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'Jealous' Thai man confesses to murder


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This is ridiculous. Honor Honor Honor, your wife is cheating on you and your prime minister is also cheating on you.

I've grown up here for the majority of my life, and I've seen where this kind of thinking stems from. What do Thai kids watch on weekends? Chong Kaow Gatooon (Channel 9 Cartoon), which isnt cartoons as the west define it but its Japanese anime. I mean the content in that is not for kids at all, and I'm willing to bet that this dude watched a ton of Japanese anime (with themes of honor-killings) to the point where his perception of reality is pretty skewed. Letting a kid grow up with adult content anime has really gotta screw up a persons mind.

Those of you who are English teachers know what I am talking about. Look at what they read and what they want to read. That stuff fries your brain harder than Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

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We are also ignoring what is now regarded in psychological circles as a fact of life. Humans, even those, frequently reduced in these columns to their commonest working situation, redoubtable "bar girls", are vast and complex beings.

We have up to and including three conspicuous, differing and important needs in relationships. Frequently one person cannot satisfy all of them.

Helen Fisher Why We Love and Cheat

Trying to find a wife that will accept the other two and so forth is the challenge.

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The wife made herself available so why shooting the man?

Regardless, murder is not a reasonable response , but the above poster does make a good point...

The man did not make any vows or promises to the husband... It seems that the one committing adultery in this case was the wife not the other man...

So it seems that his anger may have been misplaced

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Khun McMurray

Your handle suggest,that you are from Christian world?not Thai?

We were given - milleniums ago - on 2 tablets,in 10 points - prescription for proper moral conduct.

And there are 2 points about somebodys wife - out of 10 - 2 commandments,what do they say?

No idea why you think religion has any place in this story ....irrelevant , in certain other religious cultures , the woman would be persecuted . .This is about anger management , something which , contrary to popular myths , people in LOS are not especially good at .

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The woman may have been/still is his wife but she is/was not his property. If she cheated on him because he was a low life who mistreated her then he is a worthless piece of crud who couldn't face the fact his wife did the same. If she cheated on him even though he did the right thing by her then she is a dog of the female persuasion and he should have just walked away and kicked her onto the street, leaving those two to each other. Instead he kills his scummy friend and leaves his children with no father to help raise them. Of all his options this was the worst. He, like so many men the world over, let some stupid notion of "face" or "disrespect" over come logic. Yes I know emotion can overwhelm you and people act on the spur of the moment, but his moment allowed him time to pack three magazines as well as his gun. A man is dead, another in prison, two children have effectively lost their father and a woman no doubt has to go through life with the thought that her actions were partly responsible. All because of face. Stupid.

The newspaper covers this as if it's a justifiable homicide which it is not.

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The woman may have been/still is his wife but she is/was not his property. If she cheated on him because he was a low life who mistreated her then he is a worthless piece of crud who couldn't face the fact his wife did the same. If she cheated on him even though he did the right thing by her then she is a dog of the female persuasion and he should have just walked away and kicked her onto the street, leaving those two to each other. Instead he kills his scummy friend and leaves his children with no father to help raise them. Of all his options this was the worst. He, like so many men the world over, let some stupid notion of "face" or "disrespect" over come logic. Yes I know emotion can overwhelm you and people act on the spur of the moment, but his moment allowed him time to pack three magazines as well as his gun. A man is dead, another in prison, two children have effectively lost their father and a woman no doubt has to go through life with the thought that her actions were partly responsible. All because of face. Stupid.

Yes, the thoughts of a rational man. I have not been in the situation, that I know of.

I am unsure of how I would react. His response was bred into him, I hope he can afford bail.

The children are the real victims here and probably forced to live with their mother and eventually knowing the truth.

To be honest I hope he can't afford bail. He's killed the 'friend' the wife could be next. His actions show he is dangerous and has no problems about killing for face.

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Says Mr. Chirawat, "(I) felt compelled to committing the crime out of "true man′s honor". Citing a well-known Thai , he told police,"True man can be killed but he cannot be insulted,"


Says Pond, a pimply 18-year-old who escaped prosecution for the assault but was fined a few dollars for carrying a knife,
"I stabbed a student in the head. Sometimes I feel bad about it, but it's what happens. We do it because it's a legend, passed down from the seniors in our school. We do it for pride."


Says COC, "I am beggared yet again!"

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The woman may have been/still is his wife but she is/was not his property. If she cheated on him because he was a low life who mistreated her then he is a worthless piece of crud who couldn't face the fact his wife did the same. If she cheated on him even though he did the right thing by her then she is a dog of the female persuasion and he should have just walked away and kicked her onto the street, leaving those two to each other. Instead he kills his scummy friend and leaves his children with no father to help raise them. Of all his options this was the worst. He, like so many men the world over, let some stupid notion of "face" or "disrespect" over come logic. Yes I know emotion can overwhelm you and people act on the spur of the moment, but his moment allowed him time to pack three magazines as well as his gun. A man is dead, another in prison, two children have effectively lost their father and a woman no doubt has to go through life with the thought that her actions were partly responsible. All because of face. Stupid.

