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Come on, the lizards make NO dent in the insect population. The few bugs they eat are not worth the crap on everything.


sorry, I've got a house, I cannot remove their food supply and if I leave the house 3 weeks, when I come back I find about 40 to 50 droppings per door-window (7 of them on the ground floor) and more everywhere.

it just looks filthy.

the few months where I had the poison in action were a relief.

Better get a new maid ....


Very sad for the OP.... living outside his comfort envelope and clearly needs to find out about the ecosystem he's living in.

...but he could of course be making a rather uncomfortable nest to lie in for himself.

Geckoes live almost exclusively on insects - to have a large population there has to be enough food to sustain them......therefore it follows that you are doing something that attracts lots of insects into your house. No food no geckos.

THese animals are not just harmless they are USEFUL! - they keep the insect population down....kill them off and your house will - to coin a phrase - become the insect HUB of your neighbourhood.

If you really don't want to have so many about - turn off those exterior lights and they won't attract so many insects.

Poison or cull them and the insect population will boom and then when the poison wears off you'll be able to support even MORE geckoes.

You have taken this to another level, not the best level I guess. You talk about Gecko and the OP talks about the small ones, the JinJok´s.... Instead of bashing the OP maybe you can help to find a solution for him.....

I also would like to get rid of these small shitters called Jinjok´s, I know they eat whatever.... but I really dont like their shit everywhere, it drops down on plates, on unattended food and I just dont like them. I do not care about the tghai food chain, I do not care at all.... But if there is a poison plse inform me..


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Feel sorry for the OP, asks for advise on getting rid of geckos, and gets mostly abused, nice guys, but a pity you can't just stick to what an OP asks. Mob of bloody losers.

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they're excellent lodgers in and around the home.. give me these useful creatures over a dog or cat that craps all over the place anyday.

You can train a cat/dog but doubt you can train a jing jok to crap where you want them to. biggrin.png

To be honest, I cringed at the OP as I just would never harm them. I even get upset if I find one I accidentally closed a door on. Call me a softy, but they are not harming me. Fun to use a laser pointer at night and play chase the dot with them. smile.png

you would find it less fun with approx 900 m2 of floor and furniture full of jin jok shit every 2 to 3 weeks. a cleaning eats up a workday for 2 persons, plus the aircon, otherwise one ends up bathing in sweat.

If I was you I would simply ignore most of the unhelpful comments that you often get on TV, and just focus on one thing, sealing up your house more effectively.

When I first moved into the house that I have now stayed in for five years, there was an obvious problem with the little critters getting in and leaving their 'calling cards' everywhere. However, I systematically went through each room making sure that the smallest gaps were sealed up, and fitted sealing strips and brushes to all of the external doors. I have not had a problem since.

If you find that they can still get in through the aircon ducts, you just need to fix some very fine mesh to the outside vents.


Whilst it is admitted that there is a potential hazard from Salmonella in their droppings there are far greater hazards out there. They are your friends. Imagine. How many insects they eat is reflected in the level of poo.

Easy to brush up as it is normally dry. Flies, mosquitoes etc. all poo. You can just see the Gheko poo easier. Just think of it as they are consolidating poo and making your job easier.


I can think of a host of things, other than geckos, I would rather eradicate. Rednecks and PTP fans (same thing in Thailand) come to mind.

If you really must get rid of them and don't necessarily want to kill them try some mothballs (made from naphthalene) the strong smell seems to deter most things that like to creep around the house. I know my mother-in-law is not keen on the smell.

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Amazing how matter fact you ask about how to kill these cute little creatures of nature. You sound pretty cold. Why don't you just clean your house when you come back from being away for three weeks. You have to dust anyway..clean the poop while your at it and don't kill. You will feel better for it..

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Why would you want to kill something that is so helpfull.

I don't understand.

Strange behaviour.

We are having problems with Tokay poo but I still would not kill them.

they shit everywhere.

pease tell me another solution that will allow me to leave the house 3 weeks unattended and not find it shat full when I return.

I have 3 Tookay in the garage, but they don't disturb there.

I have one for you: Don't build/own/rent a house in SE Asia in the first place!

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I am a tropical Pest Management Technician. As all the replies have quite rightly explained to you, Gecko's are very efficient at controlling mosquitoes. However, if your house is sprayed with a residual insecticide with the active ingredient Bifenthrin such as Maxthor, it will work. But only licensed PMT's can purchase it as it is a controlled insecticide in Thailand. It is a synthetic Pyrethroid, which means harmless to humans and pets, just needs to be applied correctly. I have found that Gecko's just hate it. Should last 2 months at a time under cover. Hope this helps.

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If you get rid of the jinjoks, the mosquitoes will multiply very quickly.

Accept them as a useful lodger and get you maid to clean up more regularly


As GeorgeO wrote, sift through the replies, ignore the irrelevant " save the jingjok " posts -- which are unfortunately the majority. I had hoped to help you out because we have a plastic container of the bright green sticky stuff. The writing on the label is all in Thai ( which for the irrelevant " save the jingjok " posters MUST mean Thais want to rid themselves of the jingjoks ). Cost is 20 baht per container. The wife bought it from a pick-up which tours the villages every few months -- they sell all sorts of pest control and killing substances. Whilst the little pests do not bother me, I do get slightly pi$$ed off when they kee into my drink or food from above. I've suspended some of that black plastic sun shading over our outdoor eating area and they don't like running on this because they cannot grip onto it -- problem solved, they just stay above it in the straw roof.

