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Americans starting to like George W. Bush: Poll


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remember usa is run by big business,,, not real people,with a genuine concern for there fellow americans,,,the average american is a very nice patriotic person,continually lied to by all there governments,,same as everywhere,im a 99,percenter,,,,if you understand

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And the US owes the world an apology for having elected Bush.

His image will only rehabilitate itself as long as he keeps his mouth shut.

Problem is, he wasn't elected ... at least not legally.

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Just shows how many Americans are mentally unstable voting for a warmongering idiot.

62,040,610 "unstable" Americans to be exact. Sleep tight. smile.png

PS: and his opponent is now Secretary of State!

Edited by rijb
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The president in office now has kept many of his programs and expanded on them, because he was right in the first place. The public owes him an apology.

I am in the minority. I thought Bush was the right man at the time of 2001, Sept. However the man that is president now told us he would balance the budget. 17 Trillion or down the road he has increased the debt by 10 times or more. Maybe they don't like him as much as they used to and gave Bush the thumbs up this time.

President Bush, Commander in Chief, froze when told the nation was under attack on 9/11. He snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in Afghanistan by ignoring the necessary war to pursue a much larger unnecessary war in Iraq. He took the country from record budget surpluses to record deficits and left the economy in such a sorry state, and the Congress so divided, that it's proven difficult to turn this around.

I'm not sure if you are in the minority, a lot of people suffer from selective amnesia.

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If these people are just figureheads then who is really running the country?

Major corporations driven by profit and greed.

As they should be, and so long as they do so within the rule of the law, then self interest, whether you like it or not, makes the world go around. Why would I want to invest my money in a company which is intent on giving it away, or buy a product from someone who is not trying their very best to provide me a service so I pay them?

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The president in office now has kept many of his programs and expanded on them, because he was right in the first place. The public owes him an apology.

I am in the minority. I thought Bush was the right man at the time of 2001, Sept. However the man that is president now told us he would balance the budget. 17 Trillion or down the road he has increased the debt by 10 times or more. Maybe they don't like him as much as they used to and gave Bush the thumbs up this time.

President Bush, Commander in Chief, froze when told the nation was under attack on 9/11. .

Gawd, all normal humans froze when we learnt about 9/11. That is why so many of us remember exactly where we were.

Mark him down for other things if you want, but a normal human reaction? Tough crowd you are....

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The president in office now has kept many of his programs and expanded on them, because he was right in the first place. The public owes him an apology.

I am in the minority. I thought Bush was the right man at the time of 2001, Sept. However the man that is president now told us he would balance the budget. 17 Trillion or down the road he has increased the debt by 10 times or more. Maybe they don't like him as much as they used to and gave Bush the thumbs up this time.

President Bush, Commander in Chief, froze when told the nation was under attack on 9/11. .

Gawd, all normal humans froze when we learnt about 9/11. That is why so many of us remember exactly where we were.

Mark him down for other things if you want, but a normal human reaction? Tough crowd you are....

Really? How many firemen sat with a copy of "My Pet Goat" on their laps after being called to the World Trade Center? Many people paused in shock for a few seconds when they learned about planes crashing into buildings, but commanders aren't allowed that luxury. Commanders certainly aren't supposed to freeze for several minutes after being informed of an attack.

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Really? How many firemen sat with a copy of "My Pet Goat" on their laps after being called to the World Trade Center? Many people paused in shock for a few seconds when they learned about planes crashing into buildings, but commanders aren't allowed that luxury. Commanders certainly aren't supposed to freeze for several minutes after being informed of an attack.

I'm neither a bush-ite nor a Republican, but from what I recall he sat there maybe a minute longer, finished the story and was out of there. He was in front of a class full of elementary school children. Turning into GI Joe in front of the kids and then storming out was inappropriate. He also spent the next few years bombing Afghanistan back into the Stone Age, so what he did in that first minute hardly matters.

It was seven minutes, seven minutes after he was clearly told "the nation is under attack".. He needn't have panicked the class, he should have calmly excused himself by explaining to the children that he needed to do some "president stuff" then gone to whatever mobile communication center/command post always accompanies a president. This was just an early, obvious clue that he was incompetent, further demonstrations of this incompetence followed.

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George W. Bush was the WORST President of the 20th Century, surpassing even Warren G. Harding, the previous title holder. The argument could be made, and has been, that he was never the actual President at all. (Hint: see Cheney, "Dick", and Rumsfeld, "Don", AKA "Rummy"). I start foaming out the ears when I think of all the evil that was hatched by this crew. Where to begin: Iraq, Afghanistan, Patriot Act, FISA, Too Big to Fail, etc, etc.

However, his successor is on track to surpass him. Obama's second term is equivalent to a 4th term of the Bush Crime Family. I am ashamed that I voted for him the first time (sat out 2012, couldn't vote in good conscience for either candidate) and believed all of his BS. Shame on me.

As Barry Goldwater once said of the Original 'Dick': "No man ever disappointed me more."


Everybody knows the War is Over, Everybody knows the Good Guys lost! ---Leonard Cohen

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George W. Bush was the WORST President of the 20th Century, surpassing even Warren G. Harding, the previous title holder. The argument could be made, and has been, that he was never the actual President at all. (Hint: see Cheney, "Dick", and Rumsfeld, "Don", AKA "Rummy"). I start foaming out the ears when I think of all the evil that was hatched by this crew. Where to begin: Iraq, Afghanistan, Patriot Act, FISA, Too Big to Fail, etc, etc.

