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Breaking up with a Thai girl question


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I will try to keep this as short as possible...

I have been living in Pattaya with a girl for 2 years. I go home for 3 months, then Thailand 3 months. She cheated on me after I went home the first time 2 years ago with a tourist for a few days. This time its with an expat and Im pretty much done with her.

The only property I would like to have back is really a motorbike which is at her room in Pattaya, its still probably worth around 40,000 baht. The bike is in my name.

Would anyone here give her any more money as a parting gift, or should I just stop talking to her? She told me she wasnt giving me the bike back, and I told her I would call the cops. I hope she doesnt destroy it and make me take legal action against her, I loved her at one point.

A little at a time Im scaling back on buying ANYTHING when I come to Thailand. Its just too much trouble trying to get my stuff back when I break up with a girl.

Edited by BilloinoPattaya
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You would probably get advice to give up the up and walk away to avoid the hassles,.

Personally if bike was in my name, i would take with any means necessary even if it costs me as much as bike itself, but that is just me.

Why would you give her any money as a parting gift?, no need to worry she would be back in the bar in no time, if not back already.

Not to mention most likely has a few guys going at the same time, sending her some money

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You would probably get advice to give up the up and walk away to avoid the hassles,.

Personally if bike was in my name, i would take with any means necessary even if it costs me as much as bike itself, but that is just me.

Why would you give her any money as a parting gift?, no need to worry she would be back in the bar in no time, if not back already.

Not to mention most likely has a few guys going at the same time, sending her some money

Yes I know she has 1 guy who sent her 10,000 for her birthday and another she is going out with tonight. Not sure why I still love her and feel bad about the breakup.

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You would probably get advice to give up the up and walk away to avoid the hassles,.

Personally if bike was in my name, i would take with any means necessary even if it costs me as much as bike itself, but that is just me.

Why would you give her any money as a parting gift?, no need to worry she would be back in the bar in no time, if not back already.

Not to mention most likely has a few guys going at the same time, sending her some money

Yes I know she has 1 guy who sent her 10,000 for her birthday and another she is going out with tonight. Not sure why I still love her and feel bad about the breakup.

Because you keep thinking about the good times you had. Now start to think ONLY about the bad and see how you will feel.

Better yet, go out and get yourself laid and keep on doing so, until you forget her totally

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You would probably get advice to give up the up and walk away to avoid the hassles,.

Personally if bike was in my name, i would take with any means necessary even if it costs me as much as bike itself, but that is just me.

Why would you give her any money as a parting gift?, no need to worry she would be back in the bar in no time, if not back already.

Not to mention most likely has a few guys going at the same time, sending her some money

Yes I know she has 1 guy who sent her 10,000 for her birthday and another she is going out with tonight. Not sure why I still love her and feel bad about the breakup.

Because you keep thinking about the good times you had. Now start to think ONLY about the bad and see how you will feel.

Better yet, go out and get yourself laid and keep on doing so, until you forget her totally

Great idea. And after all that, even if I have not forgot about her, I will probably feel better.

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From your last paragraph:

A little at a time Im scaling back on buying ANYTHING when I come to Thailand. Its just too much trouble trying to get my stuff back when I break up with a girl.

Sounds like this is not the first time you have done this (breaking up) and you should have woken up by now.

Forget the bike move on with your life and have a good time on your own with a few friends. In other words, grab a bird when you want one and stop falling in love with each one you meet.

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Just go and get another one , preferably from the same bar she will be returning to to wind her up. Have fun.

Haha but she has friends in low places, so I think I will avoid her.

Oohhh, but then you can't have a sweepstake with your mates on how many missed calls you will have by morning.

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From your last paragraph:

A little at a time Im scaling back on buying ANYTHING when I come to Thailand. Its just too much trouble trying to get my stuff back when I break up with a girl.

Sounds like this is not the first time you have done this (breaking up) and you should have woken up by now.

Forget the bike move on with your life and have a good time on your own with a few friends. In other words, grab a bird when you want one and stop falling in love with each one you meet.

Thanks for the great advice. My friends tell me Im too nice to be a player. Maybe I need to learn to stop falling in love. Thanks for that...

