaews to take the new road. This gets back at public transport in Chiang Mai being kind of inert, but hopefully it will happen. The same is also true for the Canal Road by the way, and all ring roads.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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As someone living out in the countryside, I too am not happy about the outward growth of CM. But aren't there enough shopping opportunities within the city? KSK, Airport Plaza, & soon to arrive Maya? I thought the idea of out of town shopping was to prevent the congestion caused by the out of towners trying to get into town to shop. With ample shopping in the city, why would city dwellers want to head out of town to shop?

Well we all know talk is cheap and for sire if you have been following this for the last two years you know what I mean. Upscale shops same as air port shops and on it goes. For myself I want to see what they have done with the outsider grounds check the theaters out as I do enjoy movies. Check out the new Rimping it is supposed to be the best of the lot and in General see what it has to offer. Will English be more available?

I to would like to know if they are going to have free transport from various locations in the city like the two routes for the Air Port Mall. I am also interested in knowing if I buy a lot of groceries if there will be tuck tucks and Songhtows or Cabs there as there is at KSK and the Airport Mall.

They are putting a lot of money into this mall and they openly admitted that they are reaching out to areas outside Chiang Mai as they feal there is not enough here to warrant them with out customers from other areas. In a way we will be going out there to protect the locals from having a great big deserted shopping Mall.

No thanks needed.

Just tell us if there is free transport and where and when to catch it.

Also how to find there movie listings in English or is it a little early for that?

why should anyone do something for you for free? who are you? if you are so interested in "see what they have done with the outsider grounds check the theaters out as I do enjoy movies" then why not flag a tuk tuk and pay the money to get there just like a Thai would have to unless perhaps a relative is going and can take them there?

when the mother in law wants to shop at Big C Don Chan, she calls a tuk tuk, the guy comes for her, drops her off, and then waits in the parking lot for her call when she is done shopping. then he goes to the door, loads her bags into the tuk tuk and takes her home and unloads the bags for her. for this she pays 250 Baht. she would never dream that someone should do this for free for her and she is Thai. as for your demands to have everything printed in English just for you...everyday when i am out i hear countless old farangs speaking in Thai to shopkeepers, waitresses, taxi drivers, government people, etc. just because you are too lazy to buy a dictionary or translation software or learn like the others do, maybe they should build a English website just for you?

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As someone living out in the countryside, I too am not happy about the outward growth of CM. But aren't there enough shopping opportunities within the city? KSK, Airport Plaza, & soon to arrive Maya? I thought the idea of out of town shopping was to prevent the congestion caused by the out of towners trying to get into town to shop. With ample shopping in the city, why would city dwellers want to head out of town to shop?

Well we all know talk is cheap and for sire if you have been following this for the last two years you know what I mean. Upscale shops same as air port shops and on it goes. For myself I want to see what they have done with the outsider grounds check the theaters out as I do enjoy movies. Check out the new Rimping it is supposed to be the best of the lot and in General see what it has to offer. Will English be more available?

I to would like to know if they are going to have free transport from various locations in the city like the two routes for the Air Port Mall. I am also interested in knowing if I buy a lot of groceries if there will be tuck tucks and Songhtows or Cabs there as there is at KSK and the Airport Mall.

They are putting a lot of money into this mall and they openly admitted that they are reaching out to areas outside Chiang Mai as they feal there is not enough here to warrant them with out customers from other areas. In a way we will be going out there to protect the locals from having a great big deserted shopping Mall.

No thanks needed.

Just tell us if there is free transport and where and when to catch it.

Also how to find there movie listings in English or is it a little early for that?

A good comment "will English be more available".

As a goodly percentage of shoppers at any of the Rimpings are farangs, you'd really think they'd cater a lot more for those of us who have not been able to master enough Thai to understand the labels on the shelves. It's hard enough stooping down to read the miniscule type as it is.

If I'm shopping for fabric conditioner, I don't need the label to tell me it's 'blue' or 'pink' I can see that!

What I want to know is, am I about to take off the shelf a bottle of conditioner in a pink bottle or a bottle of bleach in a blue bottle?

Please do not cover the instructions on packets with a permanently adhesive Thai label.

So Rimpings - get with it, listen to your clientele and remember that we don't all speak Thai. We are westerners, buying mostly food which is labelled in Thai and precious little English, if any.