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I am a tropical Pest Management Technician. As all the replies have quite rightly explained to you, Gecko's are very efficient at controlling mosquitoes. However, if your house is sprayed with a residual insecticide with the active ingredient Bifenthrin such as Maxthor, it will work. But only licensed PMT's can purchase it as it is a controlled insecticide in Thailand. It is a synthetic Pyrethroid, which means harmless to humans and pets, just needs to be applied correctly. I have found that Gecko's just hate it. Should last 2 months at a time under cover. Hope this helps.

...and I thought PMT was something found in all women regardless of the nationality....and should definately be licensed whistling.gif


You talk about Gecko and the OP talks about the small ones, the JinJok´s

A Jing Jok is a Gecko.

Up here in isaan at least, a Jinjok is the small ones and the Gecko is the Tokay, which names pronounces

same as it sounds...... GECK OO



they're excellent lodgers in and around the home.. give me these useful creatures over a dog or cat that craps all over the place anyday.

You can train a cat/dog but doubt you can train a jing jok to crap where you want them to. biggrin.png

To be honest, I cringed at the OP as I just would never harm them. I even get upset if I find one I accidentally closed a door on. Call me a softy, but they are not harming me. Fun to use a laser pointer at night and play chase the dot with them. smile.png

you would find it less fun with approx 900 m2 of floor and furniture full of jin jok shit every 2 to 3 weeks. a cleaning eats up a workday for 2 persons, plus the aircon, otherwise one ends up bathing in sweat.

900m2 full of jing jok crap is a bit of over exaggeration Maybe you like to make a mountain out of jj <deleted> Leave the little critters alone or move.

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Animals I got in my house:


  • 1 gecko who lives in the kitchen
  • lotsa lotsa lotsa tjintjoks
  • black scorpion
  • huge spiders, whom I regard as my buddies cuz they help keep the house clean from flies
  • 1 meter long green snake (dogs got really exiting about it and scared it away)
  • colorful little frogs smile.png
  • various medium to huge toads (sometimes I pick them up and keep them in my hands for a moment, they are so cute)
  • sometimes a speeding cockroach, no problem they just live their own life and are harmless, even funny.


  • the gecko who sometimes came peeking in my bedroom
  • sometimes a lost bird
  • a totally upset cat from the neigbours who was chased by my dogs, I needed force to pull it out of the curtain
  • lotsa lotsa lotsa tjintjoks
  • several times a bat (weird when a bat flies silently around your head while you working on your pc)
  • at nighttime lotsa lotsa lotsa lotsa lotsa lotsa insects om my computerscreen especially micro-grasshoppers, 1 huge 3 inch grasshopper who loved sitting near my keyboard, most curious animal ever the way he looked at me.
  • rarely any mosquitos.
  • 3 dogs who always accompanied me in the evening.

I miss it.

The only species I was less happy with were those flying brown objects that appear under a lamp after a heavy rainfall, fall down, lose their wings and keep crawling around. Once the housekeeper left the light in the bathroom on and the result was a 2 inch layer of those things all over the bathroom floor. Holy crap how disgusting !!!!!

Strange enough THIS is the stuff that Thais love very much, even seems to be expensive when for sale........ and they eat them !!!!!!!!!!

Sounds lovely, forget my invite thanks.

Let me know when your door frames and kitchen units are eaten through. The brown things are TERMITES looking for a new home, seems they came to the right place after all, one could add careful it doesn't crawl into your ear, but I wouldn't be so cruelrolleyes.gif


Jinjoks are pests. Anyone who enjoys having jinjok shit in their silverware tray, coffee cups and plates, fresh fruits and vegetables, sugar & creamer containers, in the underware drawers and on their toothbrushes must be unaware of health hazards. Shit is shit...it goes through the body and is waste material full of bacteria. I'd bet that most of the posters here do not clean their own house. They also crawl into electronic devices and cause shorts which could lead to fire. No difference between them and a mouse. Any that enter the house are subject to the death penalty. Those that stay outside are spared.

I don't spare them outside on my walls either, they stain the paint with their crap, I painted my own house but if the jing joks want to paint it for me I'll accept their crapping.

The next day the ants have dragged off any corpses

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More useful to have them and allow them to eat bugs.

Like spiders they only eat bugs so better they are there than spraying toxins that have been banned in the developed world and accept sweeping the Jing-Kee is a cost of living in Thailand.

Also having Jings is considered lucking in that killing them is considered unlucky - probably why there is little jing-poison on sale.


OMG! Someone comes to live in the tropics, and then wants to exterminate the little house geckos.

As almost everyone here who has replied has stated, these guys eat mosquitoes and other nasties.

What is wrong with a bit of gecko poop, compared to getting dengue? Trying to remove their food supply? Well, good luck!

An additional factor is the Asian belief that these little guys are a sign of good luck in the house.


Mine are attracted by night lighting which obviously brings the bugs they eat.

Every now and again I have a purge running around the house with a long brush and a flash light, trying to knock them to the ground , catch them and hurl them to my neighbour's place.I also may use a hose spray to knock them down. They don't get inside too often as I have double glazing that seals well. When one does I have a crazy half hour trying to catch it.

I wouldn't be able to grow old and mad as gracefully without them.


Finnomick, loved the reply. That made me laugh and I have to agree with you. I have to say that farang ladies are the worst (coming from experience and not Pest Management Technicians either). My Thai wife is a top technician and with no classic PMT. but going back to the subject, Pest Issues and questions will be discussed in the Pattaya Trader starting in July.

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