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Just go to her place with the police when your in Thailand next and she will have no choice but to hand over the motorcycle..

Sorry but she dosent deserve it and why should you give up on getting back what belongs to you don't let her get away with it. If its in your name there is nothing she can do..

Or you could pay the right person a small fee to retrieve the vechilce for you.

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Ok the next action may sound difficult. It is your bike so I assume you have the key or at least a spare. You say she is going out with a guy tonight.. maybe just get your bike back when shes gone??? if she leaves with the bike wait till she leaves it somewhere and then get it?.

dont make it to hard now eh..

for the rest... dump her and practice some of the above mentioned ideas about sisters or best friends...

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If you really want your motorbike back, i would suggest you enlist some BiB help.

I would find a good thai friend to tell your story and pay a small fee to get your help and im sure the cops will drive ya to your motorbike and watch you drive away.

This is Thailand after all..

Edited by Sayonarax
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Sounds to me that you may be in love with this girl, spelt lust.

You do a 3 month out/ 3 month in routine and she comes and stays with you when you are here? (Has her own room where the bike is)

You know she is cheating on you, at least twice, with somebody sending 10,000 baht for her birthday (not a normal action for just serving drinks........wink.png ) and you let this happen, forgiving the first time, p1ssed off the second.

I'm not sure how long you have been coming to Thailand as you have only talked about the two year relationship with this one girl, but you also mention breaking up with others? You should by now know how it works, and if you don't, IMHO, you need to take a crash course in "Pattaya street-smart" otherwise you are going to end in a position where the possible loss of a motorbike will seem trivial.

Do yourself a favour, face-to-face breakup with her and if you want, change the name on the bike's reg. book into her name as a parting gift. Forget the tears, forget the promises from her, make the parting of ways as amicable as possible..........thumbsup.gif

Just get rid of her and get on with your life.

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If your motorbike is worth ฿2,000 or more and you feel you deserve to have it back, this is my suggestion. Let your wishes be known to one of the expat locals reading this thread. Tell him you'll pay him 2,000 Baht for the recovery of the motorbike. He can get it all at once for stealing the bike back and delivering it to you or ฿1,000 for short timing her and ฿1,000 after when he delivers the bike.

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I went to an ex g/f's place of work with the spare key and simply took my m/c back. My name, my book, my m/c. Yet she thought of it as her property as she used it every day. She had told everyone I had given it to her.

If the bike is in your name and you have the book and a key, take it.

If you do not have the key or the book ......

Be sweet to her. Be a devious, conniving SOB.

Go visit her on the pretence of making up or whatever. Sweet talk her. Be contrite or whatever. No threats, nothing untoward. Stay there a little while - could be a day or a couple of days, if needs be - get the book, get the key and when she is asleep, drive off with it.

If she is being as bad as you infer, why give her anything of great value? Certainly no pay-off. Let some other sucker do that. She has cheated on you after all.

If you only get the key, you can report the book as lost or stolen to the BiB and take steps to get a new book. A small fee would cover this and the fee would be less than the bike.

Make sure you make a report if you do not have the book or she might go to the BiB first and say you stole it ;)

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If you gave the green book she can't do anything. Drop a bottle of Black to your friendly neighborhood policeman and the bike will be back in no time.

if it is in his name, it doesn't matter if she has the book.

if it is in her name it was never his to begin with

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I went to an ex g/f's place of work with the spare key and simply took my m/c back. My name, my book, my m/c.

That would be my advice, assuming he has a spare key. And make sure to call or text her after you've taken it so she doesn't call the cops to report it stolen.

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If you know she cheated on you 2 years ago,what are you doing son.Only 2 things.Accept her life as a prostitute,accept you are a client for 3 months,the day you leave she will have another man before you get home.Or two go back to Pattaya have nothing to do with her,give her the bike it doesnt matter.Get a hotel,you are walking out of the hotel and you just miss the baht bus,wait there is another one coming,jump on board.Same with women.I go to Pattaya once every 5 months for 2 nights to see friends.If they wernt there I would not go to the shit hole.Have you ever thought about trying somewhere else.All the best

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