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thainess or money ?


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We all know that money is important in life. Thais like money as well thus, status. We also know that thai people are proud to be thai. What do you guys and girls think is more important, when push comes to shuffle for thai people, money or thainess ?

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Thais care about status and money is status. So the more money someone has, the more Thai s/he is. Just kidding...well, maybe.

Please define your notion of Thainess, so to clarify. That will provide a better means to discussion.

Sent from my GT-S5360B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Thais are like most people, they'd choose to be rich.

I'd venture a guess that for most, toiling in a ricefield under the hot sun is inextricably linked with Thainess. But so is having enough money to support one's entire family. Thus, money and Thainess aren't mutually exclusive.

In every case I can think of, money would enhance a Thai person's Thainess. Giving to the local temple; providing one's parents with a big house and servants; being proud of having paid three times the value for a foreign car... The list is exhaustive, and it doesn't take long to realize, one is just stating the obvious.

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It's new here in Buddha land but I have to admit too that money comes first, before religion, face family or Thailand.

Has not always been that way

Same same farangland. That's the true essence of western capitalism--money before God and country.

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It's new here in Buddha land but I have to admit too that money comes first, before religion, face family or Thailand.

I thought money is religion, judging by the amount of people in Thailand who worship material wealth.

Edited by Morakot
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I think most not-rich people anywhere in the world these days would put becoming wealthy above maintaining their parochial identity.

Being a globe-trotting jet-set "citizen of the world" carries higher status than any one nationality.

Even in Thailand those at the top of the social-economic pyramid here have very strong international identifiers in their background. Doesn't make them any less Thai, and certainly no less status when they return.

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Sorry to burst the bubble here, but most people care about money.

I have had so-called mates, (farangs) who are always boosting about how generous they are regarding their families, they go out and flash the cash about for appearances when making purchases in stores, don`t care how much they spend on themselves, but wouldn`t give anyone else not even 1 penny, or in other words, they wouldn`t pee in someone`s mouth if they were dying of thirst.

These are the types that when out with company dining in a restaurant , will vigorously peruse the bill, just in case they maybe paying a few baht more when sharing the bill. I am sure all of you have known or already know people like these. You see; it is because money is what is closest to their hearts.

Some Thais are money orientated because they are poor and literally have to hassle for a living, but there are many farangs who are simply just extremely mean. These are far worse then the Thai money hasslers, because at least the Thais make the money thing more obvious.

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So money it is in your opinion. Ok.

Have to agree with you that when you understand what something is about and how it works in life, that thais indeed act more obvious/honest than us westerners. Less hypocritical. Remember after the 2006 coup, somewhere 2007 or 2008, members of the government, incl gen sonthi, flew to chiang mai to seek guidance of a well known fortuneteller. I read this to my amazement in the BP !

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So thainess it must be than in your opinion.

In respect I cannot answer your question. But i get the feeling you think I know what you mean.

It's never been about the money. It's about the way you think about things.

Edited by Dancealot
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So thainess it must be than in your opinion.

In respect I cannot answer your question. But i get the feeling you think I know what your mean.

?......yes, don't you know ?

Tell me what you think I don't know.

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So thainess it must be than in your opinion.

In respect I cannot answer your question. But i get the feeling you think I know what your mean.
?......yes, don't you know ?

Tell me what you think I don't know.

Your original answer was your opinion. Thai culture. Remember ? So thats ok. Its yours.

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And you opinion is that you are amazed by the poverty you have been confronted with in Thailand while In many other under developed countries conditions are worse for the poor?

This is my view on you, not my opinion.

I just wonder about your view.smile.png Seemingly that my view is irrelevant.

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Which of the 60million+ Thais are you talking about? Do you expect every one of them to have the same set of values that fit into your <snip> question?

As my gf always says to me ... not everyone same Thailand.

Like many questions asked on the Forum ... " * * * * ....... what would the Thais think?"

Some of us have an opinion ... but few of us know for sure.

As for me ... I've never contemplated it.


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To the extent there is a quality called "Thainess", it isn't something that can be bought with money, or gained by doing without it.

I believe "Thainess" is just something TPTB use - like those back home wrt "national security" and "open transparency" - only defined the way they choose and only used when it serves their interests.

The question implies that Thais must give up their Thainess in order to make the maximum money?

The only context where I think this may apply would be Thai kids being sent from a young age overseas or to a true international school where all the teachers and most of the students are foreigners.

Since this does in fact happen within a very large percentage of the wealthiest Thai families, I guess there's your answer.

However it doesn't have to be this way, if they could only figure out how to deliver the same quality of education - including learning foreign languages and student-centered project learning rather than memorization etc - delivered by Thai-staffed schools, then they could have the best of both worlds.

This wouldn't be that hard for TPTB in this country to achieve if they really wanted to, so I guess there's your answer, because they haven't bothered.

They choose the money and power, and once they have that they get to define what "Thainess" means so they can use it to suppress attitudes and behaviors that go against their interests.

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It's new here in Buddha land but I have to admit too that money comes first, before religion, face family or Thailand.

I thought money is religion, judging by the amount of people in Thailand who worship material wealth.

Total rubbish. You`re just another bunch of Thai bashers and often wonder why you types of people stay in this country, with your I am superior attitudes?

The fact is that if you have no money, no one wants to know you. Become down on your luck, then see how many of your ever caring, ever concerned family and friends (Thai, farang or aliens) would be willing to help you. This applies to Thais as well as farangs.

Regardless of race and nationality, money speaks all languages, crosses all cultural barriers and is the one thing we have that everybody wants. The more money people have, the more they want, in this highly competitive, commercialized modern world of progress and ambitions.

My guess is that you are no different to any Thais regarding possession of your assets and money, perhaps just a little more discrete, but nevertheless are no more generous than anyone else. As for complete strangers, you probably would begrudge giving them the time of day.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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