Only last week I asked a shop assistant at Rimpings why she put all the orange juice on the shelves, with the Thai description facing out. I turned one around to show the English description, (what type of oranges used) and she looked quite surprised.


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"Some of us came to Chiang Mai because it was a liveable city where you didn't need to endander others by driving. Frankly, I feel as strongly about never wanting to drive again as some people feel about not wanting to eat meat. I'm not at all happpy with the recent outward growth of Chiang Mai. It used to be my kind of city -- now I'm really beginning to wonder, especially in light of the lack of info about transport on this mall's website, when they can have all sorts of breathless amazing text about how it's something never before seen by humanity. I guess they thought that all of humanity drives their own car. -- How short-sighted. Don't they realize that some of us want to save the planet thru shared transport?"

Are you really serious? Endanger others by driving? Save the planet by using shared transport? AND lack of transport info on their web site!

You have to kidding...If your serious though, when you get ready to go I'll share my transport with you and take you to the airport. Terminal not Mall.

Now I've heard it all.

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As someone living out in the countryside, I too am not happy about the outward growth of CM. But aren't there enough shopping opportunities within the city? KSK, Airport Plaza, & soon to arrive Maya? I thought the idea of out of town shopping was to prevent the congestion caused by the out of towners trying to get into town to shop. With ample shopping in the city, why would city dwellers want to head out of town to shop?

Well we all know talk is cheap and for sire if you have been following this for the last two years you know what I mean. Upscale shops same as air port shops and on it goes. For myself I want to see what they have done with the outsider grounds check the theaters out as I do enjoy movies. Check out the new Rimping it is supposed to be the best of the lot and in General see what it has to offer. Will English be more available?

I to would like to know if they are going to have free transport from various locations in the city like the two routes for the Air Port Mall. I am also interested in knowing if I buy a lot of groceries if there will be tuck tucks and Songhtows or Cabs there as there is at KSK and the Airport Mall.

They are putting a lot of money into this mall and they openly admitted that they are reaching out to areas outside Chiang Mai as they feal there is not enough here to warrant them with out customers from other areas. In a way we will be going out there to protect the locals from having a great big deserted shopping Mall.

No thanks needed.

Just tell us if there is free transport and where and when to catch it.

Also how to find there movie listings in English or is it a little early for that?

A good comment "will English be more available".

As a goodly percentage of shoppers at any of the Rimpings are farangs, you'd really think they'd cater a lot more for those of us who have not been able to master enough Thai to understand the labels on the shelves. It's hard enough stooping down to read the miniscule type as it is.

If I'm shopping for fabric conditioner, I don't need the label to tell me it's 'blue' or 'pink' I can see that!

What I want to know is, am I about to take off the shelf a bottle of conditioner in a pink bottle or a bottle of bleach in a blue bottle?

Please do not cover the instructions on packets with a permanently adhesive Thai label.

So Rimpings - get with it, listen to your clientele and remember that we don't all speak Thai. We are westerners, buying mostly food which is labelled in Thai and precious little English, if any.

Only last week I asked a shop assistant at Rimpings why she put all the orange juice on the shelves, with the Thai description facing out. I turned one around to show the English description, (what type of oranges used) and she looked quite surprised.


Not sure, but I believe this is a government requirement.

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I guess I should have specified that I'd like to see the films of the EU Film Festival. When it was in the drab theater at KSK, I saw nearly every film and saw many others in the audience who also don't have transport.

Riding a bicycle isn't safe after dark -- forget that suggestion.

The minute I feel that I have to buy a car to live in CM is the minute I'm moving elsewhere. Just consider the way the Thai people run around on motorcycles -- entire families without helmets. I couldn't live with myself if I was somehow involved in an accident with a motorbike and someone died or was seriously hurt -- even if they were "at fault".

I'm not asking for "free" transport -- just reliable and at a reasonable price. And transport that's available after a movie, at night. That can be an issue even at Airport Plaza -- tuk-tuks aren't hanging around that mall much after 9 pm., yet sometimes a movie doesn't end until until 11 pm.

Maybe they'll have the EU Film Festival at Maya Mall next year. Yeah!

While I'm sympathetic to your situation... I guess, it seems like you are asking for the best of all worlds. I'm sure BK has a much better public transportation system but who wants to live there? I think the reasons that many end up in CM is because it's still possible to go from end to end with ease. I use a bicycle and motorcycle. Sometimes I walk.