Or maybe, all because of lust and/or stupidity. Either way, same outcome.

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"True man can be killed but he cannot be insulted,"

You have to be an idiot and/or very shortsighted to use that phrase to justify murder. Yes, he may have revenged one insult, but while he is in jail he will likely be insulted over and over when his wife sleeps with various men now that her husband is no longer around.

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The wife made herself available so why shooting the man?

Yes unlike all those matcho men here saying they would do the same I would look at myself that I could not even satisfy my wife. Also she is to blame not the guy she made herself available.

I would not do a friends wife that is a difference but I have certainly done some guys wives even had one on the phone talking to him during sex. If you can't satisfy your wife or if she was in it for the money don't blame the guy blame yourself or the wive. I don't go looking for it but if it happens so what.

She must have been bored as hell if she had time for a phone conversation.


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The woman may have been/still is his wife but she is/was not his property. If she cheated on him because he was a low life who mistreated her then he is a worthless piece of crud who couldn't face the fact his wife did the same. If she cheated on him even though he did the right thing by her then she is a dog of the female persuasion and he should have just walked away and kicked her onto the street, leaving those two to each other. Instead he kills his scummy friend and leaves his children with no father to help raise them. Of all his options this was the worst. He, like so many men the world over, let some stupid notion of "face" or "disrespect" over come logic. Yes I know emotion can overwhelm you and people act on the spur of the moment, but his moment allowed him time to pack three magazines as well as his gun. A man is dead, another in prison, two children have effectively lost their father and a woman no doubt has to go through life with the thought that her actions were partly responsible. All because of face. Stupid.

Not to mention that if the husband was the family breadwinner, the wife will likely be moving to Pattaya soon, in order to make sure her husband is insulted again and again and again.

Edited by monkeycountry
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The wife made herself available so why shooting the man?

Yes unlike all those matcho men here saying they would do the same I would look at myself that I could not even satisfy my wife. Also she is to blame not the guy she made herself available.

I would not do a friends wife that is a difference but I have certainly done some guys wives even had one on the phone talking to him during sex. If you can't satisfy your wife or if she was in it for the money don't blame the guy blame yourself or the wive. I don't go looking for it but if it happens so what.

She must have been bored as hell if she had time for a phone conversation.


Ah she just got a call from him and had to pick up he was the jealous type you know (and with good reason obviously)

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why kill the man ?

just cut off his manhood(so he will not make the same mistake)

cut off his legs (so he can not come look for you later)

Cut out his tongue (so he can not tell who did this to him)

ooh ...also cut of his hand (so he can not write your name on a paper )

soo,,,,whats left ?

only his face ( he must be lucky he saved his face !

all good end good.beatdeadhorse.gif

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Well, this is one case where I can't say I would have been able to control myself to do any different. Sleep with any man's wife (esp knowingly), and you should essentially prepare for extraordinary violence.

what a silly post,,another man sleeps with your wife and your do some violence,,,dont know if you know this BUT IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO,,,unless ofcourse she was raped,,but i doubt that ,,,,,you been here to long,,,losing face has got to you to,,,,,,what about HER,,,,ever thought she was in an unhappy marriage,/etc/,,,,moving on to the grown up section,,,,,coffee1.gif

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"he emptied 3 handgun magazines" I could have done that, with only one shot per cheater, regarding my ex wife... and she was one who wanted to get married "So I could trust her" (not that she would BE trustworthy). Finally had enough when Brit ahole was coming to "meet her" from Saudi and he threatened to beat me because I didn't want him banging my wife. Thai law does say you can collect damages from screwer if he knowingly has sex with married woman, and vice versa. At least that is what the law says... practice, who knows? Section 1523: "The husband is entitled to claim compensation from any person who has taken liberties with his wife in an adulterous manner" Might want to note this for future reference, my fellow posters

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Unless he beat his wife, I don't see the issue here. Don't knowingly mess with a bloke's missus.

Actually the issue is Murder It is fairly clear in the story. It is actually illegal to kill someone that is the issue.

Do they have the defense "Crime of Passion" in Thailand?

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Unless he beat his wife, I don't see the issue here. Don't knowingly mess with a bloke's missus.

Actually the issue is Murder It is fairly clear in the story. It is actually illegal to kill someone that is the issue.

Do they have the defense "Crime of Passion" in Thailand?

Evidently so. Some seventy seven people were just awarded millions of Baht for their "Crimes of Passion:.

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