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Issues with a dodgy thai lawyer


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I have issues with an alchoholic thai lawyer that I worked for and he tried to use extortion to get me to turn over work without paying me for it. Work that was done over many years and that is thousands and thousands of hours of work, and that is my intellectual property for a business that I am part owner of. He also threatened my life and has caused me so many issues by slandering my name with his lies to some of my good friends of over 12 years, to make them hate me and cause me problems with them.

Does anyone know where I can turn in a situation like this, other than the lawyers association and lawyers council? This evil, dishonest man has cost me my best friends and to lose tens of millions of baht of my own personal money and thousands of hours of my time in work. He thinks he can do ANYTHING he wants to anyone, especially to me, because I am a farang alone in Thailand and he is a high priced lawyer with connections in Thailand.

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Freedom here requires connections, money and skills/knowledge of how to use them effectively in the local environment. Sounds like you're outgunned to me.

Work out a deal, surely to your short-term financial loss but what's your freedom worth to you?

Taking your freedom in hand yourself requires you to disconnect from the areas where he wields power over you, perhaps going incognito to another location, if necessary leaving Thailand for a while.

If you're so dependent on your professional life being enmeshed in his territory that #2 doesn't appeal then looks like #1 is your only option, but to some extent you'll be subject to his whims until you can cut the cord.

Get a job with a more powerful "sponsor" who isn't part of this guy's network? But then you're at HIS mercy. . .

Edited by boosta
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You summed him up pretty well. The strange thing is, he did this to about 3 other people, and they do not seem to see what he did to them too. He must have them under some kind of Isaan voodoo spell.

Maybe they are tourists who only come for 4 months a year. whistling.gif

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Give me a break, running a business, thousands of hours of intellectual work, worth tens of millions of baht and you're asking on TV what you should do about it?

Find yourself a good lawyer,

Expect at an earlier point in time, he thought he had ...

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I suppose I am to believe that Thailand is not a real country with real laws, or a country where they hold lawyers accountable for misconduct as lawyers...

And you have been here for 12 years.....and only just realising.........blink.png

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I've been leaning towards moving on, but there are just unsettled issues such as him having a distorted view that I owe him money in a business that I was to pay nothing into, and was to receive salary for work, and that he was to pay all of the expenses for, and instead I have been left paying out millions in baht. Then him telling lies to my friends, that are his mutual friends, that I have some debt with him and don't pay, and then demanding that I pay back everything he has paid to suppliers and invested into the business, unless I give up all of my share interests in the business and piss off, so he can make money with his thai buddy with all of my intellectual property and investment.

His dishonesty has cost me my life savings twice, best friends, missed opportunities on working on my own businesses by myself and also a lot of respect. It actually comes out to close to $4 million USD. I can accept business losses and rebuild myself back up, but extortion and ongoing slander and threats are just too much for me. I find it ridiculous, illegal and immoral and improper conduct for a lawyer. When I think of your bagman comments, yeah, I guess that is what he really turned out to be.

I've been here longer than 12 years, but this guy came recommended by friends that I trusted and so on... Maybe I was just gullible.

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I've been leaning towards moving on, but there are just unsettled issues such as him having a distorted view that I owe him money in a business that I was to pay nothing into, and was to receive salary for work, and that he was to pay all of the expenses for, and instead I have been left paying out millions in baht. Then him telling lies to my friends, that are his mutual friends, that I have some debt with him and don't pay, and then demanding that I pay back everything he has paid to suppliers and invested into the business, unless I give up all of my share interests in the business and piss off, so he can make money with his thai buddy with all of my intellectual property and investment.

His dishonesty has cost me my life savings twice, best friends, missed opportunities on working on my own businesses by myself and also a lot of respect. It actually comes out to close to $4 million USD. I can accept business losses and rebuild myself back up, but extortion and ongoing slander and threats are just too much for me. I find it ridiculous, illegal and immoral and improper conduct for a lawyer. When I think of your bagman comments, yeah, I guess that is what he really turned out to be.

I've been here longer than 12 years, but this guy came recommended by friends that I trusted and so on... Maybe I was just gullible.

You lose your live savings once,shame on him.You lose it twice,shame on you I'm afraid!