Growth and traffic are inevitable and shaking your fist to the sky isn't going to stop either. And eliminating every single transportation option except the one you want, but isn't available, is seems self defeating.

Good luck. I hope they get the shuttle going soon.

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"I'm not at all happpy with the recent outward growth of Chiang Mai. It used to be my kind of city -- now I'm really beginning to wonder, especially in light of the lack of info about transport on this mall's website, when they can have all sorts of breathless amazing text about how it's something never before seen by humanity".

If you're not happy with the outward growth of Chiang Mai, then don't participate in it and don't go to Promenada.

Nothing has changed for you by Promenada opening, except they have the film festival. Well, once that's gone your life just returns to normal doesn't it? If you want to attend the film festival that bad, then negotiate some fares, it's only once a year.

Edited by uptheos
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I'm not quite sure what the fascination with all the malls is?

Is there some kind of secret mall scene going on we don't know about?

What am I missing?

Oodles of eye-candy, for a start! An air-conditioned environment to exercise whilst enjoying the former. Cheap lunch whilst enjoying ... I think you get the idea. :D

My wife enjoys perusing the stores and she's gotten used to my giving her spending-money on the way out. This goes in her bank a/c and she gets immense joy out of seeing 'savings' grow. It's a whole new experience.

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Or, get constructive and do a post on the film festival, asking if others are interested in going (likely they are) and then a logical next step is arranging shared transport.

Win win, you meet some people, it becomes a social outing, and you get transportation, likely free. And it becomes a positive Thaivisa post instead of adding to the pile of negative ones.

If there's anything that may have changed for the worse in Chiang Mai then it's that Farangs coming over didn't bring feelings of entitlement with them.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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As someone living out in the countryside, I too am not happy about the outward growth of CM. But aren't there enough shopping opportunities within the city? KSK, Airport Plaza, & soon to arrive Maya? I thought the idea of out of town shopping was to prevent the congestion caused by the out of towners trying to get into town to shop. With ample shopping in the city, why would city dwellers want to head out of town to shop?

Well we all know talk is cheap and for sire if you have been following this for the last two years you know what I mean. Upscale shops same as air port shops and on it goes. For myself I want to see what they have done with the outsider grounds check the theaters out as I do enjoy movies. Check out the new Rimping it is supposed to be the best of the lot and in General see what it has to offer. Will English be more available?

I to would like to know if they are going to have free transport from various locations in the city like the two routes for the Air Port Mall. I am also interested in knowing if I buy a lot of groceries if there will be tuck tucks and Songhtows or Cabs there as there is at KSK and the Airport Mall.

They are putting a lot of money into this mall and they openly admitted that they are reaching out to areas outside Chiang Mai as they feal there is not enough here to warrant them with out customers from other areas. In a way we will be going out there to protect the locals from having a great big deserted shopping Mall.

No thanks needed.

Just tell us if there is free transport and where and when to catch it.

Also how to find there movie listings in English or is it a little early for that?

why should anyone do something for you for free? who are you? if you are so interested in "see what they have done with the outsider grounds check the theaters out as I do enjoy movies" then why not flag a tuk tuk and pay the money to get there just like a Thai would have to unless perhaps a relative is going and can take them there?

when the mother in law wants to shop at Big C Don Chan, she calls a tuk tuk, the guy comes for her, drops her off, and then waits in the parking lot for her call when she is done shopping. then he goes to the door, loads her bags into the tuk tuk and takes her home and unloads the bags for her. for this she pays 250 Baht. she would never dream that someone should do this for free for her and she is Thai. as for your demands to have everything printed in English just for you...everyday when i am out i hear countless old farangs speaking in Thai to shopkeepers, waitresses, taxi drivers, government people, etc. just because you are too lazy to buy a dictionary or translation software or learn like the others do, maybe they should build a English website just for you?

