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Dengue fever


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I thought that I'd like to hear what you have done to avoid this disease, and if you have been infected?

I have read that it is good to spray the house inside with insect spray, and of course sleep with a mosquito net.

Also wear repellents but they are often ineffective and cause skin irritattions so I don't have high hopes for that.

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Well I have been living here for 25 years get bitten everyday and have never had Dengue Fever,

but that does not mean that i could become infected tomorrow,as there seems to be a bit of an

epidemic here just now with a lot of cases and even deaths reported.

We spray inside the house and try to keep the screen doors closed as much as possible,but

they still get in,there is a good Lemon Grass lotion you can apply to your skin ,it works and

does not contain chemicals as some of the others do.

I would not come here worrying about

mosquitoes,take precautions,yes but you should worry

more about driving on the roads or even just crossing them,thats when you take your life in

your hands. regards Worgeordie

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Well I have been living here for 25 years get bitten everyday and have never had Dengue Fever,

but that does not mean that i could become infected tomorrow,as there seems to be a bit of an

epidemic here just now with a lot of cases and even deaths reported.

We spray inside the house and try to keep the screen doors closed as much as possible,but

they still get in,there is a good Lemon Grass lotion you can apply to your skin ,it works and

does not contain chemicals as some of the others do.

I would not come here worrying about

mosquitoes,take precautions,yes but you should worry

more about driving on the roads or even just crossing them,thats when you take your life in

your hands. regards Worgeordie

Well one concern doesn'r rule out the other wink.png

I do worry about Dengue fever as well as traffic.

I might try lemon grass lotion.

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isn't dengue only spread by the daytime mozzie? unless your a day sleeper, sleeping with a mozzie net isn't going to do much to prevent dengue.

any repellant containing DEET works well. fans work well. I've also got a trap that used UV and CO2 to attract the mozzies, and a fan to draw them into the trap, got it from homepro.

I wore a dose of it early last year, not nice. At the peak (about 2 days in) I was thinking if i had the energy to get up form my resting position, i'd get a knife and cut my hip joints out. I seriously thought it would be the less painful way to deal with it.

paracetamol will give you the most relief from the fever and pain.

you should be seeking medical attention either way, but any signs of haemorrhagic fever and get to emergency ASAP.

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isn't dengue only spread by the daytime mozzie? unless your a day sleeper, sleeping with a mozzie net isn't going to do much to prevent dengue.

any repellant containing DEET works well. fans work well. I've also got a trap that used UV and CO2 to attract the mozzies, and a fan to draw them into the trap, got it from homepro.

I wore a dose of it early last year, not nice. At the peak (about 2 days in) I was thinking if i had the energy to get up form my resting position, i'd get a knife and cut my hip joints out. I seriously thought it would be the less painful way to deal with it.

paracetamol will give you the most relief from the fever and pain.

you should be seeking medical attention either way, but any signs of haemorrhagic fever and get to emergency ASAP.

I've read that the mosquito bite mostly in the early morning and late afternoon. I really doesn't hurt to sleep with a mosquito net, that's for sure, so I will definately do that.

Make sure it's treated with a chemical to keep the mozzies away.

"I've also got a trap that used UV and CO2 to attract the mozzies, and a fan to draw them into the trap, got it from homepro."

This I want for sure. I you can, link to it so that I can see it.

"At the peak (about 2 days in) I was thinking if i had the energy to get up form my resting position, i'd get a knife and cut my hip joints out. I seriously thought it would be the less painful way to deal with it.

paracetamol will give you the most relief from the fever and pain."

OMG, poor you. Were you at home or at the hospital with that awful pain? Just thinking how anyone would eat or do anything at all in that condition.

Edited by LemonLady
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Tony from Yummy Pizza was told by more that one Dr he was suffering from Dengue.

Finally and it nearly was Final for him, Dr Morgan had him to the hospital, for a X Ray and one lung was found to be 40% full of water.

Phumonia (My Apple mac like me can not spell) was the problem and he looked like the walking dead for a month or so.


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One of the simple precautions of trying to avoid dengue fever is don't breed your own. Make sure you don't have any still water lying around the house such as in saucers underneath pot plants. If there is some water you can't readily dispose of put a little bit of kerosene in it and it should kill off the larvae.

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A post with false information has been removed. There is no specific treatment or cure for dengue fever:

Having searched the internet, have found these:

No specific treatment for dengue fever exists.

There is no specific medicine to treat dengue infection.

Having also read the link above from wikipedia regarding this sodium chlorite or MMS is not a viable claim as a cure for much of anything. Further postings supporting this claim will be deleted.