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You've shelled out $4M USD into a business that you weren't supposed to commit any money too (as stated by you), and you've only just now woken up and smelled the coffee? You yourself used the word gullible, and that seems appropriate to me.

If I were you I'd cut and run, because there is virtually a zero chance in hell of any legal recourse. If you push things too far you may find yourself a victim of involuntary suicide. What floor is your condo on?

Edited by Gsxrnz
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You summed him up pretty well. The strange thing is, he did this to about 3 other people, and they do not seem to see what he did to them too. He must have them under some kind of Isaan voodoo spell.

One trick pony, very common in this part of the world.

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If the well-connected, dodgy Thai lawyer has threatened your life/safety, the best thing to do might be to leave it all behind and relocate to another firm etc. Unless you believe his is an empty threat.

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jaidee88, what do you do, what is your profession?

You stated in the OP that you worked for this lawyer (not a partner), what does/did your binding contract state?

Was this a legal or illegal business venture, ie, registered company, work permit, etc, etc?

Exactly how has it cost you over 4 million US as you quoted?

As other posters have mentioned, if this has taken place over a 12 year (?) period, how on earth did you let it last that long?

Experience has shown that if you are not prepared to reveal all the facts, then you shouldn't be asking for advice with an abridged version of the story.

Experience has also shown that people that seek advice from a public forum and do not follow legal paths are either involved illegally, or really need to get their sh1t together and sort it out in a proper fashion.

I doubt you will get the answers you want to hear on TV...........................

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him having a distorted view that I owe him money in a business that I was to pay nothing into, and was to receive salary for work, and that he was to pay all of the expenses for, and instead I have been left paying out millions in baht.

If you had a business with him all the rules like "who pays what and who owns what" should be described when setting up a business. If you did that then you should have no problem if you go to court. If you signed a contract in Thai language which you didn't understand and didn't double check, you are not a good business man.

If you lose your best friends because somebody speaks evil about you, you never had any good friends to start with.

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I've been leaning towards moving on, but there are just unsettled issues such as him having a distorted view that I owe him money in a business that I was to pay nothing into, and was to receive salary for work, and that he was to pay all of the expenses for, and instead I have been left paying out millions in baht. Then him telling lies to my friends, that are his mutual friends, that I have some debt with him and don't pay, and then demanding that I pay back everything he has paid to suppliers and invested into the business, unless I give up all of my share interests in the business and piss off, so he can make money with his thai buddy with all of my intellectual property and investment.

His dishonesty has cost me my life savings twice, best friends, missed opportunities on working on my own businesses by myself and also a lot of respect. It actually comes out to close to $4 million USD. I can accept business losses and rebuild myself back up, but extortion and ongoing slander and threats are just too much for me. I find it ridiculous, illegal and immoral and improper conduct for a lawyer. When I think of your bagman comments, yeah, I guess that is what he really turned out to be.

I've been here longer than 12 years, but this guy came recommended by friends that I trusted and so on... Maybe I was just gullible.

You have obviously fallen into the hands of a crook and you should consider getting a good lawyer and see what you can do legally to sort this out.

I hope you have prove for the money invested by yourself - if yes the courts here usually sort dishonest Thais out - lawyer or not - unless his connections reach as far as turning the judge - then you are doomed.

I remember what a friend told me when I first came to Thailand - he told me it is difficult in many ways to do business here - but most of all he said "Beware if your business should be very successful and you are not needed anymore by your Thai "partners" - then he said - it gets dangerous!

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Impossible to answer the OP`s questions.

I have some questions myself:

How did the OP first become involved with this lawyer? What`s the full story behind this?

Did the OP have work permits, was he a legitimate partner, advisorhelper, employee or what?

What sort of work was involved?

To be able to respond whether or not the OP has a case against this guy, than we need to know these facts.

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You are not the first to encounter such hardships in Thailand. Your future entirely depends on how fast you let it go. Failure to do this ASAP can get you killed here.

No offence to OP but he sounds a little gullible. Everyone has to live and learn but OP should take the above advice. The guy has warned you. If you ignore the threat we might be reading about your death in the news. I hope not. Be careful

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