However, his successor is on track to surpass him. Obama's second term is equivalent to a 4th term of the Bush Crime Family. I am ashamed that I voted for him the first time (sat out 2012, couldn't vote in good conscience for either candidate) and believed all of his BS. Shame on me.

As Barry Goldwater once said of the Original 'Dick': "No man ever disappointed me more."


Everybody knows the War is Over, Everybody knows the Good Guys lost! ---Leonard Cohen

I am disappointed in Obama, but acknowledge that between the economic mess and divisive politics he inherited he is limited in what he can do. To say he is worse that Bush is ridiculous--to mention two obvious improvements, Obama hasn't started any wars and the federal deficit is declining, not increasing.

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probably a nice guy in person, but I could never "like" him.

In college I remember pitched debates about the prospect of launching war against Iraq. I distinctly remember defending my "pro-war" position by saying it would be worth it if there are indeed WMDs. I put my trust in what Bush, Powell, Cheney et al were saying. I dealt with a lot of sh** from my liberal friends for the position.

There were no WMDs

The buck stops with the President, and he has never expressed any remorse let alone an apology over the war. We talk about face in Thailand, but it seems the unwillingness to admit the war was a failure by those who pushed it, with Bush in the lead, is pure face-saving, nothing else.

I don't espouse the theories that say the war was Bush's conspiracy to get oil. If it was, if it was truly just an evil conspiracy, why wouldn't they hide and then "discover" WMDs to save their ass? They didn't. It was just an abject failure and it forever changed my views.

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He also spent the next few years bombing Afghanistan back into the Stone Age, so what he did in that first minute hardly matters.

You're under a mistaken impression that they ever got out of the stone age.
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probably a nice guy in person, but I could never "like" him.

In college I remember pitched debates about the prospect of launching war against Iraq. I distinctly remember defending my "pro-war" position by saying it would be worth it if there are indeed WMDs. I put my trust in what Bush, Powell, Cheney et al were saying. I dealt with a lot of sh** from my liberal friends for the position.

There were no WMDs

The buck stops with the President, and he has never expressed any remorse let alone an apology over the war. We talk about face in Thailand, but it seems the unwillingness to admit the war was a failure by those who pushed it, with Bush in the lead, is pure face-saving, nothing else.

I don't espouse the theories that say the war was Bush's conspiracy to get oil. If it was, if it was truly just an evil conspiracy, why wouldn't they hide and then "discover" WMDs to save their ass? They didn't. It was just an abject failure and it forever changed my views.

Yours is by far the best post on this thread, in my opinion.

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I'm shocked to hear this and frankly disappointed.

Me too ... it seems to suggest that Americans are very similar to Thais ... they have very short memories...!!

Edited by GeorgeO
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The president in office now has kept many of his programs and expanded on them, because he was right in the first place. The public owes him an apology.

Umm, That NSA program made possible by the Patriot Act may not be one of the reasons for an apology. whistling.gif

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whistling.gif Personal opinion....

I neither like or dislike George Bush.

He is simply a tool used for a purpose and then discarded..... like a condom.

And he, like all politicians, has the same purpose and intent as a condom.

Once used, he is also worth exactly as much as a used condom.

For the same reason.


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I think it was Christopher Hitchens that pointed out that to label Bush as "stupid" is pretty much itself an indication of stupidity.

I always did like Christopher Hitchens.thumbsup.gif

I'm a bit worried that I'm starting to agree with you and Chuckd a little bit too much. This is making me uncomfortable....

Can we start a gun thread or something? It will be cathartic for all of us. Promise.


Good to see you escaping the dark side. thumbsup.gif

Back on topic...

I notice Obama's approval rating is now down to 47% with Gallup. Disapprovals at 45%.

Bush's approval rating is now 49%, with a 46% disapproval rating.



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I think it was Christopher Hitchens that pointed out that to label Bush as "stupid" is pretty much itself an indication of stupidity.

I always did like Christopher Hitchens.thumbsup.gif

I'm a bit worried that I'm starting to agree with you and Chuckd a little bit too much. This is making me uncomfortable....

Can we start a gun thread or something? It will be cathartic for all of us. Promise.


Good to see you escaping the dark side. thumbsup.gif

Back on topic...

I notice Obama's approval rating is now down to 47% with Gallup. Disapprovals at 45%.

Bush's approval rating is now 49%, with a 46% disapproval rating.



Well it is a good thing then that none of them by law can be re-elected for anything above city dog-catcher ever again.

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Good to see you escaping the dark side. thumbsup.gif

Back on topic...

I notice Obama's approval rating is now down to 47% with Gallup. Disapprovals at 45%.

Bush's approval rating is now 49%, with a 46% disapproval rating.

The difference is Bush's approval rating is based on him doing nothing.

Edited by Scott
Text moved.
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Good to see you escaping the dark side. thumbsup.gif

Back on topic...

I notice Obama's approval rating is now down to 47% with Gallup. Disapprovals at 45%.

Bush's approval rating is now 49%, with a 46% disapproval rating.

The difference is Bush's approval rating is based on him doing nothing.

I see you're having trouble with the quote feature also.

Obama's approval rating would likely be higher if he followed the same course as Bush...and did nothing.

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