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Louis Vuitton-toting Thai monk thinks he'll just stay put in France for a while

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And where does all this money come from that allows him to swan around the world living the high life, from the idiots who bow and scrap to him, throwing money and goods at him who think this will win them a better place in the after life or ensure their re-incarnation to an elevated position on their return. The poor (not money wise) misguided fools who don't have any idea what Buddhism is really about or choose to ignore it as it doesn't fit their desires with their me me me attitude.

The sooner the organisation controlling the monks / temples / Buddhism get their act together, get some teeth, and some direction and start sorting out all the corrupt scamming so-called monks the better. These so-called monks are really no better then the corrupt politicians, police, rice mill owners etc - but then this IS Thailand so mai pben rai, it doesn't matter so long as I'm ok.

I don't see why people think he's rich. I can buy the same exact bag and sunglasses for a discount at 600 baht at MBK. Leather too!


And where does all this money come from that allows him to swan around the world living the high life, from the idiots who bow and scrap to him, throwing money and goods at him who think this will win them a better place in the after life or ensure their re-incarnation to an elevated position on their return. The poor (not money wise) misguided fools who don't have any idea what Buddhism is really about or choose to ignore it as it doesn't fit their desires with their me me me attitude.

The sooner the organisation controlling the monks / temples / Buddhism get their act together, get some teeth, and some direction and start sorting out all the corrupt scamming so-called monks the better. These so-called monks are really no better then the corrupt politicians, police, rice mill owners etc - but then this IS Thailand so mai pben rai, it doesn't matter so long as I'm ok.

I don't see why people think he's rich. I can buy the same exact bag and sunglasses for a discount at 600 baht at MBK. Leather too!

With limiting his posessions to a rice bowl why does he need a bag at all?


And where does all this money come from that allows him to swan around the world living the high life, from the idiots who bow and scrap to him, throwing money and goods at him who think this will win them a better place in the after life or ensure their re-incarnation to an elevated position on their return. The poor (not money wise) misguided fools who don't have any idea what Buddhism is really about or choose to ignore it as it doesn't fit their desires with their me me me attitude.

The sooner the organisation controlling the monks / temples / Buddhism get their act together, get some teeth, and some direction and start sorting out all the corrupt scamming so-called monks the better. These so-called monks are really no better then the corrupt politicians, police, rice mill owners etc - but then this IS Thailand so mai pben rai, it doesn't matter so long as I'm ok.

I don't see why people think he's rich. I can buy the same exact bag and sunglasses for a discount at 600 baht at MBK. Leather too!

seems you have missed the whole point - it has nothing to do with rich but having to do with nothing - he is supposed to be a monk not a fashion statement

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ah, no problem for him...

all he has to do is a few hale meritswai2.gif , put some fake gold on the statue, shake a few sticks and all is forgiven by himself.... on and upwards! all sins are gone!




all religions are corrupt, when they threaten you with hell you know it is a scam, the old carrot and stick approach

Totally agree, Blxxdy parasites the lot of them! They couldn't give a monkeys for their so called 'Flock', just take the money from the poor and the vulnerable to build more and more edificies that we don't need and they all have there insidious ways of threatening their believers with one form of retribution or another if they don't 'follow the line'. Specifically, with regard to the 'Buddhist faith', if this as one person has commented is NOT a Religion but a way of life, then why do they need 'Temples and images of the Budha'?

Could not agree more with your final sentence - no need for temples - enough money spent of this nonsense to feed the poor people for years.

There is a monstrous temple being built near my home - looking at it wouldn't be surprised if the final costs are in the billions, absolute decadence, over the top, unnecessary, complete waste of money - -- but it might get me a better after life so I better keep giving even if I can't afford it .

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Bizarre as it seems, these Japanese monks are actually trying desperately to get the young interested in Buddhism and stop the temples from closing down. They don't follow the 227 precepts of Theravada Buddhism, so they can marry, etc. But I don't think these new ideas would work in Thailand.


If things get really hot I'm sure there is a spare room available in a villa in Dubai. Of course with over one billion baht in assets, I'm sure this "monk" can buy his own estate.

Maybe he can get Taksin put him up? if you cant beat em.... Join em


Oo-la-la, vive la Paris, where else can he show off his luxurious accessories better than France?

why, he will feel right at home there, not to mention more shopping to be done,

temple duties, followers ? that can wait... MERDE....


Many thai know stuff such as what this monk has been doing has been going on for years, albeit on a larger scale.

The difference is this one got caught via the internet and, from many, the first thing they think of Thailand is Buddhism ... And the world's oldest profession.

Nothing would have been done if he vid had gotten out, but it has and many thai now feel shame.

Going after one person ain't gonna do sh*t; going after all of them won't work because people want to make merit and the monks either don't want to offend them, enjoy receiving it, or gain major face within the community with their followers and other people.

Not all are like that though, which is good.

There are excellent monks who do more for the preservation of the Buddha's teachings than any high ranking ecclesiastical monk. But in order to really find them, one has to make the effort to figure out where they are, as often they don't enjoy being around a bunch of drama carrying, fingerpointing, chronic complainers.