As above.

MMS (which is basically bleach) has not been proven to cure anything and most definitely will not cure dengue.

Neither will any homeopathic remedies.

Posts spreading such dangerous misinformation will be deleted.

Doxycyline has no efficacy in preventing Dengue. there is currently no prevention available other than avoiding mosquito bites.

Dengue is preset everywhere in Thailand. Specific spots may have more transmission than others, these will be places with stagnant uncovered water about, which is what the vector breeds in. Fresh markets can be a common culprit for this reason. Likewise rural homes with water jars that aren't well covered.

There is a wide spectrum of severity of infection with dengue. Some cases are so mild as to be almost imperceptible, i.e. you may have had it and never even known it, or just thought you had a mild flu for a day or two. Other people get very ill, with shaking chills and high fever. You'll know if you are in that group, believe me (I've been there).

A minority of cases develop a hemorraghic complication. Most do not. Except for the hemorraghic form, there are no serious risks associated with it, it's just an unpleasant disease which at the more severe end of the spectrum can leave you feeling quite weak & depressed for weeks afterwards.

There are tens of thousands of cases of dengue in this part of the world every single year, it is an endemic disease. Every 2-3 years the incidence increases to epidemic proportions and this is one of these years. Same thing happened a few years back and will a few years hence, it is cyclical.

The above was posted in the Public Health Min: Dengue fever situation worrisome topic which may contain some information relevant to this topic.

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Well I have been living here for 25 years get bitten everyday and have never had Dengue Fever

The same goes for me. I have never used a mosquito net or lotion. I just hope for the best.

I'm pretty sure that the mosquitos that cause Dengue fever have evolved to bite in the daytime AND the nighttime now.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Holy crap, didn't realise Dengue was so bad to healthy young(ish) people.

Anyway, regarding repellents - the one from 7/11 with the pink label has always worked for me.

I was surprised since almost every other one I ever used did nothing, so if you use repellents, I recommend that one.

And after the replies to this thread I sure as hell will be using it very often from now on.

I am curious though as to whether it is true that it is spread by a "daytime" mosquito. I did hear that the one that carries it is stripped, but never heard about them being "daytime mosquitos" since duringthe day mozzies are so rare, but I suppose with rainy season there could be more of them even during the day..

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"Many people believe that dengue mosquitoes only bite during the day. This makes them feel more complacent at night, as they think there’s no more risk of dengue infection. However, this new study shows that the danger of dengue is now more serious since infection can occur both during the day and at night,” Caoili added. Caoili said a 1974 study showed that the peak biting period of Aedes Albopictus was from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

A 2011 study, however, revealed that its biting time had extended from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m." http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/lifestyle/05/04/12/warning-out-night-biting-dengue-mosquito

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4 friends of mine here have had it recently. The ones that used raw papaya leaf juice recovered quickest. Almost back to normal after 7-10 days.

Worth a try.

What is the typical recovery time from Dengue when the only treatment is rest and rehydration?

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4 friends of mine here have had it recently. The ones that used raw papaya leaf juice recovered quickest. Almost back to normal after 7-10 days.

Worth a try.

What is the typical recovery time from Dengue when the only treatment is rest and rehydration?

Took me about 4 weeks to feel strong enough to get out a little. As has been posted, the only thing that you can do to rest, drink plenty of fluids and take paracetamol.

You won't feel like eating in the early stages so don't bother about it, although thin soups can be a bonus.

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Hi to all

I just want to inform you that I just got it yesterday and I leave near holiday inn. Not sure I got it here but I suspect it.

I hope I will be fine soon!

if you have the energy, go see a doctor (most likely and i hope they'll just tell you to rest up)

Paracetomol helps with the fever, my lovely lady padded me down with wet flannels from the fridge. Get comfortable (yeah I know) in front of the TV for a few days.

Any signs of bleeding then get to emergency ASAP.

By the sounds of it, I was lucky. After 1 week I was out and about (through frustration at being housebound) and 2 was back at work. It was about 3 weeks I was feeling 100% again.

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Today is my fourth day into the disease and so far I had only head ache, eyes pain, lumbar pain, and fever. I hope it will resolve without complications.

One suggestion for whom is going to catch it (but hopefully not), be careful with the dosage of paracetamol. In Thailand the most popular brand is Tylenol and seems to be quite heavy on the liver. Therefore if you already have a liver condition it could make things worse. The recommended dosage is no more than 4 g a day which means usually 8 pills, but i would stay far below that if possible.