I would appreciate it if you would read all the post. I also asked of they would have tuck tucks, Songhtows and taxi's. You seem to think it is wrong too also ask if they will be like the other 2 malls with free transportation,

Are you having any trouble patting yourself on the back because you can speak Thai and others have a hard time with it, I have taken courses and had a private tutor. I may be one of those elderly farongs you heard speaking Thai in a store. But it is not and never will be good enough to get any details. You seem to think that because you only think of your self every body else does also, false Their are many people who do not read Thai such as you do and need English. Please point out where I asked them to build an English web site just for me. If you had any sense at all you would know they will do it with out having to be asked.

why didn't you just answer the question with the truth. You don't know. By the way if your mother in law wants to shop at the airport mall I can tell her how I do it for 240 baht save her ten baht and give her a bigger selection of shops and movies.

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A good comment "will English be more available".

As a goodly percentage of shoppers at any of the Rimpings are farangs, you'd really think they'd cater a lot more for those of us who have not been able to master enough Thai to understand the labels on the shelves. It's hard enough stooping down to read the miniscule type as it is.

If I'm shopping for fabric conditioner, I don't need the label to tell me it's 'blue' or 'pink' I can see that!

What I want to know is, am I about to take off the shelf a bottle of conditioner in a pink bottle or a bottle of bleach in a blue bottle?

Please do not cover the instructions on packets with a permanently adhesive Thai label.

So Rimpings - get with it, listen to your clientele and remember that we don't all speak Thai. We are westerners, buying mostly food which is labelled in Thai and precious little English, if any.

Only last week I asked a shop assistant at Rimpings why she put all the orange juice on the shelves, with the Thai description facing out. I turned one around to show the English description, (what type of oranges used) and she looked quite surprised.


It's funny that you should mention that (about Rim Ping). A couple of months ago I completed a suggestion form at the customer service desk at Rim Ping supermarket. After doing so, I explained the gist of the suggestion to the woman behind the counter. The suggestion being: please alternate the face of the product on the shelf, i.e., some showing the Thai print, and some showing the English print. Doing so would save the customer the bother (albeit slight) of having to continually turn products around to learn of the contents. Moreover, I predicted that sales would very likely increase since customers would readily see what the product is, and be tempted to try something new.

The customer service attendant thought that that was a very good idea, and paged the head stock clerk to tell him of the suggestion. A few other employees also gathered by this time, and--best of all--they all concurred that this was an excellent idea that could be readily implemented at no cost.

Well, needless to say, not a thing was done to change their old way of doing things. And getting them to use an easily-removable adhesive on labels will never happen either.

So much for suggestion boxes. As always, Thais will lose face if it's perceived that they don't know what the customer wants. So, contrary to western thinking, the customer is not always right.

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There are 3 free shuttle buses (looks like rod dang) in front of the mall.

No.1 Promenada->Chiang Mai University->Nimmanaemin-> Promenada

No.2 Promenada->Airport Intersection->Chiang Mai Gate-> 3 Kings Monument->Kad Luang(Varorot Market)->Train Station->Promenada

No.3 Promenada->Payup University Food center> Kairos Square Payup University-> Promenada

Time table as below


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There are 3 free shuttle buses (looks like rod dang) in front of the mall.

No.1 Promenada->Chiang Mai University->Nimmanaemin-> Promenada

No.2 Promenada->Airport Intersection->Chiang Mai Gate-> 3 Kings Monument->Kad Luang(Varorot Market)->Train Station->Promenada

No.3 Promenada->Payup University Food center> Kairos Square Payup University-> Promenada

Time table as below


Thank you

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New Update from fanpage : promenadachiangmai

No.1 Promenada->Chiang Mai University->Nimmanaemin-> Promenada

No.2 Promenada->Airport Intersection->Chiang Mai Gate-> 3 Kings Monument->Kad Luang(Varorot Market)->Train Station->Promenada

No.3 Promenada->Payap University Food center> Kairos Square Payap University-> Promenada

No.4 Promenada->Airport Intersection->Holiday Inn Hotel-> Pornping hotel ->Kad Luang(Varorot Market)->Train Station->Promenada


Edited by thailandebiz
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There are 3 free shuttle buses (looks like rod dang) in front of the mall.

No.1 Promenada->Chiang Mai University->Nimmanaemin-> Promenada

No.2 Promenada->Airport Intersection->Chiang Mai Gate-> 3 Kings Monument->Kad Luang(Varorot Market)->Train Station->Promenada

No.3 Promenada->Payup University Food center> Kairos Square Payup University-> Promenada

Thank you

now this old cheapskate farang can get his FREE ride.

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