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Cannes south of France ,did meet 3 Thai monks they are raising money to open a temple in the city for the local Thai community ,no sun classes ,no hand bags ,and thai people where very happy to see them,same as in london, ,support JOB , ,same as priest in thailand ,so wage up join the real world


all religions are corrupt, when they threaten you with hell you know it is a scam, the old carrot and stick approach

Totally agree, Blxxdy parasites the lot of them! They couldn't give a monkeys for their so called 'Flock', just take the money from the poor and the vulnerable to build more and more edificies that we don't need and they all have there insidious ways of threatening their believers with one form of retribution or another if they don't 'follow the line'. Specifically, with regard to the 'Buddhist faith', if this as one person has commented is NOT a Religion but a way of life, then why do they need 'Temples and images of the Budha'?

Well that is a good question. It deserves an answer.

It serves as a focal point for the believers. It supplies teachers. And most important to me is it gives the believers a chance to learn respect. I do not see the Monks or any other Buddhist running around condemning other religions. I see many of them falling short of their teachings as in any religion because they are made up of human beings who are not as perfect as their detractors on TV.sad.png


Can't they just kick him out of monkhood? It seems he has broken enough rules. He must be connected to the mafia or something.

Not sure he has any thing to do with the hierarchy of Buddhism here in Thailand. I believe his temple is not a sanctioned one.

He definatly has a different agenda from what you expect from a monk. Unless you expect them all to be flying around in private jets. If that is what you believe you might want to check out the Buddhist at some other place besides a bar.


may be i have missed the point ... but just is this so called monk doing in france .... may be someone can tell me .... or is he there scaming more money from ...hard working honest ppl .... thailand should be ashamed of its self ... bring him back here to answer for his actions .....

ohhh i for got he's a monk .... yet just one more thai untouch able ..... ..

Of course there are many venerable, sincere monks for whom Buddhism is a vocation but it does seem strange that any old Somchai can dress in orange and become untouchable.

A bit like dressing in red come to that!

Good points but I believe Somchai left the monks after attaining Monkhood or what ever it is called.


This is so wrong Monks do not own or possess material things he is a fraud and on his return should be out up in the Bangkok Hilton for his injustices


What has being poor or rich, for that matter to do with spirituality ?

If this is his path to travel, then who are we to judge this?

I guess they call it faith in other religions.

The faith that you doing the "right" thing.

So if Louis Vuitton helps him on his part of enlightment, so be it.!!!!!

..... And if not, only he pays the price.

I wish him save travels, whether it leads.

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all religions are corrupt, when they threaten you with hell you know it is a scam, the old carrot and stick approach

I've heard it said that God gave mankind something to believe in.

The devil gave them religion.

More truth in that little adage than first appears............................wink.png

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I think compared to Billy Graham and John Avanzini this monk is'nt even on the same ball park. Much ado about nothing. If people are stupid enough to give him money in exchange for their spiritual salvation then heaven doesnt sound like the place to be, and good luck to the monk. There are a never ending source of eejuts on planet earth.

1) How are Billy Graham and John Avanzini - or the relative degree of their wealth and/or extent of exploitative methods (presumably that's what you are implicitly referring to) - relevant?

2) Why do you feel this topic amounts to "nothing"?

3) Do you typically wish good luck to odiously hypocritical and fraudulent people who perpetuate some of the worst ills of a society?

What a funny post. How can you ask in point one if Billy Graham and John Avanzi are relevant, and then come out with point 3. Are they, like the monk not odiously hypocritical and fraudulent? Or do we have a televangelist amongst our membership?

All of this is...nothing. If people are stupid enough to give their own personal money to this fraudster wearing an orange robe then that is up to them. They have been warned, if they continue to do it then it's non of yours or anybody else's business. Rice, poverty, corruption, education, mega scam projects, there is more to worry about within Thailand and much more to worry about outside. What this guy is doing is symptomatic of the cancer that afflicts the core of Thailand's society. As it blew like tumbleweed over your head, it was good luck in a sarcastic sense.Posted Image

There's no contradiction: yes they are in my opinion odiously hypocritical and fraudulent. How is the fact that they are, relevant in how one views the story of this monk?

I have ZERO concern for the people who have given the money to this monk. As for what is or isn't my business - a topic is being discussed and YOU commented on it, I I turn had questions about your comment.


Wonder if he's interested in luxury cars too?

doesnt he have a roller? donated by his "supporters".


And where does all this money come from that allows him to swan around the world living the high life, from the idiots who bow and scrap to him, throwing money and goods at him who think this will win them a better place in the after life or ensure their re-incarnation to an elevated position on their return. The poor (not money wise) misguided fools who don't have any idea what Buddhism is really about or choose to ignore it as it doesn't fit their desires with their me me me attitude.

The sooner the organisation controlling the monks / temples / Buddhism get their act together, get some teeth, and some direction and start sorting out all the corrupt scamming so-called monks the better. These so-called monks are really no better then the corrupt politicians, police, rice mill owners etc - but then this IS Thailand so mai pben rai, it doesn't matter so long as I'm ok.

I don't see why people think he's rich. I can buy the same exact bag and sunglasses for a discount at 600 baht at MBK. Leather too!

With limiting his posessions to a rice bowl why does he need a bag at all?

Does Louis make rice bowls ?


Wonder what visa he is on with no fixed return date. Becoming a Buddhist Monk is showing promise all of a sudden. I bet there will be a ground swell of initiates after all this guys publicity.

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