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That papaya leaf remedy keeps going around on Facebook. I can find no data to suggest it works. Only anecdotal evidence that after taking it, the fever went away, and given that Dengue always goes away after a week or so, it seems to be a case of "medicine distracting the patient while nature cures the disease." If it were otherwise, big Pharma would have isolated the active ingredient and sold it as a pricey pill.

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Today is my fourth day into the disease and so far I had only head ache, eyes pain, lumbar pain, and fever. I hope it will resolve without complications.

One suggestion for whom is going to catch it (but hopefully not), be careful with the dosage of paracetamol. In Thailand the most popular brand is Tylenol and seems to be quite heavy on the liver. Therefore if you already have a liver condition it could make things worse. The recommended dosage is no more than 4 g a day which means usually 8 pills, but i would stay far below that if possible.

Had similar with my dengue and the headache was the worst, with lumbar pain next, however I was lucky that I didn't get the "breakbone" symptoms so commonly described. Still It lasted around 4 weeks in all and I'm sure that I got (still get) the occasional "recurrence" of the extreme tiredness that went with it although searches on the internet are not conclusive about this.

Was also able to take some para I bought from OZ which has a small amount of codeine in it, and this was great.

Good luck.

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That papaya leaf remedy keeps going around on Facebook. I can find no data to suggest it works. Only anecdotal evidence that after taking it, the fever went away, and given that Dengue always goes away after a week or so, it seems to be a case of "medicine distracting the patient while nature cures the disease." If it were otherwise, big Pharma would have isolated the active ingredient and sold it as a pricey pill.

Rob at Sausage King swore Payapa leaf juice cured him of Dengue his doctor was shocked at the count when he went to get a check up after a few days on Payapa leaf juice

let me tell you it tastes like shit and if the Dengue dont kill ya the juice might LOL but to be honest he was well in not time after taking it

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Well I have been living here for 25 years get bitten everyday and have never had Dengue Fever

The same goes for me. I have never used a mosquito net or lotion. I just hope for the best.

I'm pretty sure that the mosquitos that cause Dengue fever have evolved to bite in the daytime AND the nighttime now.

Why are you "pretty sure". Do you have a link or any supporting evidence?

If you do, you may have made a serious medical breakthrough, and you should write to The Lancet immediately.

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That papaya leaf remedy keeps going around on Facebook. I can find no data to suggest it works. Only anecdotal evidence that after taking it, the fever went away, and given that Dengue always goes away after a week or so, it seems to be a case of "medicine distracting the patient while nature cures the disease." If it were otherwise, big Pharma would have isolated the active ingredient and sold it as a pricey pill.

Rob at Sausage King swore Payapa leaf juice cured him of Dengue his doctor was shocked at the count when he went to get a check up after a few days on Payapa leaf juice

let me tell you it tastes like shit and if the Dengue dont kill ya the juice might LOL but to be honest he was well in not time after taking it

Often platelet counts bottom out on the 7th day after the onset of symptoms and then dramatically rebound on the 8th day.

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Well I have been living here for 25 years get bitten everyday and have never had Dengue Fever

The same goes for me. I have never used a mosquito net or lotion. I just hope for the best.

I'm pretty sure that the mosquitos that cause Dengue fever have evolved to bite in the daytime AND the nighttime now.

Why are you "pretty sure". Do you have a link or any supporting evidence?

If you do, you may have made a serious medical breakthrough, and you should write to The Lancet immediately.

There is supporting evidence, just google dengue mosquito bites at night.

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There is supporting evidence, just google dengue mosquito bites at night.

Granted, if that other species makes it to Thailand, you can start to shit bricks.

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Well I have been living here for 25 years get bitten everyday and have never had Dengue Fever

The same goes for me. I have never used a mosquito net or lotion. I just hope for the best.

I'm pretty sure that the mosquitos that cause Dengue fever have evolved to bite in the daytime AND the nighttime now.

Why are you "pretty sure". Do you have a link or any supporting evidence?

If you do, you may have made a serious medical breakthrough, and you should write to The Lancet immediately.

I already posted a link. It is always a good idea to read a thread before replying to it. Thailand has the same problem as PI.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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One of the simple precautions of trying to avoid dengue fever is don't breed your own. Make sure you don't have any still water lying around the house such as in saucers underneath pot plants. If there is some water you can't readily dispose of put a little bit of kerosene in it and it should kill off the larvae.

Where do they sell kerosene around here? Thanks.

Never mind. Just saw Tywais post. I'll try and find some of that stuff.

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