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Phuket Tunnel ?


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This was released today...all about the proposed tunnel

If this is the best they can come up with, it is a joke...tells nothing substantial....shows an animation of elevated highways and some tunnel dimensions and not much more.

This is a presentation of nothing..coffee1.gif What it was released for is baffling to me..

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A Thai hotel owner, born and raised in Phuket, told me that there probably is going to be a toll fee for using the tunnel. He said it is not made public yet because of the inevitable mass protests it will trigger. Can anyone confirm these rumours from other sources?

Edited by Roel
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A Thai hotel owner, born and raised in Phuket, told me that there probably is going to be a toll fee for using the tunnel. He said it is not made public yet because of the inevitable mass protests it will trigger. Can anyone confirm these rumours from other sources?

Was made public last year about tolls..;From this info;

Thai Hotels Association adviser Methee Tanmanatragul voiced his concern over toll fees. “Private businesses, including tour buses, vans and public buses, can all pay the toll fees, and the people of Phuket really want this project to go ahead, but we’re concerned the toll fees may be too high for local people and those living hand to mouth,” he said.


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Ah, okay. So maybe he meant that the decision makers do not mention it anymore. I can imagine that the choice of the entrance locations of the tunnel depends on who owns the land there. The land owner probably pockets a fair share of the toll money or gets at least a very good, inflated price for the land. As with all public projects in Thailand some private persons are going to be rich. Sorry, that should read: richer.

Trying not to be cynical: failed once again.

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